GSY Preview PC PS4 Xbox One

A few days ago, we were invited at Bethesda's to play a preview build of Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus. It has now become a pretty nice habit with their games, we were allowed to capture some direct feed footage on PC, so without further ado, enjoy!
Note: It was my first time ever with a mouse and keyboard, so keep an open mind.


  • We previewed Wolfenstein II - Sceenshots
  • We previewed Wolfenstein II - Sceenshots
  • We previewed Wolfenstein II - Sceenshots
  • We previewed Wolfenstein II - Sceenshots
  • We previewed Wolfenstein II - Sceenshots


  • We previewed Wolfenstein II - Artworks
  • We previewed Wolfenstein II - Artworks
  • We previewed Wolfenstein II - Artworks
  • We previewed Wolfenstein II - Artworks
  • We previewed Wolfenstein II - Artworks
Commented on 2017-07-27 15:20:55
A special thanks to Gamersyde. Good Luck.
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Commented on 2017-07-27 15:55:18
>It was my first time ever with a mouse and keyboard, so keep an open mind.
You should do it every video (if possible) =)
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2017-07-27 16:12:48 In reply to KainXVIII
That's not going to happen though. :)
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guts_o - Chauffeur de salle
Commented on 2017-07-27 16:16:41 In reply to KainXVIII
Extremely accurate and fast to aim, a real nightmare for everything else... ;p
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2017-07-27 16:21:48 In reply to guts_o
My point exactly. :P
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Commented on 2017-07-27 19:12:28
One of only a handful of games im looking foreard to for the rest of the year. Loved new order, and just finished old blood which wasn't as good story wise, but it was still a ton of fun to play.
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Commented on 2017-07-27 19:30:07 In reply to guts_o
Posted by guts_o
Extremely accurate and fast to aim, a real nightmare for everything else... ;p
I strongly disagree with you and Drift on this. And I actually play some FPSs with a controller for convenience, since some aren't fast-paced as much as others. Specially in single-player.

Having said that, you both are probably focusing solely on the mouse aspect of keyboard + mouse - which has more advantages than just those two you mentioned, when the keyboard aspect also allows for a lot of accessibility and flexibility that controllers just can't offer. Not having to stop the action to pull up a quick menu or even a full menu to activate items and/or abilities helps maintain the pace of the game and your immersion in it.

With a keyboard + mouse, invariably - this is not open for discussion, it's a fact - you play faster and more accurate than with a controller. And this with even basic keyboard + mouse, if we get into the whole gaming keyboard + gaming mouse, it just furthers wides the gap even more. Specially with high-end and expensive stuff from Razer and other companies, there's a reason why they're very expensive and are almost exclusively used in e-sports competitions - outside of team partnerships and such.

I see both sides since for almost 25 years, I have used both controllers and keyboard + mouse to play games. Some games are better with one than the other, but as long as developers actually make proper controls and UI for both input methods, both are viable in most modern games. However, some games are much better played with one than with the other. And many developers put messages such as "We strongly recommend to play this game with a controller for the best optimal experience".

I respect that you guys prefer controllers over keyboard + mouse, and everyone should respect your preference as well - and many times they don't. But sometimes I get the impression that you guys look down on people who prefer keyboard + mouse over controllers - even for FPSs. Perhaps you guys got like this because of so many keyboard + mouse players giving you shit for playing certain PC games with a controller, but that's equally wrong as well.

You guys may disregard accuracy, fast-response, fast-pacing and accessibility in a lot of games as something passible, but that's not true for everyone. And you guys need to be more mindful of that as well. As others should be mindful that keyboard + mouse isn't the best for all games, not even all FPSs.

Also, unless you guys are bad with keyboard + mouse, which if you stopped playing with them for a long time, you will need to re-train your brain and body muscles again till you become good again - which is a pain in the ass, but in the long run it will be MUCH better for a lot of games. You will have a much better experience with many games in which that is the best way to play them - best here means optimal. As in it's best to play a Racing game with a driving wheel than with a controller or keyboard + mouse, that's the optimal way to play it in order to get the best experience possible.

Here's a nice Kotaku article about a crontoller only gamer that changed to a keyboard + mouse gamer in some games:

Kotaku - Long Live The Mouse And Keyboard, A Great Way To Control Video Games:

If you don't have the time and/or patience to read the whole article, at least try to read the whole "I still wouldn’t say mouse and keyboard is “better.”" section of the article. Still a TL;DR version is that "both are viable options, and a complete PC gaming setup should have both."

And that last point is the whole point imho, instead of being tied and "stuck/prisoned" to a single input method, which while can be the best way to play in a lot of games, will also be equally the worst way to play in a lot of other games. Be smart and wise and flexible, adjust yourself to the input method so you can better experience all kinds of games at their best, with no compromises.

Lastly, that last point is what I sometimes find very, very odd that to people that care so much about how games look and play - probably most people here on Gamersyde, that this most basic of things in gaming is brushed aside so casually, like it doesn't matter at all. What you use to play a game is equally important as how you play a game. If "gameplay is king" like most players advocate, why do so many choose to have a worse gameplay experience by playing with unoptimal input methods?

Some games are better played with controller, that's a fact. Some games are better played with keyboard + mouse, that's also a fact. Denying any of these facts is just stupid. For anyone that truly cares about getting the best out of most games, they need to learn to use and be good at both input methods.
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Commented on 2017-07-27 20:18:31
One of the best single player, FPS game I played in awhile.
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2017-07-27 20:36:56 In reply to Sdarts
Why can't you simply accept the idea that some of us hate playing with a keyboard and nothing is going to change that? It's not about denying anything, it's about playing the way we want to play, no matter what some people say. So no, no one needs to learn anything, they should simply pick what they lIke. As long as they have fun I don't see the problem. I'm not going to force someone to buy a wheel to play a sim racer if they are satisfied with their standard controller.
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Commented on 2017-07-27 21:07:28
Fucking hell sdart, you've outdone yourself with that rambling wall of text. Lol.
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Commented on 2017-07-27 21:47:04 In reply to Driftwood
I accept and respect that you and others may hate to play with a keyboard + mouse, but that does not mean that it isn't the best way to play certain games. The same way that playing with a controller is the best way to play certain games. So whether you hate or love it, that fact is still true. It's the reason why so many companies develop hardware and software for games, so people can have a better experience.

I absolutely agree with you, play however you want to play. However, if you want to get the best out of certain games, you do need to do certain things in order to achieve that. For example, Dirt: Rally is perfectly enjoyable and fun to play with a controller or even keyboard + mouse, but if played with a great driving wheel - at the same skill level as the other inputs, that's undeniably better. It's not necessary, but if someone wants to get the best out of that experience and be as immersed as possible, then that person needs to learn to use and be good at driving with a racing wheel.

If you truly believe that's not true, then just simply ask yourself, why do people even buy driving wheels and fighting games' sticks in the first place? Isn't it so they can have a better experience with those devices than they have with a controller or keyboard + mouse? Which then begs the question, do those devices provide a better experience than the standard ones provide? Enough to be worth paying hundreds or thousands of dollars - depending on what you want and your financial situation is?

Isn't the reason why Bethesda supplied keyboard + mouse with Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus at the preview build event so that people could have the best experience with it? Probably what the developers and the publisher wanted the press people who came to preview their game to experience.

As for "nothing is going to change that", it sounds like you don't even entertain the probability - however small - that in the future you might think differently. As guts_o stated, it was his "first time ever" with a mouse and keyboard, so we should keep an open mind.

He also said it was "Extremely accurate and fast to aim, a real nightmare for everything else." He most likely felt that way because he wasn't accustomed to playing with keyboard + mouse, if he tries to play more games with it, he might actually like it.

I didn't try nor am trying to change your or guts_o mind, just stated that some games are better enjoyed with specific input methods. Just like eating a soup with a spoon is better than trying to eat a soup with a fork. Or trying to cut a bread with a knife is better than trying to cut it with a spoon.
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Commented on 2017-07-27 21:47:41 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
Fucking hell sdart, you've outdone yourself with that rambling wall of text. Lol.
Fucking hell KORNdog, you've outdone yourself with your stupid and completely uninsightful comment. Lol.
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Commented on 2017-07-27 21:50:56 In reply to Driftwood
Posted by Driftwood
Why can't you simply accept the idea that some of us hate playing with a keyboard and nothing is going to change that? It's not about denying anything, it's about playing the way we want to play, no matter what some people say. So no, no one needs to learn anything, they should simply pick what they lIke. As long as they have fun I don't see the problem. I'm not going to force someone to buy a wheel to play a sim racer if they are satisfied with their standard controller.
Have to agree here. Mostly play on PC, but there are times where I just want to sit back and chill out while I play. Some games have a hawk setup where I don't bother with m+kb.

Short story, it's all about preference like you said. Usually elitist tend to make it a "fact" of playing anything with a controller is noobish and using always a must.
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2017-07-27 21:51:49 In reply to Sdarts
Well no they also supplied controllers too but the build didn't include options to tune sensitivity and the game was unplayable that way.
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Commented on 2017-07-27 21:55:36 In reply to Driftwood
I was wrong then. Thanks for the correction.
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2017-07-27 22:07:55 In reply to Sdarts
They just know that a lot of journalists only play on consoles, or on PC with a controller, that's essentially why. ;)
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Commented on 2017-07-27 23:37:40
After watching some previews using a controller they didn't include a slow mo effect when you bring up the weapon wheel again. Why? Even Doom had that which is supposed to be more fast paced. It doesn't break the flow of the game, quite the opposite, it makes the game flow much better than awkwardly try to equip the right weapon in real time during combat. I hope it will be an option in the final game or the console versions at least
On the plus side its nice to see that now you automatically pick up ammo (except for the breakable crates) so i don't have to constantly be pressing a button that takes your thumb off the right stick during combat.
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Commented on 2017-07-28 11:36:36 In reply to Driftwood
Posted by Driftwood
They just know that a lot of journalists only play on consoles, or on PC with a controller, that's essentially why. ;)
Polygon playing Doom was magnificent!
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2017-07-28 12:12:44 In reply to KainXVIII
Now there are also journalists who can play with a controller. :)
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Commented on 2017-07-28 19:07:20
Incidentally, the beginning is a fitting symbol for playing with a controller: it's like moving around in a wheelchair (in comparison to mouse and keyboard).

I can't stand watching controller gameplay footage. 5 seconds max and I've closed the tab.
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Commented on 2017-07-28 21:50:27
Ok, 1st thing I'm gonna do when I start playing this game is turn the music volume way down..
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Commented on 2017-07-28 22:45:35
Music is far better and fitting than the unnerving violin clusterfuck that was The New Order's combat music.

And i'm glad they let you pick stuff up by walking on it. i wish they'd patch TNO and TOB's pickup sytem... Oh welll.
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Commented on 2017-07-28 22:59:25
this game is bananas. Ba-Na-Nas on acid.
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Commented on 2017-07-28 23:54:42
Incredible game!!! Best FPS, thanks GAMERSYDE)))
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About the game
Published by
Bethesda Softworks
Developed by

$135 of $400 per month

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