GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7112 Days
Posted by Inflatable
That a lot of consolegamers have no predecent or expectation of more openness and/or free DLC doesn't mean the consolemakers don't have a what I think an be called a monopoly on what's offered as DLC on their systems..

But anyway, what mods do you play GriftGFX?

I still play on regular vanilla TDM servers, usually with arround 20 players on them.. I find that's the most enjoyable for me (and my friends I play with).. Enough action, and still some room to move arround the map.. Less players results in a campfest, and more results in chaotic spamfests where you have no room to move arround anymore.. 20 players is best suited for most of the current official CoD4 maps imho..

And what's the name of that retail quality custom map that you named earlier? Thxs in advance..
I play the PAM mod most with CAL's current ruleset. It's basically just a competition mod that restricts certain perks and rebalanced a few weapons, in addition to removing the killstreak modifiers. It's most widely used on private servers for match play, but there are some pretty good pubs that use it too.

There's also an IRC channel for COD4 pugs, #cod4pug, which will get you into pick up groups (with several hosted private servers and their own vent) with some pretty good players if you want to check out how the game is played in competition.

The map I was thinking of is called Village I believe.. and is a fairly large map that someone from the community ripped from the single player game.
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Since 7750 Days
I played a custom night map yesterday, I think it was called Sharqi something (BF map).. That was so cool, you really had to use nightvision to see anything.. And the tracers and muzzleflashes looked so cool..

Makes you wonder why they didn't put a official nightmap in..
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deftangel - Hot stuff!
Since 6980 Days
Reading this, it looks like the Xbox 360 maps will be 800pts.
Posted by MCV
Activision has announced Call of Duty 4: Game of the Year Edition, which will be released in April.

The new game will feature the full COD4 game, as well as a token for use on Xbox Live, which will allow gamers to download the upcoming map pack.

Call of Duty 4: Game of the Year edition will also feature new packaging, that will detail the various awards the game has won.

The map pack will be available to download in April, and will cost 800 Live points.
Interesting to see if they are released officially on the PC as they would have to charge the same amount for them if that's right. Can't see that going down well.
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XBL/PSN: deftangel. Views are my own and not representative of my employers. Boulets aren't the end of the world, you will get over them! Reading and constructive discussion classes are available, enquire via PM :)

Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Since 6958 Days
Oh, you beat me deft. And 800pts sounds pretty high for four maps to me. Seeing as how I haven't played COD4 in quite a while anyway I might skip this.
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Hey, I'm just like you. I put my pants on one leg at a - dammit, I knew I forgot something today.

Since 6522 Days
I'll pay anything they want... lol
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Since 6718 Days
If these maps are free on PC I'm gonna fucking flip. I'd say that I refuse to buy them but I really enjoy the game and am very excited for new maps.
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Strange memories on this nervous night in Las Vegas. Has it been five years? Six? It seems like a lifetime.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7112 Days
Posted by deftangel
Interesting to see if they are released officially on the PC as they would have to charge the same amount for them if that's right. Can't see that going down well.
There's absolutely no system in place that would prevent people from ripping new official maps as "custom" maps and installing them on legit servers. It's impossible for them to sell these maps on the PC without themselves getting ripped off (oh the irony). We'll see how true all of these DLC "rules" are very soon.. isn't Valve releasing a map pack on XBL at a premium and supplying the same maps on the PC for free?

Oh and LOL @ the price. $10 for a map pack.. or 1/5th the cost of the actual game. Hilarious. This console generation has ruined a post release support model that has worked for a decade+. Thanks, publishers+consumers.
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Since 6718 Days
Valve do not want to charge but it doesn't seem like they have much choice. It makes me so fucking angry that I, as a console gamer, have to pay for something that PC gamers get for free. The game is cheaper to buy in the first place! WTF?
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Strange memories on this nervous night in Las Vegas. Has it been five years? Six? It seems like a lifetime.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7112 Days
Posted by TheBeagle
Valve do not want to charge but it doesn't seem like they have much choice. It makes me so fucking angry that I, as a console gamer, have to pay for something that PC gamers get for free. The game is cheaper to buy in the first place! WTF?
Blame Microsoft.. oh no wait, blame EA that's EAsier to deal with.
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Since 7234 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
Oh and LOL @ the price. $10 for a map pack.. or 1/5th the cost of the actual game. Hilarious. This console generation has ruined a post release support model that has worked for a decade+. Thanks, publishers+consumers.
OR you can blame all the people that buy into this crap.

This is just pathetic. We are talking about the best sold game of 2007 by a HUGE margin, and this is how they say "thank you"? What a bunch of fucking losers. The greed is strong in this one. Pathetic.

But then again you have........
Posted by rob230
I'll pay anything they want... lol
WOW. And then you have those who say "what do you expect, developers need to get paid!", lol, the ignorance is strong.

Oh well. And then you have the patheticness that it is games like Metal Gear online, lol. That one is just too freaking much.

I don't support milking, rehashes and crappy games. But they will continue to be as long as there is a majority, or at least a "profitable enough" segment.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7112 Days
Posted by LEBATO
WOW. And then you have those who say "what do you expect, developers need to get paid!", lol, the ignorance is strong.
That's why I said publishers+consumers. I wouldn't blame the developers to be honest.. as we've seen multiple examples of developers this generation wanting to offer free post release support and basically being told "no" by their respective publishers. They believe that this is the best way to maximize profits, so this is the route they're most likely to take.

Now we can't ignore the fact that these publishers are running a business and that people are willing to pay for what was once free, and that's why we have to let consumers (which includes many of us) take some of the accountability for the current market trends.

The one thing that really gets me is.. that Epic is running a business too, as a strong indy developer of both games and massively licensed technology. Mark Rein's position on this issue really does make a lot of sense, from the perspective of running a business. Some people don't seem to understand that offering free support can just be another approach to maximizing your popularity and as an extension of that your profits. Mark gets it.. but he can't convince the cronies at Microsoft of the same.

That's really a shame, because I've always thought about Microsoft as a company that looks at the big picture. They don't mind putting their money into programs that appear to fail at the gate, if it gets their foot into the doorway of an industry. It really does seem like they're looking at short term returns as the ultimate answer here, which isn't necessarily always what is best for business.
Posted by TheBeagle
Valve do not want to charge but it doesn't seem like they have much choice. It makes me so fucking angry that I, as a console gamer, have to pay for something that PC gamers get for free. The game is cheaper to buy in the first place! WTF?
If that's true than this whole, "what's free on one platform must be free on the Xbox" line I keep hearing from people (hi deft!) is already false.. and honestly if that is false you shouldn't be mad, you should rejoice that there's still at least one facet of gaming that hasn't been dirtied by bad business practices.

And then buy a new videocard and come over to the dark side.
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Since 7234 Days
Oh, sorry, I read that as developers for some reason.

And yes, they are running a business, I do understand them. It is just sad though. Next thing we know we'll be charged for demos, and basically their advertising.
And I'm happy to say I'm not included.

"Some people don't seem to understand that offering free support can just be another approach to maximizing your popularity and as an extension of that your profits."

EXACTLY! That is what I've been saying for a long long time. There is basically no incentives to anything anymore. Now it is just take it or leave it, thank you and bye, buy our next [fill in the blank].

And you are right about MS, and pretty much all companies doing this crap. And looking just at the short term is not only not always the best, it is NEVER the best thing to do. It should never be this way.

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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Since 6522 Days
Yeah but i'm stupid, I spend £50 on a friday night and all I get is a hangover and the occasional meaningless coitus lol.

More seriously, it's just THIS game... I know i'll get a good ROI. Premium DLC can go suck my balls otherwise. Especially Themes and Picture packs which imho are laughable
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Since 6522 Days
New map videos here:

Liking Creek at lot, Killhouse looks like they ran out of ideas lol
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Since 7750 Days
If they really charge 800 points for this it's an extra big FU to the fans.. Instead of rewarding everybody that bought the game and keeps it alive online they abuse their succes by wanting to charge extra because they know plenty of people will buy it anyway because the game is so popular.. This really shows their greed..
Posted by GriftGFX
And then buy a new videocard and come over to the dark side.
I wouldn't call the PC the darkside.. Maybe the industry likes to view at it that way now becuase of it's openness, less willing to bend over consumers (and resulting piracy), but for me it's still the #1 gaming platform regardless it's decline compared to the consoles.. I'd rather spend extra on my hardware and not have the feeling being milked for every penny when I want to play games on it (especially online), then go console-only..

And yes, the gamers that keep buying all the crap are the main reason why this all happens now, because if it doesnt sell the industry wouldn't use this buisinessmodel in the 1st place.. People like rob230 bassicly spoil it for everybody else (but I'm sure he doesn't give a ****, or is simply ignorant about it)..

The future of gaming looks grim if this goes on.. I hope at some point most (console)gamers will wake up and see the picture..
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Since 6871 Days
Well, I'm starting to understand why they ask for money. And starting to think that we as consumers are greedy? Why SHOULD their work be free?

I don't mind that they ask money for them, but it should be an amount that corresponds to the game's price. Seeing as COD4 cost me 40e, i wont pay fourth of the cost for the maps. If they were something like 2-3e I would gladly pay that amount just because it's a price they deserve.
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Since 7750 Days

We're not that far of from people defending having to pay for trailers and demo's.. Those things also cost money to make, so why SHOULD they be free??

Companies like MS did a really good job of rewriting the rules of DLC and online gaming.. Things that were free for over a decade are now premium, and plenty of people think that's 'normal'..
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Since 7234 Days
Posted by LEBATO
WOW. And then you have those who say "what do you expect, developers need to get paid!", lol, the ignorance is strong.
Posted by Julukku
Well, I'm starting to understand why they ask for money. And starting to think that we as consumers are greedy? Why SHOULD their work be free?
Well, what can I say.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Since 6718 Days
800 points confirmed at 420's blog. It says similar pricing for the PS3. Maps early to mid- April. No word about the PC but, come on, they are not going to charge for them on PC. Surely not?
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Strange memories on this nervous night in Las Vegas. Has it been five years? Six? It seems like a lifetime.

Since 6522 Days
I imagine someone will just recreate them for PC themselves... there's already a TV Station one
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Since 7750 Days
Posted by TheBeagle
800 points confirmed at 420's blog. It says similar pricing for the PS3. Maps early to mid- April. No word about the PC but, come on, they are not going to charge for them on PC. Surely not?
Well, there you have your extra big FU.. Instead of making it cheaper (or even free) because the game already sold so well they manage to make it more expensive then the expected 400 points because all they can see is the extra money it will bring in because so many will buy it anyway (because the suckers are hooked to the game)..

IW and MS's way of saying thanks to all the fans.. ;)

And offcourse they will not release them on PC.. MS probably made sure of that.. And those damn PC pirates don't derserve their 'thanks' anyway (sarcasm)..
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7112 Days
No wai, developers wouldn't make money without premium DLC.

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Since 6857 Days
Posted by rob230
New map videos here:

Liking Creek at lot, Killhouse looks like they ran out of ideas lol
Those new maps look pretty awful and very 'samey'. For 800 points its not gonna happen.
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Street Fighter 4... Believe.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7112 Days
The Caratan remake looks awesome.
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Since 6718 Days
Right, cause theres already a map set in San Fransisco in COD4. Chinatown for crying out loud. So cool. The only one which looks similar to any of the current maps is Creek. Looks reminiscent of Overgrown. But even then it is going to play vastly different. Weren't those three maps for Halo 800 points?
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Strange memories on this nervous night in Las Vegas. Has it been five years? Six? It seems like a lifetime.

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