Bande-Annonce PC

Annoncé l'an dernier par Soulbound Games, le jeu de platforme-puzzle Renoir a depuis été acquis par 1C Publishing et se retrouve désormais développé par Black Wing Foundation. Le jeu a donc reçu des changements notamment au niveau du level design, mécaniques de jeu, histoire et graphismes. Le titre est prévu pour novembre sur PC, nouveau trailer et quelques images dans la news.

Renoir is coming to PC!

PRAGUE, Czech Republic, August 11th 2016 – 1C is happy to announce that it will be publishing Renoir. Developed by Black Wing Foundation, Renoir is a story-driven 2D puzzle platformer that draws inspiration from classic 1940s film noir, and will be released on Windows PC in November 2016. It will also be presented at Gamescom 2016 in Cologne next week.

Meet detective James Renoir. He put a few guys behind bars in his prime. And the city, once ruled by the mafia and drowning in corruption, has finally begun to be a good place to live again. Renoir was on the rise. He’d entered high society and met the woman of his dreams. But he was caught off-guard, and now he’s got a single shot to crack one hell of a case: his own murder!

Renoir stays true to the film noir classic, featuring all the important ingredients of a gloomy story, a cynical detective, murder, and of course, a femme fatale. Not only that, but the game’s pure black and white visuals provide just the right backdrop for lurking in the shadows – as a ghost, Renoir can’t enter lighted areas. He must use phantoms around him to help him solve the case and finally confront his murderer face to face…

About the game
James Renoir was a police officer, serving in the main precinct in a metropolis rotten with crime and violence. The influence of the mafia families had even spread through the corridors of city hall like poisonous weeds, all the way to the highest levels of political power. The police, paralyzed by the city’s corrupt government, were powerless to do anything about it – mere toys in the hands of the true power.

However, with a new, young and aspiring politician in city hall, things take a turn for the better and Renoir is promoted to Detective for his effort in the fight against crime. With his new-found access to better classes of society, he eventually meets the woman of his dreams.

But just as everything seems to be heading in the right direction, two shots ring out, turning his world upside-down. Solving this case is now the only thing that matters to him, because as he sits with his back against a cold gravestone, he realizes that the body six feet down is his own...

Now a ghost, Renoir possesses a unique ability that allows him to control phantoms around him and use them to solve environmental puzzles. Seeking justice from the shadows, he must tread carefully and avoid light at all costs. James’s ghostly form must backtrack over his last steps in the world of the living, recollecting his memories and searching for the clues that will lead him back to his murderer.

- Black and white detective story powered by Unreal Engine 4
- Puzzle platforming action, inspired by Hollywood noir movies
- Control phantoms and use them to solve environmental puzzles
- A murder mystery, narrated through atmospheric comicbook-style movies


  • Renoir change de développeur - Images
  • Renoir change de développeur - Images
  • Renoir change de développeur - Images
  • Renoir change de développeur - Images
  • Renoir change de développeur - Images
  • Renoir change de développeur - Images
  • Renoir change de développeur - Images
  • Renoir change de développeur - Images
  • Renoir change de développeur - Images
  • Renoir change de développeur - Images


  • Renoir change de développeur - Artworks
  • Renoir change de développeur - Artworks
  • Renoir change de développeur - Artworks
A propos du jeu
Edité par
1C Entertainment
Developpé par
Black Wing Found...

135 $ de 400 $ par mois

Quoi de neuf ?
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    face2papalocust @Driftwood: c'est plus qu'un doute c'est mort même. (il y a 2 Jours)

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