reneyvane @face2papalocust: On ferait mieux dans discuter sur le forum et le topic PS5 ? (il y a 3 Heures)
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Driftwood Rendez-vous à 17h00 pour un direct de 40 minutes sur Returnal (il y a > 3 Mois)
Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2
360 pics
I took all from the first 5 minutes or so. I can't say much about performance yet but I think I might need to lower some AA later on. Overall I say it looks really impressive so far.
Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2
I took all from the first 5 minutes or so. I can't say much about performance yet but I think I might need to lower some AA later on. Overall I say it looks really impressive so far.
Real Madrid C.F. fan.
I knew Crytek would deliver something great, but never even remotly imagined this quality and effects on my 360
Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2
A bit blurry looking but it looks awesome when playing.
Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2
So sexy!
So sexy!
Real Madrid C.F. fan.
Played bit, loved it. I'm enjoying it even more than the first too, combat is very satisfying, i'm only missing speed power, but the rest is great. Glad i didn't wait.
Sure it has a few bugs here and there, and we all can hope they patch the game to fix them.
Now the MP, I really like it, but on PC I refuse to play with mouse.
One, the mouse is badly implemented in the game and second, I suck with the mouse and I am more comfortfable with gamepad.
In the demo they had slight auto-aim for gamepad but they removed it completely which makes the gamepad useless shit.
I tried very hard to be good with it but those with mouse has 2 advantages while gamepad (which traditionally must have slight auto aim) has speed and accuracy.
If they removed auto aim for the gamepad from MP then why bother adding it in the first place.
That being said, as a fanboy of Crysis, I decided to buy it on PS3 as well, yes yes, I refuse to buy 2 copies of the same game, lucky for Crytek, its a badass game LOL.
2 reasons why I bought it on PS3 is 1) MP, everyone has controllers and slight auto aim. 2) when my sister is using the PC I can play it on PS3 and vice versa. So I am covered to play Crysis 2 regardless.
PS3 version looks very good, the blurryness is something I forget within a few minutes when I am playing it, but like I said before, the blurryness IMO makes the game look a bit more like going to theaters and watching a movie, has that smooth filter to it, I cant explain it much but yeah.
But anyways, textures and all looks fantastic even for a low resolution, especially walls made out of bricks or the SCAR weapon detail, great design.
On Pc it looks fantastic, I get around 40-50 FPS on Very High on 1680x1050 resolution, so when I want graphical eyecandy, I got the PC for it, and Mp for PS3, its all good.
Bugs, there is alot of them!
For example...
Sometimes you cant melee at all nor shoot, until you switch weapons and go back to previous weapon.
You cant grab an enemy even though your energybar is full.
Game loads in a infinite loop, game freezes when you resume a certain checkpoint, so you are forced to play from the beginning or "force quit" and restart the game.
Music in the menu plays sometimes plays 2 tracks on top of eachother.
AI sometimes runs towards the wall and doesnt stop.
I experienced these issues on PS3 AND PC, I am sure 360 has these issues as well.
All I can hope is for them to patch these issues, or else its a great game, IMO, best FPS I have far.
Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2
Change your name :P
AI is also incredibly stupid a lot of the time. some running into walls until you run up and break their neck, some standing idly by as you pretty much waltz right by them, aliens and soldiers existing peacefully, when they should be killing each other...and the amount of times i've had entire groups of enemies kill THEMSELVES with their own grenades...well, i've lost count.
the story is a bit throwaway too, and not really holding my interest at all, and i am hoping there is more environmental and strategical variety later in the game,. because atm i'm getting a FEAR vibe from the repetitive city street environments and it's making them look a little less impressive for it. same goes for the strategy elements. i've seen one too many drainage/sewer system shortcuts now. and it's starting to feel like that's their only way to have a "stealth route"??
but despite the flaws, i'm still enjoying it a lot, and it certainly looks purdy
Wandering Bear cures vaginas
I dont remember exactly how I did it but give this one a go.
1. Load Crysis 2
2. uncheck "remember me" below the log in info there is "modify" click on it and type your serial key in various ways like all lower keys no dashes nor spaces, or lower keys with dashes...etc.
3. re-type your login info name and password.
4. Go to MP.
5. Go back to SP.
6. quit.
7. Load Crysis 2
8. In Log In menu see if by the "Modify" there are some coded symbols with 4 last digits is showing, if so, then it works.
9. log in and check "Remember Me" and have fun.
I did this and it worked for me.
What doesnt work for me is the stupid promo key that came with my Limited Edition while it worked perfectly on PS3.
I agree with you, alot of glitches, in AI, animation, graphics...its rare but it happens. They need a big patch to fix these stuff.
I played more and more MP and I am loving it!
The only thing I REALLY hate is the fucking cloak + camp or cloak in general!
I hate the fact I cant see my enemies and I can just go into a quick firefight with them.
I can't wait to rank 28 so I can unlock Classic mode, no nanosuit powers, it will be like CoD but in Crysis universe LOL
Another thing I really hate is how bullshit the kills get.
I shoot the enemies with around 30 bullets and they wont die and they shoot me with 2-3 bullets and I die, with full health, and armor, I mean wtf?
And the kill cam is HORRIBLE! Doesnt show exactly how the gun reacted nor where I got shot in the body. All slow mo bullets 99% goes to the head automatically, eh.
The MP is so damn fun if they removed the cloak. Armor can be countered with I dont mind, but the damn cloak + campers, I keep saying this shit isnt Call of Duty, fucking run!
BTW, to those having PC version, is it me or is the mouse horribly implemented in the game?
Its too "off" dont know how to explain it, its just damn weird.
I played Homefront a bit on PC and the first time I played with the mouse, I LOVED it, I kept saying "how the fuck could Crytek screw up with this mouse while Homefront nailed it so perfectly".
The motion and smoothness of mouse in Homefront is great while Crysis 2 is crap.
I even downloaded the config program, checked mouse smooth and all that, its still weird, unless I decrease the smooth, but then I might as well play with gamepad.
I know, Crysis 1/Warhead was awesome with mouse.
On PS3 for example sometimes when you Resume campaign some of the HUD is blurred out, so I have to exit the entire game and go in it again and resume the game so its fixed.
getting a ton of glitches tho, i think i'm over the half way point now, and i'm really not liking the combat with the squid heads. they're the one and only enemy type now, and they're not very fun to fight, you can mess with them as much as the soldiers. i dunno. so far i've enjoyed the first quarter more then the second. but i hear the second half is awesome.
Wandering Bear cures vaginas
I used these commands in my shortcut exe file, it works like a charm!
Just increase the in-game mouse sensitivity to 40-45 and you are good to go.
I did that and I was having tons of fun with mouse, great movement, it wasent jerky like before.
I recommend you guys on PC that has default mouse issue to try this out.
Now I can actually have some fun and just a matter of time to "get into" the k/m :)