Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6980 Jours
Well considering that it is almost out in stores I thought all media, info and such could be in here.
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PS3: MGS4 - Metal Gear Online - Killzone 2 - Uncharted - Haze - DMC4 - God of War 3
360: Mass Effect - Assassin's Creed - DMC4 - Dark Sector - Ninja Gaiden 2 - Too Human - Fable 2 - Resident Evil 5

Inscrit depuis 7055 Jours
I was bashing it before the PC demo, but after playing the PC demo, im sold on it, it played just so much like the previous CoDs, and it played so freaking smooth its crazy, possibly the best optimized games evor?

But yeah, its about time we got a decent FPS, defo getting it on the PC.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Posté par Sheps
I was bashing it before the PC demo, but after playing the PC demo, im sold on it, it played just so much like the previous CoDs, and it played so freaking smooth its crazy, possibly the best optimized games evor?

But yeah, its about time we got a decent FPS, defo getting it on the PC.
I knew you'd change your mind eventually. The default controls were a little wacky, but after editing my binds, it plays and feels great. It's amazing how it feels like Call of Duty has been reborn, and yet at the same time a triumphant return to form. Those two statements should contradict eachother.. but IW seems to have combined them into one amazingly slick package.

That other FPS definitely has some competition this year.
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Inscrit depuis 7811 Jours
I downloaded it and played it last night. I much prefer the 360 Beta experience. I haven't really played a FPS for any amount of time in years, and the mouse aiming is wonderful, but the keyboard stuff is just tough for me after gettting used to a controller. It was like trying to relearn from scratch. I much prefer a 360 controller. I don't have that PC accessory to use my 360 controller on the PC... I might have enjoyed it more. The controls drove me crazy trying to throw grenades, crouch, prone... ughh. But other than that, the demo gives you a great sense of what the game is capable of. I have an AMD 4200 X2 and an Nvidia 7600GS and it ran beautifully and silky smooth. Looked superb really. I didn't think my PC was capable of such a good looking game... too bad my keyboarding FPS skills are beyond lacking. There is nothing wrong with the controls on PC if that is what you are used to, but I'm beyond rusty and found it frustrating... but with no 360 BETA I had to get my COD4 fix. And once Yahoo pulled their head out of their ass and got their servers to meet demand, it downloaded for me in under an hour... should be easier to download today I'm guessing... and some torrents out there for sure of it.

Definitely getting the 360 version though... Keyboards suck... for me at least. I do like the aiming of the mouse though.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
The controls drove me crazy too.. that's why I remapped them. Keyboards far from suck -- keyboards allow you to press more simultaneous inputs than a gamepad ever will, just because you're using more fingers and have access to more keys. I do think the default mappings were a little wacky though. Once I changed them it was smooth as butter.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6980 Jours
Alright so I guess this is the "official" thread then.

Grift can you take some cool screenshots of the demo man, would be cool to see some ;)

I gotta say the only FPS games that made me drool for a great gameplay on PC was Counter-Strike back in the day.

Remapped like 2-3 keys and I was good to go.
But now with the 360 having a very firm and natural feel to the controls, you can't go wrong with it if you went with the 360 version.

Besides, my PC can't handle Counter-Strike Old School anymore :P

Grift did the demo let you customize your weapon as well?

There is one scope that I am absolutely in love with, its called EOTech.
Thats like the latest and probably one of the best scopes on assault rifles, can't wait to unlock that bad boy on a M4 Carbine.

I know the single player has it, especially in the bog level, and I know you can unlock it, but I wonder how much it takes to unlock it.

The other scope is this one
I love it when the Delta Forces in the Black Hawk Down movie uses it, very cool stuff.
En réponse à

PS3: MGS4 - Metal Gear Online - Killzone 2 - Uncharted - Haze - DMC4 - God of War 3
360: Mass Effect - Assassin's Creed - Call of Duty 4 - DMC4 - Dark Sector - Ninja Gaiden 2 - Too Human - Fable 2 - Resident Evil 5

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Eh, my screenshots wouldn't be that great.. since I'm running mostly on lower settings. Someone with better hardware should take some screenshots. And no, there's no customization so far as I can tell in single player. You start with a modded out M4.

In COD4 I remapped my melee, and throw special grenade keys to the mouse.. and then remapped the stance keys so that control was crouch (no toggle) and z goes to prone. Oh, and I changed the noob tube key to "3" from "5" just because that's what it is in BF2, and I changed the aim/zoom key so that it doesn't toggle. Now I'm pretty comfortable.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6980 Jours
Have you decided to go with the PC version?
En réponse à

PS3: MGS4 - Metal Gear Online - Killzone 2 - Uncharted - Haze - DMC4 - God of War 3
360: Mass Effect - Assassin's Creed - Call of Duty 4 - DMC4 - Dark Sector - Ninja Gaiden 2 - Too Human - Fable 2 - Resident Evil 5

Inscrit depuis 7751 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
The controls drove me crazy too.. that's why I remapped them. Keyboards far from suck -- keyboards allow you to press more simultaneous inputs than a gamepad ever will, just because you're using more fingers and have access to more keys. I do think the default mappings were a little wacky though. Once I changed them it was smooth as butter.
I still use the arrow keys to move, how old-skool is that? :P
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6980 Jours
Posté par Inflatable
I still use the arrow keys to move, how old-skool is that? :P
Very much ;)
En réponse à

PS3: MGS4 - Metal Gear Online - Killzone 2 - Uncharted - Haze - DMC4 - God of War 3
360: Mass Effect - Assassin's Creed - Call of Duty 4 - DMC4 - Dark Sector - Ninja Gaiden 2 - Too Human - Fable 2 - Resident Evil 5

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Posté par Sath
Have you decided to go with the PC version?
Yea.. no question.
En réponse à
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6980 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Yea.. no question.
Ah, well good for you ;)
En réponse à

PS3: MGS4 - Metal Gear Online - Killzone 2 - Uncharted - Haze - DMC4 - God of War 3
360: Mass Effect - Assassin's Creed - Call of Duty 4 - DMC4 - Dark Sector - Ninja Gaiden 2 - Too Human - Fable 2 - Resident Evil 5

Inscrit depuis 7055 Jours
ill take some screenies in a min and get em posted up!
En réponse à
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6980 Jours
Posté par Sheps
ill take some screenies in a min and get em posted up!
Cool...hopefully they match those Gamersyde PC shots :)
En réponse à

PS3: MGS4 - Metal Gear Online - Killzone 2 - Uncharted - Haze - DMC4 - God of War 3
360: Mass Effect - Assassin's Creed - Call of Duty 4 - DMC4 - Dark Sector - Ninja Gaiden 2 - Too Human - Fable 2 - Resident Evil 5

Inscrit depuis 7055 Jours

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Inscrit depuis 6641 Jours
Awsome pictures :)

Really loving the demo, already finished it 10 times or so :P
Sad, more you play, looks like it ends faster :D

All the weapons feels so great, i love specially the Dragunov :)

Single Player will be great, sad i didnt make it to play 360 beta to see how Multiplayer will feel :(
From the videos the MP looks great though.

Must buy for me, for PC! :)
En réponse à
GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Posté par Sath
Ah, well good for you ;)
Indeed it is. I think I might try my hand at this game competitively, on some level.. and for me you just can't beat the PC arena when it comes to team play. Not suggesting that there won't be plenty of clans on XBL.. but I'd rather play the game with proper controls and on dedicated servers.

Yea UrukHaiPT, the demo is VERY short. Sorta surprised me, considering the overall file size.
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Inscrit depuis 6641 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Indeed it is. I think I might try my hand at this game competitively, on some level.. and for me you just can't beat the PC arena when it comes to team play. Not suggesting that there won't be plenty of clans on XBL.. but I'd rather play the game with proper controls and on dedicated servers.

Yea UrukHaiPT, the demo is VERY short. Sorta surprised me, considering the overall file size.
Yeah, short but very Intense, so much action :D

And yep, for me too, to play seriously online i pick PC.
Considering im in a clan, PC would be always my choice :P
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Inscrit depuis 7057 Jours
Question, does it play/feel like call of duty 2 meets GRAW thats the vibe i get
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My comments on this game/machine been good or bad does not mean i like/hate the machine i am not a fan nor a hater, just i have a opinion and wish to share it.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Nope.. thank god too.. not a big GRAW fan.
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Inscrit depuis 7751 Jours
It feels and plays like any other CoD game bassicly.. Just the setting is different, modern day instead of WWII..
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Posté par Inflatable
It feels and plays like any other CoD game bassicly.. Just the setting is different, modern day instead of WWII..
Well, and there are some additional mechanics, like sprinting, special grenades, the M203, and night vision. But yea.. it is most definitely Call of Duty.
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Inscrit depuis 7055 Jours
Yep, so glad they stuck with the original style, not too realistic ( gameplay wise ) not off the walls. Just really really intense.
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Inscrit depuis 7751 Jours
Sprinting doesn't feel new to me as it was already in CoD via the AWE mod.. ;)
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Posté par Inflatable
Sprinting doesn't feel new to me as it was already in CoD via the AWE mod.. ;)
Yea.. It was also in COD2 via mods too, but it's nice to see it natively supported and I think it's better integrated into the game because of it.
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