Inscrit depuis 7033 Jours
Posté par Doomsong83
I'd be more humiliated if my parents walked in on me playing Wii if I still lived with them.
My mum walked in on me doing some random woman from a night club that looked like she belonged in big mommas house.. now that was embarrasing.
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I think i have stood in poo

Inscrit depuis 5797 Jours
Posté par Ronsauce
Aside from the bullet time and the lack of cheap boss fights, I prefer the combat in NG2.
Well the combat in NG2 its fantastic and I love it for sure ,it so happens that I prefer Bayonetta in every department.
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Inscrit depuis 6442 Jours
Posté par Ronsauce
I mean, I realize it all comes down to personal preference, but Darksiders didn't have a likeable protagonist, it's combat was shallower that GoW's, the platforming really wasn't any better than GoW's either, and I really didn't find the puzzles that much more engaging. Plus, there was a lot more backtracking through the same ol' areas.
Well again it's all a matter of taste. But to make myself more clear, I HATE Kratos, I mean I just can't stand that character at all. But I agree, the protagonist in Darksiders had too much of a Kratos-esque asshole factor to him. I didn't like him much at all either.

But considering the depth of the puzzles in Darksiders when compared to the "move this block under this wheel" or the amazingly lame guitar hero-esque music puzzle in GoW3, I thought the puzzles in GoW were almost an insult. I just don't understand why they bother if the puzzles are going to be more of a chore to complete than a fun challege to figure out. IN Darksiders, much of the whole dungeon was a puzzle, in GoW it's just minor distractions. Is one better? no, not at all. I'm just explaining why I am VERY confused as to how you could think the puzzles in those two games are honestly on par???? that one really baffled me.

As for the combat, I'd say Darksiders had slightly more challenging combat, especially in terms of enemy attack patterns, but both games are very shallow in the combat department so it's not much of an issue, but Darksiders focused much more on exploration and puzzles so that is why I found the game to be far more fun. GoW focuses much more on combat and while it's all pretty to look at and does a good job giving you a sense of intense presentation, the core gameplay feels redundant for my personal taste.
I'll say this though, both Darksiders and GoW had some seriously lame pathetic boss fights. Maybe it's just me, but when did boss fights become so lame? I miss the days when they were the most fun and challenging parts of action games. Even NG2 did a far worse job than NG did in this department.

I love Zelda to death and Darksiders reminded me enough of Zelda's designs that it put a big ass smile on my face. For fans of more pure action or gamers who are more into the graphics, I can see why God of War has a ton to offer people.

I will say that I think Darksiders is a fantastic addition to the action genre and with more time and polish I can see those guys making a game on par with the amazing Zelda franchise. I sure hope so at least. I just wish the art style wasn't so WoW-esque. That did bother me but after a while I didn't notice anymore so not a huge deal.

I think Santa Monica is a fantastically talented studio though and I expect their next game to deliver a great game.
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Inscrit depuis 5724 Jours
I think the combat in god of war 3 is darn near perfect. It does the amazing thing of making a non-hardcore NG, bayonetta player like myself feel like a true badass when I learn the combos. Its all so fluid and easy to nail down. Plus jesus its beautiful tearing out centaur's guts.
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Currently playing: Uncharted 2, CoDMW2 (PS3), Torchlight (PC)

Inscrit depuis 6494 Jours
finished it now and i'm itching to play it through again. i loved every second of it, graphics surpassed uncharted 2 on a whole, story was finished up perfectly, gameplay was better then the past games due to the new, USEFULL weapons. for me it was pretty much the perfect action game. i liked uncharted 2 more, but GOW3 comes very close. and uncharted 2 held the crown of best console graphics for all of what? 6 months? crazy how fast devs one-up each
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Inscrit depuis 5724 Jours
I think at times GoWIII suprasses uncharted 2, but on the whole... uncharted wins.
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Currently playing: Uncharted 2, CoDMW2 (PS3), Torchlight (PC)

Inscrit depuis 6442 Jours
Posté par scoobs0688
I think at times GoWIII suprasses uncharted 2, but on the whole... uncharted wins.
I'd say uncharted 2 easily wins simply due to better character models, MUCH better animations, and much more detailed environments. God of war 3 used it's fair share of blurry textures, Uncharted 2 was pretty much 100% high res amazingness. I have no idea how someone could think GoW3 looks better unless they didn't pay attention to just how much detail Uncharted 2 offered.

GoW3 looks good, but I'd say it's graphics are much more overrated than Uncharted 2's easily.
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Inscrit depuis 5724 Jours
Kratos model > any model i've seen in a game period. Much more impressive than Drake's model for sure.
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Currently playing: Uncharted 2, CoDMW2 (PS3), Torchlight (PC)

Inscrit depuis 7075 Jours
Posté par Nietzsche
Bunch of stuff about graphics
For someone who doesn't pay much attention to graphics.... blurry textures? Really?
Posté par scoobs0688
Much more impressive than Drake's model for sure.
I agree. Plus, I just really dig the art design in GoW more, and the lighting. And while I enjoy Drake's animations more than Kratos's, the animation of a lot of the enemies was damn impressive.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Inscrit depuis 6442 Jours
I never said I don't pay attention, I just said graphics don't make a good game an amazing game IMO as no matter how great it looks I usually just used to the look and take it for granted before the game is over.

Not a big deal, I was just adding my 2 cents as I am just a really big fan of Uncharted 2's look. If someone wants to crown GoW3 the new graphics king by all fucking means make yourself happy. I just thought U2 deserved more credit...

and as for the blurry textures, it's not like you have to get out a microscope to notice such things, so implying I'm picking the game apart simply by noticing such makes little sense.

But I can tell you are serious about defending this game, whether you admit this or not, so I'll just say no matter what game looks better (and really who fucking cares that much) they both look VERY damn good. Though I'm sure somehow I'll still piss someone off for this OPINION.
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Inscrit depuis 6494 Jours
i dont see how 2 games that are considered to offer the best there is visually on consoles can be considered overrated in any way shape or form. they both look stunning, but GOW just looked better. it's use of motion blur alone makes everything look almost CGi. uncharted 2 looked amazing, but there wasnt a time when i thought it was pre-rendered CGi. animation, sure, uncharted 2 rapes GOW3. but thats just a very small element to the overall visual assault on your eyes. but to each his own i guess.
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Inscrit depuis 6442 Jours
Well I shouldn't have put my two cents in b/c this is already turning into a discussion I want no part of. I'll leave you guys to it And i'm glad you guys are liking the game so much. Nothing like sinking your teeth into a favorite action game, I envy you guys really.
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Inscrit depuis 7075 Jours
Posté par Nietzsche
I never said I don't pay attention
You're right, I must've imagined this:
Posté par Nietzsche
But I'm also that rare gamer that doesn't pay much attention to graphics unless they are REALLY bad.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Inscrit depuis 6442 Jours

did you honestly not realize you quoted me as saying I don't pay MUCH attention to graphics. As I said, I never said I don't pay attention to them, just not MUCH attention, as in I'm not going to feel like anazlying every little pixel. I enjoy good graphics, but they don't (for me usually) make a game far more fun than if the game looked just average. Rainbow Six Vegas (the first one) still gets a lot of co-op miles in my system. Still one of my favorite co-op experiences even though it looks like total crap compared to most other current shooters. But it's still, imo, far more fun to play.

I still find it hard to believe you didn't notice the word "much" though, which obviously changes the meaning from not at all to not a priority. I didn't realize I need to be so careful with my wording on this forum...
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Inscrit depuis 7075 Jours
Posté par Nietzsche
I still find it hard to believe you didn't notice the word "much" though
Posté par Ronsauce
For someone who doesn't pay much attention to graphics.... blurry textures? Really?
As you didn't notice(maybe because your hand was prematurely all up in your face), I was well aware of your inclusion of "much" in there, and I find it baffling that someone who claims to not pay much attention to graphics would criticize such a fantastic-looking game for having blurry textures.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Inscrit depuis 6442 Jours
Holy shit Ron, I already said that God of War 3 is a good looking game, I just pointed out that I don't see why some saying it's the BEST looking game b/c I think that Uncharted 2 looks even better, NOT that GoW3 looks bad. Never did I say that. I only mentioned the blurry textures in the context of comparison to Uncharted 2.

And so what if it has a couple blurry textures??? Do you honestly think I meant that as some huge slam on the game? 99% of all games throw in blurry textures to save room for other things and performance. I don't understand why you are being so insanely defensive about this game like I'm attacking the shit out of it. Yes, a couple blurry textures here and there, more so than U2 for sure... big fucking deal.

So if you would have understood the difference between much, and not using the word much, your quote makes far less sense. That or you are just splitting hairs for the sake of attacking me for not dry humping this game's fucking leg. B/c at this point it's pretty fucking clear no matter what I say if it isn't bowing down to a video game you like you are gonna come up with some silly reason to argue ANOTHER point.

Again, it does NOT require much attention to notice blurry textures (just a few buddy, calm down) when a game zooms in often on things. I still find it really hard to believe you don't agree with that.
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Inscrit depuis 6982 Jours
I don't have God of War 3 myself yet, but I think Uncharted 2 is still easily the more visually impressive of the two games.

God of War's, I believe, artstyle is just something that some are finding to be more preferrable.
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Halo Reach using 360 tesselation unit extensively.

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of th

Inscrit depuis 7075 Jours
Oh, I'm quite calm, and I really don't care if someone thinks another game is better looking; outside of having fun while I'm playing it, I'm not invested in the game at all.
As for using MUCH, we just have different ideas of what it denotes. I wouldn't expect someone who doesn't pay MUCH attention to graphics to weigh-in in a talk about graphics to nit-pick about something that 99% of all games have.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Inscrit depuis 6848 Jours
I always look at graphics differently than others do. First I look at the end result, in this case GOW 3, which is quite amazing btw. Then I start to notice the cheats, and my level of impressed changes. It's like the Halo argument- what do they actually do? GOW gives you Zero control of the camera, which is a pretty big hit for me. by doing this they can maximize geometry in very specific areas because the camera doesn't allow you to see what the dev doesn't want you to.

Don't get me wrong, GOW looks incredible but I give the crown to UC2. Gameplay is more complex, and there are more physics interactions. The lighting is more dynamic. Anyway, both look great, both are top-tier examples of their genres...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Inscrit depuis 6442 Jours
Well that's the point, it wasn't nit-picking. It was just an example of why U2 looks better IMO. I wasn't saying it to attack the game, just to simply point out why U2 is, imo, such an exception.

and you honestly think that is something only people who pay a lot of attention to graphics would be able to appreciate? really?

I think you just took the comment about "much attention" to literally, maybe if i had said "it's not as big a deal for me" we woundn't be going on about this? Would it have then been ok for me to make a comment about graphics, when I never meant to imply I can't see them, just that they don't heavily influence how much I do/don't enjoy a game. In that case I apologize for the poor choice of words...

But just so it is clear, I think the game is visually fantastic. I only meant that U2 still, IMO, deserves the most credit. But maybe only those who are more heavily invested in graphics should have such an opinion.
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Inscrit depuis 5724 Jours
character models on the whole are much better in god of war 3. Otherwise I'd give it to U2.
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Currently playing: Uncharted 2, CoDMW2 (PS3), Torchlight (PC)

Inscrit depuis 7033 Jours
Amazing how fast a game dies on internet forums lol.

GoW3 has gone from OMFG! to..................................Tumbleweed, in matter of momments.
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I think i have stood in poo

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7113 Jours
Well, two main reasons I imagine.

First of all, a high profile title like this, and exclusive at that, people aren't really allowed to like it freely.

For every positive comment and proclamation of enjoyment, the world conjures up - spawns if you will - a person whose sole purpose of coming into a thread about a game is to tell people in there how they're wrong for liking it. The result of that is of course that the opposites of that person - those with huge investment in the platform perhaps? - go into Defcon fucking 5 and the place turns into - not a grounds for mutual appreciation of a neat game - but a warzone.

A warzone where "discussion" is just two hopelessly biased parties headbutting one another without a constructive fiber in their respective adrenaline filled, stupid bodies. That's not a place that'll sustain a semblance of fun conversation about a game.

The irony is that both parties will move on about a week after the release/reviews onslaught for said game, onto a new title with similar "platform quality statement" attributes, leaving the thread open to actual fun discussion. I dunno why that doesn't happen, but I'm guessing people are pretty much burnt out and put off by then.

The second reason is that some games don't really spark conversation because they're not really worth talking about. It's not a qualitative statement even, it's just not possible to talk about them. What are you gonna say? "I totally opened that door when the game wanted me to!" and "how about that boss, that was pretty big!". Linear, "sensation" based games with little depth to them (again, not qualitative statements!) lack flexibility and thus don't really lay a ground for people exchanging stories or impressions. At the most, you can comment on the beats of it.

It's the equivalent of watching a loud action movie, as opposed to something interpretable that provokes thought and discussion.

Threads for games with a broader spectrum usually house quite a lot of proper discussion. RPG threads, threads for games with a long term appeal, replayability, flexible gameplay and so forth.

So uh. Yeah. I uh, I've thought about this some before, I have to admit. :D
I've kinda been trying to crack the whole case of creating an environment for discussing games in a more rewarding, constructive and fun way than the perpetual attack/defense cycle *every forum amounts to*.
En réponse à | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo! - Follow me - Follow Mode-7

Inscrit depuis 7033 Jours
...was only saying *looks at floor while twidling his foot*
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I think i have stood in poo

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7113 Jours
Well I fully agree with your observation, been trying to think of ways of adressing it.
En réponse à | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo! - Follow me - Follow Mode-7

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