Since 7065 Days
Sorry acert but i think crysis is horrible, to realistic i for one do not like realistic games, boring.

but if he wants to say halo 3 is best visualy then i think he is allowed his opinion, why do people have to argue someones opinion and not only that, why would you care ?
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My comments on this game/machine been good or bad does not mean i like/hate the machine i am not a fan nor a hater, just i have a opinion and wish to share it.

Since 6727 Days
If he believes that halo 3 is artistically more impressive than crysis then thats opinion. But to say that it is superior technically is just downright false.
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Since 7065 Days
and where exactly does he say that ?
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My comments on this game/machine been good or bad does not mean i like/hate the machine i am not a fan nor a hater, just i have a opinion and wish to share it.

Since 7108 Days
Posted by ManThatYouFear
Sorry acert but i think crysis is horrible, to realistic i for one do not like realistic games,
too realistic? are we thinking of the same crysis?
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Since 6865 Days
Posted by TheBeagle
If he believes that halo 3 is artistically more impressive than crysis then thats opinion. But to say that it is superior technically is just downright false.
Yes, please feel free to show me where i said that.
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A Hero Must Rise...

Greatest game ever made?


Since 7065 Days
Posted by Scarface
too realistic? are we thinking of the same crysis?
On about visuals here, not style of gameplay
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My comments on this game/machine been good or bad does not mean i like/hate the machine i am not a fan nor a hater, just i have a opinion and wish to share it.

Since 7108 Days
Posted by ManThatYouFear
On about visuals here, not style of gameplay
yeah i'm sure would be complaining if halo 3 looked "realistic"
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Since 7065 Days
yes i would.
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My comments on this game/machine been good or bad does not mean i like/hate the machine i am not a fan nor a hater, just i have a opinion and wish to share it.

Since 7065 Days
I would rather have less polygons and more things to shoot to be honest, i mean would we want halo 3 to be like ...gears of war or bioshock ? where as you fight 1-4 things at once ....max, i for one want big fucking battles and halo offers that

Yeah might not have the raw visuals of bioshock and the wow factor that gears first had, but the fact is halo is established and so is the art style so what was you expecting ?, there is no way that they was going to make something that blew your tits off into space visually, kept the awesome AI gave us large scale battles gave us 60fps and also maybe throw in some free porn, because, dudes .... the 360 aint that good neither is the ps3.... neither is your crysis built pc.

i for one would of prefered doom 3 for instance to have LESS on the pollys and more on the body count

serious sam FTW! :D

Halo 3 as it stands with loads of choas on the go or halo 3 LOOKING so fucking uber your eyes bleed with happyness, and only 2 grunts on screen at yes please i want real uber graphics so i can be bored to death with eye candy..

But of course you will compare bioshock to halo 3 and for obvious reasons it will fall flat in comparison visually

meh who the fuck cares ... i am playing wow still, so all that technical shit dont mean dick, cause gameplay is where its at baby
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My comments on this game/machine been good or bad does not mean i like/hate the machine i am not a fan nor a hater, just i have a opinion and wish to share it.

Since 7243 Days
Posted by Jin187
Roughly the response i predicted. Anyway, Lets not get ahead of ourselves here.
I agree there's nothing to discuss there. Crysis looks TONS better than H3.
In reply to

Nothing more rude than trying to be the internet diplomat and abusing of power.

Since 6454 Days
man that you fear,

halo 3 looks incredible graphics wise

smaller games dont mean better graphics
if that were the case surely beat em ups would have the most realistic graphics ever seen... and thats deffo not the case is it...

and games with less aciton dosnt mean better graphics either
just look at golf games...
hardly anything happens...
but tigar woods games look pretty bad

if the develpers have the time, the effort, the talent and the drive
theres nothing stopping them from achiving big battles AND impressive graphics,
which i think halo 3 proves...

thats all my opinion though ...
and i suppose you could say beat em ups are not ultra realistic because they stick to an art style
and neither is tigar woods because its made by EA...

but from what ive seen of halo 3, it looks great
and just because it has big battles , dosnt mean it looks any less
In reply to
Since 6454 Days
Posted by LEBATO
I agree there's nothing to discuss there. Crysis looks TONS better than H3.
crysis is on another planet to halo 3
crysis will revolutionise graphics just like far cry did

to compare the 2 is stupid whoever brought it up
not even the power of blu ray and heavenly sword can compare to crysis lol...

although a PC powerful enough to run crysis in its full revolutionary glory would cost an arm and a leg, and i have a life so i'll take halo 3 over crysis ANY DAY

But that dosnt mean i think halo 3 looks any less,
for a next gen console game
halo 3 looks top notch
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7121 Days
If you have a life, chances are you can afford ~$1000 in PC upgrades to play Crysis. :P

It is a bit of a silly comparison, I guess.. except I keep hearing all this noise about "scale" or "scope" in reference to Halo. If you really want to see a game that takes place in a massive environment, one needs to look no further than Crysis or FarCry 2. Two games that could definitely be achieved on the Xbox 360 given some mild watering down do mostly to the restrictions of having less ram to work with than a high end PC.

As far as Halo's "unique and original" art style.. I've got no comment to make there, except that I really don't find it all that unique or original.

I actually do think it's a fine looking game, better than fine even.. it looks great. Certainly not as disappointing as some people might suggest.
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Since 6878 Days
The latest Crysis video I saw doesn't look all that inspiring to me:
It's great, but I don't think console games have to all that shy in comparison. Anyway,comparing Halo 3 and Crysis is rather pointless, although Halo 3 has a bit more imaginative locations (from what I saw).

I'm on media blackout now. I'll wait until Wednesday and then play all of it myself :D
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"That just happened 'cause that was awesome" - Randy Pitchford, Gearbox

Since 6454 Days
Posted by szaromir
The latest Crysis video I saw doesn't look all that inspiring to me:
It's great, but I don't think console games have to all that shy in comparison. Anyway,comparing Halo 3 and Crysis is rather pointless, although Halo 3 has a bit more imaginative locations (from what I saw).

I'm on media blackout now. I'll wait until Wednesday and then play all of it myself :D
your on a media blackout but you thought it would be ok to come on a halo 3 thread which clearly says may contain spoilers lol
Posted by GriftGFX
If you have a life, chances are you can afford ~$1000 in PC upgrades to play Crysis. :P

It is a bit of a silly comparison, I guess.. except I keep hearing all this noise about "scale" or "scope" in reference to Halo. If you really want to see a game that takes place in a massive environment, one needs to look no further than Crysis or FarCry 2. Two games that could definitely be achieved on the Xbox 360 given some mild watering down do mostly to the restrictions of having less ram to work with than a high end PC.

As far as Halo's "unique and original" art style.. I've got no comment to make there, except that I really don't find it all that unique or original.

I actually do think it's a fine looking game, better than fine even.. it looks great. Certainly not as disappointing as some people might suggest.
by 'have a life' i didnt mean in an arrogant way, i ment that i have more important things to spend my money on at this point in my life then upgrading my PC to play a game that supposedly looks better then halo 3

halo 3 will do just fine for me :)
i'll play crysis at game/internet cafe for 3£ an hour

the funny thing is about the halo 3 'scope and scale'
i hardly ever here bungie say much about it...
they seem to change the subject and talk about saved films or forge...
i think it will be big...but no bigger then whats in the vids already shown of halo 3, which is already pretty big lets be honest

but sometimes i think ppl start thinking bigger and bigger due to hype and will ultimately be dissapointed, ala halo 2 campagin...

anyway...dam im excited about it...
halo 3 for me is all about the gameplay

plasma pistol a sheild down, then stick him with a plasma grande and BOOM then spray the grunts down with some assault rife while dodging the sprays of plasma coming toward you, couple of frags and some more spray will sort them out, then get the trusty pistol n shoot the grunt in the cannon...

sorry just been playing some assault on the control room
nothing beats halo gameplay!
In reply to
Since 6878 Days
Posted by jioann00
your on a media blackout but you thought it would be ok to come on a halo 3 thread which clearly says may contain spoilers lol
It's not like people here are revealing story or posting screenshots from levels that weere not shown previously. So I'll be fine. BTW in the new ViDoc at 00:24 we can see 4th Spaartan helmet. Kinda reminds me of Ryu Hayabusa :D
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"That just happened 'cause that was awesome" - Randy Pitchford, Gearbox

Since 6454 Days
yes i noticed that too!
looks awesome
i wasnt keen on the helmet which is like 99% visor though!
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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7092 Days
Posted by Jin187
Yes, please feel free to show me where i said that.
Sure, lets do the replay:
Posted by Scarface
art is subjective. besides, alot of games have unique art styles, Bioshock, GTA4, Mass effect. but to be fair, all those games look better than Halo 3 aswell.
Posted by Jin187
None of those do, the only game that could Knock Halo 3 off the top graphically is Crysis.
You both are using absolutes with no boundary areas. Do you mean art? Technology? The use of technology to amplify art?

So instead of bickering I moved the debate back to something more discussion worthy.
Posted by Acert93
Since you are dealing in fairly firm absolutes: There are many games that do stuff technically better or with better fidelity.
Posted by Jin187
Roughly the response i predicted. Anyway, Lets not get ahead of ourselves here.
You can predict it because it is true. On a technical level it isn't even an issue of fidelity--Crysis is a huge leap over and above Halo 3 in terms of technology implimentation. When MS 1st party developers (in this case a renderer engineer) says he is absolutely blown away by what Crytek has done with CryEngine 2, and having read through some of their technical design docs...

Then again I don't expect gamers who don't follow the tech side and don't bother to differentiate a non-absolute opinion about something subjective versus a concrete objective element to really care. It is merely a gamers opinion with no objective merits present to even discuss. So I have no clue why people want to cram it down eachothers throat.

So move the discussion out of the personal realm (i.e. talk about the technology, fidelity, or the specific art choices [e.g. see the Valve TF2 design video as an excellent example of how to broach art from an objective perspective] or just drop it. No one wants 5 pages of Fan1 telling Fan2 they are wrong about their unsubstantiated opinion because their unsubstantiated opinion is better :|
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Bannable Insults: "Get new glasses" "Open your eyes" etc. Insinuating an insult and flaming are no-nos. If you feel like being a "true fan" then go be a true fan on the companies fan forums. Boulets are for off topic/inappropriate/bickering posts. Ignore

Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7092 Days
Posted by ManThatYouFear
But if he wants to say halo 3 is best visualy then i think he is allowed his opinion, why do people have to argue someones opinion and not only that, why would you care ?
I don't really care about his opinion. I care that discussion on the forum is productive and is... discussion. Arguements that follow, "My opinion is right, yours is wrong" as Jin & Co. were engaging in is fruitless.

As for Crysis, I think i clearly moved the ball back into the technical realm. You may dislike the style (cool), but technically Crysis is a monster. That said...

Eat your hearts out guys... enjoy the Halo water.
In reply to

Bannable Insults: "Get new glasses" "Open your eyes" etc. Insinuating an insult and flaming are no-nos. If you feel like being a "true fan" then go be a true fan on the companies fan forums. Boulets are for off topic/inappropriate/bickering posts. Ignore

Since 6454 Days
Posted by Acert93
I don't really care about his opinion. I care that discussion on the forum is productive and is... discussion. Arguements that follow, "My opinion is right, yours is wrong" as Jin & Co. were engaging in is fruitless.

As for Crysis, I think i clearly moved the ball back into the technical realm. You may dislike the style (cool), but technically Crysis is a monster. That said...

Eat your hearts out guys... [url=]enjoy the Halo
was that video of campagin or multi?
the water looks so good its almost a shame i cant reli feel it

lets hope the next xbox has some kind of implant in your brain so wen u touch somethiung in the game your brain tells your body to feel it from your memory

yep maybe im looking too far into this...
In reply to
Since 6981 Days
Posted by Acert93
I don't really care about his opinion. I care that discussion on the forum is productive and is... discussion. Arguements that follow, "My opinion is right, yours is wrong" as Jin & Co. were engaging in is fruitless.

As for Crysis, I think i clearly moved the ball back into the technical realm. You may dislike the style (cool), but technically Crysis is a monster. That said...

Eat your hearts out guys... enjoy the Halo water.
Holy crap, the sky and waterfalls are stunning!!

PS: Now some Tesco's are selling H3 early, gonna try a few tomorrow...
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Since 6865 Days
Phenomenal looking worlds.
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A Hero Must Rise...

Greatest game ever made?


kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Since 7097 Days
Posted by Ronsauce
Master Chief lookin' like a phat pimp while standing in sexy water?
I believe we all knew MC was already a pimp :p
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Undercover Brother

Since 6865 Days
I wasnt gonna bother replying to your post because you have to be right in all sistuations and you'd do anything for the last word, but i have some free time so here it is.
Posted by Acert93
You both are using absolutes with no boundary areas. Do you mean art? Technology? The use of technology to amplify art?
Art, Architecture, Design and Scale, Yes its my absolute opinion that no game looks as good as Halo 3, the reason I have said "Could" because from what i've seen the worlds combined with the large scale on crysis it "could" win me over but i need to see more. So for now, from what i've seen of both, Halo 3 has the upperhand.

Like with that video you gave a link to, nothing in crysis or any other game has worlds that look that good, Its just phenomenal. The scale is just incredible, so grand and rich.
Posted by Acert93
Sure, lets do the replay:
Well done, that really shows me saying how Halo 3 was technically more impressive than Crysis, Good Job.
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A Hero Must Rise...

Greatest game ever made?


Since 7013 Days
Posted by LEBATO
I agree there's nothing to discuss there. Crysis looks TONS better than H3.
I see much different. Halo 3's art is what seperates it from Crysis. I know art is subjective, but Iets be serious what Crysis does technically Halo more than makes up for artistically and isn't exactly weak from a technical standpoint either. Artistically Halo 3 is in a whole other league.

Tech and Art both play a vital role, but Halo 3 is without a doubt superior when you take into account the sum of all parts in regards to Tech + Art. Crysis can sport as much tech as it wants, but it doesn't have the art to stand next to Halo 3 and thats a fact. The Halo 3 jungle areas are more pleasing to the eye than the ones in Crysis.

I mean looking at specific parts in Crysis you can easily tell if they had better art it would kill Halo 3 as far as a visually pleasing game goes, but it doesn't. I agree with Jin 110% here. Halo 3 really does look that good. I would need to see more of Mass Effect, but that game is possibly the closest thing to Halo 3.
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

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    Loakum Ugh….scratch that previous comment. The upcoming Game of Thrones video game is a F’in mobile phone game. Why can’t they came an open world GoT game, like Witcher 3 or God of War? (10 Weeks ago)

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    Loakum By FAR, the upcoming Game of Thrones King’s Road was the Game of the Show! It plays like God of War Ragnarok! :) (> 3 Months ago)

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