GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
Posted by roxwell
The plasma pistol really is a beast :)
It's always been great, and granted, it's still not Halo 2 great again, but it never should have been. The tracking on the plasma pistol in that game was ridiculous.

It's cool that it can kill now too :)

Hmm.. new daily challenges are up. Some good cR today. They're sorta assholes for making this even more addicting than it would have been without fillin' bars. I loathe that shit and I fall for it. Shame on me.
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deftangel - Hot stuff!
Since 6984 Days
Funny thing about Halo. It's such a massive thing yet seemingly pushes lots of people to extremes. They either show the franchise unrequited love or brazenly put it down at every opportunity. The truth is, as always, somewhere in the middle. Long times fans of the franchise will be able to reel off the differences between the games that the casual onlooker simply won't see.

To anything more than the casual observer, the games do have significant differences. You can take the counterpoint to this and posit that we're all essentially playing the same game as Quake, or Doom or Wolfenstein if you want. Most people would find that ridiculous. Suggesting Reach is exactly the same as Halo 1,2 or 3 isn't miles away from saying the same thing.

Yes, Halo has core tenets that it adheres to which is one of it's strengths. If those tenets do not appeal to you, you're unlikely to enjoy any of the games. Buying Reach and grumbling that it's just like Halo X at that level of investment is somewhat redundant in my eyes.

One thing I've noticed is that my K/D ratio is way higher than Halo 2 or 3 right now. 1.29 might not sound terribly high (it isn't) but I definitely average less than that in the other games. (Ranked/Social 1.02/1.18 in Halo 3). Granted, I've only played 24 MP games so far but that's enough to get an average. I need to do more analysis but I seem to have improved in relative terms with the precision weapons.

So I'm loving the bloom basically!
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Since 6447 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
I don't know how someone could *not* find a game of infection.
Amen to that! It's almost always what is played when I go for Rumble Pit; some occasional standard FFA slayer wouldn't go amiss. At least it's fun though... even if some of the FW maps have ridiculous spots where the non-infected can camp.

I find it weird that, in Elite Slayer, almost no one uses the plasma pistol - it's such a great help. Charge that bad boy up when you spawn, take down your enemy's shields and then go to town on them. Simples.

I disagree that the campaign is average for a Halo game though, but that's just my personal preference of what appeals to me in a singleplayer campaign.
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8 Bits - Games. Movies. Music. Stuff.

Since 6441 Days
Well i found a strategy that skyrocketed my results in slayer matches. I didn't know that armor lockdown insta-kills the shield of a player near by when you release it, so when some sucker runs in for a melee i block their attack, kill their shield and hit em back for a kill. Would have been nice to know that the armor lock did that without reading about it online :P
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"I still don't know if snakes make good pets, but at least they've got your f****g back."

Since 6447 Days
Hey man, if you'd played the BETA...

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8 Bits - Games. Movies. Music. Stuff.

Since 6441 Days
Posted by blmbox
Hey man, if you'd played the BETA...

Yeah well i'm not the kind of guy that pays 60 wingwangs for two weeks of beta access.
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"I still don't know if snakes make good pets, but at least they've got your f****g back."

Since 6447 Days
Me neither, I borrowed it off a mate.

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8 Bits - Games. Movies. Music. Stuff.

roxwell - PuS3Y
Since 7064 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
It's always been great, and granted, it's still not Halo 2 great again, but it never should have been. The tracking on the plasma pistol in that game was ridiculous.

It's cool that it can kill now too :)

Hmm.. new daily challenges are up. Some good cR today. They're sorta assholes for making this even more addicting than it would have been without fillin' bars. I loathe that shit and I fall for it. Shame on me.
And the fact you could dual wield it.

On my solo run on Legendary I used up 3 plasma pistols in the first fight, on the very first level trying to knock a Bashee out the sky that's engaged in a dogfight with my helicopter thingy. Does anyone know if that can be done?
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Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

deftangel - Hot stuff!
Since 6984 Days
I wouldn't be surprised if it can't. Someone at Halo.Bungie.Org might know or wherewever Frogblast and his ilk hang out these days. Might give it a go myself. Did that level on Legendary myself last night. More enjoyable second time around too.
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Since 6874 Days
Does anyone know whats up with the question mark that shows up in the background during the Multiplayer lobby? If you watch the planet, there is lightning(explosions) that lights up the clouds, and there is a question mark in there...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

roxwell - PuS3Y
Since 7064 Days
Let me know if you succeed?

My techniques at doing Legendary are:

1) Get a plasma pistol asap.

2) Give Marines the most powerful weapons you can (I know Acert for one laughs at this and will say no, no, no and no), rocket laucher, plasma cannon, sniper, sword, hammer whatever. They don't use up any ammo with it and can do some damage before their inevitable deaths, then you can just pick it up. I gave a Marine a sword and he took out two Brutes before a third introduced his hammer to his chin, such is life but he was my hero. :D
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Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

Since 7097 Days
Whoop. My xbox lives long enough for me to complete the game. Really enjoyed the last few missions. The ending really makes me wish the game would continue right where the credits roll. A Halo:CE with updated visuals and whotnot would have been a lovely parting gift from Bungie
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Since 7045 Days
Playing on my roommates copy on SP. Gotta say it's pretty boring. I really haven't cared about anyone who has died either.

I can also see what people are saying about the AI now. I don't ever recall it being like this in previous iterations. I watch enemies just stand out in the open like statues while they welcome my bullets with open arms before their script of a dodge or retaliation finally kick in. It's weird to me.
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Since 5303 Days
Posted by roxwell
2) Give Marines the most powerful weapons you can (I know Acert for one laughs at this and will say no, no, no and no), rocket laucher, plasma cannon, sniper, sword, hammer whatever. They don't use up any ammo with it and can do some damage before their inevitable deaths, then you can just pick it up. I gave a Marine a sword and he took out two Brutes before a third introduced his hammer to his chin, such is life but he was my hero. :D

Just played more SP with mates and i can see why the reviewers have praised the hell out of the AI, theres no FPS console game out there that can touch it!!, me and my pals really had to think and adjust our strategies on the fly to get past the Elite bastards!!, and each encounter brings new challenging hurdles. :)
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Since 6988 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
I don't know how someone could *not* find a game of infection. It's all people ever fucking play in rumble pit. God forbid I just want to shoot some people and not play, "lets all camp in a corner!" Zombies is fine in smaller doses, but I just played five rounds of rumble pit and we played one game of slayer. It's sorta awful. Make a zombies playlist or something and get that shit out of the rumble pit. Sometimes I want to play an actual game of free-for-all! /rant
I hear ya Grift.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
Posted by Tinks
I can also see what people are saying about the AI now. I don't ever recall it being like this in previous iterations. I watch enemies just stand out in the open like statues while they welcome my bullets with open arms before their script of a dodge or retaliation finally kick in. It's weird to me.
They dodge pretty much everything they can. But that's not what makes the AI stand out, at least, not to me. I've tried to kite them around a level and they actually are smarter about it than most people are. Granted, they *know* where you are, and can make decisions accordingly, but it's still more impressive than most other shooters, where the AI would just be easily flanked or literally just stand there and take shots, especially from a distance (RFOM, for example, though to be fair, it's happened to me in Halo 3 too, but like.. once!).

I need new daily challenges. I need more cR. I need "heart attack" for my pink girly spartan.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
New daily challenges are up. 50 assists? Come on bungie! That's sorta ridiculous. 50 assists will take me as many as a billion kills.
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roxwell - PuS3Y
Since 7064 Days
Just look around for people fighting and chip in with the odd shot then move on.


Just thought about that and the problem is everybody will be doing the same :/
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Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
The odd shot usually doesn't result in an assist in this game. in ~1200 kills I have ~250 assists. 50 seems pretty high for a daily challenge, especially considering how easy they usually are. Yesterday it was 15 assists! Granted, it wasn't worth nearly as much cR either. I'll give it a shot but I'm not going to bend over backwards for it. I might run around with a plasma pistol for a while later and see if that's an affective way of wracking up assists.
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Since 7101 Days
You might have to just make a conscious effort not to go for a final headshot if you happen to be in a skirmish while your teammates are around I suppose. But yeah, 50 seems like a lot. Fifteen was reasonable, and even then, I progressed more slowly through that challenge than I originally thought.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
Yeah... I guess I can just start doing 4-and-stop with the DMR/Pistol... but I would rather get kills when I have the oppertunity to do so. I guess I could just play and see what happens. The other three challenges should happen quite naturally and maybe if I have the chance to play enough today, that one will too. I guess we'll see!
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Since 7101 Days
Yeah, I'd rather get kills as well, and I'd not be pleased if letting enemies lived in an attempt to get assists resulted in me dying. I have close to the same number of kills/assists as you though. I wonder if it's just a common k/a ratio to have?

I don't think I'll get this challenge done though. The other ones, sure, but I won't have enough time today. That's fine though, I don't have access to the next armor pieces I want yet anyways.

I see you have the same helmet as I do. Nice choice.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
I dig it. It wears well on the female spartan. I love that she actually has slightly different proportions. I'm not buying *any* more armor until I can afford "heart attack." I'll start spending the cR I get on armor again after that. I have to load up Waypoint at some point to and unlock the armory stuff you can get there. I'm not sure how that works. I've never touched Waypoint. It always seemed sorta pointless.

I was hating on daily challenges yesterday, but honestly, I think they're handling them pretty well. They're not hard to get, but they're not important, either. They don't give you so much cR that you're missing out if you don't complete them, but they still give you a nice little bonus if you're trying to rank up a little faster. I also like that they made me play a bunch of firefight yesterday. I hadn't really don't that yet, and it was a lot of fun.

The kill 200 grunts in campaign was just a grind though.

edit: I actually have ~1600 kills to ~250 assists. I totally read that wrong. That means it's going to take even longer. I'm definitely not going out of my way to get this challenge done. If I have enough time and energy to put into Halo today, I'll get it, and if I don't, I won't. No biggy.
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deftangel - Hot stuff!
Since 6984 Days
I managed to get 15 assists the other day easily enough. Didn't play a silly number of games either. Was getting one or two per game and kills in the double digits.

It's not a lot of credits though, at the end of the day. You get more for having a good game than some of the challenges. 125 MP kills should be giving you more than a couple of games worth.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
Posted by deftangel
I managed to get 15 assists the other day easily enough. Didn't play a silly number of games either. Was getting one or two per game and kills in the double digits.

It's not a lot of credits though, at the end of the day. You get more for having a good game than some of the challenges. 125 MP kills should be giving you more than a couple of games worth.
The ratio speaks for itself though, and 15 is a lot less than 50 :P 125 kills will only yield a handful of assists. That's the issue. One or two per game is what, 25-50 games? The weekly challenge is only 30 games. Granted., I finished that Monday :)
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