Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6985 Jours
Posté par PlumbDrumb
what I mean is, there shouldn't be room for such debate (on the consoles).
I only own a PC and PS3 so I dont have much decision other than gamepad, being comfortable when I play (I hate playing on a chair infront of a desk, especially with k/m) and a way to get future DLCs if I was interested.

Ah well, I got to see how much a lying shit Crytek is when they kept saying PS3 version is more powerful than 360 and that they can make it look almost close to High Crysis 1 level on PC, this shit proves them wrong.

It surprises me how shitty the 360 version looks like for Homefront while PS3 looks much better.

A developer like KAOS can make this but not Crytek!? And thats unreal engine, on PS3!
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Inscrit depuis 6551 Jours
Posté par Sath
I only own a PC and PS3 so I dont have much decision other than gamepad, being comfortable when I play (I hate playing on a chair infront of a desk, especially with k/m) and a way to get future DLCs if I was interested.

Ah well, I got to see how much a lying shit Crytek is when they kept saying PS3 version is more powerful than 360 and that they can make it look almost close to High Crysis 1 level on PC, this shit proves them wrong.

It surprises me how shitty the 360 version looks like for Homefront while PS3 looks much better.

A developer like KAOS can make this but not Crytek!? And thats unreal engine, on PS3!
I will get it on 360 for the difference in lighting personally
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7119 Jours
Posté par Sath
It surprises me how shitty the 360 version looks like for Homefront while PS3 looks much better.
Really? There's like no lighting in those PS3 screens. Image quality is definitely nice though.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6985 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Really? There's like no lighting in those PS3 screens.
Yet everything else look better.
En réponse à
GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7119 Jours
That's a pretty huge sacrifice, and a few of those screens really aren't very different. There's clearly more detail in bits of the PS3 scenes, and some texture/pop-in problems in a few of the 360 scenes, but the flat lighting makes it look silly. It's definitely not something that I'd be parading around as a huge victory, especially when you're comparing it to a game that's much, much more advanced on every platform. Homefront is pretty stale even on the PC. Basically: It doesn't even look good for a UE3 game, and comparing it to what Crytek is doing is sorta nonsense.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6985 Jours
I wasent comparing it.
I was just saying how those guys made the PS3 version of a unreal engine game, which is not good on PS3, be so good, while Crytek cant even do half of that good job and thats their own engine.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7119 Jours
They didn't though.. the game looks like it's using a lighting model from 2005.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6985 Jours
I just dont understand Crytek.
Arent they suppose to be the graphics gods, coming from a PC, so they have to have enough knowledge since Crysis 1 on how to make the best visual game, even on the "limited" consoles.

I mean I look at Uncharted 3 trailer again for good measures and I am in awe of how much the PS3 is capable of, yet Crytek couldnt even make Crysis 2 720p native, let alone the rest.

Not only that, but on Pc they didnt even add specific game settings like previous titles.
Now its pre-fixed on 3 settings and a Vsync, so now we have to manually "mod" it to our liking which is BS IMO. Now I dont have DX11, but I am sure hardcore PC gamers are pissed for that, according to the forums LOL.

Uncharted 1-3 and Killzone 2-3 is still the king of console graphics IMO, so much for Crytek "maximizing the PS3", what a joke.
En réponse à
GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7119 Jours
You should expect as much by now. How many multiplatform titles suffer on the PS3? Nearly all of them. We've heard it from countless developers: The PS3 requires an extraordinary amount of effort. That's what you get when you have hardware that's so foreign from everything else. It's not a coincidence that all of the titles you've mentioned are first party exclusives. And yes, they put horrendous restrictions on the PC SKU, but are they lazy? Hell, they probably had to do more work to remove legacy features from Crysis 2! This is hardly the case of developers slacking off. Making a game for three separate platforms simultaneously is a lot of work, and the PS3 requires too much extra love to warrant putting in the extra effort, especially when software sales on that platform lag behind the Xbox anyway.
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Inscrit depuis 6523 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
especially when software sales on that platform lag behind the Xbox anyway.
there is a reason for that tho, one which goes full circle on what you're talking about. the actual quality of the product. do developers honestly expect their lazy ports to succeed on the PS3? maybe if they put more effort into them they'd sell better? clearly that's too crazy of a notion for most devs tho. they see poor sales and blame it on the userbase itself rather then blaming themselves for making a terrible version of the same game.

this is why i like owning all systems. i play the game on the console with the better version. in this case, i'll be renting crysis 2 on the 360.
En réponse à
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6985 Jours
I know that I should have expected as much, but when you expect Crytek, the supposed graphical kings from PC side, to make a sequal to one of the best visual games out there to come out with a sequal, and they kept saying in interviews how much they were pushing the PS3, enough that it was close to High/very high settings on PC for Crysis 1, you expected something like Uncharted and Killzone level for consoles.

But yet, its not like that at all.
What I dont understand is why they keep lying and saying it looks identical even now (yes Nathan Carmillo said that in the PS blog), they make the PS3 owners look like idiots who dont know anything at all, even though the facts are out there and they are saying otherwise.

Besides, games like Dragon Age, Dead Space, Homefront, MW2...etc. they look identical on both platforms (with some big exceptions with Homefront), but yet Crytek couldnt do it.
It is lazy IMO from their part. And It hink I read an interview long time ago that they were making each version seperetly, no ports.

You are telling me, a company like Bioware or say Visceral Games, that has never made a graphical benchmark on any platform before can push out equal quality on both consoles, while Crytek cant do it (let alone make it 720p native resolution), after so many months for the last what, 2 years now, they kept showing CryEngine 3 tech demo and walkthroughs of how they could change one thing on one platform and make the other ones look identical.

Sorry but I am not buying it, Crytek screwed up with this title on consoles, they were better off just making it for PC exclusively.

Anyways, I am leaning towards PC version for Crysis 2, and I didnt have much problem with gamepad on PC demo, worked great which surprised me LOL
En réponse à
SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7142 Jours
In a sales context the irony is that your rental doesn't actually earn EA/Crytek a single dime. :)
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Inscrit depuis 6523 Jours
Posté par SimonM7
In a sales context the irony is that your rental doesn't actually earn EA/Crytek a single dime. :)
and it shouldnt. the game isnt good enough to give them my money.... on either console. the hit detection alone just kills the game completely. but it WILL sell a ton more on the 360 anyway, becasue if a PS3 owner has any sense, they'd avoid this like the plague. i can't beleive a crytech game looked THIS bad...
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Inscrit depuis 5827 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
and it shouldnt. the game isnt good enough to give them my money.... on either console. the hit detection alone just kills the game completely. but it WILL sell a ton more on the 360 anyway, becasue if a PS3 owner has any sense, they'd avoid this like the plague. i can't beleive a crytech game looked THIS bad...
Well that is just like your opinion man, I found it awesome and sure as hell they deserve my money for my 360 copy!
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Real Madrid C.F. fan.

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6985 Jours
Saw this posted at Neogaf,is this for real?

The 360 has some slight better textures but that seems to be due to the blacks are quite darker, nothing that brightness option cant do (I went from default 35 to 25, looks nice). And the colors are more vibrant (which I adjusted my TV for that as well which is no issue).
The PS3 is casting more shadow and has better detailed on the wall in the far away to the right.
And the ground detail looks much better on PS3 too, especially those on far, while the 360 looks washed out.

Just going by these two images, I prefer the PS3 version (with Brightness turned down a bit).
Its weird really, Crytek should say how old the demos are and if we should expect anything from retail compared to the demo.

I remember even Bioware said the demo for DA2 was old and had issues with framerate, buggy cutscenes...etc. and will be fixed by the time the full game is out.
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Inscrit depuis 6191 Jours
I expect the ps3 version is MUCH more recent, the 360 one is from months ago at least. Not that thats the reason for the differences, there are very obvious AA and AF disparities, not to mention extra shadowing on the PS3. Even the gun is higher detail on the PS3, it's quite a shocking jump in quality between the two tbh.
En réponse à
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6985 Jours
The demo that was released along with PC version surely must be as new as the PS3 demo no? only difference being one was releaseda week earlier.

But after playing it more, I am starting to *sigh* accept it and like it.
I turned the brightness all the way to 0 from 25 (default 35) and it definitely helps to get it in those nice blacks which I find nice.

Only thing I wish is if they could make the game 720p native so it doesnt look blurry so much, having 720p native on a 720p native HDTV will increase the quality of the look of the game, will look sharper, more details will show up...etc.

There is a patch coming for PS3 soon that Crytek mentioned, probably to fix the connection issues, which I dont have anymore, not even hard to find matches (people dont seem to like Crash Site LOL)

One thing that went crazy a few minutes ago I played was the frame rate, once you get in Orbital Strike and you look at it (except being from far away) the framerate will get very low.
The frame rate overal can be sometimes annoying, but nothing a patch cant fix.

Is it possible for Crytek to patch in a 720p resolution on consoles? I am guessing in this day and age, patch can do alot of stuff, so if thats possible I would love to see a patch to make the game look native 720p and fixing the framerate.
The rest, I think it looks very good.

I personally recommend to turn the brightness all the way to 0, you will notice a nice difference.

From a gameplay standpoint, this is the shooter that fits my play style the best!
Sprinting fast and then slide and shoot while dodging bullets, or cloak and sprint to stealth attack and if someone is shooting, slide behind cover.
Just sprint and then slide, go into armor, dodge some bullets and go in for the kill, pure badassery!

I am, most of the time, coming on top 3 and being the "most valueable player" LOL, same goes to PC demo when I played, and I played with 360 controller :)
I love the gameplay in Crysis games, for that I respect Crytek very much.

Can't wait for next week :D
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Inscrit depuis 6191 Jours
I thought the 360 demo was just a re-release of the beta version from ages ago.

Also, changing the game resolution is technically possible, but only if they aren't using the ps3 resources, which im sure they are. It's more the console hardware thats limiting the resolution and frame rate.
En réponse à
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6985 Jours
The first demo was a stress test "beta". The one released along with PC was the latest one. Now how old the demos on 360 and PS3 are, we dont know.

Hardware limitations isnt an issue to get 720p native and have good enough framerate, other games has done it before.
Now from experience, one of them is Uncharted games, native 720p, runs and looks great.

I think its more about Crytek, their engine and how well they can utilize it on consoles.
IF, Crytek can patch in a 720p resolution and decrease the framerate, or atleast make it 720p native through a patch, then I will be super happy.

The reason why I am pissed is because its not 720p native, thats the reason why it looks blurry.
Its the blurry part that I am dissapointed in, not the shadows, textures...etc. those are fine, because once the 720p native is available then those other parts will show itself better.
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Inscrit depuis 6523 Jours
PS3 has REALLY bad respawn texture pop-up, the world looks like a blurry mess when you respawn, and it's noticable enough to be incredibly annoying, even if it goes after a few seconds. but the pop-up in general is far less noticable on the PS3, stuff doesnt appear in front of you, it seems to have a smoother, better LOD system. the 360 generally has better close up textures, but the PS3 version has better distant textures, effects and details that simply arnt there at all in the 360 demo? but i agree, it's the resolution and perfrmance that kill the PS3 version (that and the crappy hit detection that is present in both) it looks lower res then COD:BLOPS and that was already painfully low res on the PS3, but at least it ran silky smooth. crysis 2 not only looks bad on the PS3, but performs bad too.
En réponse à
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6985 Jours
The Pc had bad spawn textures as well, and I had it on Advanced and Hardcore.
Once you respawn in the game once in the beginning, the issue is there only once, it wont show up again, until the next match. Besides, it only takes short seconds for everything to show itself.

Resolution for me is the worse thing about the PS3 version, thats the reason why it looks blurry.
Perfomance, its mixed, sometimes its good and smooth and sometimes its bad.

Hit detection is very good IMO, dont know what you are talking about.

If only they could make it 720p and fix the frame rate!
En réponse à
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6985 Jours
Two more comparison shots from all 3 versions, its big so I will link them.

Now in those images, PS3 version looks fantastic IMO, you can see how the anisotropic is slightly better on PS3 (watch image 1).
But the reason why PS3 looks much better from the actual demo running on a HDTV is because the images are scaled down, so if anything it will look better.

Crytek really needs to patch in 720p if possible, would do a big difference :(
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Inscrit depuis 5827 Jours
You should worry about the actual game and not this resolution crap lols.


Cant wait baby!! will kill some Ceph ass real good!!
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Real Madrid C.F. fan.

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6985 Jours
Says the 360 owner who has it easy :(

But yeah, interms of gameplay and game, I have faith in Crytek.
From all the videos I seen, there is not one of them that I hate or just say "meh". Except the music in the background which ruins the vibe for me LOL

Game is gonna be badass for us gamers who want characters to act like a badass and not a regular soldier grunt :P
Cant wait to go Rambo with some Solid Snake in the game, but mostly Rambo + ninja LOL

PS. I love the name Ceph :)
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Inscrit depuis 5827 Jours
Rambo + Ninja + Badass voiced suit(Thane/Legion) = Pure Badassery!!
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Real Madrid C.F. fan.

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