Since 5473 Days
Reviews should start to appear soon now. In 12hrs are so.

Many are not impressed I guess lol but GT fan will be happy with the game. It will be intresting to see reviews.
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Since 7060 Days
Posted by Corellianrogue
I hate trolling so I don't mean to troll, but it's interesting how everyone was going nuts over Kinect's review embargo (despite the fact thousands had already played it across the world in shops, there were regular family beta testers and the "Microsoft will never send out any Kinects or Kinect games to be reviewed EVER!!!!!!!!" claims turned out, unsurprisingly, to be a total lie) yet I haven't heard a peep about GT5's review embargo. Hmmm...
Most big AAA games dont send there review code out till very last thing.
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I want my games room finished now :(

Since 6875 Days
Ouch. The "love GT" guy didn't have nearly as deep and convincing arguments as the "hate" guy. He pretty much had "fanboy" written all over him.
Oh, and abcgamer- I JUST looked, and Forza does NOT look like that shot. "Everyone" does not know that, lol...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 5296 Days
some reviews are in, and its not to good, i was expecting mostly 9s and 10s, i did not expect to see lots of 8s and a 7?, time to start reading them.

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Since 7060 Days
There some wierd reviews, i like that one comment in the idiot section " they should not review the game based on content, it should be gameplay" lmfao, if that was the case halo 3 would of got an average of 3 out of ten...
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I want my games room finished now :(

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7117 Days
Posted by ManThatYouFear
if that was the case halo 3 would of got an average of 3 out of ten...
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Since 6976 Days
Posted by fabreezwait
some reviews are in, and its not to good, i was expecting mostly 9s and 10s, i did not expect to see lots of 8s and a 7?, time to start reading them.

Hmmm was not expecting that!!
Posted by GriftGFX
+1!!!! lol.
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Since 7060 Days
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Posted by GriftGFX
Erm yes, the reason the game got such high reviews was for been packed full of features, gameplay wise it was no diffrent than 2

I want my games room finished now :(

Since 6003 Days
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If the Core Gameplay is Brilliant why the frack would you change it!!, Halo3 scored amazing because its an all round amazing game.

Prepare To Drop!!

Since 6873 Days
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Posted by ManThatYouFear
Erm yes, the reason the game got such high reviews was for been packed full of features, gameplay wise it was no diffrent than 2
That's just pathetic.

"That just happened 'cause that was awesome" - Randy Pitchford, Gearbox

PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Since 7110 Days
I still would like to go through GT5's campaign; I love me some driving games, even the boring ones.
(not that GT5 is boring necessarily, more thinking of the Le Mans mode in GRID with the time cranked up, lol).
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7117 Days
Posted by szaromir
That's just pathetic.
Yup. Even if Halo 3 were "no diffrent" than Halo 2 in terms of gameplay (and that's clearly not the case), it would still be a cut above its competition. But we're getting way, way off topic here.
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Since 6003 Days
Just read the whole CVG review, had some pretty damning things to say for a game 6yrs in dev.
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Prepare To Drop!!

Since 6861 Days
CVG Review 80%

For a start - and hear us out here - this is the first GT game NOT to blow our trousers off in the visuals department. In fact, as you roll out of the pits for the first time, you'll look at the environment and hear a nagging voice in the back of your mind. That voice will be saying 'this isn't a very pretty game'.

No, we're not mad: there's no flair to GT5's graphics like in Codemasters' games, it's all cold, clinical precision. The problem is, if you slavishly attempt to replicate real life, like Polyphony has, it's all the more obvious when you can't quite get there. Blurry textures, angular scenery and barren landscapes are, if you'll excuse the pun, par for the course.

While the premium cars are undeniably gloriously detailed, they look entirely out of place in such drab environments, surrounded by cardboard cut-out trees. City tracks fare better, but only just.

Gran Turismo used to be the benchmark for visuals, but over the five years it's taken to put GT5 in a jewel case, the game's begun to look decidedly pedestrian. Overall - and we NEVER thought we'd say this - we reckon Forza III has the march on GT5 in overall aesthetics.
This sums up exactly what I have been saying for months, what they describe is basically the same feeling I had when I owned GT5 prologue a few years back. I saw loads of great looking vids and screens but when you actually play the game, it’s a completely different story. GT5p environments were extremely poor then and to me, it’s unacceptable to see the same low level of environment detail 3 years later, the same extremely low res shadows, the same aliasing issues, the same frame rate hiccups and GT5 has have even more problems due to the whole “Standard” crap.
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Since 7060 Days
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Pathetic my arse its true, the overall gameplay of halo 3 was very little change (bar weapon balance) to halo 2, the reason it got such rave reviews was due to the ammount of fantastic features (MP) packed into it
I would like the diffrences in gameplay pointed out to me between halo 2 and 3, and you cant include ANY of the new features (by features i mean the recording of games etcetc) that appeared in 3.

Yes my 3 was harsh, but it was not litral i was just trying to make a point, that you cant ignore a games features when reviewing a game, you might as well just review demos/betas if that is the case

Jesus i enjoyed Halo 3 it was good laugh.. not been fanboy here...i am just assuming your mad fanboy rage looked past the point i was trying to make.

I want my games room finished now :(

Since 6189 Days
Posted by ManThatYouFear
Blah Blah Blah.
Fanboy damage control in full effect right here. Halo 3 is by no means a masterpiece, but to infer it is exactly the same game as Halo 2 is downright rediculous. Firstly, story based games by definition are different to each other, they tell a different story. Secondly, the AI in 3 was far more advanced and provided a much more challenging game than 2 and that coupled with better map design and more varied locations created an improvement in already quite acceptable gameplay. Thirdly there is only so much you can do within the confines of the FPS genre to differentiate, raw mechanics are the same in every single franchise there is.
I agree it wasn't the graphical leap needed, it did however improve on 2 (i will give it that), and they also manage to release 3, 3!!!! games in the time GT5 released, and you can't say reach didn't improve massively in both mechanics and visuals.

The point here is that GT5 had 6 years to reach the bar, instead they threw in a load of PS2 era assets from cars to tracks. The AI seems to be exactly the same, and thats the biggest issue tbh, the AI is what creates the race, but it's pretty much the worst driving AI i've seen in any racing game this generation. It follows the racing line religiously. GT was never a great racing game, it was an acceptable showcase of console technology, and instead of harnessing the extra power to improve the game in all areas they decided to repackage a last gen game and throw in a couple of high res car models.
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Since 6003 Days
Gran Turismo used to be the benchmark for visuals, but over the five years it's taken to put GT5 in a jewel case, the game's begun to look decidedly pedestrian. Overall - and we NEVER thought we'd say this - we reckon Forza III has the march on GT5 in overall aesthetics.
Ouch! thats going to insense some people.
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Prepare To Drop!!

Since 7060 Days
I am not backing up GT5 in anyway WHAT so ever, i have bought the game mainly to tinker on when board, i am not a massive racing fan this is not damage control because i could not care a fuck
My entire POINT was you cant review a game by ignoring its content.
Posted by Tomarru
Firstly, story based games by definition are different to each other, they tell a different story
Posted by Tomarru
Secondly, the AI in 3 was far more advanced and provided a much more challenging game than 2 and that coupled with better map design and more varied locations created an improvement in already quite acceptable gameplay.
diffrent locations woot... well i would not expect the same because that would be a little to daft now, as for the AI ? the only time AI in halo gets its shit together is on legendary, and even then its nothing great, good dont get me wrong, better than most games, but not great.
Posted by Tomarru
Thirdly there is only so much you can do within the confines of the FPS genre to differentiate, raw mechanics are the same in every single franchise there is.
I agree it wasn't the graphical leap needed, it did however improve on 2 (i will give it that), and they also manage to release 3, 3!!!! games in the time GT5 released, and you can't say reach didn't improve massively in both mechanics and visuals.
Same as racing.. not much they can really change now is there..
3 games, no argument there, and chances are i will have about 500 times more fun on them 3 halo games than GT5
Posted by Tomarru
The point here is that GT5 had 6 years to reach the bar, instead they threw in a load of PS2 era assets from cars to tracks. The AI seems to be exactly the same, and thats the biggest issue tbh, the AI is what creates the race, but it's pretty much the worst driving AI i've seen in any racing game this generation. It follows the racing line religiously. GT was never a great racing game, it was an acceptable showcase of console technology, and instead of harnessing the extra power to improve the game in all areas they decided to repackage a last gen game and throw in a couple of high res car models.
Not arguing with that, but biggest grip to be fair is those shaders, you telling me all those years of testing NO one said "these shaders on the dash are fucking wank"
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I want my games room finished now :(

Since 6003 Days
All the reviews i have read, have not just judged it on gameplay but on the content also, which site are you talking about that has just reviewed it on Gameplay alone??
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Prepare To Drop!!

Since 6189 Days
Different map design and different locations have a huge impact on how a game plays and the way you react tot he AI. In GT games, all you do is floor it and smack into whatever is in your way and you win. The AI does exactly the same thing, just keepts goin around in the same set of rails every single time you play the same tracks, and the rear end you every time you are going too slow in front of them. FM3 AI is just so damn impressive, it is always aware of you, it can make mistakes, it jinxes about, I really expected GT5 to do something similar.

Yes, racing games can improve, especially when they haven't mastered so many of the facets of the sport, just as so many sports games can improve. No racing game has mastered physics, they all take shortcuts and it has a huge influence on the gameplay, like wind and rain, puddles, fog all could change the way you attack a course by changing the physics of the car and could affect the AI too.
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Since 7060 Days
Posted by BLackHawkodst
All the reviews i have read, have not just judged it on gameplay but on the content also, which site are you talking about that has just reviewed it on Gameplay alone??
All i was on about was some dickheads comment on one of the sites under the reviews :( i was not talking about the reviews them selves, all the reviews i have read have been what i expected for a overhyped game..
Posted by Tomarru
Different map design and different locations have a huge impact on how a game plays and the way you react tot he AI. In GT games, all you do is floor it and smack into whatever is in your way and you win. The AI does exactly the same thing, just keepts goin around in the same set of rails every single time you play the same tracks, and the rear end you every time you are going too slow in front of them. FM3 AI is just so damn impressive, it is always aware of you, it can make mistakes, it jinxes about, I really expected GT5 to do something similar.

Yes, racing games can improve, especially when they haven't mastered so many of the facets of the sport, just as so many sports games can improve. No racing game has mastered physics, they all take shortcuts and it has a huge influence on the gameplay, like wind and rain, puddles, fog all could change the way you attack a course by changing the physics of the car and could affect the AI too.
Cant speak on the AI of GT5 i am sitting at work and my copy is at home, but to be fair i wont play it when i get home, demons souls is just waaaaaaay tooo gooooood, it will have to wait for now

But tom dude, i am not arguing about halo, i fucking LOVE halo, i was just trying to make a point about some dick head comment lol
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I want my games room finished now :(

Since 7060 Days
To be honest, the greatest racing game i ever played was never released, and that was Lamborghini on the XBOX company went under someone bought the engine etc etc and out of it all came Juiced... and fuck me was that shit.

Still got the Demo disk :D its ace.
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I want my games room finished now :(

Since 5473 Days
IGN review:
A 10/10 simulator wrapped up in a 5/10 game – it's driving is as exhilarating as anything that's gone before, and its slavish obsession with the minutiae of many of its cars ensure it's an encyclopaedia of automotive delights. Its brilliance on the track, however is matched by its sloppiness off of it, and there's a lack of polish that would at one time have seemed sacrilegious to the series.
86/100 from 10 reviews so far.

8.5 is not bad score. Although reviews of the game are kinda fail.
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Since 7060 Days
Posted by gow_fan
IGN review:
A 10/10 simulator wrapped up in a 5/10 game – it's driving is as exhilarating as anything that's gone before, and its slavish obsession with the minutiae of many of its cars ensure it's an encyclopaedia of automotive delights. Its brilliance on the track, however is matched by its sloppiness off of it, and there's a lack of polish that would at one time have seemed sacrilegious to the series.
86/100 from 10 reviews so far.

8.5 is not bad score. Although reviews of the game are kinda fail.
IGN review was kinda shit just got round to reading it.
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I want my games room finished now :(

Since 6873 Days
MYTF - your example was still preposterous. Halo 3 had many gameplay enhancements, AI, physics, equuipment (which goes beyond weapon balance). However, as I understand it, GT5 directly reuses a lot of content from GT4 with 80% of vehicles and significant percentage of tracks, whereas Halo 3 has entirely new campaign, a bunch of new maps and a bunch of remade maps, not reused ( not imported from Halo 2). That's why your example was totally absurd.

It's kind of annoying that people assume that game x deserves 10/10 rating and anyone who rates it lower is an idiot/can't play/biased/based the review on hype etc. I did complain about reviews in case of GTA4 and Mass Effect 2, they unnecessarily raised my expectations and I was sorely disappointed about the game. However, I only did so after I had played the game.
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"That just happened 'cause that was awesome" - Randy Pitchford, Gearbox

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    Loakum Ugh….scratch that previous comment. The upcoming Game of Thrones video game is a F’in mobile phone game. Why can’t they came an open world GoT game, like Witcher 3 or God of War? (10 Weeks ago)

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