Wii Fit Video with Mayamoto - MUST SEE!!

Inscrit depuis 7012 Jours
I know, I know there is a Wii/DS thread but pretty pleaze this video really deserves its own thread. Go watch

Im in love with that thing. Wii fit is going to be awesome!
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Inscrit depuis 7026 Jours
If i wanted to keep fit, i would not be wasting my time on this, i would you know ...be doing actual things like bike rides with my kids n shit

Sorry but this looks anus
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Inscrit depuis 7204 Jours
I didn't know taking a shit is considering exercise.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7105 Jours
It is if you haven't had your fibers!

I really hope "conventional" game makers will consider having an option for this aswell. There's a Namco skiing game coming out that's made by.. the... um.. Ridge Racer team I think.. But that only uses the Wiimote and Nunchuk. It could easily enable you to shift your weigt to take turns and stuff.

Oh and Waverace perhaps?
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Inscrit depuis 6965 Jours
I don't get it, DDR has been around for years and probably is much more cardio intenstive.

Or you could just join a gym.. :S
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7105 Jours
I dunno what you'd do with this to even get your heart beating faster. I don't think it's neccessarily about that. Raving Rabbids is prolly a better fit, then! *rimshot*

From a "fitness" perspective this is more like those training videos with girls in spandex going "1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, PUSH, PUSH, and rest.. AND PUSH.. and rest.. and get UP, and down.. and BACK.. and forth.. and TWITST.. and release.. and step to the right, and step to the left, and step in muck, OH NO, and wipe."

As opposed to flailing about like mad.
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Inscrit depuis 6965 Jours
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

Inscrit depuis 7720 Jours
Posté par Jollipop
I don't get it, DDR has been around for years and probably is much more cardio intenstive.

Or you could just join a gym.. :S
It's for the Wii!!! It's new, it's hot, it's a must-have!!!

It prints money aslong as Nintendo is able to sell this stuff bigtime for the prices they charge.. Consumers seem to be a lot less pricesensitive when something is hot and a must-have.. Long live the hype!!
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Inscrit depuis 6965 Jours
Indeed, long live Nintendo :D
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

Inscrit depuis 7026 Jours
Long live little pathetic games with very little replay for the same price of something like mass effect
" we belive in making games shorter, because what is the point of making a 8 hour game if not everyone is going to go all the way through it"

yeah long live nintendo ...my ass
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Inscrit depuis 6965 Jours
Well I have to admit I rarely complete a game longer than 6-8 hours, unless its an RPG.
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7105 Jours
Posté par ManThatYouFear
Long live little pathetic games with very little replay for the same price of something like mass effect
" we belive in making games shorter, because what is the point of making a 8 hour game if not everyone is going to go all the way through it"

yeah long live nintendo ...my ass
What a load of crap. You think something like Gears of War is longer than Metroid Prime or Zelda? Are you INSANE? If anything, your average 360/PS3 blockbuster has to be shorter because the young adult/adult demographic have loads of other things to do and can't realistically be expected to pour too much time into a mega quest like Zelda. Mass Effect is a gigantic exception to a general rule of waiting 3 years for a game that you finish in a sitting.
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Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
Don't know what it is, but I really really want that game.

What the hell is it about Miyamoto that just makes me want to empty my wallet for anything he endorses? Damn it.. no way whatever he's doing can be legal :P
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6948 Jours
Those two girls was hot, especially the girl in red :P
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PS3: Metal Gear Solid 4 - Killzone 2 - God of War 3 - Haze - Uncharted - DMC4
360: Mass Effect - Assassin's Creed - Dark Sector - DMC4 - Ninja Gaiden 2 - Too Human - Fable 2 - Resident Evil 5

Inscrit depuis 7720 Jours
Well I have to admit I rarely complete a game longer than 6-8 hours, unless its an RPG.
What a load of crap. You think something like Gears of War is longer than Metroid Prime or Zelda?
That's of the shortest FPS games on the Xbox 360 with the 2 exceptions on the Wii in terms of lenght and deep gameplay.. What other long and deep Wii games are there? And Gears of War at least offered online MP that exends a game's lifetime considerably..

I have no problem playing games longer then 6-8 hours, aslong as the gameplay is fun enough and the backstory of the game intresting enough (I could play Half-Life games forever).. But I also have no problem with games that are not longer then 6-8 aslong as they offer something else that extends their lifetime, like online MP etc..

I agree with ManThatYouFear, that the Wii is mainly about fun, short entertainment, and not that much about longer deeper games.. The Wii is for people that want a quick fix, play some game quick for fun and move on do something different.. Just like a simple online FPS game on the PC or Xbox 360 that people play for a quick fix with no other meaning (no backstory etc)..

I buy most of my games for the online with my friends, and SP is just a bonus for me.. Only SP-only games I really like are sandbox games, GTA-like games.. Only exception I played this year was Bioshock, which I finished 2 times but probably won't touch again probably.. RPG I find to boring most of the time, especially the typical (turn based) Japanse ones, way to much blabla, way to little fun and gameplay..

Wii-fit is BS to me.. I don't call that a videogame, that's just silly entertainment for a quickfix.. Typical Nintendo Wii BS again imho.. But like I said, because of that it will probably sell plenty because people will go nuts again over the 'oh look, I can play holahoop on my TV' thing.. I don't care, aslong as I can still get the "real" games I want, people can do whatever they want, play that BS I don't care.. Some people like Disney/Pixar films, some like Tarrentino films (I saw Kill Bill volume 1 yesterday again, that film is just hilariously awesome!)..
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Inscrit depuis 7026 Jours
Posté par SimonM7
What a load of crap. You think something like Gears of War is longer than Metroid Prime or Zelda? Are you INSANE? If anything, your average 360/PS3 blockbuster has to be shorter because the young adult/adult demographic have loads of other things to do and can't realistically be expected to pour too much time into a mega quest like Zelda. Mass Effect is a gigantic exception to a general rule of waiting 3 years for a game that you finish in a sitting.
Zelda (i love) and mario(meh) is the exception ya, i am not a fan of metroid, gears of war is pretty much heavilly overated, but i am only quoting what shiggsy said about 3 years ago
But apart from mario and zelda most of nintys games are nothing but party/niche games, and nothing more than something you get bored with extremelly fast
|To me viva pinata owns anything that nintendo have showed me so far ;)

If i could find a link i would but shiggy said about 3 years ago that "nintendo are going to be making a lot of there games a lot smaller due to most not finishing them" they said that not me...and they have done that, and still charge the same price
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Inscrit depuis 7720 Jours

Stupid and funny at the same time.. :)
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roxwell - PuS3Y
Inscrit depuis 7030 Jours
Microsoft and Sony should be applauding nintendo for bringing more new customers to the gaming industry than either could only have dreamt about.
These noobs are coming in their thousands every week and only need to be tapped into.
I bet will be seeing a lot more 'pathetic' games from MS and Sony over the next few years to entice these strange new people to buy their shiny new boxes.
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I want a Peel P50.

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7105 Jours
Maybe something like Trauma Center or Zack and Wiki is "pathetic" in the face of Halo 3, but at least it's something we didn't play at Xbox launch. In fact, even a game like Eledees/Elebits won't win awards, but I still find it genuinely exciting to play because it reaches into previously unexplored parts of our gaming brains instead of insisting to wank off the parts we've been wanking off for the last six years.

You can go on until you're blue in the face about how we're all idiots for falling for Nintendo's strategy of "fun", but that really doesn't rob us of the fact that it is just that - fun. New, exciting, inspiring and fun. And if it doesn't, why keep jumping into these threads to tell us how stupid we are (indirectly of course)? The only thing I can think of is that you don't feel this way, and therefore the fact that other people feel it is dangerous to you. Because - GASP - what if the face of gaming changes and the next big thing isn't an extension of the FPS you've been playing over and over for a decade!

There is a place in my heart for that game too, but I am part of the demographic Nintendo talks about that sometimes feel gaming has grown stale. It's not just about the content, it's about them feeling the same way in my hands over and over. Third person camera? Well we have this here template for controls ready! First person? Oh you know what that'll be like. Racing? Fighting? Genre X? It's all become utterly predictable, and in fact playing the exact same game with well implemented Wii controls can make a world of difference to me.

It's not as simple as you make it out to be, you see. I'm not a stupid, gullible person. I am NOT a casual gamer. I am not looking for a quick fix before I do something else. I am not a kid, I'm not a grandmother, I'm not caught up in a fad - I'm a fucking gamer, and the Wii is exciting to me. In fact, it's exciting in a way that perfectly complements traditional, conservative gaming. The Wii is my antidote that lets me appreciate something like Halo 3 because then it doesn't just remind me that we're moving absolutely nowhere.

But if you feel that it's neccessary then by all means, keep insulting us some more.
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Inscrit depuis 7026 Jours
Posté par roxwell
Microsoft and Sony should be applauding nintendo for bringing more new customers to the gaming industry than either could only have dreamt about.
These noobs are coming in their thousands every week and only need to be tapped into.
I bet will be seeing a lot more 'pathetic' games from MS and Sony over the next few years to entice these strange new people to buy their shiny new boxes.
Who said the noobs they dragged in are buying anything else apart from the game that come with it ... you have seen the share ratio of games with the wii right

yes the console sold like a dream, but nintendo should get there head out of the clouds cause when all them wiis get traded in and only second hand consoles are been shifted and a mojority of these noobs are no longer buying any games ... nintendo will see that this was nothing more than a fad that just like EA refuses to die
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Inscrit depuis 7026 Jours
I am geting a wii at christmas but only for zelda (and wii play for the chick) and maybe mario ... if i am bored enough xmas and fancy throwing my wiimote at the screen for dodgy camera angles (once again)

Not insulting you for having a wii or enjoying it, just sick of the minority of its fanbase praising it for the crap it is, sorry if that does hurt your eyes to see but this machine only offers games you have played before just in a "new" way
Thre is the odd game that shines through yeah, but only about the same amount that is released on the 360/PS3
The 360 is the same old shit ya, the PS3 is the same old shit and the PC is the same old shit, but so is the Wii just you use a new way to play that is it, and most the games you mentioned already came out on the DS ....first.

I think the gaming devs/publishers should be trying to hold on to the gamers its losing (due to the same shit) not trying to get the attention of old fuckers only going to be around long enough to play wii bowling
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7105 Jours
just you use a new way to play that is it
A lot of the time that's enough. Reloading on RB is fun, it makes a difference to me. It makes Halo 3 feel different from Halo 2. There's a lovely clicking sound when you press it, it feels wonderfully responsive and somehow fits with the subsequent clicking of changing the magazine in whatever gun you're using. I'm like that, I like even the subtle form of change.

Firing the combined charge/missile thing in Metroid Prime you hold the A button with the lower bit of your thumb and sort of tilt upwards to hit Y. The strange layout of the cube pad gives the action personality.

In Mario for NES you held the A button and tilted over to B to jump. The way there was a dent in the buttons made it feel unique. People lose themselves in the visual input, what happens on the screen. Changing input methods will forever mean "new obstacles" to some, but to me it's incredibly important.

Of course, the Wii does more than just the same thing again with new controls, but since that's obviously the only thing you see in it I'll stick to that.

Oh and one out of three games mentioned isn't "most of them".
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Inscrit depuis 6954 Jours
Posté par roxwell
Microsoft and Sony should be applauding nintendo for bringing more new customers to the gaming industry than either could only have dreamt about.
These noobs are coming in their thousands every week and only need to be tapped into
HOW?!? These new non-gamers/trend consumers don't buy anything!

We all know that the Wii Board is going to be a runaway success after the mass media gets hold of it and plays up all of it's virtues as a fitness board, but how much of that success is going to reach 3rd party developers?

If I'm a developer, why should I make games for this install base? They wouldn't even buy Metroid. And it remains to be seen if more than the Nintendo loyalists will pick up a copy of Space Mario.

roxwell, they gotta start buying games before anyone takes them seriously.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7105 Jours
Posté par GrimThorne
HOW?!? These new non-gamers/trend consumers don't buy anything!

...they gotta start buying games before anyone takes them seriously.
I agree. The sales numbers do not reflect the size of the audience waiting for the next "proper game", but I'm not sure that's a huge problem. At least not for developers.

The Playstation established itself in homes long before it had half of the awesome games that eventually made it a proper success, and the same is true of the PS2 with its cheapo DVD player functionality. Eventually though the install base - growing for whatever reason, bowling or DVD playback - will increase the likelihood of someone picking up your game, and that encourages development. The amount of quality titles the DS is seeing (prolly the most of all current consoles/handhelds) is NOT thanks only to the hardcore players, it's because the thing is still selling like hotcakes - again for whatever reason - so it makes development a more risk free situation.

The Wii is rapidly approaching that same position with companies suddenly realising "they underestimated it" or "fucked up when they didn't work on it sooner", et cetera, and just like something like Dragon Quest 9 gravitated towards the DS because of its likely reception there, so will titles for the Wii.

At least I reckon that's why stuff like Monster Hunter 3 and Project Zero (4?) is suddenly heading there.

So yes, I agree that it's a valid concern, but it's not an entirely uncommon situation for new hardware.
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roxwell - PuS3Y
Inscrit depuis 7030 Jours
Posté par manthatfearsthewii
yes the console sold like a dream, but nintendo should get there head out of the clouds cause when all them wiis get traded in and only second hand consoles are been shifted and a mojority of these noobs are no longer buying any games ... nintendo will see that this was nothing more than a fad that just like EA refuses to die
Have you been out to get one lately? I was was out last weekend and they had all sold out, again and shops had longer waiting list than my penis (which is long).
And i've not seen the ratio but i'd hazard a guess at 3:1.
Posté par Grim
HOW?!? These new non-gamers/trend consumers don't buy anything!
They bought the Wii didn't they.
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I want a Peel P50.

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135 $ de 400 $ par mois

Quoi de neuf ?
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