Since 6721 Days
I never actually found them too hard to fight to be honest with you. The parts I found really difficult were the damn snipers. I was playin on Heroic BTW.
In reply to
Since 7238 Days
Posted by TheBeagle
I never actually found them too hard to fight to be honest with you. The parts I found really difficult were the damn snipers. I was playin on Heroic BTW.
Well I haven't beaten the game (tomorrow I guess).

I'm also playing on heroic, but that level I think it's just frustrating. Basically you either run like hell or stay in a confined "room" for centuries fighting.......the same guy. You kill the thing, he gets up again and you finally kill it....again. I think the way they just throw enemies at you here is annoying and very unimaginative.
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Nothing more rude than trying to be the internet diplomat and abusing of power.

Since 6520 Days

when i heard about the 'cortana' mission i thought it was going to be a badly designed, repetative boring level, but i found it the opposite, i liked it...yes they threw a LOT of flood at you, some of which could take what seemed like thousands of bullets before they went down...but it was intense, a little bit creepy and i liked the narative behind it. sort of going down into the belly of the beast to rescue what is essentially your girlfriend. i played on normal and it was challenging and im dreading reaching that stage on my current heroic play through. when i played it i didnt die but on my way out i did run out of ammo and was forced to melee anything i ran into untill i found a gun (which turned out to be a crap gun) the level was challenging but not overly so and was something i expected that late on into the game. although it was quite a jarring difficulty increase...

so in all i wouldnt consider it a "bad" was just maybe an unfair one?!?

the last section of the last level however i would consider bad, in terms of design, gamplay...i hated it.
In reply to
Since 7101 Days
Posted by LEBATO
Well I haven't beaten the game (tomorrow I guess).

I'm also playing on heroic, but that level I think it's just frustrating. Basically you either run like hell or stay in a confined "room" for centuries fighting.......the same guy. You kill the thing, he gets up again and you finally kill it....again. I think the way they just throw enemies at you here is annoying and very unimaginative.
Agreed. I thoroughly enjoyed every other level, but that felt like a chore to play through.

I wish they would've found a way to have the flood introduced earlier in the game, so you kill them off earlier and fight the much more interesting Brutes instead. Honestly, the flood just aren't compelling to me in any way. Maybe if there was an actual confrontation with Gravemind it wouldn't have been so bad though. Ah well...fuckin' up scarabs ftw.
In reply to
Since 6639 Days
Posted by KORNdog

when i heard about the 'cortana' mission i thought it was going to be a badly designed, repetative boring level, but i found it the opposite, i liked it...yes they threw a LOT of flood at you, some of which could take what seemed like thousands of bullets before they went down...but it was intense, a little bit creepy and i liked the narative behind it. sort of going down into the belly of the beast to rescue what is essentially your girlfriend. i played on normal and it was challenging and im dreading reaching that stage on my current heroic play through. when i played it i didnt die but on my way out i did run out of ammo and was forced to melee anything i ran into untill i found a gun (which turned out to be a crap gun) the level was challenging but not overly so and was something i expected that late on into the game. although it was quite a jarring difficulty increase...

so in all i wouldnt consider it a "bad" was just maybe an unfair one?!?

the last section of the last level however i would consider bad, in terms of design, gamplay...i hated it.
I dont get what people hate about the last level so much. I rather enjoyed it especially the the end where you would drive the warthog through all that shit. Is that what everyone is talking about that they all hate so much because I really really enjoyed reminded me a lot of the halo 1 ending
In reply to
Since 7101 Days
Posted by lankycheese
I dont get what people hate about the last level so much. I rather enjoyed it especially the the end where you would drive the warthog through all that shit. Is that what everyone is talking about that they all hate so much because I really really enjoyed reminded me a lot of the halo 1 ending
It's not that level that people hate but rather the one before it.
In reply to
Since 7059 Days
Posted by LEBATO
For those who finished the game, highlight now!

Well, I'm at that level after the snow level, and my opinion on it is a big WTF is this? Is this the level reviews criticized so much? I think it is very well deserved if so. It's just crazy they just keep throwing more and more and MORE flood at you in this tightly enclosed space, they come from behind, from above, from the front, and from below. The level is extremely enclosed, it would have been fine with a few enemies here and there, but they went to ridiculous levels here.

Oh well, I feel the end is near already, and I've totally enjoyed pretty much the rest of it. Every Halo has had one level that makes me go "WTF" a little, but this is definitely a bad one, not just "WTF". Did they have the noob team working on this level or what?

Opinions? And please don't spoil!
I personally loved the chaos of that level :D thought it was fantastic
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My comments on this game/machine been good or bad does not mean i like/hate the machine i am not a fan nor a hater, just i have a opinion and wish to share it.

Since 7008 Days
Still not done, but I also think this is easily the best Halo game.

It pretty combines all the best aspects of the previous games and tosses in some new stuff and makes it all that much more amazing.
In reply to

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

Since 7754 Days
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Posted by GAZoman
just to give you something about my bought reviews stuff:

Gears of War
1up score 10. User score 9.1
IGN score 9.4. User score 9.0
GS score 9.6. User score 9.4

Halo 3
1up score 10. User score 4.8.(Reader backlash probably because they know when they are being fed crap by Dan Hsu.)
IGN score 9.5. User score 8.3.
GS score 9.5. User score 9.0.

Heavenly Sword
1up score 8. User score 8.5.
IGN score 7. User score 8.1.
GS score 8. User score 8.4

1up score 8.5. User score 8.5.
IGN score 8.8. User score 8.9.
GS score 8.5. User score 8.5.

isn't that a tiny bit strange....
Not that strange imho.. Because there's obviously more Microsoft and Xbox 360 haters outthere then Sony and PS3 haters.. Sad people that give a game a 1 just to screw up it's score.. And people like you who think Microsoft only buys their succes.. People just love to hate the succes Microsoft has.. It's called envy..

Another possible reason is, those are all US gamesites, which obviously from a cultural point of view will have a preference for the Xbox with it's more Western/US orientated games.. But even Japanese gamesites give most Xbox 60 games good scores, so.. It's pretty hard to believe MS buys *all* reviews, imho that's total BS..

Personally I think what MS has done with the Xbox and Xbox 360 is pretty amazing.. They succesfully broke down the virtual monopoly Sony had with Playstation by doing what their good at, offering good software/games and online functionality.. And I don't care what the MS haters think.. Go play your Wii and PS3 then, and use Linux on your PC instead of Windows.. Just get over yourself..

Since 7059 Days
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
if it was not for MS all you would have is sony and nintendo .... would you like that ? thought not.

My comments on this game/machine been good or bad does not mean i like/hate the machine i am not a fan nor a hater, just i have a opinion and wish to share it.

Since 6721 Days
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Posted by GAZoman
Gears of War
1up score 10. User score 9.1
IGN score 9.4. User score 9.0
GS score 9.6. User score 9.4

Halo 3
1up score 10. User score 4.8.(Reader backlash probably because they know when they are being fed crap by Dan Hsu.)
IGN score 9.5. User score 8.3.
GS score 9.5. User score 9.0.

Heavenly Sword
1up score 8. User score 8.5.
IGN score 7. User score 8.1.
GS score 8. User score 8.4

1up score 8.5. User score 8.5.
IGN score 8.8. User score 8.9.
GS score 8.5. User score 8.5.

isn't that a tiny bit strange....
You ever consider that the two 360 games might actually be better ? Its not strange at all. You are paranoid.
Since 7008 Days
Most epic singleplayer fps I've ever played. Very far into the game right now I'm sure, but man this game is pretty much dancing all over every other singleplayer fps I've ever tried.
In reply to

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7139 Days
I seriously doubt anyone can mention a remotely valid candidate for better FPS in terms of the single/co-op player campaign AI combat. Even discounting the story and scenarios, which I happen to think are also phenomenal and does the seemingly impossible of ending the trilogy in a satisfying way, there's just no game that can compete with these combat situations.

Level design is exquisitely thought out to allow for multiple styles of play, giving you a plethora of flanking options that make you feel SMART, not like you're following a dictated path, and even less being forced into "tunnels" like you were in Halo 2. Even more remarkable is that this never ever slips, stumbles or fumbles with those mechanics. Even more so than Halo 1, this is RELENTLESS in offering quality gameplay environments throughout the entire game, even going to lengths to ensure that combating every type of enemy - yes, EVERY - is a different but fun and dynamic experience. Hell, this game has DIFFERENT ENEMIES.

I completed it earlier today, and I have to say the ending didn't make me cry. I sort of expected to, and I sort of wanted to, but I just found it so... perfect. So fitting and poetic. No, the tear jerkers were rather strewn across the game, with a big one in the very intro. I can't quite measure how long this was in minutes or hours, but I can in the feeling it gave me. It was a perfect length for what it needed to say, narratively, and what it provided gameplay wise. Like Sands of Time - more would be too much and less would be too little. This is a game that could NOT afford to be either, and wasn't.

Somebody threw around phrases like best game ever. I wouldn't state something so bold, not for me personally anyway. This is the last piece of what originally didn't have to be more than one, but later earned the right to be and justified itself by expanding its universe with pretty astonishing determination and direction. Because it is a last piece I find it difficult to really call it a best game ever even if I felt like it was, and that's frankly a position it put itself in.

However, after Halo 2 I felt like this game needed to be *more* than Halo again to be good enough, to be "the best" enough, but it proved me wrong.

In a way this makes me look back with even more dismay at what's ultimately the weak link in this chain of games. Halo 2 is like the Spider-Man 3 of Halo. It's not nearly bad enough to not be good, but it's like the unfortunate slight cockup that taints what turned out to otherwise be a pretty damn perfect trilogy. Ho well, unlike Spidey it still got to end on a high note, and that's good enough for me.

Daaaa da-daaaaa....daaa-daa-daaaa-daaa-daaaaaaaaaaa *choir* *violins*

*high note*
In reply to
Since 7008 Days
Just beat it this game is the the best fps ever in my opinion. I don't think any other fps I've played comes close.

The game is as epic as a game can get. The game constantly feels fresh and new throughout. The voice work, the pacing, cutscenes, its all just over the top. I think this game has exceeded its hype it ended up being a lot better than I originally anticipated.

The ending definitely doesn't make you want to cry, but its incredibly impressive nonetheless. All in all very pleased with this game. When you can play a game such as this and even close to the ending it still has plenty of cool methods up its sleeve to make itself still feel new and not just doing the same thing over and over is impressive.

Another thing do these guys make incredible use of vehicles or what!? The scene in the sandy area when 2 scarabs fall from the sky and you get in the passenger side of the hornet and they fly you all the way over to the very top of the scarab then pick you back up when you come back is insane

Like it didn't occur to me to use it in such a fashion until I saw it happen. The ending is very powerful not scared to watch youtube vids of it now :)

Beat it on Heroic. Bungie outdid themselves with this one give me my damn Halo 4 in 3 or 4 years please :)
In reply to

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
Best. FPS. Evar!

As a package and on the whole, there's no FPS that can compete with it on consoles -- except Halo 1 -- which loses serious points for lack of online functionality but easily makes up for it in sheer originality.

But (yes but) on other platforms, I believe Half Life 2 comes close to matching it as a package. It has the narrative, it has action, and thanks to the source engine it has a still unrivaled amount of options including great multiplayer, and modability that easily surpasses what Forge offers, Garry's Mod alone comes close to offering the depth of Forges options.

What sets it (Halo 3) all apart though is how it all comes together in such a cohesive manner. Forge is so much more than a Garry's mod in the context of this package, because it allows you to create game modes that are independent of peoples need to use Forge themselves -- it's almost like a mod sandbox. If it weren't for Forge you wouldn't have sweet game modes like Rocket Races, which while not to be taken seriously, are serious fun.

Now on the other hand, I give Halo 2 a lot more credit than you do Simon. Where Halo 2 missed the mark in its campaign, it more than made up for that in being the revolutionary flagship title for Xbox Live. It also brought more innovation to the core gameplay mechanics of Halo than Halo 3 has, and it delivered what was also a wonderful package that contained a compelling co-op campaign, and in some instances is Halo 3's equal in level design.

Halo 3 has in some ways taken the opposite direction, and Bungie has lost its focus on multiplayer gaming in some ways, amazingly, without damaging the multiplayer component of the game beyond repair. What we have is already excellent, and what's wrong with MP can be fixed over time through Xbox Live. The only thing that's gone missing and will never return is XBL Public -- and while that is a shame and it does detract from the games value (more specifically, from Forge's value) it doesn't do so much damage that it will be terribly missed. If people did not know that it was originally intended for this release, we wouldn't be missing it at all.

Now do any other games compete with Halo 3 for the title of best FPS ever? Well honestly that's subjective and it depends on what you consider to be the best. If the best game ever is the sum of all its parts, than Halo 3 is in small company, and the only other title I could think of competing with the game as a package is Half Life 2.

Now, if we're talking about campaigns alone, it gets a little trickier, because Half Life 1 would obviously enter the equation as well. There are few other campaigns even worth mentioning in that discussion, but there are probably some more obscure games that I'm failing to mention, and perhaps even less obscure games.. like System Shock 1/2 and Bioshock, the original Thief games (1 and 2), etc.

On the other hand, if we're talking about multiplayer, or customization alone, again things get even more tricky. Franchises like Unreal Tournament, Battlefield, Tribes, and Counter Strike (which you could easily group into the Half Life package/family) start to move into the conversation. It becomes more difficult to define what makes a game the best MP FPS ever, when there are specific values that obviously appeal more to specific audiences. And you can't even start a discussion about a run and gun FPS without mentioning Quake 3 Arena.

And hell if we break it down into even smaller pieces, there are certainly aspects of other games which out do what bungie has accomplished. I've complained before about how the illusion of scale is interrupted by oldschool level design tricks that are pitfalls of the genre -- more specifically invisible walls. That scale is easily demonstrated more readily in other games without such boundaries, which makes it all the more authentic and believable. It also doesn't help hide the obvious linear nature of the experience when we're essentially funneled from area to area through narrow passages that stream us in to the next section. If we want to talk about AI, it's impossible not to mention FEAR, which easily does everything that Halo does and in some ways much more, despite having its own shortcomings which obviously prevent it from being the best FPS ever.

With all that said and behind us now, it's also worth mentioning that there are other games that are already in development (and some are already gold) which will compete with aspects of Halo on bungie's level and might even push those boundaries further. If you want real scale, you only need to look to Crysis -- if you want a compelling package that encompasses both a campaign and excellent multiplayer, Call of Duty 4.. and that's just skimming the surface of what's to come.

I love this franchise, and personally I think its biggest appeal is actually multiplayer, and not the campaign (I've already discussed the aspects of the campaign where I thought the story fell short of my personal expectations) and I think I'll be playing it for years to come, regardless of its future.

But when it comes right down to it, as a huge fan of this genre, I think it's ridiculous to suggest that there are no other FPS games that would even enter into the dialog concerning the discussion of what is the best first person shooter ever. Now I realize that you're just suggesting that it's the best campaign, but obviously there are others who will just make a blanket statement declaring it the best of everything, ever.

Even breaking the conversation down into those limitations of AI and combat, there are titles worth discussing that would otherwise be out of the question -- and in terms of story and narrative -- there is at least one that deserves simular praise. If you discount narrative, and just consider story there are many more than one, including bungie's own Marathon trilogy.

PS. this game may have different enemies, but it wouldn't have hurt to see some new enemies. Dressing a brute in a different costume doesn't count. Also.. please keep in mind that none of this suggests that I don't think Halo 3 belongs in that same discussion -- I just don't think it's so obvious that it wins the prize.
In reply to
GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
Goddamn that was long -- you best read that Simon or I'm banning you! You don't have to agree (I know you won't), but hell!

Anyway, to shift gears a little bit -- I just finished playing around with the Saved Films feature -- and I also played some more match making tonight. Match making was sorta a drag tonight, we had a rough little losing streak which started to get to me.. mostly because I was doing better going at it alone with random teams in Team Slayer than I was with my friends. I'm not blaming them, especially since my own performance easily matched their own in many of those games, but it's frustrating when you're not working well together with people who you actually enjoy playing with. Thankfully the night ended with two stellar games, which put the spark back into my game and made me feel like it was all worth it.. and probably evened out my k/d from those crappy previous games.

Almost hit my first 100 games.. and I still might tonight if I go back. Good times. I'll make sure to post some of my screenshots over in the Halo 3 screenshot/movie thread as well. I also broke down some demos into clips of ownage, which will eventually be captured and set to cheesy music for good measure.

Guardian is officially my favorite Halo 3 deathmatch map. If it weren't for the lack of an energy sword, it would probably take Lockout's place completely as far as all time, best MP maps go.. it still might with more time. A close second has got to be Zanzibar (yea yea -- Last Resort) which is probably my favorite objective map. What a great place to play CTF. Narrows is also very good. I don't have Construct as much as I did yesterday, but it's still my least favorite map so far.

Oh, and I wish Epitaph was in the Team Slayer playlist.
In reply to
deftangel - Hot stuff!
Since 6984 Days
I actually really like Construct, can't put my finger on why. The map I can't get along with is Isolation, despite the fact I got my FFA Killing Frenzy there. Just can't seem to get into a groove on that map.

I hope there is some DLC maps soonish. Having played the beta and if you factor in Last Resort is (an albeit excellent) Zanzibar remake. It only feels like we've 7 new maps, which isn't terribly many.

They can make some more armor downloadable as well whilst they're at it. I'm going to have a run at the Ninja helmet later and get myself up to Officer. That round off a good first week of Halo :D
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XBL/PSN: deftangel. Views are my own and not representative of my employers. Boulets aren't the end of the world, you will get over them! Reading and constructive discussion classes are available, enquire via PM :)

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7139 Days
Well, since we don't agree, and I know we won't ever agree on this and I've sort of been dodging your earlier remarks directed at my statements because of that, I'll keep this short.

I realise that you can find pieces of other games that reflect the quality of that of a fragment of Halo's composition, but I really don't think that's relevant. I believe the notion that any other single player fps experience has combat situations as sophisticated as these on a core gameplay level to be fundamentally wrong. I realise that you can *flank the island* in a game like far cry, or that the enemies in Half Life 2 (that one enemy, over and over) knows how to kick down a door, but that doesn't encompass the level design and the way Halo streamlines its combat and keeps it tightly wrapped around its specific encounters. There's no tittying about in Halo, all you ever do is find yourself in a fight, and the locations never become vast enough to be irrelevant to that fight, that is a deliberate choice.

Half Life 1 is really only worth mentioning because it was a great experience in its time, but you can't seriously bring it up as a contender for the mechanics here. In fact, even Half Life 2 falls pretty short, especially considering your own mentions - invisible walls and linearity. That game has spawns so obvious I swear it has moments where they spawn people on top of your head. FEAR I really view as the one true candidate, but with its one enemy and one type of locale/combat "stance", it simply does a small part of what Halo does so incredibly well.

System Shock and Bioshock combat? I'd rather just not.. really go there.

I can't really speak for other folks, and like you say I'm sure there are people that will proclaim this the best game ever in a heartbeat. For me that's a title more likely given to another game you don't agree with me on - our armored female friend's first 3d venture.

However, I will bury my feet firmly in the ground and take on a sumo stance regarding this being the best first person shooter ever, because yes I am talking about what counts the most for me with halo - its single player experience. When I'm flanking a brute, meleeing him in the back, spinning around to shotgun a grunt and have a jackal flying over my head from a sticky grenade I threw earlier - when I'm being in total control of the combat situation, fooling AI guys to left and right, feeling that smooth, dynamic flow of the game, you couldn't convince me of otherwise with horny nymphos covered in chocolate.

Although if you were actually offering horny nymphos covered in chocolate I might have to reconsider.

PS. Okay so it was Simon style shortness.
In reply to
GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
You could have kept it even shorter, since it doesn't really address what I wrote at all.

The whole issue is -- what makes an FPS the "best FPS ever" -- and how different that is for different gamers and how narrow minded it is to assume that nothing else could possibly enter that discussion.

It's like you read my post, but didn't comprehend it. You actually think I was talking about System Shock's (and.. FarCry's?) combat, after all. If you actually let that all sink in, you'll see that I was trying to point out that this very small component of what Halo is isn't the only aspect that makes it great. Halo isn't that shallow -- despite the fact that the campaign is a much more standard affair than you're making it out to be. Wasted effort on my part.
Posted by deftangel
I actually really like Construct, can't put my finger on why. The map I can't get along with is Isolation, despite the fact I got my FFA Killing Frenzy there. Just can't seem to get into a groove on that map.

I hope there is some DLC maps soonish. Having played the beta and if you factor in Last Resort is (an albeit excellent) Zanzibar remake. It only feels like we've 7 new maps, which isn't terribly many.

They can make some more armor downloadable as well whilst they're at it. I'm going to have a run at the Ninja helmet later and get myself up to Officer. That round off a good first week of Halo :D
Okay, Construct is growing on me. Once you start using it's layers to confuse and flank the enemy it gets more entertaining. I love Isolation though, I don't understand the hate for that level at all.

I'll say it again though, they must put Epitath on a team slayer list. That map is too cool.
In reply to
SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7139 Days
I don't care, man. I don't understand, how could it possibly have passed you by that I am and will always be talking about the campaign here? SO WHAT if a game has a community to elevate it beyond what the original devs managed? Is that even fair to include in an assessment of its base merits?

I get it, you're totally a multiplayer person and that side of things will always be more important to you. You're casually dismissing the campaign in Halo as a trifle, emphasising how Bungie should've been concentrating on the multiplayer component with THE END OF THEIR TRILOGY.

I'm not that guy, I won't ever regard that part of it as highly as you do. When Half Life 2 came out and I played it I looked to what it had to offer me as a piece of interactive fiction, that's the thing you can make relatively timeless statements about.

I leave it up to other people to decide whether this bobbing weapon and that look for the online mates I shoot in the head is better than this other bobbing weapon and some other look. I do not think Chronicles of Riddick or Bioshock suffered from a lack of multiplayer because I just don't consider it to be a given thing to include. I'm not here to make evenly balanced decisions on what is the best "value" or the best "package". They could strip down all single player first person shooters with multiplayer components to its bare essentials, and it'll quickly become clear which is the best core game.

You keep insisting that it's as a package Halo shines, but there's nobody here to chronicle our words on this, nobody to slap our scores on gamerankings. We can make fleeting remarks about any component of the game and I did.

If you're looking for the best single player/co-op first person shooter with the most astonishingly tight and dynamic AI combat, then Halo 3 is your game. Beyond that I don't presume to know what's what.
In reply to
roxwell - PuS3Y
Since 7064 Days
I'm very dissapointed in the legendary difficulty, it's way to easy.
I've not played it that much and i'm already on level 6 and have not been pinned down at all.

I think it must be that the chief is not fighting the Elites. Brutes are just no match for the battle rifle. Unless the last few levels pick up the pace i'm going to feel a bit let down. Apart from that the game is frickin awesome.
In reply to

Back, sack and crack

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7139 Days
Well it does seem to ramp up towards the end, but yeah I'm a wee bit disappointed in the difficulty aswell. Especially how it doesn't hold up AT ALL with a few people in co-op.

It's like the DMC/DMC2 effect where people claimed 1 to be too hard and DMC2 turned out wimpy. Halo 2 legendary co-op was insane because you didn't respawn in co-op, not because it was just "too difficult". Sadly it seems to have impacted the way they sorted co-op this time beyond just making you respawn.

Luckily there's the meta game stuff to keep things interesting.

Ahh, I went and bought some more tissues now, this cold is driving me insane. Now I can actually type without my face getting all sticky.
In reply to
roxwell - PuS3Y
Since 7064 Days
You dirty man, keep your fetishes to your self thank you ;)

I've not played on co-op yet am doing solo first, as with the other two and i'm steaming through it. If co-op is easier i doubt i'll bother unless it's to help someone out.

Had one quick go on MP and that was a walk in the park too,
that's with my gaming skills getting worse not better :/
In reply to

Back, sack and crack

deftangel - Hot stuff!
Since 6984 Days
On heroic solo, missions 6 and 7 took me just shy of four hours combined. Perhaps I think I'm too much like Jack Bauer and die too much

Agree though on co-op progress can be very rapid. This is because in Halo, you're supposed to die but with 4 players, you very rarely ever go back to a checkpoint because at least someone will still be alive for everyone to respawn.

Solution to this is to turn on as many of the skulls as possible :)

I'm quite happy with Legendary's difficulty with regards to solo though.
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XBL/PSN: deftangel. Views are my own and not representative of my employers. Boulets aren't the end of the world, you will get over them! Reading and constructive discussion classes are available, enquire via PM :)

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
Posted by SimonM7
I don't care, man. I don't understand, how could it possibly have passed you by that I am and will always be talking about the campaign here? SO WHAT if a game has a community to elevate it beyond what the original devs managed? Is that even fair to include in an assessment of its base merits?
Yes. And not only is it fair, it's necessary. Do you think Halo 3's review scores are all based solely on the single player component of the game? And it didn't pass me at all -- I even address the fact that I'm not simply replying to your statement of, "best AI encounters blah blah blah" ever in my post.. but the point is, you can't possibly talk about what's the "best FPS ever" without considering the other aspects of the genre, and more importantly, this game, that make it great.
I get it, you're totally a multiplayer person and that side of things will always be more important to you. You're casually dismissing the campaign in Halo as a trifle, emphasising how Bungie should've been concentrating on the multiplayer component with THE END OF THEIR TRILOGY.
No, you don't get it, because you think that the campaign is like, a billion times better than any other shooter -- and that no other game even deserve mention in that discussion of "best FPS ever," because their campaigns simply can't stack up. It's really not even that stunning of an ending, as I've addressed in other posts -- I think the campaign alone falls short in its narrative in several ways. It lacks character development, it lacks drama, and it's basically business as usual in regards to its formula. Halo 3 is a mix of elements of Halo 1 and Halo 2, with a pretty easily formed ending that takes no risks with its most powerful characters.
If you're looking for the best single player/co-op first person shooter with the most astonishingly tight and dynamic AI combat, then Halo 3 is your game. Beyond that I don't presume to know what's what.
That's mostly true, since you add the qualifier of co-op, which many games don't even support -- which makes this a pointless discussion, since there are simply very few co-op FPS. What's the competition, Perfect Dark Zero? Oh right, you actually like that game..

But never mind. I don't care. Silly me for suggesting that this topic is even worth discussion. It's not. Halo 3 is just the best FPS ever no questions asked and to suggest otherwise is just, ridiculous -- oh, and something about sexy chocolate cakes or something. :/

I blame myself. For thinking that we could actually have a discussion about something so complicated as the best FPS ever instead of quickly labeling Halo 3's campaign as such, and calling it a day -- and for writing the majority of those posts at six in the AM after long bouts of Halo on XBL.
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  • Loakum

    Loakum Ugh….scratch that previous comment. The upcoming Game of Thrones video game is a F’in mobile phone game. Why can’t they came an open world GoT game, like Witcher 3 or God of War? (10 Weeks ago)

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    Driftwood @Loakum: enjoy, the one Sony sent us will be there on launch day. Coverage will follow asap. (> 3 Months ago)

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    Loakum *takes a large sip of victorious grape juice* ok….my PS5 pro arrived early! So much winning! :) (> 3 Months ago)

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    Driftwood @reneyvane: non ils l'ont publié le 1er octobre et je crois que tu l'avais déjà linkée. ;) (> 3 Months ago)

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