Inscrit depuis 6478 Jours
Posté par scoobs0688
I think after playing around with the m16 at bit, that its actually superior to the AN94 in most situations. The one time I'd rather have an AN94 is on long range/vehicle maps. M16 is a freaking beast up close/mid-range.
I agree, with a 4x scope and marksman turned on, the M16 is a freaking monster. I get so many kills, so fast, and from so far away w/ the M16 it feels almost like a burst fire sniper rifle. Up close it's a little dodgy but still a killer. Probably my fav gun in the game in terms of look, feel, and performance.

But the M60 is certainly a VERY powerful weapon as well. You can easily mow down a whole group of players if you catch them off guard.

I just can't get over how overpowered the m11? pistol is. I almost do better with that damn thing it's so quick and powerful.
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Inscrit depuis 5759 Jours
Posté par Nietzsche
I agree, with a 4x scope and marksman turned on, the M16 is a freaking monster. I get so many kills, so fast, and from so far away w/ the M16 it feels almost like a burst fire sniper rifle. Up close it's a little dodgy but still a killer. Probably my fav gun in the game in terms of look, feel, and performance.

But the M60 is certainly a VERY powerful weapon as well. You can easily mow down a whole group of players if you catch them off guard.

I just can't get over how overpowered the m11? pistol is. I almost do better with that damn thing it's so quick and powerful.
I agree 4x scope + marksman + m16 = ownage. Thats what I use :) The m60 is insane really.... i can't believe how overpowered it is. As far as I can tell the 1911, m16, ar34, and m60 are by FAR AWAY the most overpowered guns in the game.
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Currently playing: Uncharted 2, CoDMW2 (PS3), Torchlight (PC)

Inscrit depuis 6627 Jours
Posté par Nietzsche
But the M60 is certainly a VERY powerful weapon as well. You can easily mow down a whole group of players if you catch them off guard.
Yeah, it's almost comical. Yesterday I caught 3 guys off guard sitting right next to a flag and I swiped my iron sight across the group and got 3 headshots, they dropped almost simultaneously.

But then again, I only played horrible teams yesterday. Almost every game ended up at their spawn, very boring night.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7125 Jours
Posté par scoobs0688
I agree 4x scope + marksman + m16 = ownage. Thats what I use :) The m60 is insane really.... i can't believe how overpowered it is. As far as I can tell the 1911, m16, ar34, and m60 are by FAR AWAY the most overpowered guns in the game.
The M16, AR94, and M416 are all top shelf assault rifles and they're all approximately on the same page. I wouldn't call any of them overpowered. I wouldn't call the M1911 overpowered either, because it's just the case that the remaining pistols sorta suck. The .357 (rex) is pretty good too, but its rate of fire is too slow which makes it completely pointless. If they nerfed the M1911, pistols would no longer be reasonably useful, so I say it's just about perfect where it is.

I don't think that the M1911 is any more over-the-top than the desert eagle is in CS or Call of Duty. There's no reason why a sidearm can't be a serious contender at close range.
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Inscrit depuis 6478 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
The M16, AR94, and M416 are all top shelf assault rifles and they're all approximately on the same page. I wouldn't call any of them overpowered. I wouldn't call the M1911 overpowered either, because it's just the case that the remaining pistols sorta suck. The .357 (rex) is pretty good too, but its rate of fire is too slow which makes it completely pointless. If they nerfed the M1911, pistols would no longer be reasonably useful, so I say it's just about perfect where it is.

I don't think that the M1911 is any more over-the-top than the desert eagle is in CS or Call of Duty. There's no reason why a sidearm can't be a serious contender at close range.
I really do know where you are coming from, but you also like to be that class the most from what I gather.

I'm sure the meds who use an M60 get pretty sick of me using an M16 w/ scope and marksman to destroy them all match long
The only time I really get owned by the M60 is close range to medium/close range. From a decent distance I usually drop them in one, maybe two trigger pulls. Of course, play style is a huge factor as well.

But overpowered probably isn't the best term to use, maybe just "the best weapons in the game". I just don't like how you have to reach the top of that class to get those rifles, as I'm sure it makes the game REALLY annoying for those who have yet to unlock those guns. I think the first or second gun in every class should at least be reasonably close to as good as the higher up weapons. That is not the case in this game IMO.

Id say the only real equalizer would be the auto-shotty you unlock pretty early in the game's system.

But I'd say I get killed by more AR-94s than I do M60s. I just wish the engineer class had better guns as all those SMGs pretty much suck IMO. I find the recon to be a far better anti-tank class than the engineer. As for healing tanks, it would be more fun if people didn't suck so much at using them for the most part.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7125 Jours
Yeah, I play assault mostly. The M60 is just clearly more powerful than most guns in most scenarios. So far as assault goes though, the M416 is easily on the same page as the M16 or AR94, especially at CQC and medium range. The AR-94 and M-16 only really dominate it at long range. So far the AR-94 is my personal favorite weapon to use though. It's the only gun I have a platinum star for. But if you're dropping M60's with one burst with the M-16 than they weren't at full health, or you're playing hardcore, which changes this discussion entirely.

There is no best gun in a mode where you only have to sneeze on someone to kill them.
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FireWire - IEEE 1394
Inscrit depuis 7125 Jours
Well guess who's late to the party?
Damn I'm at a huge disadvantage at the moment... Everyone has unlocked: A. Better weapons, B. Scope's or C. both. I don't have ammo packs, med packs, defib's or a repair kit... This is unfair to say the least :p
And every close encounter with a medic ends up me being dead....
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"First come smiles, then comes lies. Last is gunfire"

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7125 Jours
You can make up the difference pretty quickly. Stuff like med packs and defribs come quick, and you start with ammo on assault. You also get the XM8 very early as assault, which is a pretty solid gun, even if it's not quite as good as the final three assault kit unlocks. Once you get the autoshotty too, and learn the maps, you can pretty much shoot through unlocking kits regardless of how much you don't like their weapons. I still have only completed assault, but that's because of bad habbits and not lack of time. I've had assault at 100% since last week and I still almost exclusive play that kit.
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Inscrit depuis 7054 Jours
I'm almost done unlocking Assault. I haven't touched medic whatsoever. That is my bad habit.
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Inscrit depuis 5535 Jours
Finished unlocking Assault. Wow, I love the M16, what a beast.
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Steam: Doomsong83
Xfire: doomsong83
DRM, the future of treating customers like THIEVES!

Inscrit depuis 7054 Jours
Anyone else not get Squad Rush unlocked even though they reserved it? Friends and I got screwed out of the code I guess from Gamestop?
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Inscrit depuis 5535 Jours
Posté par Tinks
Anyone else not get Squad Rush unlocked even though they reserved it? Friends and I got screwed out of the code I guess from Gamestop?
Not missing out on much, it's my least favorite mode.
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Steam: Doomsong83
Xfire: doomsong83
DRM, the future of treating customers like THIEVES!

Inscrit depuis 5759 Jours
Posté par Doomsong83
Not missing out on much, it's my least favorite mode.
both squad modes are pretty crappy TBH.
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Currently playing: Uncharted 2, CoDMW2 (PS3), Torchlight (PC)

Inscrit depuis 5535 Jours
Posté par scoobs0688
both squad modes are pretty crappy TBH.
I like deathmatch when it isn't a noob tube fest.
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Steam: Doomsong83
Xfire: doomsong83
DRM, the future of treating customers like THIEVES!

Inscrit depuis 7247 Jours
Uh, so what about the single player, any good?
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7125 Jours
Posté par LEBATO
Uh, so what about the single player, any good?
A lot of people seem to think so, but lol.
Posté par scoobs0688
both squad modes are pretty crappy TBH.
Weird, I think they're both great. You really need to be with a group of people you can communicate well with, but they're pretty fun when you get good games going. I admit, that's a rarity, but it's still an interesting diversion. I think that Squad Rush is the better of the two, too. The only problem I have with Squad Rush is that it's too damned short. There should be more than two bomb sites in every layout. If you're on a good team and you're rolling the opposition, the games are over in only a handful of minutes. It's still fun though.
Posté par Doomsong83
Finished unlocking Assault. Wow, I love the M16, what a beast.
I still can't seem to prefer the M-16. The slight hit to accuracy and speed the AN-94 takes isn't enough to give up its extra damage.
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Inscrit depuis 6478 Jours
Anyone else have problems with this game's audio going out when online? Twice now I've been playing this and the frame rated dropped to a near freeze and then the audio went out on the game. I've tried other games and changed the channel on my TV and sound is fine.

Just curious if anyone else is having problems with the game's audio going out. The wierd part is that at the end of the match, the audio went back to working during the between match menu and then went mute again once the next match started. I'm starting to get really pissed.

Anyhow, besides that annoyance I'm just loving this game more and more each time I play it. This really is one fantastic multiplayer game. I just can't put it donw. Though I'll have to once God of war 3 comes out, nice to have a high quality rental like that for the break.
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FireWire - IEEE 1394
Inscrit depuis 7125 Jours
Damn it is every fucking body playing as a medic or something... I hate those fucking lmg's... You're fucked a long range, mid range and close range if they see you first....
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"First come smiles, then comes lies. Last is gunfire"

Inscrit depuis 6556 Jours
Posté par FireWire
Damn it is every fucking body playing as a medic or something... I hate those fucking lmg's... You're fucked a long range, mid range and close range if they see you first....
guilty as charged. though i have to admit it's not because of the m60. It's actually the class that feels more rewarding to me in the sense that you're helping the team and making tons of points out of it: reviving, dropping healthboxes. I have it all unlocked, gonna start with the engineer now, although i get the feeling it's much harder to score lots of points with it.

also, on an unrelated thing, what's in your opinion the most effective way of taking down the choppers? with RPGs it's nearly impossible if the the pilot is any good. with the stationary guided rockets the same, also it doesn't help that these stationary don't go all the way to 90 degrees up. Every time there's a good pilot owning everyone from the air, i get so focused on bringing it down without success, and i die and die over and over again, because i get distracted from the game. Any tips?
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Inscrit depuis 7054 Jours
Apache there is no effective way I have found. Right now it's simply tagging the other choppers and shooting it down with a launcher.
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Inscrit depuis 5535 Jours
I wish I was good at flying. I'm awful lol/
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Steam: Doomsong83
Xfire: doomsong83
DRM, the future of treating customers like THIEVES!

Inscrit depuis 7054 Jours
Outside the apache they're all relatively easy to fly actually (with the right controls). The apache takes some skill though

As engineer though there is nothing better than tagging a chopper with your dart or rocket. So satisfying
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7125 Jours
Posté par mt_sabao
guilty as charged. though i have to admit it's not because of the m60. It's actually the class that feels more rewarding to me in the sense that you're helping the team and making tons of points out of it: reviving, dropping healthboxes. I have it all unlocked, gonna start with the engineer now, although i get the feeling it's much harder to score lots of points with it.

also, on an unrelated thing, what's in your opinion the most effective way of taking down the choppers? with RPGs it's nearly impossible if the the pilot is any good. with the stationary guided rockets the same, also it doesn't help that these stationary don't go all the way to 90 degrees up. Every time there's a good pilot owning everyone from the air, i get so focused on bringing it down without success, and i die and die over and over again, because i get distracted from the game. Any tips?
There really isn't enough AA on most of the maps, but the dedicated AA guns in this game aren't explosives, they're machine guns. They really do a lot of damage to helos too, but some maps don't have ANY, despite having a heavy air presence. The mounted MG's damage the helos too, as well as the machine gun on tanks/APC's. Other than that, Tinks pretty much has the rest covered. The tracer dart helps a lot. Don't even bother shooting them with small arms. They don't hurt.. and I lol at the noobs who still try anyway.
Posté par Doomsong83
I wish I was good at flying. I'm awful lol/
I find them a lot easier to handle than BF2's attack helos, but I'm no expert. They're (quite a bit) harder to kill tanks with though.
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Inscrit depuis 5535 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
I find them a lot easier to handle than BF2's attack helos, but I'm no expert. They're (quite a bit) harder to kill tanks with though.
Yeah definately easier although I had a joystick back then.
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Steam: Doomsong83
Xfire: doomsong83
DRM, the future of treating customers like THIEVES!

Inscrit depuis 6556 Jours
Posté par Tinks
As engineer though there is nothing better than tagging a chopper with your dart or rocket. So satisfying
Well, yeah but this is not effective at all, unless if i'm missing something. It takes as much skill to hit the chopper with the dart as it does with an rpg, so what's the point of hitting it with something to hit it again with something?!
Posté par GriftGFX
There really isn't enough AA on most of the maps, but the dedicated AA guns in this game aren't explosives, they're machine guns. They really do a lot of damage to helos too, but some maps don't have ANY, despite having a heavy air presence.
agreed. on the first one there was always AA guns whenever whenever there was attack helis , on this one I only found out they were in the game because i saw them on the stats page, under weapons.
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