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ok you keep playing your LAIR and i'll keep playing Halo3, sorted!

Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


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My comments on this game/machine been good or bad does not mean i like/hate the machine i am not a fan nor a hater, just i have a opinion and wish to share it.

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Posté par ManThatYouFear
Whats sad?

Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Inscrit depuis 7059 Jours
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Posté par dcdelgado
Whats sad?
sorry i was on about McEronos comments.

My comments on this game/machine been good or bad does not mean i like/hate the machine i am not a fan nor a hater, just i have a opinion and wish to share it.

Inscrit depuis 6976 Jours
Posté par ManThatYouFear
sorry i was on about McEronos comments.

Anyway back to H3 news:

Halo 3 claims the largest entertainment launch in Australian retail history. One-in-four Xbox 360 owners down under buy the final instalment in the Halo trilogy in the first 24 hours of on-sale.


Japanese researching company Enterbrain reported today that Microsoft's Halo 3 debuted yesterday in Japan with around 45,000 copies sold. This only accounts for the first day the game went on sale. This is reasonably a lot, as Blue Dragon, the biggest selling Xbox 360 game thus far in Japan with around 200,000 copies sold, debuted with over 83,000 copies in its first week.


Go Japan :)
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Inscrit depuis 7101 Jours
How do you "activate" the skulls you find? I quickly went through Sierra 117 with metascoring turned on, grabbed the Iron skull and got the achievement for it, but the post-game stats said I didn't get any skulls. Am I missing something?

Also, matchmaking is driving me nuts! I can't stand Isolation, Narrows, and Construct! I probably wouldn't hate them so much but they're all I get to play over and over again. What is so wrong with letting the players pick what map they want to play?
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Inscrit depuis 7103 Jours
From the footage and pics i was not expecting much. Halo 2 with improvements to be honest. and if i did not buy the game i would probably be saying the same crap McEnro is saying.
but this is one game you really need to play to appreciate. sure you can take each feature individually, eg. deployables, HDR, motion blur, AI and say 'so what'
but when they all come together in some of the games most epic battles it really does create an experience that i think no game has ever achieved.
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Inscrit depuis 6368 Jours
McErono is banned for nothing... you didn't even warn him... and he didn't bash at all. just facts.

you guys all got a 800$ swag bag from MS or what is it!?
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Inscrit depuis 7103 Jours
Posté par GAZoman
McErono is banned for nothing... you didn't even warn him... and he didn't bash at all. just facts.

you guys all got a 800$ swag bag from MS or what is it!?
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Inscrit depuis 6368 Jours
you mean welcome back!

just look into my McErono live profile and say again I don't own halo3 ok? I have no idea what should be that special about halo3 - its a nice shooter with average gfx that suffer from aliasing - and if you could hear the absolut crappy german voices... tnx to DVD only one voice track is in the game. horrible!
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Inscrit depuis 7059 Jours
Does it pain you i love this game so much ?

Is you own life under threat by the fact others love this game and you do not ?

What did you expect from the game then, did you expect it to come with a suit which you then placed on then stood inside the tv only to be the master chief him self and take on the covenant face on with all the lush visuals of real life ?

As for the "goody bag" .... so you never heard of merchandise been given away, i would understood if it was nothing more than a mere brown paper bag with a fat roll of notes in it.
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My comments on this game/machine been good or bad does not mean i like/hate the machine i am not a fan nor a hater, just i have a opinion and wish to share it.

Inscrit depuis 6368 Jours
not at all my dear

I hope you have as much fun as you can get! everywhere!

I can't stand those bought and unobjective reviews. first bioshock, now halo3.

I did expect that a AAA Title from microsoft in 2007 does look like one. nothing against halos artstyle - that is only a matter of taste - the technical failure is not.

goody bag? 800dollar goody bag? no I never ever heard of something like that before... MS is ruling this business with money instead of good games and any hardcoregamer like you should not tolerate this shit.

this does not mean that halo3 is a bad game - but it isn't worth any of the hype.
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Inscrit depuis 7101 Jours
Posté par GAZoman
I can't stand those bought an unobjective reviews. first bioshock, now halo3.
So any review of a game that you don't like that happens to give high marks is "bought" and "unobjective" despite it being the general opinion all around?

You are so going to get banned for making another account just so you can bitch some more.

Also, you mentioned that it wasn't a stable 30 fps, and said that you were stating "facts." I only had 1(ONE!) instance of slowdown, and that was after the second scarab exploded. Not too shabby considering the size, the number of characters on screen, and the sweet lighting effects.
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Inscrit depuis 6976 Jours
I'm not sure why your still allowed to post as you got banned under your other forum tag?

So your saying that GOW/BIOSHOCK and now HALO3 reviews have all been bought by MS and there not good games? and you got banned because the mods somehow recived a goodie bag which made them and everyone else MS puppets, do you realise how bitter and twisted you sound? ok you dont like halo we get it, but dont insult the rest of us seasond gamers who do, by calling us sell outs or hype followers, because thats just BULLSHIT!!
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Inscrit depuis 6368 Jours
sorry this mod said he warned me before - he didn't...

nice that you guys are interpreting so much stuff into my text - all of it just plain wrong. I'm not even saying that any mentioned game is bad. I was only talking about halos grafics - nothing else, nothing more.

GOW is a masterpiece in any technical aspect. bioshock as well (the problem of bioshock is that there is nothing new to the genre - so why so much 10/10's?)

ronsouce open your eyes - halo3 is not stable 30fps at all - from the first level till... good for you if you are that unsensitive to framerate troubles but doesn't change the fact that is has a framerate issue. added to the facts about no AA, no AF and only 640p how can this not be disappointing?

btw. this gamersyde thing got to a fanboy kindergarten so why should I even care? ban me, I will come back if I like, if I don't like, I wont. there is a thing called dynamic IP so anybody can make a new account as many times he wishes to do.

I have no interest to be part of a forum where you are not allowed to give bad critic (with facts) to a game. If it is not possible for you to talk in a normal manner about a game (!) bad for you.

and I didn't call you anything delgado...
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Inscrit depuis 7101 Jours
Posté par GAZoman
sorry this mod said he warned me before - he didn't...
Posté par deftangel
So lets kibosh that little discussion before it begins ok?
Seems like a fair enough warning to me...
GOW is a masterpiece in any technical aspect.
It was a good deal smaller though in terms of size of levels and size of encounters.
bioshock as well (the problem of bioshock is that there is nothing new to the genre - so why so much 10/10's?)
I hate this complaint. Since when does a game fucking HAVE to do something new to be considered good...or great for that matter?
ronsouce open your eyes - halo3 is not stable 30fps at all - from the first level till... good for you if you are that unsensitive to framerate troubles but doesn't change the fact that is has a framerate issue.
I'm sorry if your 360 is a piece of shit, but it was stable for me. Slowdown drives me nuts, and I simply didn't encounter any(except for what I mentioned already).
btw. this gamersyde thing got to a fanboy kindergarten so why should I even care?
You shouldn't. Please leave.
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Inscrit depuis 6368 Jours
well they should make their mods kind of more catch one's eye.

but anyway what mod is this to stop users from talking about a game - I was not bashing at all - only facts.

who is comparing Halo3's big areas with the tunnels of GOW? you? because I am not. delgado just said I said its a bad game - way wrong - personally I love GOW!

bioshock is more than good - but no 10/10 (aka perfect)

so my brandnew elite is a piece of shit? well I'm gonna call MS about that ok? lol
slowdowns are very rare - but it stutters every now and then (it goes under 30fps - maybe to 25 or something - most of the gamers wont even see it)

I leave when I like to do so...
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Inscrit depuis 6368 Jours
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Inscrit depuis 7059 Jours
dude i dont care what reviewers say or do, if they gave 1/10 i would not care

you should not be bothered what they say, it should not effect your life and if it does, seek therapy

Bioshock from what i played is worth a ten in fun factor, 10 in graphics and 10 in sound, so yeah i can agree with that it was a lovelly game

Please dont compare GoW techno blah blah to halos, one is indoor against 8 mobs the other is outdoor against ....god only knows how many (sorry for bringing that up grift i know it annoys you but it's gotta be said

...wait, why am i bothered about what you say ? because that arrogance you are showing towards the mods is worse than mine ....and thats going some.
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My comments on this game/machine been good or bad does not mean i like/hate the machine i am not a fan nor a hater, just i have a opinion and wish to share it.

Inscrit depuis 7059 Jours
Posté par GAZoman
Your a member of that site ?

cant see it not a member sorry please tell :D

or is it the nytimes stating "ZoMG hAlO iZ ShAT, iT lOokS LiKe PoNg"

EDIT: just found a better way to the link, LMFAO "Halo 3 Mimics Halo 2, With Some Improved Graphics" if thats what you belive Gazoman, then please go else where and play something else, and if you dont want to play this awesome game because some dutch site claims it runs like a sack of shit then good, i dont want to play with you people.
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My comments on this game/machine been good or bad does not mean i like/hate the machine i am not a fan nor a hater, just i have a opinion and wish to share it.

Inscrit depuis 6368 Jours
they say "Halo 3 is Halo 2 with somewhat better graphics." newyorktimes

does my english sound as if I would be someone from newyorktimes? rofl... I am swiss. my passion with mods has a reason - I am one myself

edit: it doesn't matter what I believe - Halo3 is getting bad PR about the grafics and that could have been a total other story if bungie just coded a decent engine.

you guys just dont understand it - I loved halo1 and 2, I am just that dissapointed with halo3 grafics!

just to give you something about my bought reviews stuff:

Gears of War
1up score 10. User score 9.1
IGN score 9.4. User score 9.0
GS score 9.6. User score 9.4

Halo 3
1up score 10. User score 4.8.(Reader backlash probably because they know when they are being fed crap by Dan Hsu.)
IGN score 9.5. User score 8.3.
GS score 9.5. User score 9.0.

Heavenly Sword
1up score 8. User score 8.5.
IGN score 7. User score 8.1.
GS score 8. User score 8.4

1up score 8.5. User score 8.5.
IGN score 8.8. User score 8.9.
GS score 8.5. User score 8.5.

isn't that a tiny bit strange....
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Inscrit depuis 7059 Jours
But games are much more than graphics dude, there abou fun escapisim (damn that word), there about getting together with friends and fragging/beating/competing/cheering with, there about been told a story of which is in your hands, about been and doing something that you never could in real life due to obvious reasons

if you cant see that, then i cant see you as a gamer, i see you as a GFX whore, and graphics whores, have no respect from me, or any other gamer i know, because your not in it for what it is.

This is about gaming, if your into nothing more than voyerisim (bah) there are many sites i can link you to.
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My comments on this game/machine been good or bad does not mean i like/hate the machine i am not a fan nor a hater, just i have a opinion and wish to share it.

Inscrit depuis 6368 Jours
hell yes! again I don't say its a bad game! I'm talking only about the gfx!

thats the problem - I came here, gave some bad critic about the gfx and everybody is going mad - thats fanboy behavior and not nessesary at all! I bought it, I'm playing it! all I say is the gfx are not good.
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Inscrit depuis 7059 Jours
the graphics are good though it is undeniable, there not mind melting given but dude you cant say there "not good" thats just been daft.

there are games out there way worse visually out there and there is only a FEW! yes a FEW! that look better.

and no, you came here moaning about a whole bunch of bullshit about the reviews been biased.
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My comments on this game/machine been good or bad does not mean i like/hate the machine i am not a fan nor a hater, just i have a opinion and wish to share it.

Inscrit depuis 7238 Jours
Posté par deftangel
^^ Nice stealth troll. Clearly it isn't the PDZ engine and I've seen no problems with the frame rate, or even any problems being widely reported on.

Personally I'm not convinced on this 640p stuff either until I see a framebuffer grab.

So lets kibosh that little discussion before it begins ok?

Here's the weekly column from GamesIndustry.biz which talks about Halo :)

I can't believe McErono was banned if the above was the warning. The warning should have been for the second post where he calls Jin a fanboy, but that was actually the ban. I really DON'T care, but it is kind of perplexing.

He said it was the PDZ engine in CLEAR sarcasm, and he simply linked to beyond3d to support his point. He's then called a troll by a mod, warns him for what is most likely correct information (at least sources are educated and valid), the mod personally does not agree, wants to keep that talk out of this thread, and ends it with a very pro-halo 3.

The end result is a pissed user, loses control and starts again with a more aggressive attitude.

Again, the problem is this supposed warning (unless I'm missing something).

Deft, you might want to read through your post above again, I don't know but to me it just doesn't sound right.

But whatever, that's all I'll say.
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Nothing more rude than trying to be the internet diplomat and abusing of power.

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