Since 6877 Days
Now that's definitely an LOD glitch. It has to be. As weak as the standard cars are, they aren't THAT bad...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 6863 Days
Posted by Frozpot
Now that's definitely an LOD glitch. It has to be. As weak as the standard cars are, they aren't THAT bad...
Nope, some of them really are that bad and it looks even worse in game with all the aliasing jaggies.
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Since 7241 Days
lol, alright here comes the--expected--backlash. Seriously, I see such a huge amount of silliness in this thread. Some people can't cease to surprise me, what can I say. Photomode only adds AA and resolution eh? Maybe then I can try to fool myself and say Forza does not switch models. Hmn, maybe, but maybe I'll keep it real.

What CVG said in their review does not surprise me one bit (at least not the actual content). GT tracks look whacked overall, and while the--premium--car models are damn good, no one can deny the problems surrounding the cars. Anyone who thinks there's no LOD between gameplay and photomode is just being delusional. What exactly are you trying to defend? Keep on posting those GT Prologue shots, maybe it'll magically become reality. I'm sure some other fanboy will come up with comparison shots :| If I cared enough, I could come up with Forza 3 shots that "prove" something ridiculous along those lines, just if I cared enough.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Since 5896 Days
As far as Foraz goes I am afraid denial will not change facts.

The second pic has best LOD levels. In game is very low. Photomde was great but still the game is kinda cartoomish

GT5 Monza Italia 458 vs Enzo.

Now that look real deal ;)

Also the hate the game and standard car is getting is ridiculous TBH in main page there is nice standard car video. In close up, zoomed it is not great though but what about this :

That pic looks like it is from car magzine lol not a video game
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Since 7241 Days
Ok just went back a few pages.

The best from abcgamer
That is what everyone thinking right now because in expense of swift they cannot or should not miss other high end car which people will like to drive more lol.
lol indeed, I am sure that somehow that is ok now though.
Yep standard models will exceed Forza3. Because that game is a farce in gfx and physics
Okay, nothing more to say there.
I think standard models will be better than other racers
Keeping the [cynic|optim]ism right up there....
*In response to an awful looking standard car*
They can't do anything if in real life Miata looks like that
This game has so much stuff and quality. That anything less than 9/10 cannot be taken seriously
Seriously dude, your opinion is downright worthless in a forum like this after what you've said.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Since 7825 Days
I see Jin still likes to post standard cars even though he hates them. lol.

So, my impressions. Car physics are a huge improvement over GTP. The feel and skill required for taking corners is great, they pretty much nailed it imo.

The only real car I can actually compare the physics to is the s2000, which I think feels considerably close. The stock version is pretty fast and precise in cornering, but if you push it too far it spins out with sort of a "twitchy" feel and it's hard to correct just by counter steering. If you counter steer for longer than you should even for a slight second, it'll "twitch" and end up quickly spinning the other way once the tires gain traction. This is pretty much how it happened in GT5, but I've only spun out once so far. Also, I've spun out in the rain with this car in real life and GT5 does a pretty good job in mimicking the difficulty and feel of trying to correct the spin on the SSR7-Wet track. It's sort of a heavy, vibrating feel to the steering where you notice you don't have as much control over your car anymore. There's also a nice camera shake in the cockpit view when cornering at high speeds that adds to the realism. Cars actually feel like they're attached to the road now.

I thought the Kart racing looked lame when they first showed videos. It's actually pretty fun in the game though. Also, rally physics looked bad in videos too, but the actual feeling of driving on gravel or snow is pretty satisfying. Only bad part is the collision physics, which still needs a lot of work.

So far the damage system has been very limited. I heard you unlock more extensive damage as you progress, which is a stupid design choice..

Graphically, there are some nice looking environments imo, much thanks to the lighting, such as Cape Ring, Madrid, Special Stage, Rome, etc. Also, Nurburgring looks awesome, I don't care what anyone says otherwise

Unfortunately, some environments look like total ass, almost last-gen quality stuff (From the tracks I've played, it's Laguna Seca, Deep Forest, Autumn Ring, and Trial Mountain). I have no idea why they would bother to add these tracks knowing how bad they look. There are also V-sync issues that are distracting, and the shadows can be pretty jaggy. It's an awesome looking game when it wants to though. Pretty much like what I did with forza, I'm just going to try to avoid all of the horrible looking tracks whenever I can.

I've already made my peace with the standard cars. I'm just not going to use them. Racing on a track that has standard cars is actually a bit difficult for me to notice though, until I get right up behind them or if I'm using them to race. They definitely aren't meant to be viewed up close, and yes, they all look like trash if you're going to take photomode pics.

Engine sound effects aren't as good as other racing games. Car customization is very limited, but at least it's better than in previous GT games. Jin was right on this one, Racing Modification is only for a small amount of cars.

There are some stupid design decisions too. For instance, you have to rebuy rims each time you want to change wheels.

If I was actually waiting 5+ years for this, I'd probably be disappointed. Glad I didn't care too much for the game until about two years ago. I played prologue and thought the physics sucked. It was a boring driving experience, cars felt floaty like GT traditionally does and I pretty much lost interest in GT5 until there were impressions about their new driving model. Either way, even with the drawbacks I still think the game is worth getting for racing fans since it offers features other console sim racers don't have. Personally, I think the physics are the best as far as console sim racers go. Shift just feels weird. Forza 3, even with great tire physics, has this permanent auto-steer assist so the cars won't spin out as easily, and the cars end up having too much grip. I drove the Zonda R in both games and it's considerably easier to control in Forza 3.

BTW, the actual game car model looks pretty much on par with the photomode counterpart. If there are different LOD in terms of polycount, I can't tell a difference. Replays definitely don't add anything besides motion blur. You can still see the jaggified shadows and aliasing in replays. I'm pretty sure GT5's photomode is similar to PGR4's where the models are in-game, but the considerably higher resolution enhances the look of the lighting, reflections and what not.

Here's an in-game screen someone took by pausing the game like they did with the GT5P pics.

As for the Forza vs GT thing, we can compare pics all days. For instance: vs.

And then,

Both games have their share of shitty looking tracks. I guess it's just up to your personal preference as to which looks better, since both games have their ups and downs.
In reply to
Since 6877 Days
Thanks for the honest impressions man, God knows they are hard to come by with this game. For those who want to get a feel for playing the whole game( menus, load times) GiantBomb has a great first look.
As for myself, this game is not for me. Some of the physics are probably well done, but there is still a lot more to a game to make it enjoyable.
Also, if you guys watch the vid, They didn't install it, so skip to the 20 minute mark or you'll want to pull you hair out. Of course, the music doesn't stop, which is horrible. Unless you really like jazz...
In reply to

Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7119 Days
When the game shines it really does shine. The lack of consistency is certainly off putting but the external observers, but if I had a PS3 (again) I would buy it.
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Since 7241 Days
@vspectra, how are the physics compared to the holiday demo with the 370z?
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Since 5896 Days
Posted by LEBATO
Ok just went back a few pages.

The best from abcgamer
That is what everyone thinking right now because in expense of swift they cannot or should not miss other high end car which people will like to drive more lol.
lol indeed, I am sure that somehow that is ok now though.
Yep standard models will exceed Forza3. Because that game is a farce in gfx and physics
Okay, nothing more to say there.
I think standard models will be better than other racers
Keeping the [cynic|optim]ism right up there....
*In response to an awful looking standard car*
They can't do anything if in real life Miata looks like that
This game has so much stuff and quality. That anything less than 9/10 cannot be taken seriously
Seriously dude, your opinion is downright worthless in a forum like this after what you've said.
I was expecting them to update the cars and have better textures. Some old PC game with high res texture can still look better than some console games lol.

Moreover standard car look fine from a distance and some look just as good in other racing games.

Of course premiums are a class of its own:
In reply to
Since 7241 Days
Also, it seems like AI cars have a downgraded interior like Forza 3. At least that's what this shot gives off. With time we'll see. I'll be getting the game over the weekend.

And the water spray glitches:

Oh well...
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Since 7112 Days
Posted by LEBATO
That seems to be prevalent in a lot of games this generation. I wish they would stop it :(
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Since 5475 Days
In reply to
Since 7825 Days
Posted by LEBATO
@vspectra, how are the physics compared to the holiday demo with the 370z?
I haven't played that demo.

Anyway, I just got done with a special event race and there can indeed be 16 premium cars on the track. Here's a photo of the race. You mostly race against 12 AI cars throughout A spec mode though, even on the crappy looking tracks.

And for comparison to Jin's standard car pics.

Anyway, I'm really liking the photomode. I think I spend a bit too much time in photomode instead of actually racing.

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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Since 6964 Days
Over an hour install, two updates...yeah. Not liking the PS3 at all right now. Will be almost 2hrs before I'll have even played this game once. Jesus.
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Don't you know who I am? I'm the goddamned Banman.

Since 6877 Days
Posted by vspectra06
I haven't played that demo.

Anyway, I just got done with a special event race and there can indeed be 16 premium cars on the track. Here's a photo of the race. You mostly race against 12 AI cars throughout A spec mode though, even on the crappy looking tracks.

And for comparison to Jin's standard car pics.
Nice pics man. I can see why you spend so much time there :)...
In reply to

Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 7825 Days
Thanks man. I'm ready for the next-gen consoles to be out already so we can finally get these visuals in-game. :p
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kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Since 7094 Days
Posted by Phaethon360
Over an hour install, two updates...yeah. Not liking the PS3 at all right now. Will be almost 2hrs before I'll have even played this game once. Jesus.
Go play Kinect to pass the time away!

Nice pics, vspectra06.
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This is America. My president is black and my Lambo is blue.

Since 7062 Days
Posted by Phaethon360
Over an hour install, two updates...yeah. Not liking the PS3 at all right now. Will be almost 2hrs before I'll have even played this game once. Jesus.
You dont have to install it ya know.
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I want my games room finished now :(

Since 6863 Days
Posted by vspectra06
I see Jin still likes to post standard cars even though he hates them. lol.
I post them, firstly to express just how much of a disgrace it is to see these things in the latest edition of a huge multi million franchise, released in 2010, that took SIX years to make and secondly to show just how ridiculous comments like this really are...
Yep standard models will exceed Forza3. Because that game is a farce in gfx and physics
I think standard models will be better than other racers
@LEBATO - Have you got the game yet? What are the physics like? Your one of the few people around here that knows what makes great physics because being difficult to drive does not = great physics.
In reply to
Since 6472 Days
Wow, just saw GT5 got an 8.0 on gamespot. Seems most major sites are giving this game a hard time for how rushed and unfinished it feels in so many ways.

I'm still almost in shock at how the final game turned out. I really never expected this from PD.
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Since 6964 Days
Posted by ManThatYouFear
You dont have to install it ya know.
So I can be waiting in the menus instead, great plan.

PS3 hardware may be long lasting but the architecture is frustratingly backwards. Why I can install a full Xbox 360 game in 10mins and GT5's 5gig install takes six times as long is mind boggling. But that was long gone, and I found 259 more issues. Fun game, poor interface. Overhyped but not terrible if you love these types of games.

And Kenshin, can you loan me a Kinect? I hear you got plenty to spare from inside your shopping cart..
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Don't you know who I am? I'm the goddamned Banman.

Since 7825 Days
Posted by Jin187
I post them, firstly to express just how much of a disgrace it is to see these things in the latest edition of a huge multi million franchise, released in 2010, that took SIX years to make
Everyone has already expressed their disappointment with the standard cars in addition to other aspects. You keep posting those pics as if it's the end of the world. And most of the standard cars don't even look as bad as the pics you like to post. Here's a whole thread dedicated to standard car photos and they don't remotely resemble your pics:

There are several other aspects of the game that should have been fixed, even more so than the standard cars. But at the end of the day, if you don't like it, don't buy it. There's nothing wrong with that. It seems like you've made up your mind anyway.
and secondly to show just how ridiculous comments like this really are...
Those comments seem to be made for humor more than anything else. No one should take them that seriously..
@LEBATO - Have you got the game yet? What are the physics like? Your one of the few people around here that knows what makes great physics because being difficult to drive does not = great physics.
Yeah, because comparing how my car handles to the same car in both games makes me much less credible for some reason right? In terms of the actual racing, I play driving simulators for a realistic depiction of physics, so it doesn't take a genius to realize a 750hp car shouldn't handle with the amount of grip found in a certain other racer. Maybe if you read my previous posts, there's more to it than "the physics are harder and therefore are better."
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Since 7241 Days
Posted by vspectra06
it doesn't take a genius to realize a 750hp car shouldn't handle with the amount of grip found in a certain other racer. Maybe if you read my previous posts, there's more to it than "the physics are harder and therefore are better."
That's not saying anything, a 750hp car can have lots of grip, so that's not telling us a thing. You say this as if cars in Forza have glue-like grip, try an R2 corvette and tell me that's easy to control, or many of the others that are a pain to drive.

Anyways, I haven't played enough GT to say much about specifics. I did a couple of arcade races, and some of the first license tests, went through the car list, etc. I don't have that much time to play during the week, but I'll take revenge over the weekend, and I should have a very good first hand opinion of the game by then.

Just as a quick note, I love Formula 1 and I hated the fact that the F10 was the very first one for the year, yet it's still missing the Marlboro logo which makes it look very awkward. As far as I can remember the car never raced like that, but whatever I can sort of understand the reasons behind this.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Since 7062 Days
Posted by Nietzsche
Wow, just saw GT5 got an 8.0 on gamespot. Seems most major sites are giving this game a hard time for how rushed and unfinished it feels in so many ways.

I'm still almost in shock at how the final game turned out. I really never expected this from PD.
i never thought this game would of had the words "rushed" next to it.
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I want my games room finished now :(

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