Dragon Age 2 - Demo Confirmed Feb 22con

Inscrit depuis 6518 Jours
Posté par Sath
Too bad you dont enjoy a better combat engine in DA2, you always have your boring slow Origins :P
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Inscrit depuis 6000 Jours
If you lived in Korns world you would understand :)
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Prepare To Drop!!

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6980 Jours
Posté par BLackHawkodst
If you lived in Korns world you would understand :)
I rather quit gaming :P
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Inscrit depuis 7043 Jours
I see where Korn is coming from

It'd be nice if there were more depth to the combat. Look at Batman. It had single button presses or sometimes it implemented a shoulder button but it required some skill. They simply made linking and timing part of the game.
It's not whether the first or second game is better. Each style is different and neither are perfect by any means. In fact I'd say both combat systems are pretty bad.

This demo was boring. "Point, tap tap tap tap" cut scene, here comes more "Point, tap tap tap tap". Bioware are slipping.

The real thing missing is the ability to play co-op 4 player in this. Gauntlet Legends style. Imagine 4 customizable characters.
Not to mention the AI really makes me wish I had human players.
The graphics are certainly at a level where that is feasible.

Comparing this game to ME2, ME2 is leaps and bounds above it. Is it fair to compare the two though?

ME2 made you feel more "awesome" because it was more of an action game than the original and pretty much dumped most of what made ME1 what it was. This is the generation of making things easy to swallow, more action based, movie thrill rides.
Bioware are certainly falling victim to it. It's probably easier/cheaper to make games like this rather than develop the systems they used to in their games.
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Inscrit depuis 6000 Jours
It has more depth in combat than DAO so if you liked that then you will like this, KOrn is spewing nothing but negatives from a 40min demo, this is an RPG.
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Prepare To Drop!!

Inscrit depuis 6997 Jours
Don't worry if this was PS3 exclusive we all know KORN would be singing a different tune.

Game is fine, I haven't played the console version but on PC its great, the diificult setting requires a more stratigical play style also, its far from standing there mashing the A/X button.
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

Inscrit depuis 7043 Jours
I wish there were a way to change the difficulty setting on console. It might seem less like a mash game
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Inscrit depuis 6997 Jours
Oh I didn't mean to imply that the PC demo has difficulty settings, just that from what Bioware have said you can't just hack and slash in the more difficult game modes.
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
Ah i see Korn talking his normal bollocks as per norm.
Posté par Tinks
I wish there were a way to change the difficulty setting on console. It might seem less like a mash game
On the Demo the 'Normal' difficulty is locked in, i wanted to up this also, sucks that you could not, Hard level is the only way to play any RPG, thats where the deep combat and stratergy really come's into it.
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Inscrit depuis 6518 Jours
Posté par Jollipop
Don't worry if this was PS3 exclusive we all know KORN would be singing a different tune.
i fucking well wouldnt. if this was exclusive to ANY system i'd be embarrassed. are you people blind and deaf? do you not hear the utterly horrendous voice acting, in the first 5 minutes, the woman says "bullshit"...bullshit? really? could you imagine aragorn sprewing out such a modern phrase in LOTRs? the dialogue in general is terrible. i dunno if bioware rushed it out, or if they just didnt put as much effort in as usual. but this is like british TV medieval drama (robin hood, merlin). it's like fucking herculeas or Xena, it is so unbelievably under-par for a bioware game i'm surprised people are just bending over and taking it tbh? if this wasnt called dragon age, and the bioware name wasnt attatched to it, i'm pretty damn sure people wouldnt be singing it's praises. i've played better movie tie-in's then that brown, boring, demo.

clearly i'm in the minority here. but this has nothing to do with my fanboyism, this is just a terrible, TERRIBLE demo. and what makes it worse is that it's a sequel to a game i fucking LOVED....pisses me off.
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Inscrit depuis 5749 Jours
So i played the PC demo... plays better i guess but what the fuck is up with the graphics?
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Currently playing: Bad Company 2(PC), Uncharted 2(PS3), Dead Space (PS3)

Inscrit depuis 5301 Jours
The voice acting is def no worse than DA.O, Did you not hear the Flemeth section well thats the same actress that did DA.O, how any sane person can write of an RPG from 10mins of conversation in a demo is beyond me, but by some of the responses i've been reading, its all starting to make sense.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6980 Jours
I do agree with KORNdog about the "bullshit" or any modern phrases in a fantasy setting, it is unacceptable IMO.
But the rest, DA Origins was no better in dialogue.
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Inscrit depuis 6518 Jours
Posté par sanex
The voice acting is def no worse than DA.O, Did you not hear the Flemeth section well thats the same actress that did DA.O, how any sane person can write of an RPG from 10mins of conversation in a demo is beyond me, but by some of the responses i've been reading, its all starting to make sense.
what hope doesn an entire 25 hour RPG have when they can't even get 10 minutes right?

and don't for one second think i'm rwriting it off over dialgue, script and voice acting...oh no. it isnt JUST those things, it's the pathetically dumbed down gameplay, the sound design, the jerky, crappy animations, the art style (i've never seen such a unfitting main character with such an unfitting, amature voice) i can't say a good thing about it. it bored me to tears, and looked bland and technically terrible. they've destroyed one of the few series i enjoyed enough to BUY. i've played some utterly shit demo's in my time, but non, NON as dissapointing as that.

it was like bioware has outsourced the game to some no-name grad student development studio, who proceeded to do the voice work one lunch time while they where at it.

i'd much rather play fable 3 then this, and i hate that game.
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Inscrit depuis 5301 Jours
Well i guess the silver lining to this cloud, is your not getting this game, so i dont have to listen to your insane ramblings on it.
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Inscrit depuis 6997 Jours
Posté par sanex
The voice acting is def no worse than DA.O, Did you not hear the Flemeth section well thats the same actress that did DA.O, how any sane person can write of an RPG from 10mins of conversation in a demo is beyond me, but by some of the responses i've been reading, its all starting to make sense.
TBF Flemeth is one of the better voiced in the demo, the dwafrs voice acting is pretty good as is the rogue type female at the end.

I didn't think it was all that bad overall though, I thought the main character design is pretty good (although customisation is key in these games) his voice is a bit too upper crust but I can live with it.
Well i guess the silver lining to this cloud, is your not getting this game, so i dont have to listen to your insane ramblings on it.
I wouldn't bet on that :P
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

Inscrit depuis 6518 Jours
Posté par Jollipop
I wouldn't bet on that :P
too true, i rent games remember...WMAHAHAHA. but in all honesty, i dont even think i could rent this steaming pile.
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Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
Posté par sanex
Well i guess the silver lining to this cloud, is your not getting this game, so i dont have to listen to your insane ramblings on it.
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Inscrit depuis 5822 Jours
KORN is talking like if he already beated the game, this is a demo of a 50 hour game lols.
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Real Madrid C.F. fan.

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6980 Jours
Posté par IRAIPT0IR
KORN is talking like if he already beated the game, this is a demo of a 50 hour game lols.
Pretty much half and a bit more, of the talents and skills are locked, i want more.
I want to be as badass if not, more as I was in the very first gameplay segment.
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Inscrit depuis 6986 Jours
Posté par Sath
Pretty much half and a bit more, of the talents and skills are locked, i want more.
I want to be as badass if not, more as I was in the very first gameplay segment.
Wouldn't it have been absolutely badass if one of the things they locked in the Mage class is the ability to turn into a dragon like Flemeth? I mean if I'm going to be an apostate then why not go all the way? And what a way that would have been to reward the player who picks the Mage class. Unfortunately, the Shapeshifting specialization is gone as well. I was kind of hoping Bioware would have expanded upon that specialization, allowing us to turn into giant wolves, hawks (after the character's namesake) and of course dragons.

I guess with the majority of the game taking place in Kirkwall, Bioware felt this specialization was no longer needed :(
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6980 Jours
Turn into a dragon? funny because I asked Flemeth herself if she could teach me, but she laughed at me :( hehe
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Inscrit depuis 6986 Jours
Posté par Sath
Turn into a dragon? funny because I asked Flemeth herself if she could teach me, but she laughed at me :( hehe
Actually if it's Flemeth who's doing the laughing it's more Ha-Ha! lol
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Inscrit depuis 6518 Jours
Posté par IRAIPT0IR
KORN is talking like if he already beated the game, this is a demo of a 50 hour game lols.
i'm actually talking like a hated the demo, becasue i did hated the demo.

i'll never talk about how much i hate the full game tho, becasue chances are, i'm never going to play it... why would i after that demo?
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Inscrit depuis 5822 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
i'm actually talking like a hated the demo, becasue i did hated the demo.

i'll never talk about how much i hate the full game tho, becasue chances are, i'm never going to play it... why would i after that demo?
You are saying things that pretty much could or not apply to the full game, also in what universe is the combat in DAO better than in DA2, it has better animations and its faster a million times more fun and better than Origins, it still has the tactical element too so I dont know what are you complaining about.

But if you like ancient type of combat and animations thats your problem and taste not the Devs and ours.
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