Since 6285 Days
Acert93, if you took this serious:

" And Forza3 look like PS2 game ;) "

then before writing you should read better and think more. It was exaggeration to point out how bad can be internet comparision, not my opinion about how the game look.

If sprites look photorealistic and better than some more poly objects in other games (waste of resources) then why not? And for me Forza enviroment stinks;p
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Mr. Zurkon is looking to kill you.

Since 6858 Days
Posted by unknown_23
If sprites look photorealistic and better than some more poly objects in other games (waste of resources) then why not?
But they dont look photorealistic and thats the problem, they just look terrible, cheap and tacky. It honestly looks like theyve just planted GT5 cars in hi res GT4 enviroments.

Also, this whole 200mb excuse is just a silly way of stopping all the disappointed fanboys from commiting suicide. The game has 950 cars and 60 Tracks, this demo has 2 cars and 1 track so lets say for example 1 track = 100mb 1 cars = 30mb (each) the rest 40mb

100 x 60 = 6GB
950 x 30 = 28.5GB

So thats what, just under 35GB for just the Cars and Tracks excluding A.I, Music, Menus, Multiplayer features, Car damage, 1080p movies (like intros and stuff) etc. A Dual Layer Bluray disc holds just over 45GB.
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Since 6285 Days
And today one song (mp3) in really good quality is around 10-17mb. There (demo) are 3 (maybe 4) songs and sound quality is really good.

People look for excuses... maybe because Prologue had few things better done in graphic department (but this can be seen only when licking textures, when playing and paying attention on driving there is almost no diffrence). I wasn't dissapointed so I don't care. Oh, they also improved one thing in demo: when using TPP view there is less jaggies on car than in Prologue.
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Mr. Zurkon is looking to kill you.

Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7084 Days
Posted by unknown_23
Acert93, if you took this serious:

" And Forza3 look like PS2 game ;) "

then before writing you should read better and think more. It was exaggeration to point out how bad can be internet comparision, not my opinion about how the game look.

If sprites look photorealistic and better than some more poly objects in other games (waste of resources) then why not? And for me Forza enviroment stinks;p
Well, in regards to thinking through posts better, you will get some time so you can think up a better response to my actual critique instead of your obsession with hyperbole. Cya next year bud!
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Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

Since 6872 Days
I do fully understand it is a work in progress( as I said), although having been in development so long already, it's not much of an excuse. To each their own (especially ragarding the trees, apparantly). Still, the pics Jin showed were captured by the same person on the same set-up presumably, so whatever issues there would be, would be applied to both pics...
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Behold! I did not lie to you!!

Since 7235 Days
I finally played. In terms of graphics, I don't know what the hell is anyone thinking when they defend the demo's looks. It just has this sterile look, the tracks looks pretty damn ugly ass, crappy, flat, boring. I think the pics Jin posted are a perfect and accurate representation of the environments in these two games. The FM3 environments are just so much better detailed it isn't even funny.

The trees do look awful in this demo (and all GT iterations--most likely including the retail version) and I swear I have seen better trees in Xbox 1 games, such as Rallisport Challenge, or the first Forza. There are times, specially so on replays, where you just see this ugly ass texture passing off as a tree, ruining an otherwise realistic looking scene.

The game's looks are saved by the fact that the interior of the car is fully rendered at all times, and the lighting and color palette that somehow makes this game look more realistic than Forza 3.

The track though looks very sterile, I don't know how else to describe it. They are simply flat, use ugly textures, have horrible AF, and the game looks very jagged. And obviously, the look is inconsistent. You have this awesome looking, well lit car, just in the wrong environment.

And I don't see those kind of things changing for the retail build. Some things I really hope--and they better--fix for the retail version though. One thing is tiremarks. It's 2010 basically, you just gotta have them, simple. Forza is criticized by having too little tire smoke, or any dust effect. Well, I'll be lying if I said I'm impressed by this demo since there is no smoke at all, in fact, no particle effects anywhere in replays. I've seen some dust in gameplay, but that is it. Needless to say, crowds are needed and I don't see why they would not have them for the final release.

Finally on the graphics department, I can't believe some of the comments I read here and there. The fanboys inside some of these comments are beyond belief.


With that said, this demo was supposed to show you the gameplay, the new physics engine. It was supposed to give us a tasted of "the" real driving simulator. Well PD has failed if that was the intent.

The handling is very very unattached to the driver. When the car starts sliding--many times for no reason applicable to any law of physics--it is extremely hard to be able to tell when the heck the car is no longer under control. Basically, there is no indicators telling you the car is about to go. I have played many decent simulations which I won't bother to list, but PD has got this aspect completely wrong. The whole thing of controlling the car is just very very GT-ish/wrong. I really see/feel nothing that tells me, "this is a new physics engine". Physics are unresponsive, communication with the controller/wheel is bad, and some times totally inaccurate.

Jin has already mentioned the wheel locking issue several times. It's just wrong, period. In fact, I don't think the wheels lock at all. They sort of lock, you can't turn as easy as before, but they are extremely forgiving in this regard. From the braking point of view, you can treat this game as any arcade racing game out there. Slam on the brakes, you are good to go.

Finally in terms of gameplay there is the chase cam (in-car is fine). They really have to fix it, it is broken right now. They also have to give more options. The problem is the chase cam is the kind where it follows the car perfectly, extremely static behind the car. It makes the driving feel really awful. Chase cam should always allow the car to rotate a bit without the camera moving, then the camera starts moving.

Basically, just do what 90% of all racing games do, I don't know what to say.


Sound? It's still the same tire screech as ever. Not fun.


There is something I just loved though, PD have always been masters of replays. The fact that three different laps give you three different--and awesome--angles in the same turn is just incredible. I can watch a replay from this game and I just don't get bored. PD have been the only team I can truly say, "these guys understand what replays should look like." Granted I don't think it's a hard thing to do, watch real racing on TV, see the angles, copy and paste. Add dynamism by including different camera angles per lap, add some awesome heat haze, bam done!

Why can't all racing games have these replays? I don't know. By the way, heat haze is simple, all racing games should have it.


Anyways, I don't want to say the game didn't entertain me, or that I think it's crap. I just don't see what the fanboys see here.

I thought it was fun to drive even though I don't think it's realistic, or better than FM3's driving model. I think that if they manage to fix the look of the tracks, this game will look unbelievable. Otherwise they just detract from the look too much. By the way, people bring up the Tokyo track as if it were the pinnacle of city tracks or something, these people have got to to see PGR3 at least......and then PGR4.

The replays in this game also show the more realistic look of this game. It's really hard for me now to say this game looks better than FM3, in replays it does look more realistic, but the moment I see some of the track textures, the awful trees placed everywhere, or the moment I don't see any particle effects, it just takes so much away from the look.

I really hope this is far from what the game will really look or play like. Not because it's awful by any means, but because I don't see 5 years worth of work here.

Note: If I see more super-high contrast off-screen shots of any racing game I don't know what I'm going to do.

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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Since 6518 Days
The February 2010 had an exclusive 10 pages article about Gran Turismo 5 and a GT Planet user posted the scans on their forums. Here's what we learn :

- Deformation for every car in the game although race cars will see even more damage
- First screens of GT5's night racing
- 1,000 vehicles, all with modeled interiors
- Up to 16 players online
- Indy cars and tracks will be included
- Head tracking is reconfirmed and it's for use during racing
- Multi display is back (using 3 PS3's for a wider view)
- HD uploads to YouTube
- Weather
- Night racing for all tracks

- All cars will have cockpit view (the 170 premium are the ones on which the interior will also damage - the rest only external damage)
- Night & Day cycle and weather effects on all tracks
- Damage (visual and mechanical)

we are still to hear about track editor but we will soon enough
night racing, weather, car damage on ALL cars, interior damage on 170 cars, head tracking.

basically everything that was rumoured to be in is in, except for the track editor which they never mentioned. after the demo which i thought played really well, or at least a lot more fast and fun then previous games in the series (and looked great, obviously) i might actually be tempted to buy this one...first GT i'd have ever bought if i did, but what the hell. it's shaping up to be chock full of content and features. it's kinda hard to say no.
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Since 5880 Days
Hell++ there, KORNdog!!!
You know, just read the magazine article, the game made its name proud, like totally I mean :)
Real funny is going to be the look on the faces of GT haters all around, this game is going to be total transcendant, delivered as promised, a "REAL" PS3 title, c'mon "Weather?", "Day and Night Cycles???", "Damage on all cars???"...
Wow, other 'wanna-be' best-sim-of-da-world-s should sit and take notes. THIS IS DEFINITIVE! ;)
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Since 7235 Days
Wow, that's an incredible amount of content. Weather and night racing for all tracks, and day/night cycle. I'm going to revive my 24hr Le-Man experience from the Dreamcast days!

I really like the idea of Indy cars too, would prefer F1 though :P

I would like to know if pretty much all the other and important things that make a game like this fun to play are there/will be fixed though. Pretty much what many are complaining about in the time trial.

Oh and I see Thor is back, not for long is my guess.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Since 5880 Days
Posted by LEBATO
Oh and I see Thor is back, not for long is my guess.
Heh heh, all Thor goes back and forth is to 'Valhalla', and yes I do go a lot... but can't just believe ya, for "LEBATO IS WRONG" ;)

Moreover Thor has many more realms to explore too, you do know that, and yes GT5 is transcendant, all features in, no claims left... can't downplay this baby anymore, generation defining package here people, only on PS3 ;)
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Since 7820 Days
night racing with wet tracks is going to be amazing.

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Since 7235 Days
Posted by Thor
Heh heh, all Thor goes back and forth is to 'Valhalla', and yes I do go a lot... but can't just believe ya, for "LEBATO IS WRONG" ;)

Moreover Thor has many more realms to explore too, you do know that, and yes GT5 is transcendant, all features in, no claims left... can't downplay this baby anymore, generation defining package here people, only on PS3 ;)
Well I'm personally still waiting for the upgraded physics they've been talking about so much...
In reply to

Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Since 7235 Days
New videos from CES:

Will there still be 16 cars on track at once? I saw only 8 on the gameplay videos. Replays are jaw dropping though, these people just get it!
In reply to

Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Since 7006 Days
Yep, GT's replays are pretty damn incredible.
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Halo Reach using 360 tesselation unit extensively.

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of th

Since 6858 Days
This game really does look amazing during replays, the angles are just perfection and the car models are super detailed
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Since 6285 Days
In reply to

Mr. Zurkon is looking to kill you.

Since 6000 Days
What a pile of cack!!, maybe it will be out before Forza 4 hits?
In reply to

Prepare To Drop!!

Since 7235 Days
lol, wtf!??!?! This is ridiculous. I mean, it's not like I'd expect any less features than what was just confirmed. In fact, thinking of how long its been, they might fall a bit short lol.
In reply to

Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Since 6872 Days
This is where deadlines come in handy. After all this time there should be enough done and polished. What good is a game if you never get to play it?...
In reply to

Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 7235 Days
Posted by Frozpot
This is where deadlines come in handy. After all this time there should be enough done and polished. What good is a game if you never get to play it?...
Well, what I wonder is at what point do you just stop this crap. The game will need to sell a crapload to be successful I imagine. 5 years in development don't pay for themselves. It's highly unlikely we'll see another GT this generation, or that from a business point of view it isn't more profitable to come up with 3-4 Forzas instead of 1 to 2 GTs.

In reply to

Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Since 6872 Days
I was thinking this too. I hope it is hugely successful for their sake. This is what happens when you are the darling developer...
In reply to

Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 6518 Days
Posted by Frozpot
I was thinking this too. I hope it is hugely successful for their sake. This is what happens when you are the darling developer...
all the past games in the series have sold 9+ million, production costs will be paid for, there is no doubt about that. it may not be a 10 million seller like GT4 was, but i think it will easily sell enough to make a decent profit. hell, killzone 2 costs around the same amount of money (upwards of 60 million) and that made profit and it only sold about 2 million copies

tbh, this sounds more a case of moving out from the cluster fuck of games in march. i mean, god of war 3, heavy rain AND GT5. is there really any need for so many exclusives from sony in one short period of time?

either way, it's clear polyphony are trying to make the definitive version of GT, so the better it is, the happier people SHOULD be, no matter how long that takes. it isnt like there isnt any decent games coming out is it...lol. i'm sure it'll be out in 2010. and that's fine by me.
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Since 6973 Days
What the hell, yet another bloody delay!
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Since 6518 Days
Posted by dcdelgado
What the hell, yet another bloody delay!
technically, not unless you live in japan. the EU/US have NEVER had a release date, you cant delay something that never had a date to begin with. it is however delayed in japan, for how long, who knows. my guess is that it is to take some pressure off of the already heaving march time, and maybe to launch worldwide instead.
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Since 6615 Days
Semantics. The game has been in development for forever, they said last summer that the game is content ready and could be launched at any date.
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    Loakum Ugh….scratch that previous comment. The upcoming Game of Thrones video game is a F’in mobile phone game. Why can’t they came an open world GoT game, like Witcher 3 or God of War? (9 Weeks ago)

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