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Le clan des Thinbloods de Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 est le premier à être présenté histoire d'avoir plus de détails sur les disciplines et leur progression.

Paradox Interactive Reveals Thinblood Background and Disciplines in Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2
Additional Clans to be Revealed in the Coming Weeks

STOCKHOLM - April 24, 2019 - Paradox Interactive today revealed additional details about the background and disciplines for Thinbloods found in Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2. Players begin the game as a newly embraced Thinblood, a second-class group of vampires with abilities weaker than those from one of the great clans. As the story progresses, players will eventually join one of the five full-blooded Kindred clans, each of which will be revealed in the coming weeks.

Thinbloods are a recent, weaker strain of vampire who face a constant struggle to survive in the World of Darkness. While they are often treated as second-class citizens by full-blood Kindred, Seattle’s leadership has been uncharacteristically tolerant of Thinbloods. As Seattle has only relatively recently come under Camarilla control, it remains a city of opportunity where Thinbloods can navigate their way into the higher circles of vampire society; however, they are rarely shown the same respect or legal standing that full-blood clan members enjoy.

Tune in to the Paradox Interactive Twitch channel today at 9 a.m. Pacific (12 p.m. Eastern) where the Bloodlines 2 team will give a breakdown of Thinbloods and their place in vampire society here: <0713>

At the beginning of Bloodlines 2 players choose one of three Thinblood disciplines, Chiropteran, Mentalism, or Nebulation. These Thinblood disciplines were adapted for Bloodlines 2 from the pen and paper tabletop RPG and grant unique combat and traversal abilities that can be upgraded throughout the game to enhance effectiveness or add special effects.

Each of the Thinblood disciplines and their progression are detailed below:

Chiropteran - Strong affinity for bats, allowing vampires to move through the air and summon swarms.

• Glide — first active power. Glide greatly lowers the weight of the vampire’s skeleton and muscle mass to allow them to briefly float, reaching otherwise inaccessible areas, swoop down on NPCs to knock them down, or rain down other Disciplines from afar.
• Bat Swarm — second active power. The vampire can summon a small swarm of bats to attack a target NPC, temporarily disabling them and dealing low damage. This power can be upgraded until a true Maelstrom of leathery wings surrounds the vampire, harrying and damaging those who come too close.

Mentalism - Use telekinesis to manipulate objects and even pull weapons from enemy hands.

• Pull — first active power. Manipulate inanimate objects using telekinesis, even weapons held by NPCs.
• Levitate — second active power. Suspends a living NPC in the air. Its strength can be enhanced until the vampire can levitate everyone and everything in an area, and throw suspended enemies around like ragdolls.

Nebulation - Allows the vampire to summon and command mist.

• Mist Shroud — first active power. Summon a shroud of mist that surrounds the player for a short period. The shroud muffles the sound of footsteps and reduces the range at which the player can be seen. In addition, the player may partially transform into a cloud of mist to perform a choking attack on an NPC or travel through a tight space, like a ventilation fan or duct.
• Envelop — second active power. Create a stationary, swirling cloud of mist on a target that surrounds, blinds and forcefully enters the lungs of NPCs that it touches.

Like Thinbloods, each of the five full-blood clans has their own unique abilities, upgrades, and more, giving players new ways to experience the darkness that lurks in Seattle.

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 is now available for pre-order on the Paradox Store. To learn more about Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2, please visit


  • VTM Bloodlines 2 présente le clan Thinbloods - Thinblood
A propos du jeu
Edité par
Paradox Interact...
Developpé par
Hardsuit Labs

135 $ de 400 $ par mois

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