GSY Video PC PS4 Xbox One

To finish our coverage of Tom Clancy's The Division beta, here is a timelapse captured on PC in 1440p and every setting maxed out.
Update: added two screenshot galleries.

Hardware used to capture these videos:
- Intel i7 5930K @ 4.6 GHz
- Asus X99-Deluxe
- 16 GB DDR4 1600 MHz
- NVIDIA Gigabyte GTX 980 Ti G1 GAMING 6 GB @ 1492/7200 MHz
Capture software: Mirillis Action!

Driftwood (1080p)

  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Driftwood (1080p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Driftwood (1080p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Driftwood (1080p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Driftwood (1080p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Driftwood (1080p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Driftwood (1080p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Driftwood (1080p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Driftwood (1080p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Driftwood (1080p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Driftwood (1080p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Driftwood (1080p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Driftwood (1080p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Driftwood (1080p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Driftwood (1080p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Driftwood (1080p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Driftwood (1080p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Driftwood (1080p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Driftwood (1080p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Driftwood (1080p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Driftwood (1080p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Driftwood (1080p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Driftwood (1080p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Driftwood (1080p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Driftwood (1080p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Driftwood (1080p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Driftwood (1080p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Driftwood (1080p)

Miguel (1440p)

  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
  • Timelapse on The Division's beta - Miguel (1440p)
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Commented on 2016-02-01 15:58:23
that was what i noticed too. besides the odd small pile up, it's not even close to what we saw in the tech demo. which is a shame because i'd love to see a game that can really capture the changes of seasons and weather.
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Commented on 2016-02-01 17:25:56
It is kind of odd they killed the graphics quality, it does not even perform that poorly.
Yes very old conspiracy theory, but also a legit question: did Ubi tell them to not widen the gap between console and PC even more? Or was the initial reveal video just pre-rendered and they never managed to pull that quality off at all. Or did they fear the idiots crawling out of their basements complaining when a latest gen GPU can not run everything named "Ultra" at the current time.
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Commented on 2016-02-01 17:26:32
It's Ubisoft, I pity anyone who was gullible enough to expect anything out of it.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2016-02-01 17:29:03 In reply to user82
Posted by user82
It is kind of odd they killed the graphics quality, it does not even perform that poorly.
Yes very old conspiracy theory, but also a legit question: did Ubi tell them to not widen the gap between console and PC even more? Or was the initial reveal video just pre-rendered and they never managed to pull that quality off at all. Or did they fear the idiots crawling out of their basements complaining when a latest gen GPU can not run everything named "Ultra" at the current time.
The difference between the PC and PS4 versions of this game are pretty dramatic... so no.
Posted by droezelke
Well, there are a lot of features that they showed in trailers and demo's that aren't in the game anymore. This really is 'not representative of final product'. I think the next step would be that it's another game all together
What features? I know the initial reveal was in Brooklyn... but I haven't been following it that closely.
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Commented on 2016-02-01 17:32:04 In reply to GriftGFX
Posted by GriftGFX
What features? I know the initial reveal was in Brooklyn... but I haven't been following it that closely.
Pretty much all things showcased here, with exception of day/night cycle.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2016-02-01 17:34:51
But most of that stuff was in the beta. The only thing in that video that I don't immediately recognize are the dynamic surface shaders... but I wasn't really looking for them. I figured he was talking about gameplay.

The procedural destruction on glass is pretty neat btw... more games need to do that.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2016-02-01 18:14:32
From the beta... I'd be worried about the content on the map than which portion of the map they decided to use for the initial release. They need to fill midtown with content before I want another borough to aimlessly walk around in.

The E3 HUD was crap. The map was cool but the "AR" menus were pretty bad.
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Commented on 2016-02-01 18:28:35
Posted by droezelke
Well, complete area's that aren't in the game although they were all in the demo's. The snow technology. The original holographic map. The physics are toned down by a lot. The 'third party gamer', where a player could oversee the battlefield with drones and provide assistance. ...
I think snow tech is still in there, your guy gets snow on his clothes when it's snowing.
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Commented on 2016-02-01 18:44:48
Sub surface scattering is still in as well.
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Commented on 2016-02-01 20:21:27
"Not much left of the the impressive snowdrop engine from tech demo's. Snow is hardly affecting the amount of snow built up"

Well, that might have more to do with the weather. It is still snowing in the daytime as well. We can't say that the feature has been completely removed.

"The original holographic map"
Good thing they changed it imo. The new one is obviously much more convenient.

"third party gamer"
Balance issues. I don't think we can really complain about them taking that out.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2016-02-01 20:24:44 In reply to MeTheGreat
Posted by droezelke
If you compare the beta map size to the full map size, there is little difference. So the map will be small.
The non-playable area of the beta map is like 4-5x bigger than the playable area. That's not "little difference" in my opinion.

If the full map is not littered with more things to do and interact with it doesn't matter how much bigger it is.
Posted by MeTheGreat
"third party gamer"
Balance issues. I don't think we can really complain about them taking that out.
I hope the second screen features have been removed. I have yet to see tablet integration in a game that's well executed.
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Miguel - Kimi Räikkönen
Commented on 2016-02-01 20:25:37
Snow coverage changes in the video, maybe you have to seek the video quickly to the change a bit more, but snow on the ground does really change when it's snowing and not.
Maybe it did not snow long enough to cover more.

Some puddles change too when there's the sun.
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Commented on 2016-02-01 20:26:44 In reply to GriftGFX
Posted by GriftGFX
The procedural destruction on glass is pretty neat btw... more games need to do that.
Indeed! First time i ever saw a game do that was resistance fall of man. And i don't recall any other games doing it until this game?
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Commented on 2016-02-01 20:47:36 In reply to GriftGFX
Posted by GriftGFX
I hope the second screen features have been removed. I have yet to see tablet integration in a game that's well executed.
they have ! it's been a few months since the news.
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Commented on 2016-02-01 21:02:18 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
Indeed! First time i ever saw a game do that was resistance fall of man. And i don't recall any other games doing it until this game?
Half-Life 2 had it but not as cool looking/advanced as this.

I ramped up the settings to full/ultra and what I noticed the most is that the lighting and textures looks worse than in that snowdrop engine video. Textures could be solved if Massive releases an hd texture pack. Lighting looks sort of washed out on my screen compared to the video. Indoors it looks better as others have written.
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Commented on 2016-02-01 21:10:11
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2016-02-01 21:11:32 In reply to ManCrush
Posted by ManCrush
I'll just leave this here.
It's definitely a nice looking game. For all of the criticism... it's one of the best looking games period.
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Commented on 2016-02-01 21:40:18 In reply to ManCrush
Posted by ManCrush
I'll just leave this here.
I am kind of ok with some lower poly objects or maybe not the most crisp textures, but it is a real bummer the lighting took such a massive hit
Especially since their tech trailer was all "hurrdurr dynamic global illumination", in realtime on PS4, of course you freaking liars
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Commented on 2016-02-01 21:58:25
I wonder how many of our usual complainers got first hand experience this weekend? Its apparent you simply jump onto sensationalist bandwagon of hatred towards anything Ubisoft, what a shame. Had about ~15h in and Division looks extremely close to reveal. One of the most detailed environments i've ever seen.
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Commented on 2016-02-01 22:08:09
I just realised how shitty the skybox look, that would definately need an upgrade:
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2016-02-01 22:15:17 In reply to asdfg
Posted by asdfg
I just realised how shitty the skybox look, that would definately need an upgrade:
Eh.. it's animated.. and is it a particle system? It looks pretty good in the game imo.. better than a sharper static skybox.
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About the game
Published by
Developed by
Massive Entertai...

$135 of $400 per month

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