Two weeks ago, we were invited to an Xbox One preview event of the highly-anticipated Rise of the Tomb Raider. The full (written) preview article is on the French side only but we also brought you back some gameplay footage we captured with our own equipment. Needless to say that if you truly want to know what the game looks like in reality, Gamersyde is the one and only place to be. Enjoy the videos!
Update: We also added a first try we did for an audio preview of the game. This was done in just a few minutes to check if you guys would like it or not, so let us know.
All comments (34)
While reading the news summary and seeing that once again, the full preview article was only on the French side, I immediately thought why don't you guys do an English Preview video. And then I read the Update note, so please do it when translating the full article to English isn't an option.
I hope you guys do Preview/Review of more games in the future, if time allows it and you feel inclined to do so. As sad as it, I don't speak French and Google Translator can only do so much. Plus we get to hear your guys' voices and you get to practice your English speaking skills.
PS. Blim still owes me a French singing that he mentioned during the Shenmue livestream. Tell him to do some throat exercises. =P
Own xbox or did you just bring the capture hardware to a MS studio, where a PC was hidden under a box?
Own xbox or did you just bring the capture hardware to a MS studio, where a PC was hidden under a box?
The amount of work you guys do on Gamersyde is truly amazing and inspiring, a lot of people don't know that a lot of sites and TV shows don't even review things if they don't get paid in return, and paid a lot.
When someone understands that and compares it with what you guys have been doing for all of these years without getting paid and even taking time from your lunch break, after work, time that you could use to rest and relax, but instead choose to spend on Gamersyde to the benefit of everyone who comes here is truly great.
It truly shows your passion and dedication for games and the gaming community. I can't thank you guys enough and you definitely deserve far more recognition than most give to you guys and the site.
Again, thank you very much!!!
E3, Walmart and some other presentations were all running on PC.
It is standard procedure in gaming, MS using PC's under the hood before, Ubisoft removing effects shown at E3, after all they want to move units.
Because you should know better than to question Blim who knows his stuff and couldn't be fooled by such moves.
Anyways, thanks for confirming it was definitly Xbox and capturing these videos.
DF did their analysis too and told about the shimmering as well. To be honest i'd rather they go 900p with a better AA solution if that;s what it takes. But...i am only assuming here. Plus that the game is not finished yet....but i am not expecting big changes.
and to be fair drift, no matter what your age, you can still technically grow up :P
and to be fair drift, no matter what your age, you can still technically grow up :P
I do find it disappointing that you can't simply knock them out. That would Lara kill even when she's given the choice is beyond me.