Since 6976 Days
Back too Halo goodness:

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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Since 7092 Days
some nice pics there, DC. Especially, the last one.
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Jeanne D'Arc is the Best RPG this year

Since 6976 Days
Posted by kenshin2418
some nice pics there, DC. Especially, the last one.
Yeah saved films is an amazing feature, these are not mine though.
In reply to

Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Since 6976 Days
Microsoft Smuggles 65nm Inside Halo 3 Xbox 360?

That's right - at this very moment, you could own an Xbox 360 sporting the much fabled 65nm CPU and GPU. It appears - according to a thread on the official Xbox forums - that Microsoft has, under the guise of the recently released Halo 3 360, soft-launched the 65nm edition of its console.

What does this mean in layman's terms if you happen to own one? Firstly, it means you're much more awesome than all of your friends. Even the hot ones. Secondly, the 65nm chips run cooler and consume less power than their tardy 90nm counterparts... which can be found in every other Xbox 360 in the world. Except your one, of course.

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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Since 6999 Days
Posted by McErono
lets talk about the technic for a second...

I can't believe it...

no AA, no AF, no stable 30fps and not even 720p?


wtf did bungie do with this game!?

wait a minute... nice textures, nice HDR, no AA, only 640p? - its the PDZ engine! holy cow...
Well duno what game you're playing, but the jaggies aren't that noticeable and I'm playing on a 100" screen. (granted its upscaled to 1080p, so i duno if that's helping or not)

As for framerate not seen any noticeable drops there either, looks as good as any other 720p game on the 360.

I can't believe for one minute that this game runs at 640p, the method that guy is using is total bollocks aswell, you can't take a sample of a picture and determine the resolution of a game, as you no longer know how far the picture runs.
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7087 Days
Posted by Jollipop
I can't believe for one minute that this game runs at 640p, the method that guy is using is total bollocks aswell, you can't take a sample of a picture and determine the resolution of a game, as you no longer know how far the picture runs.
To the contrary, his method is quite accurate (and simple). He isn't taking a picture of the game--he is counting the alias stepping. Since aliasing is a well understood and observed phenomina it works out quite nicely.

It is 640p. I don't understand the big whoopdeedoo. Personally, I would have been estatic if they dropped it lower to toss in some AA, and more importantly, MUCH higher levels of AF.

Resolution does you no good if you textures look like crap. Playing Forza Motorsport 2 today and it just rears all the bad memories: 720p with crap filtering is worthless. It is a muddy mess and looks significantly worse than 480p with 8xAF.

To bad everyone bought into the HD bulletpoints.
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Bannable Insults: "Get new glasses" "Open your eyes" etc. Insinuating an insult and flaming are no-nos. If you feel like being a "true fan" then go be a true fan on the companies fan forums. Boulets are for off topic/inappropriate/bickering posts. Ignore

Since 6547 Days
Posted by LEBATO
I can't believe McErono was banned if the above was the warning. The warning should have been for the second post where he calls Jin a fanboy, but that was actually the ban. I really DON'T care, but it is kind of perplexing.

He said it was the PDZ engine in CLEAR sarcasm, and he simply linked to beyond3d to support his point. He's then called a troll by a mod, warns him for what is most likely correct information (at least sources are educated and valid), the mod personally does not agree, wants to keep that talk out of this thread, and ends it with a very pro-halo 3.

The end result is a pissed user, loses control and starts again with a more aggressive attitude.

Again, the problem is this supposed warning (unless I'm missing something).

Deft, you might want to read through your post above again, I don't know but to me it just doesn't sound right.

But whatever, that's all I'll say.
yeah this thread and this community is swimming in very murky waters. i think some of the mods should review their MO here...
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Since 6999 Days
Resolution does you no good if you textures look like crap. Playing Forza Motorsport 2 today and it just rears all the bad memories: 720p with crap filtering is worthless. It is a muddy mess and looks significantly worse than 480p with 8xAF.
Im sorry but that is crazy talk, no way can 480p look as good as 720p, at least I have never seen such a thing.

And i still don't agree with the way he is counting the stepping, sclaing can alter the way the pixels fit, in some cases even remove lines of picture information.

It would be easier if someone could just get a direct dump from the v-ram and see what the resolution is.

Guessing is worth nothing, when it comes to stuff like this, even if it is well thought out.

I agree also that mods need to lighten up a bit.
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

roxwell - PuS3Y
Since 7064 Days
@ Lebato and mt_sabao

Regardless of why Mcenrono was banned originally is for himself and Deft to sort out via PM.

If you open a new account to argue your cause is just not on. I will max out any new account I see from banned useres and orignall accounts.

On topic:

I love Halo 3....but, I do get the feeling MS and Bungie have milked the cash cow.
Not played any MP yet but may venture on to night whilst drunk :)
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Back, sack and crack

Since 7101 Days
Posted by dcdelgado
Back to Halo goodness:
Awesome pics! I get that it's not the most technically proficient game out there, but opinions on art aside, it seems wrong to say that "the gfx are not good"(GAZoman).
Posted by GAZoman
who is comparing Halo3's big areas with the tunnels of GOW? you? because I am not. delgado just said I said its a bad game - way wrong - personally I love GOW!
I brought it up because you said "GOW is a masterpiece in any technical aspect."
Level size and numbers of characters do make a difference. He didn't say you said it was a bad game; he was refuting your ignorant and stupid claim that "MS is ruling this business with money instead of good games."
Posted by GAZoman
again, as if the gameplay and fun was any better than in lots of other shooters (besides online and coop)
That's just it...its gameplay is as solid as it gets, and if you aren't an it's-cool-to-hate-Halo snob or a pc elitist than it's damn fun. I haven't played an FPS's campaign in a while that has been so fun.
Halo 3
1up score 10. User score 4.8.(Reader backlash probably because they know when they are being fed crap by Dan Hsu.)
You don't think there's a tiny chance that a ton of PS3 fanboys and people who just hate Halo hype threw in a bunch of 1's for the sake of being assholes?

And again, I'm not having any slowdown issues and neither is my roomate.
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Since 6976 Days
Well just finished my first stint at a game Phaethon360 calls Rocket Racing or something like that, and i have to say it was fun as hell, even though i did not have a clue were the hell i was driving!! :), watched your saved film Paths360, that was some bad ass fragging you did there!

*** oh and Paths360and tell your friend to lay off the caffine :) USA 0 - BRAZIL 10 *** ;P
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
Posted by Jin187
Action/story/music/graphics/huge beautiful worlds/scale/wars/immmersion/suspence/emotion
Can't say I agree it achieves all those goals at all. Action and music for sure, though. Huge beautiful worlds, scale, immersion? An illusion disrupted by the level design (invisi walls, narrow passages that lead from one loading zone to another, etc).. not to mention it's terribly linear. For me it was a pretty standard FPS campaign with a somewhat better story. And honestly, it pretty much followed Halo 2's formula, only it had an actual ending.

I didn't think it was emotional at all. Unless you cared much about Keyes and Johnson, but it's hard to considering there's next to no character development in the franchise for those characters. The only character that really has any depth is Cortana and I felt they dropped the ball with her, by failing to do anything interesting with her. They toyed and teased with the concept of rampancy and then by the time you get her back -- it's just business as usually -- let's go blow up another ring. The game does have some dramatic moments. The best ones being the intro and outro, imo.

It was good though. I actually think that Marathon has a comparable, if not in some ways better story. The thing is, Marathon has no narrative so it's nice to see Bungie's FPS's grow up in that sense.. but they still have a ways to go before they approach videogame storytelling on the level of a developer like Bioware, for example. Now granted, it's an FPS, so they're at the top of that game in this genre.. although Valve honestly keeps things in perspective for me, because Half Life's story is just as good, and just as well told.

I respect the fact that you think it's the best campaign ever though.. that's cool. I just think there are other FPS that come close, and other games in other genres that surpass it easily.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
Posted by LEBATO
I can't believe McErono was banned if the above was the warning. The warning should have been for the second post where he calls Jin a fanboy, but that was actually the ban. I really DON'T care, but it is kind of perplexing.
Regardless, creating another account to carry on with the argument that got him banned is just asking for a permaban (I'm sure he got like, a couple days previously). So just keep that in mind. There's no good reason for someone to take that course of action even if they disagree with the moderation.

Plus, there are much better reasons to state that Halo is overrated, than the graphics (which are perty).
Posted by dcdelgado
Well just finished my first stint at a game Phaethon360 calls Rocket Racing or something like that, and i have to say it was fun as hell, even though i did not have a clue were the hell i was driving!! :), watched your saved film Paths360, that was some bad ass fragging you did there!

*** oh and Paths360and tell your friend to lay off the caffine :) USA 0 - BRAZIL 10 *** ;P
That was downloaded off of the bungie's favorites list. There's some good stuff on there. And to think, Phaethon doubted Forge's value AFTER we played Rocket Races!
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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7087 Days
If I had a 360 I would make some of my Forge modes for you guys to try. Oh well, Grift can steal the ideas!
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Bannable Insults: "Get new glasses" "Open your eyes" etc. Insinuating an insult and flaming are no-nos. If you feel like being a "true fan" then go be a true fan on the companies fan forums. Boulets are for off topic/inappropriate/bickering posts. Ignore

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7139 Days
Just popping in to throw my two cents. Won't read a lot in here, fearing spoilerish stuff for the ending which I'm not quite up to yet. I've played through 80ish percent I would say and I could really have run in here sooner to say;

It's fairly easily the best Halo yet.

Although now I can actually add a bit more to support that, and elaborate further.

Halo 1 is fantastic, it's classic, it's so solid and awesome and great and chocolatey and fresh and surprising and all of the above baked into a marvellous cake, eaten with a gold plated spoon of "being the first of three"-ness. Therefore, no other Halo can quite measure up to that ooh-factor, least of all Halo 2.

Halo 2, seemingly sidestepping being a repetition of the highlights in the first game ended up being incredibly uneventful, unless the game forced you into a stupidly linear situation built to have "enormous cinematic impact!". Here, take this tank.. no I insist.. Man, you don't wanna go there without a tank. COME BACK HERE AND HOP IN THE FUCKING TANK!


*walk on a bridge for a mile with what's essentially shooting gallery cardboard cutout banshees flying around*

In short, Halo 2 didn't just fail to live up to the epic moments of 1, it created situations of sheer annoyance to replace them.

Halo 3 recognizes what was brilliant in Halo 1. Open battles, a bizillion ways to flank and engage enemies. Smart AI that you can *fool* on the fly, creating insanely immersive and frantic firefights that most of all are FUN - FUN FUN FUN.

(I'll be passing out buckets with the word Fun later so you can apply them wherever you feel is necessary.)

It also does away with all the shoehorning of 2, and even when you're tasked with.. let's say TACKLING A GRAND SITUATION, there's a sense of openness to it that is possibly brought on by the extra power used here. So thanks for that I suppose. Halo 3 adds a few new things to gameplay in the way of shields and stuff like that, but the most admirable thing it does is highlight just how fantastic the very first Halo already was. This is that goodness, encapsuled anew, presented in a way that allows it to shine again, not succumb to the stupid design decisions in Halo 2. Halo was never NOT the best FPS, it just had an elephant sitting on its head in 2.

Halo 3 is a fantastic return to form as far as gameplay is concerned, and really that is where my WHOLE concern ends. There are some issues I have that are directly attributed to it being a sequel. It feels like it's going through the motions in terms of its settings a bit. When an enemy is presented.. you.. kinda.. pretty much know what that enemy is already. Some story elements you sort of expect from it, and it's inevitably going to shrink your endless speculation of WHAT IT ALL MEANS to one, rather definitive and restrictive truth. But that's really not important.

What's important is that while not being the least bit hyped for this (WHAT? THERE WERE LIKE CHIEFS ON MOUNTAIN DEW CANS!?) I still almost cried within like.. 30 seconds watching the intro. It has a definite sense of drumming up towards the end of a series that despite my harsh words about its second entry - I and many others have loved to be absorbed by. So many things in this game give hint to so many subtleties that you've collected as a fan through the years that I really can't imagine half of the people playing it will truly pick up on and cherish.

But they're there, and this is it. This is the end of the trilogy, and despite my scepticism and downright lack of enthusiasm going to pick the game up this morning, I can safely say I think it's the best of all three.

And effectively; arguably the finest first person shooter you can put your grubby mits on.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
What happened to the custom games browser, anyway? Has it simply gone missing? At that to my list of disappointments in what is otherwise a fine, fine game.

Edit: I guess so.. they make it sound like it was never even discussed, but I distinctly remember news concerning this new feature pre-release:
There is not and will not be any game browser for custom games. We had this conversation when Halo 2 was new - matchmaking is how you find games. For custom games, you will have to rely on your friends list, your recent players list, and the "party up" feature.

This is not something that can be "patched in" either, even if we wanted to do so.

I won't lock this thread yet, but this discussion topic is pretty much closed.
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Since 7059 Days
*aplauds simons comments*

I for one cant express my words to well without having to tell some one to fuck off and die, i am just no that kind of guy, but simon speaks for me :D
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My comments on this game/machine been good or bad does not mean i like/hate the machine i am not a fan nor a hater, just i have a opinion and wish to share it.

Since 7238 Days
Erm.......hmn.....how to say this without sounding stupid.....

Ok, how do you fly around and record clips and take screenshots in single player? Is this something that has to be turned on first?

I wasn't planning on using it first time through the campaign, but I did something cool yesterday and I wanted to see a "replay" of it, but I couldn't figure it out. So I guess this is something you activate first in the options menu or what?
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Nothing more rude than trying to be the internet diplomat and abusing of power.

Since 6448 Days
go into theator on the main menu,
25 of the last campaign/ matchmaking videos will be there
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Since 7238 Days
Posted by jioann00
go into theator on the main menu,
25 of the last campaign/ matchmaking videos will be there
So the clips are automatically saved then? How much of it is it saved? The whole level?


EDIT: Don't worry, I'll just figure it out by myself, that was a useless question.
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Nothing more rude than trying to be the internet diplomat and abusing of power.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
A little more on this issue.
Posted by bungie
There is not and will not be any game browser for custom games. We had this conversation when Halo 2 was new - matchmaking is how you find games. For custom games, you will have to rely on your friends list, your recent players list, and the "party up" feature.

This is not something that can be "patched in" either, even if we wanted to do so.

I won't lock this thread yet, but this discussion topic is pretty much closed.
I will lock it though. There are no petitions allowed. If you wanted to see how many people wanted it you could have done a poll instead.
Now, on the other hand.. from 1up's the "The five best things about Halo 3"
Posted by 1up
While Matchmaking and Custom games are still completely separate (ranks will only increase in the confines of Bungie's matchmaking service), for players who just want to play Custom Games, Bungie has created XBL Public.

XBL Public is where players can advertise their custom games and then players will be able to seek out modes, maps and gametypes. If a player is looking for a Team Slayer match on High Ground, he'll be able to find the ones that are available and they'll be sorted by how good the connection to the match will be.
Make that, "four best things," I guess. It even had a name and everything.


I guess it just boils down to this: what's good about Halo 3 outweighs what's bad and what's missing.. but here's one more example of why this game could be better. I think the focus on MP was lost, trying to satisfy everyone with the campaign -- making sure online co-op was available for launch, etc. That's a shame, since MP is the best, most well rounded component of the game.. and it's the part that will keep people playing for years into the future.

Halo was never NOT the best FPS, it just had an elephant sitting on its head in 2.
Double negatives suck. But hey, if you removed the word NOT that statement would be true!
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Since 7101 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
I guess it just boils down to this: what's good about Halo 3 outweighs what's bad and what's missing.. but here's one more example of why this game could be better. I think the focus on MP was lost
That could easily be said about any game though; I don't understand why Halo has to be held to some higher standard of being a perfect 10 instead of just an amazingly fun, packed-with-value 10. Focusing on what's missing is especially nitpicky considering just how much is in there and considering that nothing that's missing seriously hinders the game in any way.

What's your beef with the MP besides the lack of the user-created gamemode browser? My personal beef is having to play goddamn Isolation and goddamn Narrows over and over again with every other game being Shotties and Snipers. Let me play a ranked game where I pick my goddamn own level!
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
Posted by Ronsauce
What's your beef with the MP besides the lack of the user-created gamemode browser? My personal beef is having to play goddamn Isolation and goddamn Narrows over and over again with every other game being Shotties and Snipers. Let me play a ranked game where I pick my goddamn own level!
Vehicle and weapon placement. We get all these new vehicles, and we barely get to use them. No hornets, hell.. no scorpions in BTB. No fire 'nades either. I like Isolation a lot personally, but yes.. Shotty-Snipers comes up way too much. The only map I don't care for is Construct. And I wish Epitaph was in the Team Slayer playlist.. if it's there, I've yet to see it. Guardian should come up more frequently too -- seems like I never get to play my favorite maps.

I do think it (XBL Public) detracts from the game. XBL Public would have elevated the community use of Forge to a whole new level. And it's a fun game but there are plenty of issues across the board.. if we follow the standards that make Halo 3 deserve a perfect review, with little criticism of what is actually wrong or missing from that package, than Edge should be handing out a lot more 10/10's.

XBL Public going AWOL hardly is a deal breaker, but it's still worth discussing. It upsets me that Bungie pretends like the whole concept never existed in regards to Halo 3 -- that this was a decision that was made over four years ago, and not within the last six months of development of this game.

I still think MP is the best part of the game personally (including Forge, and saved films into that package), I just wish it were a little more refined. If you read my other posts in this thread, you'll see that my biggest criticisms have to do with the campaign.. which I do enjoy.. I just think its value or greatness is being a little overstated personally.

It's just an opinion though, I respect the idea that this is the best game ever for some people. My point in the post you're quoting still stands. There's room for improvement and that's not hard to see, but overall the goodness outweighs the badness, and I do think it's easily one of the best games on the platform. I just don't think it's a 10, partially because the campaign misses the mark on some issues important to me, and the MP while great.. could be improved.

As great as Forge is -- XBL Public would have made it that much better. At least there's still hope in the future for a "Crazy Shit" playlist.
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Since 6860 Days
Well said simon, I couldnt agree more, Halo 3 took and tweaked the best from both games and made a true classic, one that will be remembered for decades. Its easily deserves a 10.
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How Do You Silence the Millions of haters out there?

Create the Greatest game ever made...

Halo 3... Believe.

Since 7238 Days
For those who finished the game, highlight now!

Well, I'm at that level after the snow level, and my opinion on it is a big WTF is this? Is this the level reviews criticized so much? I think it is very well deserved if so. It's just crazy they just keep throwing more and more and MORE flood at you in this tightly enclosed space, they come from behind, from above, from the front, and from below. The level is extremely enclosed, it would have been fine with a few enemies here and there, but they went to ridiculous levels here.

Oh well, I feel the end is near already, and I've totally enjoyed pretty much the rest of it. Every Halo has had one level that makes me go "WTF" a little, but this is definitely a bad one, not just "WTF". Did they have the noob team working on this level or what?

Opinions? And please don't spoil!
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Nothing more rude than trying to be the internet diplomat and abusing of power.

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