GTB Et c'est Gene Hackman qui nous quitte maintenant :/. Ca fait quelque chose ces pages du cinéma qui se tournent. (il y a 1 Semaine)
reneyvane L'actrice US "Michelle-Trachtenberg", 39 ans, est décédée, l'éternelle petite soeur de Buffy, dans la série éponyme pourrait avoir succombée des suites opératoires d'une transplantation du foie. (il y a 1 Semaine)
Driftwood @face2papalocust: c'est en ligne ;) (il y a 3 Semaines)
face2papalocust @davton: Ah trop bien merci hâte de voir. (il y a 3 Semaines)
davton @face2papalocust: spoiler : c'est cool :D (il y a 3 Semaines)
Driftwood Il est de nouveau possible de télécharger les vidéos sur le site. Désolé pour le mois et demi de panne. (il y a > 3 Mois)
Driftwood Retrouvez notre review de Rift Apart dès 16h00 aujourd'hui, mais en attendant Guilty Gear -Strive- est en vedette en home ! (il y a > 3 Mois)
Driftwood Nouveau live sur Returnal à 14h30 aujourd'hui. (il y a > 3 Mois)
Driftwood Rendez-vous à 17h00 pour un direct de 40 minutes sur Returnal (il y a > 3 Mois)
In 4 hours I am a lvl 14. I started off really rough, not knowing the maps and getting owned left and right. I finally got my KDR right below 1:1 with a couple nice rounds. The MP is as intense as the SP. A lot of maps. 24 player maps are a little full--I could not image 32!
My Blog:
Stopping power is something that I have a hard time giving up, even for Overkill (two primary weapons). Out of all the perks I don't use, I think deep impact must be the most useful.. I should probably make a kit that includes it, but I haven't gotten to that yet.
Speaking of precision though, I really want to unlock the M14. I was hoping to get there tonight, but I'm only at level 42 and I haven't been gaining a lot of quick experience tonight. I'm going to go play some more in a few minutes.. hopefully I can get in a good sabotage server. That seems to pull in the XP rather quickly.
Another good question, in addition to your favorite loadouts/kits (which no one has answered yet)--does anyone have any favorite maps yet, or how about modes? For team togetherness, Sabotage and Search & Destroy are the best modes imo. My favorite maps right now sorta depend on the mode. I'm still very fond of Overgrown for objective types.. hell all the beta maps are still very exciting. Crash and Vacant are both also wonderful objective maps (Crash is also a great TDM map). Out of the newly available maps, I think Showdown is one of my favorites. Bloc too.
Gunner: RPD + red dot - 3x frags, Stopping power, Deep impact.
Only been using this. Will try do an assault one with M4.
Btw, P90 sucks... way too good! :P
My Blog:
My Blog:
C4 charges - Player gets two throwable packs of C4.
Special Grenades - Players start with 3 flash or stun grenades (their choice).
RPG-7 - Players starts with a rocket launcher with 2 rockets.
Claymores - Unlockable perk. Player gets two placed mines.
Frag grenades - Unlockable perk. Player gets 3 frag devices.
Bandolier - Unlockable perk. Player gets extra ammo for their firearms.
Bomb Squad - Unlockable perk. Player can detect enemy C4 charges and claymores.
Perks Set 2
Stopping Power - Player's bullet damage is increased.
Juggernaut - Player's health is increased.
Sonic Boom - Player's explosive damage is increased.
Sleight of Hand - Unlockable perk. Player enjoys faster reloading.
Double tap - Unlockable perk. Player enjoys increased rate of fire.
Overkill - Unlockable perk. Player may carry two primary weapons, but no
UAV Jammer - Unlockable perk. Player cis undetectable on enemy UAV pass.
Perks Set 3
Extreme Conditioning - Player may sprint for longer distances.
Steady Aim - Player has greater accuracy when firing from the hip.
Deep Impact - Player's bullets will penetrate more objects/thicker cover.
Eavesdrop - Player has ability to hear enemy chat when close.
Last Stand - Unlockable perk. When damaged to a certain limit, players may
make a "last stand" using their handgun.
Martyrdom - Unlockable perk. Player will drop a live grenade if killed.
Iron Lungs - Unlockable perk. Player may hold their breath longer when using
the sniper scope view.
Dead Silence - Unlockable perk. Players make less sound when moving.
- How much extra Jug health?
- How much more damage stopping power does?
- Radius/Damage increase with Sonic Boom?
Also, what guns become quite accurate with Steady Aim?
My Blog:
My Blog:
Edit - Nevermind I was just doing it wrong.
Edit - Nevermind I was just doing it wrong.
how did people get round the lake bit in all Guillied up?
how did people get round the lake bit in all Guillied up?
Are there any tweak guides yet?
- How much extra Jug health?
- How much more damage stopping power does?
- Radius/Damage increase with Sonic Boom?
Also, what guns become quite accurate with Steady Aim?
I just played a crazy game. It was Sabotage on Shipment.. with 30 players. This map might be too small for 18 players, and it's certainly not the most suitable map for Sabotage. I'm absolutely amazed that anyone managed to plant the bomb successfully, but we did it. When all was said and done, it was a lot more fun than I expected going into it, but I wouldn't volunteer to do it again. It was basically elbow to elbow, standing room only.. just crazy.
It seems like a lot of people are stuck up on the campaign still. I never quite understood this need to finish the SP before playing MP, so get to it, so more people can discuss the badass multiplayer!
Someone had said previously that they didn't understand why I was so in love with this game--and I really wasn't then--but I sure am now.
Are there any tweak guides yet?
New nVidia beta drivers might help, guess I'll have to suck it up and turn stuff down.
New nVidia beta drivers might help, guess I'll have to suck it up and turn stuff down.
I found being calm and steady picking my shots off carefully really helped... also make sure you've replaced your pistol with something half decent or you're toast... but imagine you've done that by this point
sry for you bud
sry for you bud
Slabs, if all else fails, maybe ask someone on the IW forums for help? I know people running it @ 1920x1200 on E6600's and 8800 Ultras. Probably not at 60fps, but it's still running "well" for them. I can't imagine there isn't a software related issue at hand that's screwing things up for you.
Anyway.. I just unlocked the deagle.. and while all of the pistols have the exact same specs, I'm still going to keep using it. I don't think it's fair that you don't get any additional stopping power when you consider the fact that you can't attach a silencer. But I guess they couldn't make it the cannon that it is in CSS. It just looks and sounds so cool anyway. I don't want to use anything else.
I found being calm and steady picking my shots off carefully really helped... also make sure you've replaced your pistol with something half decent or you're toast... but imagine you've done that by this point