Inscrit depuis 6493 Jours
Posté par ManThatYouFear
Amazing how fast a game dies on internet forums lol.

GoW3 has gone from OMFG! to..................................Tumbleweed, in matter of momments.
as simon pointed out, there really isnt that much to say about GOW3. it's amazing, and thats pretty much all you can say about it. you cant really discuss the subtle nuances of the storyline since it's doesnt have that sort of story, you can't really discuss how you played it, since everyone played it the same way (this aint no heavy rain people)....plus, it's a PS3 exclusive...there are about 5 people here who own one/play it regularly, as opposed to say, gametrailers where there is people constantly talking about the game.

i've learnt to not really bother discussing PS3 games here (outside of the front page news comments sections) since ultimately it just falls on deaf ears...it's basically a waste of time since most people here arnt interesting in PS3 games, let alone having a discussion about them.
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Inscrit depuis 5797 Jours
Thats cause PS3 sucks man deal with it....... no,not really Im joking and Im jealous because I dont have one.

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Inscrit depuis 7074 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
plus, it's a PS3 exclusive...there are about 5 people here who own one/play it regularly.
Pretty much. Although, I don't have a PS3, and I've been defending GoW3 quite a bit.

Also, I just beat it a couple days ago. Top notch quality throughout, and I definitely dug the old-school 2d boss battle with Zeus.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Inscrit depuis 7019 Jours
Everything is like that now. With the advent of the internet. We get new games so fast now (same with music and other media), that everything has more of a chance of fading away and not being anything too substantial. It makes it a lot harder for creative people and development teams.
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Inscrit depuis 6442 Jours
only five PS3 owners? I didn't realize I was part of such an exclusive club around here. But I'm confused to how talking about PS3 games falls on deaf ears?
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Inscrit depuis 6972 Jours
It doesn't its just certain people like to think themselves as part of the PS3 elite club, never seen the massive deal in GoW and I feel Bayonette kind of overshadows it as far as hacky slashy games go.

Part of the problem with PS3 titles is that they are so massively hyped that by the time its released there isn't much left to say, either that or they are just dissappointing.

Plus the forum community here is kind of small.
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Marumaro for the WIN !!


Inscrit depuis 7033 Jours
Posté par Jollipop
Part of the problem with games today is that they are so massively hyped.
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I think i have stood in poo

Inscrit depuis 6972 Jours
Yea not like back in the old days when a game was one giant pixel, kids these days have it too easy.
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Marumaro for the WIN !!


Inscrit depuis 7033 Jours
Posté par Jollipop
Yea not like back in the old days when a game was one giant pixel, kids these days have it too easy.
pixels rule and you know it :)
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I think i have stood in poo

Inscrit depuis 6493 Jours
Posté par Nietzsche
only five PS3 owners? I didn't realize I was part of such an exclusive club around here. But I'm confused to how talking about PS3 games falls on deaf ears?
with so few people to actually talk about PS3 games (as in, most here dont care) it's gotten to a point of "why bother" i could have spewd my guts out about uncharted 2 just as much as a certain someone is going on about halo reach...but when the discussion is like talking to a wall, what's the point. it's easier to talk about 360 games here, since you actually get a response. it's the reason why i still think, despite a name change, this is still very much xboxyde.com.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7113 Jours
A fascist state would solve a lot of problems I think. If I could just ban anyone who comes in and hamfistedly, half-assedly cloaks his total disinterest and frustrated disdain in "his/her opinion", offering up nothing but negative, bordering on slanderous comments just because other people seem to enjoy it and he/she wants self assurance and/or aknowledgement, passionate people could actually share their good experience in a brilliant way.

It goes without saying that that sort of thing would be morally questionable and even practically difficult, but I dunno what the alternative solution would be.

Perhaps an outright appreciation thread in addition to a discussion thread for each game. One thread for people to simply revel in the game and share their experiences with it in a civil manner, and the other for the 3monthsps of the world who are just aching to get it off their chest how little every PS3 game interests them.

It's gotten to the point where if you like a system and you defend it, people naturally assume you're a "fanboy". I've changed colours like some cheap strip club logo sign - been called a fanboy of every single system by different people. And sometimes the same people no doubt. Constant banter is assumed, so any proclamation of excitement is viewed as a declaration of war.

Yeah, hmm. Still mulling this over! Any suggestions are welcome, I would do my best to arrange something.
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Inscrit depuis 6493 Jours
Posté par SimonM7
A fascist state would solve a lot of problems I think. If I could just ban anyone who comes in and hamfistedly, half-assedly cloaks his total disinterest and frustrated disdain in "his/her opinion", offering up nothing but negative, bordering on slanderous comments just because other people seem to enjoy it and he/she wants self assurance and/or aknowledgement, passionate people could actually share their good experience in a brilliant way.

It goes without saying that that sort of thing would be morally questionable and even practically difficult, but I dunno what the alternative solution would be.

Perhaps an outright appreciation thread in addition to a discussion thread for each game. One thread for people to simply revel in the game and share their experiences with it in a civil manner, and the other for the 3monthsps of the world who are just aching to get it off their chest how little every PS3 game interests them.

It's gotten to the point where if you like a system and you defend it, people naturally assume you're a "fanboy". I've changed colours like some cheap strip club logo sign - been called a fanboy of every single system by different people. And sometimes the same people no doubt. Constant banter is assumed, so any proclamation of excitement is viewed as a declaration of war.

Yeah, hmm. Still mulling this over! Any suggestions are welcome, I would do my best to arrange something.
it probably isnt all that great of an idea. but there is a reason i go to the clusterfuck of arseholes that is gametrailers, and thats because they have segregated sections. you CAN cream over a game and not get accusations thrown at you like you've just wandered through a crime scene. you can have a long discussion about a game that goes beyond the usualy attack/defense of most forums. here however we have a single thread to discuss a game, to me that's a lot like discussing the vast work of charles dickens but limiting yourself to one sheet of A4.

here segragated sections probably wont work tho, theres no need for it. there are too few people who care about the PS3 to warrent a section dedicated to it. and ultimately i'd STILL feel the same as i do now because things wouldnt really have changesd..just moved around a bit, why declare my love for a game (gay) and explain in detail the reasons why when all of 5 people will 1. read it 2. care 3. respond. there is no "fix". people here simply prefer the 360 and the forums show that, that's not necisarily (can never spell that damn word) a bad thing, everyone has a prefernence, but it sure as hell limits the PS3 discussion.

but as i said, i've grown to avoid PS3 game discussion now. so whether things change or not it's no big deal to me personally. this place is still xboxyde.com and i'm fine with that.
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Inscrit depuis 7033 Jours
Dont get me wrond i am guilty and simon would of banned me on a few occasions if his rule came to forum law :)
I "loved" my 360 till well i am not going down that road again, but i still love the games that come on it (exclusive) Halo reach will no doubt be kick arse if not to simlar to past instalment, but thats why we love halo it refuses to change the formula to much.. But at the same time that grates me..

In short MS pushed me into the other camp and i am glad, because the PS3 is just awesome and has so many good games which are fantastic online and off

But i accuse 1 exclusive on xbox for been shallow compared to the original in many ways and get my teeth kicked in, but if i was to lie about say uncharted 2 and say its shit compared to the first 90% of this site would agree with me...

Plus is struggle to get my point acrross, maybe due to all the weed i did in my teens :D
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I think i have stood in poo

Inscrit depuis 6442 Jours
I think it's only natural that people just simply get really defensive over things that they care about and enjoy. And, quite often, when someone says something of a critical nature about something they like, when they go to defend it they end up making this thing out to be far better than it actually is by the nature of going overboard in trying to defend the game/system/etc.

I remember one time saying how I'd like to see a R'nC game with a darker tone/style and a bunch of Sony gamers came in and cut my head off for even suggesting such. Instead of simply explaining why they prefer the series to stay more "colorful" and lighthearted, they just went on attack mode, or at least it seemed to me. Then people feel attacked and most often they respond with a defense that often comes across as more intense than they intended, and the whole thing snow balls from there.

I think a forum where everyone just sat around doing a circle jerk over Halo reach or Uncharted 2 would getting really boring if nothing else.

But I also think we all respond to different discussion styles quite differently. Some people get really annoyed by a couple posters getting into an argument, I often find that quite entertaining in a "trash tv" sort of way. What gets on my nerves more often is when people hype stuff to a childish level and make it hard to believe they are interested in having a discussion about the game rather than simply trying to Hype something as much as possible due to some misguided sense of loyalty or w/e the reason is, and thus creating an evironment where nobody is allowed to find fault with said game without being accused of attacking the game just to piss on someone's parade.

Saying games are great is fine. But taking the time to point out that game X and Y are reasons why system A is so objectively superior to system B just gets really fucking old imo. As does the easy to pick up on trend of many posters constantly creaming over games on one system and finding several, often quite minor reasons to criticize games on a different system.

I think it comes down to human nature much more so than forum structure or the amount of people who own this or that system. I see Sony people arguing with other Sony people all the time about what is better, GoW or Uncharted, or Resistance vs. Killzone. Even when people own the same system they find reasons to defend something against something else, it's just the nature of people who are passionate, even in a misguided sense, about a hobby or interest. Then you add the fact that it's really hard to convey tone through typed messages and the miscommunication becomes even more hopeless or at least frustrating.

I'm sure I've wrongly attacked people for something they didn't intend to imply, and lord knows I've been attacked many times for the same thing. Pretty much everyone seems to be guilty of this on most forums (not just gaming, I see it in auto, sports, music, and especially political forums) and it's simply something that is hard to accept, but quite universal.

For w/e reason, when people sit behind their monitor with an anonymous face, they are quite bold on their opinions and their quickness to attack someone for not agreeing with their opinion. Add to that how tactless most of us can be when typing about something as silly as videogames and the discussion becomes even more frustrating.
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Inscrit depuis 6493 Jours
Posté par Nietzsche
I think a forum where everyone just sat around doing a circle jerk over Halo reach or Uncharted 2 would getting really boring if nothing else.
that IS what this forum is tho, but only if it's a 360 franchise. if it's a PS3 franchise you just get the odd few declaring their appreciation for the game/series, and everyone else trying to convince them that the game isnt as good as they think.
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Inscrit depuis 5797 Jours
What do you expect when people claim some exclusive games are teh second coming of Jesus or something,people will get defensive with such comments.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7113 Jours
Well, dividing a forum by platform is kinda just tilting the problem in the other direction instead. Being able to discuss a game completely independently of platform is really the ideal, in my opinion.

If the discussion surrounding a game is fueled by platform bias - even in a glorifying direction - that's still just about co-op juggling meaningless word poop. The best scenario is being able to speak about games with likeminded people on the merits of each individual game, not based on what piece of hardware runs it.

The psychology of fanboyism can be debated all day long but we can all agree that the irritating factor isn't so much *a person liking his playstation*, but rather when it gets in the way of grounded, leveled discussion in a disruptive way. Arguments and points derived from bias simply lack meaning to any level headed individual, and sends any real discussion off the rails. You have to be extremely in tune with another biased person to gain anything from that sort of incestuous, self endulgent fan wanking.

And that's really what platform specific forums enable and even encourage. When I was 14 and a raving Sega fanboy I would certainly have had an absolute blast with that, but now I just really wanna talk to people about cool games that I enjoy. I honestly think most people feel the same way.

(Wrote this reply like 7 hours ago and then my internet connection died, so it may be a little dated now. :D)
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Inscrit depuis 5797 Jours
We dont know what are you even talking about Simon
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7113 Jours
And so, to address some of the newer points raised:

Nobody is asking for a completely pacified forum where everyone is a perpetually happy infant, yoddling on about how everything is amazing. The real poison in these cases though is when a person writes a negative comment with *no other motive* and *no other result* than to complain. When you go into a thread for a game in which you have little to no investment just to drop a turd of "game X is better" or a derogatory comment about visuals, style, whatever reason it's off-putting to you - just taking a shit in the lap of people who are excited and want to talk about the game - that's when you're just making things worse.

That happens ALL THE TIME, and sure, there are plenty of reasons beyond fanboyism that people do that. If a game is really popular and they don't like it, there's a need to seek affirmation in complaining. There's almost a sense of "duty" to the way casual slights get thrown around non stop on most forums, and it doesn't actually benefit anyone.

SO WHAT if you think God of War 3 is a shitty game. Even more SO WHATTY for the people who like it, I presume. Still, the inexplicable need to head into that thread and yell that seems absolutely overwhelming. To what end though? What can possibly come out of that? Another dude with similarly little actual interest comes in and yells the same thing? How does this enforce a good community? How does that elevate the game to something better than just some software on a disc? Games are meant to be fun, to be enjoyable, so why turn everything about it into internet shitstorms when they could be about actual, interesting dialogue?

And sure, cue all the cynics saying I've too lofty expectations and that the majority of people on the internet (and otherwise) are retards. I know all that, and I'm being realistic. I think it's possible to create a pocket on the internet, a tiny room, where things aren't like that though. I just think it needs mutual respect, have no - or non disruptive - bias, and people that are passionate about games but also capable of distinguishing quality from taste.
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http://modeseven.blogspot.com | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo!
http://www.twitter.com/simonlundmark - Follow me
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Inscrit depuis 6493 Jours
Posté par SimonM7
And so, to address some of the newer points raised:

Nobody is asking for a completely pacified forum where everyone is a perpetually happy infant, yoddling on about how everything is amazing. The real poison in these cases though is when a person writes a negative comment with *no other motive* and *no other result* than to complain. When you go into a thread for a game in which you have little to no investment just to drop a turd of "game X is better" or a derogatory comment about visuals, style, whatever reason it's off-putting to you - just taking a shit in the lap of people who are excited and want to talk about the game - that's when you're just making things worse.

That happens ALL THE TIME, and sure, there are plenty of reasons beyond fanboyism that people do that. If a game is really popular and they don't like it, there's a need to seek affirmation in complaining. There's almost a sense of "duty" to the way casual slights get thrown around non stop on most forums, and it doesn't actually benefit anyone.

SO WHAT if you think God of War 3 is a shitty game. Even more SO WHATTY for the people who like it, I presume. Still, the inexplicable need to head into that thread and yell that seems absolutely overwhelming. To what end though? What can possibly come out of that? Another dude with similarly little actual interest comes in and yells the same thing? How does this enforce a good community? How does that elevate the game to something better than just some software on a disc? Games are meant to be fun, to be enjoyable, so why turn everything about it into internet shitstorms when they could be about actual, interesting dialogue?

And sure, cue all the cynics saying I've too lofty expectations and that the majority of people on the internet (and otherwise) are retards. I know all that, and I'm being realistic. I think it's possible to create a pocket on the internet, a tiny room, where things aren't like that though. I just think it needs mutual respect, have no - or non disruptive - bias, and people that are passionate about games but also capable of distinguishing quality from taste.
i'm one of those people who posts negative comments about games if those comments are justified. (as if you didnt know that). what irks me is that people cant accept the critisism, or just ignore me completely. i'm here to share my opinion, and thats where my comments would start and end...but sadly you get these people who want to try to change your opinion, or even crazier, those who simply think the things you brought up about game x dont exist at all, when in reality they do, they just chose to ignore the problems....so why cant they simply ignore me highlighting these problems.

THAT is where the arguments start. it isnt the person who posts the negative comment (that is usually completely true no less or at least based on a completely subjective subject matter), it's the person who is willing to battle to the death to proove that person wrong. if they just ignored the one who said something negative, then forums would be a much better place imo.

take the alan wake comments on the first page. i said the game looks great but the facial animations are kinda lacking compared to most games.....was i lying? no, was it a fanboy fueled statement? no, i was simply speaking my mind about what i'd seen in the video. and it would have ended there, but then someone has to try to proove me wrong, change my mind about the facts that i can see with my own eyes. they post images and gifs to try to persuade me into not seeing the obvious animation flaws...which then resulated in 2 pages worth of attack/defense. my comments where true...it's the people who can't accept them/ignore them that let forums down imo.
En réponse à
SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7113 Jours
What DO you want when you criticise a game though? What do you hope to gain from it, what do you reckon you contribute? I'm not gonna make generalising judgements of "criticisms" on the whole, but you should probably think about what you hope to accomplish.

If you're merely venting your own frustration over something you dislike, then you will get a negative response back, that's just karma. Is that what you're after? Then have at it.
people cant accept the critisism, or just ignore me completely
They either diagree with you, in which case they defend the game, or agree with you/are indifferent to what you're saying, in which case they prolly won't say much.

Either that or they'll jump on the bandwagon and complain, too, and you get the lovely attack/defense cycle going *again*. I'm not sure what magical other alternative you're after.
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http://modeseven.blogspot.com | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo!
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Inscrit depuis 6493 Jours
Posté par SimonM7
What DO you want when you criticise a game though? What do you hope to gain from it, what do you reckon you contribute? I'm not gonna make generalising judgements of "criticisms" on the whole, but you should probably think about what you hope to accomplish.

If you're merely venting your own frustration over something you dislike, then you will get a negative response back, that's just karma. Is that what you're after? Then have at it.
people cant accept the critisism, or just ignore me completely
They either diagree with you, in which case they defend the game, or agree with you/are indifferent to what you're saying, in which case they prolly won't say much.

Either that or they'll jump on the bandwagon and complain, too, and you get the lovely attack/defense cycle going *again*. I'm not sure what magical other alternative you're after.
accept it. it's an opinion after all. thats all i want. as i said pretty clearly before, i post comments to share my thoughts. i dont want a discussion from it most of the time, (most of the time a game is too shallow a subject matter to even have a decent descussion anyway) hell, i'd be happy if someone just wanted to discuss a game without trying to force their opinion onto me. i have my feelings about a game, and i'm willing to discuss them. but dont pretend you know what i like and what i dont and certainly dont try to sway my feelings to coincide with your own.

if someone says they hate a film, i'm not going sit there and try to change their opinion, its a futile thing to do, so i just accept it and move on. talk about something else. people dont seem to be able to do that on forums tho. they try to MAKE you see things there way.

so ultimately i want people to accept an opinion and move on. if you feel the need to responde to something i say, do so without saying my opinion is wrong, because it makes you look like an idiot.

opinons are opinions, no matter how wierd or against the grain they may be. hell, half of the shit that goes on over at gametrailers wouldnt if people just learned to accept other peoples opinions. instead they go into attack/defense mode and it goes on and on and on. ignore it from the get go and just carry on with whatever it is you want to talk about. simples.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7113 Jours
Sure, but you seem offended when people, in your words, "ignore" you, too. You seem to want a response, but not one that criticises your opinion or defends the game against your accusations. So what does that response look like?

EDIT: Also, I should add that front page is subject to a ton of knee jerk reactions so it's not really that representative I think.
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http://modeseven.blogspot.com | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo!
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Inscrit depuis 5724 Jours
oh my god where did this thread go?
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Currently playing: Uncharted 2, CoDMW2 (PS3), Torchlight (PC)

Inscrit depuis 7033 Jours
Posté par scoobs0688
oh my god where did this thread go?
On topic, I really want to play this but life is in the way in the momment :(
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I think i have stood in poo

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