Trailer PS3

Guerilla Games has released a short teaser of Killzone 3 to pass the time until E3 where we should see some gameplay. Two concept arts as a bonus.

Concept Arts

  • Killzone 3: Teaser trailer - Concept Arts
  • Killzone 3: Teaser trailer - Concept Arts
Commented on 2010-06-04 00:21:11
Very cool vid, but I'm not sure what it's trying to imply?
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Commented on 2010-06-04 00:26:49 In reply to Nietzsche
Posted by Nietzsche
Very cool vid, but I'm not sure what it's trying to imply?
He will infiltrate the enemy base in disguise?
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Commented on 2010-06-04 00:33:48
A new and improved melee combat gameplay ? I didn't play KZ2 so I wouldn't know if it needs improvement, just saying what came to mind seeing this teaser.

Also his face looks weird at the end, before putting the mask on.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2010-06-04 00:58:42 In reply to PT_G4MER
Maybe a infiltration as Raptor said.

But I liked the teaser GG, and the animation is in-game so its very nice.
Posted by PT_G4MER
A new and improved melee combat gameplay ? I didn't play KZ2 so I wouldn't know if it needs improvement, just saying what came to mind seeing this teaser.

Also his face looks weird at the end, before putting the mask on.
Yes, the melee combat is going to be new and improved, and yes it really needed a nice kill animation for melee like Killzone 1 had.

Killzone 3 melee combat

I love Killzone 2, but it has a few small issues in the MP that annoys me most of the time, if they fix these for Killzone 3 MP I would love it.

But i have to say this, Killzone 2 has the best sci-fi atmosphere levels I have ever seen, Killzone 3 will be no different especially when they are going to add various levels like jungle, arctic

Cant wait for next friday, said to be more footage.
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Commented on 2010-06-04 02:01:26
RIDICULOUSLY stylish trailer. Love it.

Why oh why can I not understand the weighting of the aiming in KZ2, I think if I could control it as easily as COD then it'd be one of my favourite games.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2010-06-04 02:09:34
After a long thought of me saying I want COD controls as well, well I dont now.
The reason why it feels weighty is because it makes you feel like you are moving with a heavy weapon and gear I guess.

But I dont think its the weighty feel that feels off, it is the lack of responsive controls that is sluggish, GG said that is one of the biggest things they are going to fix for the sequal.

IMO and I am sure KORNdog's as well is that the weighty feel is what makes Killzone stand out and being unique interms of the feeling the weight in the movements gives you compared to camera floating shooters.
I think if GG fixes the responsiveness for the controls in Killzone 3 it will be somewhat identical to Battlefield Bad Company 2, just a guess.
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Commented on 2010-06-04 02:26:30
Good point. It does make it unique.

I completed the single player and loved it (apart from possibly replaying the final boss a few too many times). Then when I tried to play the multiplayer I found the controls really hindered me.

As much as I want a unique experience, I'm not going to wrestle with controls when other games do it so well.
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Commented on 2010-06-04 03:13:55 In reply to Burglarize
Posted by Burglarize
Good point. It does make it unique.

I completed the single player and loved it (apart from possibly replaying the final boss a few too many times). Then when I tried to play the multiplayer I found the controls really hindered me.

As much as I want a unique experience, I'm not going to wrestle with controls when other games do it so well.
The thing with the multiplayer was that from far away, getting head shots is a cinch. However, in close combat, the "weight" of the weapons made it so that whoever was in the blind side have an overwhelming advantage.
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Commented on 2010-06-04 05:01:25
All I want is an awesomesauce moving level that is constantly pummeling through iced waves all whilst sending frozen debris everywhere. Nothing too specific. guhuck...garsh.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2010-06-04 08:07:02 In reply to Burglarize
Posted by Burglarize
Good point. It does make it unique.

I completed the single player and loved it (apart from possibly replaying the final boss a few too many times). Then when I tried to play the multiplayer I found the controls really hindered me.

As much as I want a unique experience, I'm not going to wrestle with controls when other games do it so well.
I have been saying this since long time ago.
In SP it works because you are against the AI, But in MP you need a bit more "twitch" considering you are against humans, needs faster reaction and the movement isnt helping it much.

However, I dont think it is the "weight" that causes this but the responsiveness to the controls.
Bad Company 2 is the only other game with the weightness to it, but yet that game has very responsive and tight controls that doesnt make you sick. If GG can make it like that, then we probably will not say "bad controls" anymore, atleast I dont.
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Commented on 2010-06-04 08:16:34
I actually did not by KZ2 at launch due to the horrendous aiming lag but it actually got patched to a large extent and when I discovered this recently I checked it out and was blown away. There are still some issues with responsiveness which IGN have already said appear to have been addressed in an early play demo and the new environments look a great deal less samey and dark.

The whole weight thing was just a feeble excuse, IMO as moving slower due to weight is not the same as the controls taking time to catch up with your inputs. I am all for having slower "arm speed" because you are lugging a heavy weapon which has been done with perfect responsiveness intact back in the last gen by games like Black, nothing new there at all. Anyway if they fix this for the sequel the game will reach an even greater audience, something the franchise deserves.
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Commented on 2010-06-04 08:44:50 In reply to IRAIPT0IR
Posted by IRAIPT0IR
He will infiltrate the enemy base in disguise?
The story of Killzone doesn't have a "bad guy" unlike many other generic FPS stories. It simply tells the experience of war from Sev's (main character) point of view.

What I'm thinking, especially because the ending of Killzone 2 shows that all Leaders have died and the armies have begun falling into an chaos acting on their own, we will see Sev fight the war free for all, that is he will see things from his own light rather than what the ISA was telling him.

The trailer simply implies that perhaps Sev will switch sides, because he sees that the ISA may not have been right in the first place. (The ISA originally seized Vector from the Helghast).
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2010-06-04 09:06:32 In reply to munkini

You mean that "high precision" patch?
Yeah I never turn it off, is fantastic. I even read that even most people at GG has it on and they love it.

I agree with you, weight has nothing to do with the unresponsiveness. The game seems to have a strange delay when you do something on the controller, but if IGN says its greatly improved then good.

Man if Sev switches sides, I dont want to play as another character and be the one to kill Sev, that's just wrong.

GG definitely said that we will be seeing alot more of the Helghast culture in KZ3, maybe beginning of the game we control Sev as a ISA soldier and mid point when the plot gets a twist, Sev switches sides and then we are Sev as a Helghast soldier going after ISA...and Rico LOL.

Also I read that the images of Sev in Killzone 3 screenshots are placeholders, I wouldnt be surprised if we saw a new Sev design later on considering how in the KZ3 teaser Sev has the same mohawk but isnt "buzzcut" on the sides but its longer now, and that he has a beard now than a stubble he had in Kz2.

I seriously cant wait to see more of this, I would be pissed if this teaser was originally going to be on GTTV next friday. With the announcement Keighly did on Twitter, it felt like it was a proper trailer with some gameplay footage.

I hope that in KZ3, we havent HEARD the end of Scholar Visari, Brian Cox was brilliant in Killzone games, great speech performance.

It wouldnt be a proper Killzone game without Brian Cox voice in it.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2010-06-04 09:29:14
This is what I got from the Playstation Blog
Secondly, the first official gameplay trailer is right around the corner. Pretty soon we will be showing you a first glimpse of the in-game action Killzone 3 has in store. So keep an eye out!
That is probably the one next friday!

And one of the comment from Aryeh Loeb (I assume he/she works for GG)
Story is a big focus point for Killzone 3. we are concentrating more on the Helghan side of the conflict. We will be supplying you with more info on that in the upcoming months.

I freaking cant wait!
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Commented on 2010-06-04 10:16:06
this is hinting at 1 of 3 things imo:

-sev has to infliltrate the helghast dressed as the helghast (not seeing it personally)
-sev switches sides (probable seeing as how neither side seems to be the "bad guys" in this war)
-the effects of the helghan planet is taking it's toll and sev
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Commented on 2010-06-04 10:16:18 In reply to Burglarize
Posted by Burglarize
RIDICULOUSLY stylish trailer. Love it.

Why oh why can I not understand the weighting of the aiming in KZ2, I think if I could control it as easily as COD then it'd be one of my favourite games.
It's like anything though bud you get used to it, it is quite a struggle if you gave just come off playing COD and then onto KZ2 but once you get a game in you get used to it's beefy nature.

Anyway can't wait for this, for me KZ2 was up there with the best for MP gaming.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2010-06-04 10:30:14
I dont think Sev will infiltrate the Helghast side, but to switch.

I mean why have a "death to ISA" type of symbol on his shoulderpad, while usually when someone wants to infiltrate they usually snag off enemy outfits.
Unless Sev is one heck of a Snake or Sam Fisher (which I doubt it LOL).

This is the symbol I meant (screenshot from the teaser).
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Commented on 2010-06-04 15:18:50 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
I dont think Sev will infiltrate the Helghast side, but to switch.

I mean why have a "death to ISA" type of symbol on his shoulderpad, while usually when someone wants to infiltrate they usually snag off enemy outfits.
Unless Sev is one heck of a Snake or Sam Fisher (which I doubt it LOL).

This is the symbol I meant (screenshot from the teaser).
Could also mean ISA gone rogue you know.
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Commented on 2010-06-04 15:32:00
i belive sev is on the run, helgans leader is dead, redec is dead, the planet will turn to shit without them controlling it, every isa soldier stranded on the planet will be getting hunted down, i belive this will make sev go on the run to survive, and hence why hes in disguise
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Commented on 2010-06-04 17:17:03 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
I have been saying this since long time ago.
In SP it works because you are against the AI, But in MP you need a bit more "twitch" considering you are against humans, needs faster reaction and the movement isnt helping it much.

However, I dont think it is the "weight" that causes this but the responsiveness to the controls.
Bad Company 2 is the only other game with the weightness to it, but yet that game has very responsive and tight controls that doesnt make you sick. If GG can make it like that, then we probably will not say "bad controls" anymore, atleast I dont.
I agree 100% with this. I never completed KZ2( got up to, I think his name was Raddick?) because It felt like I was always fighting the controls. The whole time I was thinking, if they just made it feel like Battle Field, then it would be perfect. Weight and realistic( for the most part) responsiveness and timing. If they can fix that, and the micro story( I like the overall story, just not the little things going on, which are just kinda weak), I will be behind it all the way...
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2010-06-04 18:20:51 In reply to Frozpot
Posted by Kostchtchie
i belive sev is on the run, helgans leader is dead, redec is dead, the planet will turn to shit without them controlling it, every isa soldier stranded on the planet will be getting hunted down, i belive this will make sev go on the run to survive, and hence why hes in disguise
Havent thought of that, but yeah could be.
Either way I say we are going to see one cool twist in this KZ3.
Posted by Frozpot
I agree 100% with this. I never completed KZ2( got up to, I think his name was Raddick?) because It felt like I was always fighting the controls. The whole time I was thinking, if they just made it feel like Battle Field, then it would be perfect. Weight and realistic( for the most part) responsiveness and timing. If they can fix that, and the micro story( I like the overall story, just not the little things going on, which are just kinda weak), I will be behind it all the way...
That high Precision option GG made definitely made the controls much better, however it is still unresponsive for other things.
GG said that the controls are one of the top key things they are definitely going to fix.
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Commented on 2010-06-04 18:31:34 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
I dont think Sev will infiltrate the Helghast side, but to switch.
He will switch sides?

Well thats not a good way to do it I mean "Hey guys I want to be in your side let me kill some of you to prove it"
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2010-06-04 18:45:09 In reply to IRAIPT0IR
Posted by IRAIPT0IR
He will switch sides?

Well thats not a good way to do it I mean "Hey guys I want to be in your side let me kill some of you to prove it"
Or maybe find out ISA was the more "evil" one than Helghast.

In Killzone universe, there is no "good" or "bad" guys here, each faction has their own reason to fight the other.

Just to let you know something, ISA took over Helghast's original planet and made them go into exile.
Scholar Visari had a tough job at making sure the Helghast people in the planet of Helghan stood up once more from nothing (he even mentions this in the end of Killzone 2).

The planet Helghan isnt good for a normal human to be there long, it changes you, that is what happened to all the people, thats why most of them are now looking pale, sick, bald...etc. they need gasmasks to breath.

ISA saw them as infected while Visari saw them as special, unique.
Considering they dont see themselves as humans anymore, they decided to ban human letters (I think) and started creating new letters, kind of like sanskrit sci-fi letters. Simmilair to Star Wars.

So originally, ISA was the one that forced the Helghan's out of their planet.
I dont remember exactly why to begin with, but I am sure it was something fascinating.

I said this before, I really love the story of Killzone, I read all the backstory for the games, really cool stuff.
So if there is something that made Sev switch sides then he probably had a good reason to.
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Commented on 2010-06-05 07:24:54
I dont think anyone will be switching sides... I think possibly we will be put in a situation where we need to wear helghast uniforms to bypass security or somethin.
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Commented on 2010-06-05 20:48:29
I don't see why anyone thinks Sev will switch sides seeing as that he is still killing helgast. I'm not sure if it's infiltration, but if he was really switching sides why the hell woulnd't he be killing ISA in that uniform?

As for the planet's affects on him, he still has hair and doesn't look pale (if that is indeed Sev), so I don't see why he would need it to live like the Helgan do.

Either way, it's a pretty nice way to introduce the new melee animations we will all be having fun with come 2011.
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About the game
Published by
Sony Computer En...
Developed by
Guerrilla Games

$135 of $400 per month

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