Video Xbox 360 PS3

If you own a 360 and you purchased Dragon's Dogma, chances are that you've already tried the Resident Evil 6 demo which became available yesterday. If you play on PC or Playstation 3, then you'll be happy to have Gamersyde in your bookmarts as we captured a bunch of videos of the two levels Capcom did not showcase a little while ago. Don't hesitate to tell us what you thought of the demo in the comments. As for us, to be honest, we have mixed feelings about it.
Update: One video added.

Commented on 2012-07-04 18:38:48
I actually liked the demo. I thought it was much more intense and fun to play than Resident Evil 5. But the level design feels a bit small. While I liked Leons part that was much more scary, playing it a second time felt a bit repetitive. That level was probably more of an intro though.
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Commented on 2012-07-04 18:56:06
Downloaded the Demo and onto USB, Thought it was quite poor the Chinese level was AWFUL, The President Level was average didnt really do much at all and the boss battle was ok.
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Commented on 2012-07-04 19:02:19
From everything i've seen it looks "alright", just like RE5 looked alright. I'll re t it for the splitscreen co-op campaign and that's about it.
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Commented on 2012-07-04 22:38:53
the controls just feel awkward and misplaced. Also, shooting / hitting an enemy feels like what we had with shooters couple of years ago, lacking responsiveness. Plus the graphics have, depending on the location, degraded dramatically.
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Commented on 2012-07-04 22:42:56
imagine they did those pre rendered scenes, the same way as in RE 1- 3, just in a way better resolution, including all the dynamic lightning and new shader effects ?! Why switch over to a system, just because the rest of the industry is doing it and not use something that worked so tremendously good before?!
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Commented on 2012-07-04 22:52:24
can people not see "teh blurry" in any of those video screens, it's like the killzone bad visual effect (trademark) just for the sake of it.

And I just love the fact how so many people hated the buddy companion / Co-Op all the time, probably the second biggest issue on the RE5 hate bandwagon just after the tank controls, and yeat nothing changes... it just is turned up to elev with not one but three new shitty friends.
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Commented on 2012-07-04 23:01:34 In reply to nostradamus
Posted by nostradamus
can people not see "teh blurry" in any of those video screens, it's like the killzone bad visual effect (trademark) just for the sake of it.

And I just love the fact how so many people hated the buddy companion / Co-Op all the time, probably the second biggest issue on the RE5 hate bandwagon just after the tank controls, and yeat nothing changes... it just is turned up to elev with not one but three new shitty friends.
The co-op is what saved resident evil 5, without it would just have been a very bland singleplayer game, the co-op made it worth playing.
But i guess co-op isn't really what resident evil is about.
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Commented on 2012-07-04 23:06:39 In reply to Bakutheswede
Posted by Bakutheswede
The co-op is what saved resident evil 5, without it would just have been bland.
Yup. If co-op wasnt in it i wouldnt have even played it. Hated RE4 so would have hated RE5 even more in solo. Co-op was the games savior. Yet also the single players demise seeing as generic female partner was utterly moronic.

How this series went from scary claustrophobic horror game to punching a boulder in a lava level is well and truely beyond me.
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Commented on 2012-07-05 00:29:39 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
How this series went from scary claustrophobic horror game to punching a boulder in a lava level is well and truely beyond me.
I really liked resident evil 4, but i only stared to like it once i accepted that it was "not a resident evil game", it was a great third person shooter with great variety and some of the best boss fights in any game ever.
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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Commented on 2012-07-05 01:04:05 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
From everything i've seen it looks "alright", just like RE5 looked alright. I'll re t it for the splitscreen co-op campaign and that's about it.
looks flat out boring to me. Letting Mikami go was a terrible decision but then again we are talking about CrapCOM here
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Commented on 2012-07-05 01:21:02
They changed a lot of things from RE5 that end up being worse. The camera, the HUD, the health system. And the textures in Leon's level are awful.

Co-op and the story are the only things I'm looking forward to now.
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Commented on 2012-07-05 01:33:59
The demo was great! Day one!

I don't see why every is complaining about the graphic. They look great. Same old whiny people.
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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Commented on 2012-07-05 01:58:44 In reply to nostradamus
Posted by nostradamus
can people not see "teh blurry" in any of those video screens, it's like the killzone bad visual effect (trademark) just for the sake of it.
argh so much bull shit trolling....
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Commented on 2012-07-05 05:09:39
I only played RE4 & RE5, loved them both. 5 especially because of the coop. This looks dull and downgraded.
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Commented on 2012-07-05 10:09:34 In reply to atticmike
Posted by atticmike
imagine they did those pre rendered scenes, the same way as in RE 1- 3, just in a way better resolution, including all the dynamic lightning and new shader effects ?! Why switch over to a system, just because the rest of the industry is doing it and not use something that worked so tremendously good before?!
So true dude. If you fire up Residend Evil REmake on Gamecube right now it still looks good to this day. Even if the art used for the pre rendered backgrounds in that game still existed in a higer resolution and was used today, it would look even better than. Downloading these videos to show off the game but I won't even be looking at them lol.
Posted by ebola9717
They changed a lot of things from RE5 that end up being worse. The camera, the HUD, the health system. And the textures in Leon's level are awful.

Co-op and the story are the only things I'm looking forward to now.
So pretty much everything they changed from 4 was shit, they recycled all the animations from 4 but changed the awesome menu lol
Posted by nostradamus
truth hurts, go find some painkillers, fanboi.
Once again you make a complete idiot of yourself. There is no blur in Killzone, its called forward and deferred rendering. At the time Killzone 2 came out Crysis didn't even have these rendering effects. To think, 3 years after Killzone 2 is out, that somebody would use the word blur, I don't want to live on this planet anymore. Truth hurts alright.
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Commented on 2012-07-05 10:14:11 In reply to Doom_Bringer
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Posted by Doom_Bringer
argh so much bull shit trolling....
truth hurts, go find some painkillers, fanboi.
Commented on 2012-07-05 12:31:48 In reply to amerakindesi
Posted by amerakindesi
I only played RE4 & RE5, loved them both. 5 especially because of the coop. This looks dull and downgraded.
IF you like RE5, you'll like this one, plus it has drop in drop out coop.
I played the demo, It looks good, but feels too cramped in. The camera is too close to the character, and the animations looks stiff. I will keep playing it to see i it grows on me, but as of now, not so much.
My brother felt the same about the controls, animations, and camera. The idea of the coop seems to appeal to him.
If the campaine is long enough I may consider it, otherwise I will pass.
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Commented on 2012-07-05 12:45:43 In reply to inkyspot
Posted by inkyspot
...I played the demo, It looks good, but feels too cramped in. The camera is too close to the character, and the animations looks stiff. I will keep playing it to see i it grows on me, but as of now, not so much.
My brother felt the same about the controls, animations, and camera. The idea of the coop seems to appeal to him.
If the campaine is long enough I may consider it, otherwise I will pass.
Thats exactly what I thought when playing the Demo.. plus it's annoying me that they expanded the idea of enemy transformation. IMHO it sucked in RE4/5 and now they added more mutations.. you kill a human enemy - transformes to mutant - you kill him again - transformes to flying mutant (which looks shitty btw) - you kill him again.. i hope there is more variety throughout the rest of the storymode instead of killing the same enemys over and over again
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Commented on 2012-07-05 12:58:59 In reply to captaink
Posted by captaink
Thats exactly what I thought when playing the Demo.. plus it's annoying me that they expanded the idea of enemy transformation. IMHO it sucked in RE4/5 and now they added more mutations.. you kill a human enemy - transformes to mutant - you kill him again - transformes to flying mutant (which looks shitty btw) - you kill him again.. i hope there is more variety throughout the rest of the storymode instead of killing the same enemys over and over again
that sounds propper ASS. i miss old games where a zombie was just a zombie, and a hunter was just a hunter and a licker was just a licker. now you kill something and something sprouts out of their neck and needs killing AGAIN. it's annoying, and frankly lame.
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Commented on 2012-07-05 14:38:16 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
that sounds propper ASS. i miss old games where a zombie was just a zombie, and a hunter was just a hunter and a licker was just a licker. now you kill something and something sprouts out of their neck and needs killing AGAIN. it's annoying, and frankly lame.
Dead Nation
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Commented on 2012-07-05 18:15:17
I bet that it'll be a good average but not as good as part 5, whereby part 5 wasn't exactly to be called good either... :D Part 4 had this novelty feeling, something unfamiliar, to be experienced by the either shocking or stunningly surprised RE veteran. Still, the first three installments of the series are yet to be trumped by any survival horror means.
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Commented on 2012-07-05 18:16:57 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
that sounds propper ASS. i miss old games where a zombie was just a zombie, and a hunter was just a hunter and a licker was just a licker. now you kill something and something sprouts out of their neck and needs killing AGAIN. it's annoying, and frankly lame.
adding the fact that this time, the grown out parts blowing off feels really awkward and misplaced. Sort of like something that is implemented though does not really work for the game. in terms of the respective, a step down compared to part 5.
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Commented on 2012-07-06 07:48:52 In reply to nostradamus
Posted by nostradamus
can people not see "teh blurry" in any of those video screens, it's like the killzone bad visual effect (trademark) just for the sake of it.

And I just love the fact how so many people hated the buddy companion / Co-Op all the time, probably the second biggest issue on the RE5 hate bandwagon just after the tank controls, and yeat nothing changes... it just is turned up to elev with not one but three new shitty friends.
Not sure if trolling or just stupid. killzone gfx is probably the best on console. Even online beta looks better than most games these days lol.

RE6 looks decent. Most dark settings games usea lighting and atmosphere effects for presentation.
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Commented on 2012-07-06 19:32:18 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
that sounds propper ASS. i miss old games where a zombie was just a zombie, and a hunter was just a hunter and a licker was just a licker. now you kill something and something sprouts out of their neck and needs killing AGAIN. it's annoying, and frankly lame.
This entire description is actually an analogy and a symptom of what went wrong with the series. They just constantly added and added to the formula and made it overly convoluted, more so than it ever needed to be, and that's what destroyed the suspense and the horror. In the end, it doesn't resemble anything that you remember from the originals. Some people will argue they just took it in another direction. I personally think they just lost their original vision due to horrendous design choices.

The series should just be put to bed after this one. It would just be silly to even try and reboot the franchise, even if it were to be handed over. The damage has been done. It's time another developer created their own survival horror based on the same premise and concepts that made the first RE game a success in the first place. I'd personally love a very slow paced and ultra realistic FPS in confined, claustrophobic environments. No regenerating health bollocks. That shit is the bane of the industry at the moment and it needs to fucking die...with acid, then fire! Something like DayZ with it's hardcore elements, but with Romero style zombies and destructible environments. Zombies should be able to break down doors and windows if there are enough of them. That sort of thing. It would be awesome, and it's not exactly as if it's impossible to do these days either. The industry needs to wake up.
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