A few weeks ago, I was tasked with reviewing Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze and I simply loved the old-school vibe I got from the game. Retro Studios managed to deliver a game that is a joy to play, that looks and sounds as good as you'd expect a HD Donkey Kong Country game to. It's just a shame that there aren't more excellent titles like this one. If you want to know more about what I have to say about the game, head to the French side and read our full review. If French is too much of challenge for you, then make sure to watch our gameplay videos.
Note: As I don't own a 1080p capture card, videos could only be recorded in 720p. If you really want to see some 1080p/60fps videos, ask away. If you're numerous enough, it could convince me to bring the Wii U over at Blim's.
All comments (27)
This one is getting mixed reviews though, had not expected that.
Yes go to Blim's place for that 60fps goodness!
Yes go to Blim's place for that 60fps goodness!
i DO however have a problem with games that look like no effort or budget was put into them, being sold for full whack. these are indie-esque experiences, megadrive quality, games that otherwise would be PSN or XBLA releases, and yet they're asking for the same sort of money they asked for games like last of us or bioshock, or deus ex etc etc. would i pay £40 for say, bionic commando re-armed? no. why is a 2D donkey kong any different?
Never mind that you have no idea what the budget is.
Now it doesn't change the fact that you seem to know nothing about the industry and the cost of games. Titles like Rayman cost money to make and they can't be sold at $10/15 just because people think it doesn't look AAA enough. We need different types of games and I don't think prices should depend on genres, because if so, there will be a day when all we'll be left with will be the free-to-play option. Not something I want to see personally.
Now it doesn't change the fact that you seem to know nothing about the industry and the cost of games. Titles like Rayman cost money to make and they can't be sold at $10/15 just because people think it doesn't look AAA enough. We need different types of games and I don't think prices should depend on genres, because if so, there will be a day when all we'll be left with will be the free-to-play option. Not something I want to see personally.
similar situation with the MGSV demo that's being released with next gen tax at retail. if i can get a digital game that looks better and lasts longer for less money...where the fuck are they getting off charging more for less? if it's brand names? (rayman, metal gear solid, donkey kong)well...fuck em!
'Jungle' is the only video still available for download :(