Since 5788 Days
If Bungie wanted to make a scripted drag you along for the ride, light featured game i'm sure they could have done a Gears\KillZone type looker, but then we would all be complaining.

The game looks great and the feature-set is phenomenal, and i've no doubt the gameplay will put the icing on the cake.

EDIT: Some previews have started popping.
Q.I noticed while playing the multiplayer that the AI was incredibly advanced, especially in the Elites who seem much more ruthless. In layman’s terms how much of a change have you guys made to ensure these improvements?

Sankey: At Bungie, AI is very, very important, and in terms of getting solid AI for the player to fight against, it is very challenging. We always have to make sure that our games stay ahead of the curve and give the best experiences possible. One of the cool things we wanted to do was bring back the Elites, who are cunning and essentially you know, big space ninjas. So this also gave us a chance to improve the Elites, look at their AI and kick them up a notch.
One of the things you may not have noticed while playing is that in co-op, the game is potentially easier because there are more of you and the same amount of Covenant. But we said, ‘hey, you know what? Let’s do this better so that when you have four players joined in co-op, the AI naturally scales and the enemies become more difficult. So in many ways this is the most challenging of the Halo games.

Q.It seems that throughout the game there are a lot of features that echo all the games in the past. Were you trying to make Reach a nostalgic game for the fans?

Sankey: Absolutely, because it naturally fits into the theme of it being a prequel but there’s certainly things about the previous games tat we wanted to bring back to the fold. Things like, exploring wide open frontiers like in Combat Evolved, we said, ‘let’s bring back that for players to experience’.

Battles are epic
So for Reach we felt we had to come full circle to the first Halo because that’s where this story ends and certainly as you play through the Reach campaign we do start to paint a picture of the first game. That was very fun and satisfying for us to do.

Jarrard: We have talked about this in that we wanted to make this game for ourselves and make it the best Halo game we’ve always wanted to play by incorporating all of the features that we’ve enjoyed from over the years.
But we definitely do view this as a final send-off to our fans as well and certainly with all of these new customisation options it’s out hope that by giving our fans such a broad range of tools to work with, that they’ll keep the Halo: Reach experience alive well beyond the time that Bungie is no longer involved.
Your first mission “Noble Actual” sees the squad travelling to a UNSC outpost that has mysteriously fallen silent. The attention to detail as you trek across the Reach farmlands is astounding, from the native fauna that breaks from the undergrowth and runs away as you approach, to the civilians who talk to your squad and reveal information about supposed Covenant activity.

At this point the rain starts and the sweeping orchestral soundtrack takes a sinister turn, truly delivering a sense that something is rotten in the state of Reach. After a few seconds of trekking towards the UNSC outpost, you might have to do a double take and remind yourself that Master Chief is nowhere to be seen.

Everything about the game is reminiscent of the Chief’s outings, from the identical controls, pounding soundtrack and the lush green expanses that smack of Combat Evolved. Once we reach the outpost and the Covenant reveal themselves, we’re suddenly back in 2001, blasting ten shades out of grunts and loving every moment.

From this point, the Spartan’s radio link is awash with desperate reports from Spartan officers all over Reach, each reporting that the Covenant has started attacking. With chaos all around them, the shit truly hits the fan as Noble Squad wades into the fight proper, laying waste to Elites, Banshees and even the odd Phantom here and there. Everyone’s turned up for this final send-off but just as the action reaches its peak, the demonstration comes to a close and we’re left wanting more
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Since 7107 Days
Posted by icemanufc
If Bungie wanted to make a scripted drag you along for the ride, light featured game i'm sure they could have done a GearsKillZone type looker, but then we would all be complaining.
Is that what I said I wanted? No, so don't put words in my mouth. Bungie released a trailer for Reach that looked pretty damn good but not unrealistically mindblowing. Shots from said trailer now don't look as good. It's not like they were able to add more features to the game by diverting manpower away from a cinematic that was already made.
The game looks great and the feature-set is phenomenal, and i've no doubt the gameplay will put the icing on the cake.
I agree. I haven't said anything to the contrary, and in fact, Reach is my most anticipated game at the moment. Being disappointed at a clear downgrade(even if it's just for a cutscene) doesn't mean I am going to be less excited about the inevitably fantastic gameplay.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Since 5788 Days
At no point did i say thats what you said, and for me and others it looks better than the trailer did then, either way it still looks great.
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Since 6009 Days
I like the new look better also, more detail and crisper look.

Also sweet previews :)
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Prepare To Drop!!

Since 7107 Days
Posted by icemanufc
At no point did i say thats what you said
By directly replying to what I wrote with what you wrote, it seemed obvious you were assuming I said I wanted a "scripted drag you along for the ride, light featured game."
for me and others it looks better than the trailer did then
That's fantastic, and I wish I could agree, but I honestly think people are kidding themselves by saying they prefer the flatter, vastly less atmospheric, newer version. Not that I think they are wrong, but I do believe that if they were shown two similar screenshots of some other random game, more would prefer the first.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Since 7014 Days

Cortana being naughty? :P

I'm speculating that what happened to that ship was not done by an orbital mac gun, nor was it done by some unsc ship that's in the sky.

They'd be crazy to not make sure Noble Six was still on Reach even after the events of the first Halo because activity was still very much present on Reach after those events to the point that the Chief even made it back to Reach and helped rescue Halsey and a few other Spartan IIs. Cortana, meanwhile was up in space occupying some highjacked Covenant flagship that she was using to blend in amongst all the other Covenant ships. I'm not entirely sure, but she may have performed another slipspace jump out to a pack of rubble further off from the battle so as to appear like a disabled ship of some sort, but maybe she was also doing a little something else before she did that? Or perhaps I'm wrong and it's factions within the UNSC that have Covenant technology.

I think there's more than meets the eye to that ship being annihilated, though.
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Halo Reach using 360 tesselation unit extensively.

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of th

Since 6982 Days
Posted by BLackHawkodst
I like the new look better also, more detail and crisper look.

Also sweet previews :)
Yeah prefer the new look better but I still miss that warm glow, reading all the previews they all think the game looks amazing.
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Since 5788 Days
Posted by BLackHawkodst
I like the new look better also, more detail and crisper look.

Also sweet previews :)
Posted by dcdelgado
Yeah prefer the new look better but I still miss that warm glow, reading all the previews they all think the game looks amazing.


Sweet gif man, just saw the shortened tv ad with that extra scene at the end, it just looks beautiful!
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Since 6009 Days
First up was a presentation showing off the Forge editor, Forge World and the start of the game’s campaign. To put it simply Forge World looks incredible. For those of you not familiar with the Forge mode that appeared in Halo 3 it’s essentially a real-time map editor that allows you to switch between editing and playing. Forge World takes the editor and shows you what it can really do.

Essentially Forge World is a huge empty map designed specifically to be filled with the player’s Forge creations. Don’t worry the Forge editor is still there to some extent in every multiplayer map, Forge World is just taking the concept and putting it on steroids. The world itself is split into five zones designed for building different types of maps, and just to demonstrate what you can really do with the tool Bungie are including some maps built entirely in Forge. Two of these maps will have long time fans very excited with ‘Hemorrhage’ being a remake of the classic map made famous by Red vs. Blue ‘Blood Gulch’, whereas ‘Pinnacle’ is a remake of Halo 2?s ‘Ascension’.

The absolutely huge Forge World aside, Forge itself has had some updates. From what we saw at the event a lot of these are designed to let players build more complex maps, although there doesn’t seem to be any one new ‘killer’ feature added to the editor. Rather they’ve upgraded or added a lot of small features, building out a more comprehensive and usable editor.

With the Forge presentation over Bungie swiftly moved onto showing the campaign. We were only shown the opening stages of the campaign,with your squad investigating a suspected insurgency. Of course anyone who knows their Halo lore will instantly jump to the conclusion that it’s actually a Covenant force, but Bungie still manage to build the suspense. You catch glimpses of fast moving figures out of the corner of your eye and you quickly encounter evidence of firefights.

The story itself looks to be coming together nicely, but the main thing I took away was the graphical fidelity. It just looks great, the water and particle effects in particular. The scale of everything is what impressed me the most, Reach seems huge even if the maps you play in may be a bit more constrained. This also feels a bit more like a ‘living’ world. It doesn’t come close to touching titles like Grand Theft Auto, but you’re not in a world that’s only populated by enemies.

Whilst Reach is a military base, it still has a civilian population. At the game’s start the planet hasn’t turned into a warzone yet, and civilians are still around. In the sequence Bungie were showing your squadmates try and get some information out of a group of farmers who were sheltering from the initial attacks. We were told this won’t be a one off event and that civilians will be part of the story and world. Civilians are nice, but what stood out as more interesting was Reach’s wildlife.

A couple of ostrich looking creatures tagged along with the squad at a few points, making Reach seem more than just some random planet. In fact Bungie seem to have gone quite some way to add a unique character to the planet, as well as making the environment seem inhabited little details in the background make the world seem a little more real than in previous Halo titles.
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Prepare To Drop!!

Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7093 Days
Forge World in the Hands of the Incompetent.

Incompetent Cartographer 1

Incompetent Cartographer 2

Incompetent Cartographer 3

Competent Cartographer (Bungie Weekly Update: 07.30.2010)
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Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

Since 7244 Days
That's cool
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Since 6475 Days
Not sure if the geometry would work at all, but it would be really fun to see some Gears maps made in forge mode. The brilliant community maps are really gonna be one of the really amazing aspects of this game. I hope microsoft has an idea for who is gonna be running the online updates after Bungie has left this game behind for their new project.

Hopefully the most poplular forge maps will get added to the online rotation pretty often. If so, this game is gonna be some true online bliss.
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Since 5788 Days
cant wait to play with Forge, its worth the price alone.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7122 Days
Posted by icemanufc
cant wait to play with Forge, its worth the price alone.
If forge was the only thing on the disc, and all you could do is play custom forge games, you'd pay $60 for it? Sorry that's nuts :P
Posted by Nietzsche
Not sure if the geometry would work at all, but it would be really fun to see some Gears maps made in forge mode. The brilliant community maps are really gonna be one of the really amazing aspects of this game. I hope microsoft has an idea for who is gonna be running the online updates after Bungie has left this game behind for their new project.

Hopefully the most poplular forge maps will get added to the online rotation pretty often. If so, this game is gonna be some true online bliss.
Yea Gears levels will be difficult to reproduce, but I can think of a ton of classic maps from other games that will not. I can't wait to play some UT, Quake, TF remakes, etc. Hell I want to try to remake Strike At Karkand (also probably impossible)!
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Since 7107 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
If forge was the only thing on the disc, and all you could do is play custom forge games, you'd pay $60 for it? Sorry that's nuts :P
People pay that much for 6-8 hour single-player games that offer very little replayability. $60 for kick-ass mp gameplay on countless user-generated mp maps and modes seems far less nuts.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Since 6475 Days
Posted by Ronsauce
People pay that much for 6-8 hour single-player games that offer very little replayability. $60 for kick-ass mp gameplay on countless user-generated mp maps and modes seems far less nuts.
I agree, Halo's gameplay along with limitless new maps to play with friends? How does that not sound like a shit ton more value than a large amount of full price games on the market???
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7122 Days
Posted by Ronsauce
People pay that much for 6-8 hour single-player games that offer very little replayability. $60 for kick-ass mp gameplay on countless user-generated mp maps and modes seems far less nuts.
Forge itself is a great bonus, but being limited to custom games cripples it slightly. It still adds an unbelievable amount of value to the package, but if it weren't part of a package I wouldn't think it was so cool. It certainly wouldn't be worth full price, but neither are those 6-8 hour single player games. I can't believe people pay $60 for a $10/hr experience. That's equally absurd.
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Since 6475 Days
Good point Grift, I'll never understand that myself. No matter how great a game is, if it's only a short single player experience then it's a rental for me. Even Mass Effect 2 and God of War 3 I rented b/c I knew the game wouldn't last me very long, no matter how fun.

I've also never been someone who can replay the same SP over and over again either though. MP is just far far more fun IMO.

Racing games are probably the only game that I can get one or a couple hundred hours out of the SP part of the experience.
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Since 7108 Days
Posted by Nietzsche
Good point Grift, I'll never understand that myself. No matter how great a game is, if it's only a short single player experience then it's a rental for me. Even Mass Effect 2 and God of War 3 I rented b/c I knew the game wouldn't last me very long, no matter how fun.

I've also never been someone who can replay the same SP over and over again either though. MP is just far far more fun IMO.

Racing games are probably the only game that I can get one or a couple hundred hours out of the SP part of the experience.
I dunno... For instance I have played Kotor like three times and Mass Effect twice. But I agree, multiplayer last you longer.
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"It is such a quiet thing, to fall. But far more terrible is to admit it." ~ Kreia in Kotor2

Since 6009 Days
It all boils down to the individual, i'd buy Mass Effect over any racing game/platformer any day of the week, but thats because i love the genre and want to support the games i love, if Iceman thinks ForgeWorld is worth the full price alone, then for him its worth the full price.
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Prepare To Drop!!

Since 6475 Days
I love Mass Effect 2 as much as the next guy, I just don't ever feel like paying $60 for a single player only game. They are often some of the best experiences (dead space, mass effect 2, batman AA, etc) but a rental gets you the same experience for a tenth of the price.

But I also don't buy very many games, I rent the vast majority of the games that look good. I usually only buy games that have a good MP component or take a long time to complete like Forza 3 or RDR.
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Since 6881 Days
Games like COD's single player don't hold up well to repeated trips, but I've lost count how many times I've played through the SP of the Halo games. I think it is a testament to Bungie's gameplay expertise. The play is so dynamic and fun that I never get tired of it. Even Half Life can't hold me for multiple play-throughs...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 7107 Days
Ditto that.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Since 6982 Days
Agree :)

Gamespot SP Hands-On:

IGN SP Hands-On:

The more i read the more i cant wait until Sept 14th
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Since 6879 Days
I replayed the first 4 missions of Halo 3 onLegendary today, still such a blast. I replayed Halo CE recently as well. H3 has much better gameplay but atmosphere (on most levels) just isn't there and story is pure crap, hopefully Reach will improve on both aspects to make for the best Halo campaign yet. Damn, the gameis shaping up so good I think I'll actually have tears of joy while playing it.
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"That just happened 'cause that was awesome" - Randy Pitchford, Gearbox

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    Loakum Ugh….scratch that previous comment. The upcoming Game of Thrones video game is a F’in mobile phone game. Why can’t they came an open world GoT game, like Witcher 3 or God of War? (11 Weeks ago)

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    Loakum By FAR, the upcoming Game of Thrones King’s Road was the Game of the Show! It plays like God of War Ragnarok! :) (> 3 Months ago)

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    Loakum @Driftwood Awesome! I’m loving it! It does show a much crisper picture and the frame rate looks good! I was playing Stella Blade and Dragonball Soarkling Blast! :) (> 3 Months ago)

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    Driftwood @Loakum: enjoy, the one Sony sent us will be there on launch day. Coverage will follow asap. (> 3 Months ago)

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    Loakum *takes a large sip of victorious grape juice* ok….my PS5 pro arrived early! So much winning! :) (> 3 Months ago)

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    Driftwood @reneyvane: non ils l'ont publié le 1er octobre et je crois que tu l'avais déjà linkée. ;) (> 3 Months ago)

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