Inscrit depuis 6416 Jours
If you didn't like the previous games i kind of have a feeling you won't like GoW3. I can certainly tell that it looks to play a LOT like the first 3 games :P
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Take a bath!? Get a bike!

Inscrit depuis 6495 Jours
Posté par Megido
If you didn't like the previous games i kind of have a feeling you won't like GoW3. I can certainly tell that it looks to play a LOT like the first 3 games :P
apparently it plays a lot differently once you pick up hermes boots, since you can essentially air dash and move around uber fast. combined with an as yet unanounced weapon, it's ment to feel quite a bit different. i can't imagine it'll change the mind of a non beliver, but it's worth noting.
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Inscrit depuis 6495 Jours
Posté par Nietzsche
You couldn't have missed the point more if you tried. We aren't saying we are upset b/c we don't have other options. We are saying it's insulting that they would charge for something like simple game videos. It's the principle of the business practice that is at issue, not the actual circumstances of the event as you insist on describing.

Everyone is well aware that you can get the vids by other means, but does that make Sony any less guilty for charging for something like this???
No. Fuck no.

You are arguing about whether it's a big deal in terms of the consumer's position. We are arguing that the principle of the business practice is, while not a huge deal overall, still a pretty cheap kick in the nuts. If only b/c of the idea behind charging for something of this nature.

If you cannot understand why some would/should be upset or annoyed by that then your not so subtle blindness for Sony products is far worse than I had ever thought.
but what i'm saying is that the issue people have with sony charging are surely nagated by the fact you can find the same footage elsewhere without any hastle.

if paying for the footage on PSN was the only option to watch the footage, i'd be right there with you guys bitching about it. since it would be completely out of order, but the fact i'm NOT forced to pay for it, and can watch it easily via other means makes it a complete and utter non-issue.

oh, and you realise accusing people of being a fanboy generally places you pretty high within that label yourself. if you wasnt you wouldnt give 2 shits what i or anyone else thought about whatever system. so please, grow the fuck up.
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Inscrit depuis 7076 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
if paying for the footage on PSN was the only option to watch the footage, i'd be right there with you guys bitching about it.
That'd at least make sense though. If you offer the only means of viewing said videos, then you might as well charge because people will have to pay if they want to see them. It just doesn't seem like good business practice otherwise.
oh, and you realise accusing people of being a fanboy generally places you pretty high within that label yourself. if you wasnt you wouldnt give 2 shits what i or anyone else thought about whatever system. so please, grow the fuck up.
That's some faulty logic and a fairly weak attempt at deflecting.
Posté par IRAIPT0IRI
Your comment comes as if you are only want to discuss things for the sake of it,we are in a game forum of course I want to know what game, I mean I have to word by word say what Im talking about? we are in a freaking games forum talking about action games although GoW cant be named that but whatever.
Dude, you can't ask one question then complain when an answer isn't given to a question you didn't even ask. That's just fucking ridiculous.
But you know what forget it either way he is wrong and so as you concerning complicated gameplay if that means NG or Bayonetta,so I will leave that argument alone.
Tell me, how am I wrong? What did I say that could be considered wrong? For that matter, how is he wrong? Seriously, explain why complicated gameplay is definitely better than perfectly adequate gameplay in a completely epic setting with fantastic graphics....taking into account that not everyone enjoys the former.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Inscrit depuis 7034 Jours
Oh christ cant we leave the bayonetta and NG comparisons alone...
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I think i have stood in poo

Inscrit depuis 7076 Jours
I've been sick for a bit or else I would have posted one whole page back...with the rest of you...comparing the games.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Inscrit depuis 7209 Jours
tried out the demo last night, dunno if it was because of the E3 build, but I wasn't amazed, it's a rent for me now at best.

Bayonetta really did raise this particular bar for me. Didn't buy Dantes Inferno either ...
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the only tyrant I accept is my inner voice [and my two kids ;)]

Inscrit depuis 5798 Jours
Posté par Sath
I decided not to get Bad Company 2.

The more I think about the more I know modern realistic type of games isnt for me, has to be supernatural elements (for example RE, Uncharted, Prototype, Alan Wake, Bioshock or sci-fi/futuristic or fantasy in games for me to get interested for starters.
This is pretty much my way of tought too,thats whay I find nathan Drake boring,if aint somothing out of this world or something fantastical I find it boring,Ryu gets a pass cause he is the Super Ninja :P
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6957 Jours
Posté par IRAIPT0IR
This is pretty much my way of tought too,thats whay I find nathan Drake boring,if aint somothing out of this world or something fantastical I find it boring,Ryu gets a pass cause he is the Super Ninja :P
I dont find Drake boring IMO, but the idea of he is a modern and more funnier Indiana Jones with Tomb Raider style saves it (being in ancient sites, treasures, supernatural twists like creatures...etc.).

And everything about NG is supernatural, yes even Ryu.
Since when can ninjas do ninpos? carve a solid circle of rock and hover it up a few feet...etc. I see Ryu as a demigod but yet have to be showned fully what he can do (Near the end of NG1 was a sneak peak).

But you know, I have to Thursday on me if I am going to buy BC2 or not, who knows maybe I will change my mind the last second and buy it. Anythings possible ;)
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Inscrit depuis 6618 Jours
Posté par vspectra06

This is pretty amazing. I could never get into the previous games, but this looks awesome.
Wow, that's some serious sick stuff. Can't wait for this. It will be Epic.

And i stil need to buy that GOW collection box, with the first two games, to replay them.
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Inscrit depuis 5725 Jours
Posté par UrukHaiPT
Wow, that's some serious sick stuff. Can't wait for this. It will be Epic.

And i stil need to buy that GOW collection box, with the first two games, to replay them.
I'm actually in the process of doing this (unfortunately couldn't play last night due to ps3 issues). Its amazing how great the first 2 games look in the GoW collection!
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Currently playing: Uncharted 2, CoDMW2 (PS3), Torchlight (PC)

Inscrit depuis 6443 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
but what i'm saying is that the issue people have with sony charging are surely nagated by the fact you can find the same footage elsewhere without any hastle.

if paying for the footage on PSN was the only option to watch the footage, i'd be right there with you guys bitching about it. since it would be completely out of order, but the fact i'm NOT forced to pay for it, and can watch it easily via other means makes it a complete and utter non-issue.

oh, and you realise accusing people of being a fanboy generally places you pretty high within that label yourself. if you wasnt you wouldnt give 2 shits what i or anyone else thought about whatever system. so please, grow the fuck up.
jesus christ, after all i wrote you STILL missed my point???

everyone is well aware of it being avialable elsewhere, HAVING to pay for it is NOT the point. The PRINCIPLE behind the idea of charging for vids IS the point. It not being the only option has NOTHING to do with it still being a shit move on Sony's part. options aren't why anyone got pissed, business practice is why people got pissed.

As for the attack on my maturity level, trying to say that being annoyed by blatant brand loyalty is somehow immature or being a fanboy itself is probably the worst logic you have used so far. I could give a shit about the PSP or DS, i hate handhelds, but I still get really annoyed if someone says all PSP or DS games are somehow better/worse than the competition.

It's the PRINCIPLE of the idea that matters here agian. Starting to notice a pattern?
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Inscrit depuis 7034 Jours
Dont worry Nietzsche SONY got there just deserves today for this :)
En réponse à

I think i have stood in poo

Inscrit depuis 6443 Jours
Posté par ManThatYouFear
Dont worry Nietzsche SONY got there just deserves today for this :)
lol i guess so. But I still love my PS3 (probably more than the 360 ever since 2009) and Sony's ability to push proper huge budgets at their titles. I just get really annoyed at the uber-hype and brand loyalty stuff. Too much sometimes I'm aware lol.

I think I took the stress from school out on poor KORNdog this week.
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Inscrit depuis 7034 Jours
I love my PS3 as well, but i do see like people/company's getting there just deserves
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I think i have stood in poo

Inscrit depuis 6443 Jours
yeah I hear ya' man.
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Inscrit depuis 6849 Jours
Posté par Nietzsche
lol i guess so. But I still love my PS3 (probably more than the 360 ever since 2009) and Sony's ability to push proper huge budgets at their titles. I just get really annoyed at the uber-hype and brand loyalty stuff. Too much sometimes I'm aware lol.

I think I took the stress from school out on poor KORNdog this week.
Right with you. I have to pay YOU to advertise to ME? WTF?
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Inscrit depuis 7084 Jours
Posté par vspectra06

This is pretty amazing. I could never get into the previous games, but this looks awesome.
most definitely one of the most amazing things I've ever seen 8-O
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Inscrit depuis 5725 Jours
new footage... beware!!! SPOILERS!!! (also just so you know... MIND BLOWN!)
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Currently playing: Uncharted 2, CoDMW2 (PS3), Torchlight (PC)

Inscrit depuis 5798 Jours
Graphics and scale are just out of this gen maybe,most impressive stuff I have ever seen in terms of graphics and scale like I said.

Everything else well.......meh.
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Inscrit depuis 7084 Jours
Posté par scoobs0688
new footage... beware!!! SPOILERS!!! (also just so you know... MIND BLOWN!)
Yeah, that's definitely spoiler material. I was so enthralled I watched half of it. OOPS!

Incredible though, it never seems to skip a beat throughout all of that craziness.
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Inscrit depuis 6618 Jours
Posté par scoobs0688
new footage... beware!!! SPOILERS!!! (also just so you know... MIND BLOWN!)

That looks so fucking great. I have to say i didn't watch all, took some peaks, don't want to be spoiled, but what i saw looked awesome.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6957 Jours
Posté par IRAIPT0IR
Graphics and scale are just out of this gen maybe,most impressive stuff I have ever seen in terms of graphics and scale like I said.

Everything else well.......meh.
This is what I needed, a proper combat footage from the latest built and as I expected its pretty decent.
I kept seeing 3-4 hits though, barely any of them more than 5 hits and non of them looked cool. The hit detection was too soft and bad, the bigger enemies didnt even react unless it was the heavy ground attack or non at all. Basically random hit detection, especially when the blades itself goes further than were the enemies are and the hit doesnt make any sense.

Scale, visuals, music is good but rest is decent.

But, IMO, I wont buy it because the combat will bore me quickly and the scale and visuals are something you watch anyways so I will check it out on youtube when people with proper quality footage has it up.
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Inscrit depuis 5798 Jours
Agreed on everything the only good stuff are the grapchics and scale and like you said that stuff you only see it so a youtube watch is a nice way of doing it,combat on the other hand well.......what you said is pretty accurate so I will not add anything meaningfull at this point.
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Inscrit depuis 6983 Jours
I watched all that spoilerific stuff. Awesome :)
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Halo Reach using 360 tesselation unit extensively.

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of th

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Quoi de neuf ?
  • reneyvane

    reneyvane @Driftwood: à fait un article comparant ça aux pratique d'Ubisoft, en outre, la version disque est du vent, la PS5 lance le téléchargement d'une nouvelle version +83go [url] (il y a 4 Heures)

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