deftangel - Hot stuff!
Since 6988 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
I'll probably spend a whole freak'n day just experimenting with jumps when I get my copy.

Bring on September :)
Mr Jukes Jump Tactics for the win! Hope he's around to do some videos for Halo 3. You didn't just learn a lot from his stuff they were very well put together. With the film controls and shared film stuff it'll be even better.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6986 Days
My god people are so horny for NOTHING!

Seriously every hit they shout out for nothing special. I have seen people killing in very great skills with snipers, handgun, plasma...etc. now that is something to shout for, not this :S

But the graphics do look great.
The announcer sucks soooo much, I wish he could shut up.
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Playing: ???
PS3: Heavenly Sword - Lair - Dark Sector - Killzone 2 - MGS4 - Uncharted - Haze - God of War 3
360: Mass Effect - Assassin's Creed - Ninja Gaiden 2 - DMC4 - Too Human - Fable 2 - Resident Evil 5

Since 6979 Days
Sath do not try to understand the Love fans have for Halo it cannot be explained. :)
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


FireWire - IEEE 1394
Since 7120 Days
Posted by dcdelgado
Sath do not try to understand the Love fans have for Halo it cannot be explained. :)
It's the same freakish love Sath has for Dark Sector... The only difference is Halo kicks ass and Dark sector is one big pile of crap

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"You're being arrested for drunk driving."
"Drunk definitely, I don't know if you could call it driving."

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6986 Days
Posted by dcdelgado
Sath do not try to understand the Love fans have for Halo it cannot be explained. :)
Ah no shit...but still, it feels like all the crowd is the ones behind your mic trashtalking to you all gathered in one room :P

But still I rather boo out the talker in the background than Halo.
Just because I don't talk so much in positive ways about H3, it doesn't mean I might not get it.
If I do decide to get it, well it will be when I am feeling like it, its not like I will do what I did for Halo 2, stand in lines, buy Collectors Edition...etc.
Posted by FireWire
It's the same freakish love Sath has for Dark Sector... The only difference is Halo kicks ass and Dark sector is one big pile of crap

Atleast i dont jerk infront of images :P.

But you can't honestly say Dark Sector is my ONLY anticipated game huh?
Sure I talk about it, its because I like it, but I don't love it as much as fans of Halo love Halo.

Mass Effect, Assassins Creed, Ninja Gaiden 2, Metal Gear Solid those are bad ass. Well I liked RE4 alot, and knowing DS plays like that, I certainly can't wait for it.

I guess each to his own right.
In reply to

Playing: ???
PS3: Heavenly Sword - Lair - Dark Sector - Killzone 2 - MGS4 - Uncharted - Haze - God of War 3
360: Mass Effect - Assassin's Creed - Ninja Gaiden 2 - DMC4 - Too Human - Fable 2 - Resident Evil 5

FireWire - IEEE 1394
Since 7120 Days
Posted by Sath
Mass Effect, Assassins Creed, Ninja Gaiden 2, Metal Gear Solid those are bad ass.
I can understand those games, but dark sector.... you have the be very optimistic to see something in that piece of **** ....

Anyway i'll stop going off topic, these gameplay footages actually looked good! love the dark and gloomy setting on this map...
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"You're being arrested for drunk driving."
"Drunk definitely, I don't know if you could call it driving."

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6986 Days
Posted by FireWire
I can understand those games, but dark sector.... you have the be very optimistic to see something in that piece of **** ....

Anyway i'll stop going off topic, these gameplay footages actually looked good! love the dark and gloomy setting on this map...
Well I am not picky as most people are, and there are ALOT of people who seem picky. I just like cool looking games. Like 3rd person shooter, Dark Sector. Stealth, Assassins Creed. Pure sci-fi RPG, Mass Effect.

I go with genre and the art style and how it is played. That is how I am.

Alright we should go back to topic simple as that.
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Playing: ???
PS3: Heavenly Sword - Lair - Dark Sector - Killzone 2 - MGS4 - Uncharted - Haze - God of War 3
360: Mass Effect - Assassin's Creed - Ninja Gaiden 2 - DMC4 - Too Human - Fable 2 - Resident Evil 5

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7120 Days
Needs more cargos.. ;)

..but stop picking on the poor guy.

This thread is about Halo, not Dark Sector.. so lets not drag this on.
In reply to
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6986 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
Needs more cargos.. ;)

..but stop picking on the poor guy.

This thread is about Halo, not Dark Sector.. so lets not drag this on.
Hehe, marines have cargos in Halo...yes there ANOTHER positive thing from me.



One thing that I like about this times online for Halo 3 is the armor customization. Although you won't be able to see your own character (unless you die) but still, gets a more unique feel to it.

Heres the thing, I want to get this game, but I am not feeling a huge vibe that I instantly must get it, and I am not planning on getting online because the only 2 360 games I am buying this year is ME and Ac which is both offline and is coming in November. So I don't think I will get Gold account for Halo 3.

Once I got the beta I nearly touched it after 1-2 weeks off gameplay, I didn't even have the urge to play it after that.

So I might get this and I might not, if I do, it is purefuly because I have been following the story from Halo to Halo 2 (game, with a tad from the first book).
So basically the story itself is the one that might have me getting it.
In reply to

Playing: ???
PS3: Heavenly Sword - Lair - Dark Sector - Killzone 2 - MGS4 - Uncharted - Haze - God of War 3
360: Mass Effect - Assassin's Creed - Ninja Gaiden 2 - DMC4 - Too Human - Fable 2 - Resident Evil 5

Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7090 Days
Posted by Heretic
i agree with what Opt is saying. Bungie is doing things that devs right now can only dream of. its a masterpiece for the 360 and will be known as such.
What things are Bungie doing that other devs only think of doing? Halo 3 has some nice tech, but it also has some basic effects missing. For example, dynamic lights don't appear to cast shadows with dynamic objects. Poly count is low on characters and they tend to look flat. The big laser bursts from the ships appear very bright yet don't seem to do much indirect illumination, ditto self shadows appear faint even in bright light. AF doesn't appear high and ground textures aren't very detailed. Grass is spite and fairly sparse. They have a large world, but so did games like GRAW, Oblivion, Kameo, etc. Post processing effects sans HDR aren't cutting edge. Animation is horrible... really, really horrible.

Like I said, Halo 3 has some nice tech. The game is pretty and the sky is ZOMG. But when you look at the stuff other developers are doing with poly counts, model detail, brush and trees, interactive and destructive environments, framerate, lighting and shadowing, particle systems, AI, dynamic animation systems, etc I don't think it is even realistic to say Bungie is doing stuff others just dream of.

And their big features aren't like, "Wow, impossible!" 4 Player coop? Welcome to the party Bungie. Forge? TS2 and FCI had actual map editors; the old UT games had map makers and gameplay modifiers. Gary's Mod with HL2 physics and grav gun is insane. Machinima? Between no real control over lip sync, gestures, custom animations, and completely custom clothes, sets, and sceners there just nothing here other 360 devs haven't done with the video capture stuff (sharing is something else). The lobby system and game filters/modes is insane, but 16 players is sparse and they still lack ded servers. And a number of games, like the GRAW series, have a lot of MP depth.

Halo 3 is a really nice package, very rich and robust. 3 years, 90 people, and over $20M does that. And not to take away anything from Bungie, they are very talented folks with a great vision. But Halo 3 isn't ground breaking in game design or mechanics or introducting anything revolutionary... but like the Orange Box it is more than the individual sum of parts. It is a complete package with a ton of quality and an insane amount of replay.
this is the game to beat in every category that is out there.
Halo 3 is a crappy football game. And RPG.
its going above and beyond what any game is doing now in terms of graphics
any game that can get 2 of the most well respected developers to hold their games for next year is definitely doing something right!
Who, Epic and Free Radical?

First, the UT series is a PC mainstay and has never been a force on the consoles. And Free Radical is introducing a new IP in a year with a slew of new IPs & a ton of sequals to strong brands.

It isn't just Halo 3, but: Call of Duty 4, Brother in Arms 3, Medal of Honor: Airborne, Half-Life 2 Orange Box, Quake Wars, Bioshock, and Mass Effect (which has a lot of FPS elements).

Epic and FR knew there was a good chance their games would get overlooked, regardless of quality. Look at the hype for Halo 3: 1M preorders with barely any SP footage at the time and a MP beta that was very similar to the 2004 incarnation.

One look no further than Madden to see how a name and reputation can carry a big franchise, year in and year out, to HUGE sales and prevent quality competition from getting a foothold in the market.

If I was running those other FPS games I would have made sure I launched before Halo 3 -- notably Bioshock, HL2 Orange Box, and BiA3 -- or delayed until 2008. The only 2 exceptions would be Mass Effect and Call of Duty 4, which for their own reason I think won't be as harmed by Halo sales (CoD due to fanbase and a totallyd ifferent setting and style; ME because it is only partly a FPS).

Even if UT3 was the BEST online console game ever in terms of features, graphics, and customization, it just wouldn't hold a candle against the Halo 3 hype train. No game can.
In reply to

The fans have spoken. Concerning the graphics of the Halo 3 Beta: "There's so many little effects and things going on that make this game pretty much 2nd only to Gears at the moment."

Since 7048 Days
Noobs always noobs.

Why can they never get anyone who is actually GOOD at the game to play?
In reply to

Alcohol and drugs and my biggest fans. They follow me where ever i go.

Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7090 Days
Maybe noobs, but listen to the crowd. They loved every moments. And it looked good. Very AvP feel in a lot of ways.
In reply to

The fans have spoken. Concerning the graphics of the Halo 3 Beta: "There's so many little effects and things going on that make this game pretty much 2nd only to Gears at the moment."

Since 6725 Days
It was just the theatrics. They were gettin into it and havin a good time. Its not like they were actually so impressed by any of that stuff that they felt they had to cheer.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7120 Days
Posted by TheBeagle
It was just the theatrics. They were gettin into it and havin a good time. Its not like they were actually so impressed by any of that stuff that they felt they had to cheer.
Exactly.. they were excited because they got to see something new.. something that not many other people had experienced in a group environment and to some extent mob mentality rules. Just people havin a good time.. PAX seems like it was a lot of fun.
In reply to
Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7090 Days
People just having a good time... doesn't Nintendo own that patent :P
In reply to

The fans have spoken. Concerning the graphics of the Halo 3 Beta: "There's so many little effects and things going on that make this game pretty much 2nd only to Gears at the moment."

Since 7048 Days
Posted by Myro
I just saw this, if you look in the background you can see a covy cruise ship glassing an area. (new link)

You need the 720p version to see it, but it looks pretty cool.
Posted by Heretic
what time?
16:08 and onwards. It just comes around and starts this beam a few times, looks really cool. its in the background.
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Alcohol and drugs and my biggest fans. They follow me where ever i go.

Since 6406 Days
This is the best version ive seen of anything, standard and HD versions available (still has the annoying announcer guy tho)
In reply to

I'll treat you like cake.......NO MERCY!!

Since 7105 Days
Wow! I thought "the announcer can't be anywhere near as bad as the BIA announcer..." and unfortunately he proved me wrong :S

The game definitely looked great...although I yearn for nice fire :(
In reply to
Since 7012 Days
What things are Bungie doing that other devs only think of doing? Halo 3 has some nice tech, but it also has some basic effects missing. For example, dynamic lights don't appear to cast shadows with dynamic objects. Poly count is low on characters and they tend to look flat. The big laser bursts from the ships appear very bright yet don't seem to do much indirect illumination, ditto self shadows appear faint even in bright light. AF doesn't appear high and ground textures aren't very detailed. Grass is spite and fairly sparse. They have a large world, but so did games like GRAW, Oblivion, Kameo, etc. Post processing effects sans HDR aren't cutting edge. Animation is horrible... really, really horrible.

I own all 3 games you just mentioned and none of them look nearly as good as Halo 3. Animation isn't really really horrible. Its not whiz bang next gen style animation, but if that means more enemies to fight then by all means. Why waste resources on making them have incredible realistic animations and as a result potentially have to cutdown in other areas Halo 3 is strong on. Oblivion.. now that has horrible animations.

Poly count is low on characters, but it works out to the game's advantage. What with the game's awesome scale and draw distance, number of enemies, stuff going on in the air or far off into the distance, huge ships flying overhead. Naturally compromises need to be made.

"AF doesn't appear high and ground textures aren't very detailed."

Disagree completely from the videos I've seen. Its all about how it'll look on my HDTV and judging from what I saw on that HDTV. Its strong in both areas. I suppose if you zoom in and concentrate on the floor you see problems, but Halo 3 is a victim of its own feature set. Allowing people to zoom around the way they do is bound to have people noticing things that don't look perfect. Also lets not forget what was said in the weekly updates. Its very easy for the affect that the lighting gives to the environment to be totally lost when detaching camera to zoom all over the place.

"Grass is spite and fairly sparse."

Every stop to consider maybe that was a design decision? The entire area riddled in grass would look ridiculous. You may want tons more grass, but the people designing the levels have a better understanding or differing opinion of what makes their levels look good. The jungle level looks nice in this regard which is why I suspect its a design decision and not something they couldn't achieve.

"dynamic lights don't appear to cast shadows with dynamic objects."

Cancels pre-order =P

"Post processing effects sans HDR aren't cutting edge."

Sure seems cutting edge to me compared to every other HDR implementation I've seen on the console.

Correct me if I'm wrong acert, but sometimes it appears to me as if you'd much prefer raw graphical effects at the expense of whats most fun to the player. Perhaps tone down the draw distance and decrease the number of enemies and totally get rid of the cool things they've done with the skybox, make areas smaller for the sake of implementing the improvements you'd like to see added to the game? I'd gladly take that amazing looking stuff far off into the distance as oppoesd to less far more high enemies with killer animations.

Another thing I suspect is that the models considering how great they look in third person aren't getting their due. The chief stands out and looks better than the rest, but somethings got to give if you wish to achieve more things later. There is no telling how big battles in Halo 3 get or what we may end up seeing during actual gameplay so I think Bungie has planned and properly prepared for such situations. Remember we can in time go down to that arc there. We fight the giant scarab which is more of a true AI this time around.

Bungie had ideas of what they wanted to achieve in the game to give it an epic feel and they felt cutting down on character poly count was one such step.
And not to take away anything from Bungie, they are very talented folks with a great vision. But Halo 3 isn't ground breaking in game design or mechanics or introducting anything revolutionary...
It was never intended to be Acert games are about being fun, cool, engaging they doesn't have to revolutionize much of anything to be deserving of endless praise.
In reply to

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

Since 7012 Days
I mean think about it isn't this the same look we all wanted to see for Halo 3 especially after Halo Combat Evolved?

As long as the game plays extremely well and its fun and the player can clearly see how much work the developer put into making the game look as beautiful and attractive as possible the only thing we could ask for after that is that they give us a nicely written story and the presentation of that story is noticeably high on quality.

Yes in many ways its still very much a very recognizable Halo game, but thats an awesome thing. I said once I hope developers use the extra power of these consoles to achieve the kinds of incredible games that were out of their reach on previous consoles and shouldn't feel like they have to show off all sorts of tech to do deliver an incredible experience and it seems Bungie is doing just that. Halo 1 + 2, but bigger and better with the obvious benefits that come from building it on a more powerful machine.
In reply to

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7120 Days
Posted by Optimusv2
"Post processing effects sans HDR aren't cutting edge."

Sure seems cutting edge to me compared to every other HDR implementation I've seen on the console.
"Sans" means "without." And I don't think if you read Acert's posts he quite clearly states that "It is a complete package with a ton of quality and an insane amount of replay."--hardly suggesting anyone should cancel their preorder. If anything he's challenging the concept that it's this ridiculously high bar that bungie has set in the context of.. what was it.. the technical (and artistic) showpiece for the console?

But carry on, since you carry on quite a bit anyway. I'd rather actually talk about Halo now.. how bout them flamethrowers, eh?
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Since 7012 Days
The pre-order thing was a joke suggesting dynamic lights not casting shadows with dynamic objects is hardly something most people will even notice or care about. Ahh okay not sure why I read that as and instead of sans.

Yep most technically and artistically sound game on the console. Yea I'm sure you know quite a bit about carrying on yourself ;)

Oh flamethrowers are pretty :D
In reply to

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

Since 6864 Days
Awesome vids, Halo 3 is definately shaping up to be GOTC for me.
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Since 7012 Days
Cool thread on gaf on what everyone is going to play first between SP or MP. Its without a doubt SP on heroic (possibly legendary) for me what about the rest of you guys?
In reply to

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7120 Days
Probably legendary co-op.. followed shortly there after by a bunch of MP. Same day regardless.
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