GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
I'm not a complete Halo fanboy and I think it's completely fucking ridiculous. The gameplay has shifted in ways that few sequels ever do. The campaign design of ODST was also vastly different (note: Not in a way that I particularly appreciated either). To say that there are essentially five games that play the same isn't just a bad opinion, it's factually wrong. Of course it still feels like a Halo game. You get that it's a sequel, right? There is vastly different gameplay here, from basic movement (jump, speed, grenades, etc) physics, to some vast changes in weapon behavior and control (uh, DMR bloom? Hello?). And that's not even considering the gigantic curve ball that armor abilities throw into the mix. This is a big change for the Halo franchise all around. Most sequels get by with far fewer updates.

Srsly. What I don't get is why there are people who think that it shouldn't be Halo at all. If you don't like Halo... why did you buy Reach anyway?
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Since 5303 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
LMFAO. How did I miss this gem?
Exactly i cant put into words how simplistically stupid that comment sounds, but after reading all his comments on Halo its clear Korn only played it to then come in this thread and troll it. Time to leave this thread and go play some halo.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7139 Days
Korn's comments (and credibility) is a victim of his incessant desire to add a sensationalist bullshit twist to everything.. a bit like Jim Sterling that way. Since he's unable to do it himself, scale the "shock" content of his comments back about 300% and you'll get close to something more sensible and oftentimes quite sincere.

The sameyness of the Halo campaigns (barring like Grift points out ODST, which I find the most interesting and refreshing since the first game) is definitely a factor that I doubt ANYONE disputes. I think people who feel one way or another about Reach's campain vs the main trilogy (because few seem to have played ODST, frankly) are mainly responding to the tonal/visual shift. A more "desperate" backdrop, a muted colour palette, "humanised" characters... a lot of people reckon this is Halo at its most "grown up" and get a kick out of that.

I sincerely think few feel that the campains have varied much between 1, 3 and this. Halo 2, on the other hand was an uncharacteristically narrow/linear thing that people pretty universally disliked. At least if their gravitating towards Halo's gameplay in the first place was due to its openness and dynamism.
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Since 6441 Days
Well i didn't play ODST so i don't know about that but i think aiming reticle bloom and armor abilities are rather minute differences. It just feels like small tweaks added to the halo formula. If you are a super hard-core fan that played he shit out of the previous game, then yeah you will probably notice but for me as a rather casual player, i don't really notice it that much tbh.

I understand why you think they are big changes though. It's like when Tekken 6 was released and it got a lot of flak for just being the same old thing one more time, when i thought the changes they did were pretty damn big, but that's because i play a lot and i play more seriously than most reviewers or casual mashers out there. When i play Halo Reach though, i really don't notice a small tweak they did to a gun as compared to Halo 3.

I am enjoying the game, it just feels like the series is treading water to me from the point of view where i don't really want to or have the time to really invest a lot of time in to the game (and when i say invest a lot of time in to the game i mean hundreds of hours). I play it a bit for fun, but not much more and with that it feels a little stale. Not so much that i can't enjoy it but enough that it is something i notice.

Also, the Halo defence force needs to stop acting like very little bit of criticism is direct hatred towards the entire game. You can like a game and still have opinions about aprts of it that are not all favorable.
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"I still don't know if snakes make good pets, but at least they've got your f****g back."

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
Halo Reach Mythbusters Ep. 1:
Posted by Megido
Also, the Halo defence force needs to stop acting like very little bit of criticism is direct hatred towards the entire game. You can like a game and still have opinions about aprts of it that are not all favorable.
I have plenty of my own criticisms. This one is particularly stupid though. The MLG kiddies are complaining that this game is too different. It's sorta funny to see the vast majority of criticism for this game take one of two positions: It's too samey, or it's not samey enough. The campaign does naturally feel less different than the MP, especially since AA is vastly underused there. But it's still more different than the vast majority of sequels, and the first big shake-up for the franchise. I still think this particular complaint is pretty ridiculous.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
The weekly challenge this week is weak. 1500 cR? Come on! The first week was 5000!
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Since 6988 Days
Posted by blmbox
Yep. just like fighting along side Spartans, SO DID I. That's how Reach made it to the top of your list, but it honestly doesn't belong there. But it deserves 2nd place on everybody's Halo list.

When I made it to New Alexandra I instantly felt like the MC all over again :P

A Spartan?!? Where did he come from? I FELL FROM THE SKY DAMMIT!

Big surprise, none of these heavily armed individuals are capable of handling the Covies on their own. The first time Team Noble comes on the scene where a small group of marines are taking on some Covenant , Carter says. "Let's get you out of here" I was like WHAT? They're fighting men Carter! The planet is under attack and we're pulling marines OUT of the fight? How about we back them up until reinforcements arrive? Hopefully with a little artillery, which brings me to my other point WHAT'S UP WITH REACH'S DEFENSES?!

In Halo3 and Halo Wars I had so much shit to throw at the Covenant that sometimes I couldn't decide how I was going to kill them! lol! Where are the heavy weapons? Doesn't anyone on Reach have a Turret emplacement? And why is that Noble Six is the WEAKEST character on the field? The marines who can't do the job without Six can take waaaaaaaaaaay more damage than Six can. A Brute was unloading on a marine with one of those damned shoulder cannons and all she kept saying was ouch! The same Brute stopped firing and smacked me off the fucking balcony! LOL! I'm serious, it's just two taps and you are dead! In Legendary mode I spent the majority of the game emptying whole clips at Covies and then immediately hiding in corners waiting for them to eventually come and kill me! lol! I got the achievement but I won't be playing the SP campaign on Legendary by myself ever again.

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Since 6447 Days
Posted by Megido
Also, the Halo defence force needs to stop acting like very little bit of criticism is direct hatred towards the entire game. You can like a game and still have opinions about aprts of it that are not all favorable.
Most of the criticisms in this thread are plain stupid though.
Posted by GrimThorne just like fighting along side Spartans, SO DID I. That's how Reach made it to the top of your list, but it honestly doesn't belong there. But it deserves 2nd place on everybody's Halo list.
I can think whatever I want, cheers.
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8 Bits - Games. Movies. Music. Stuff.

Since 6441 Days
Posted by blmbox
Most of the criticisms in this thread are plain stupid though.
From your point of view perhaps. I can only base my opinions on what i've seen in the game. I've played through a majority of the campaign, and i've played a bit online and my complaints and ctiticism is based on my experience with the game thus far. It's not stupid, it's how i've experienced the game. I can't well give the AI credit for something i haven't seen it do.

I was right about one thing though, the game's difficuly was much more tolerable with more players. After having played the campaign with 2 other guys with me, the problems i had earlier were just non-existent.
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"I still don't know if snakes make good pets, but at least they've got your f****g back."

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
Posted by blmbox
I can think whatever I want, cheers.
File under: no shit. It doesn't mean we can't still tell you you're wrong. :P
Posted by Megido
I was right about one thing though, the game's difficuly was much more tolerable with more players. After having played the campaign with 2 other guys with me, the problems i had earlier were just non-existent.
Legendary is easy with four people. It will take no more than six and a half hours to complete.
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Since 5296 Days
Halo is Halo of course its going to feel the same at its core, the same goes for every fracking sequel out there sheesh!

Almost finished Reach so far its joint with H.CE, i don't think it will ever oust H.CE for me as that game has a very special place in my gaming loves :)
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Since 7110 Days
Posted by fabreezwait
Halo is Halo of course its going to feel the same at its core, the same goes for every fracking sequel out there sheesh!
Ever played the UT series? or Doom?
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Oh well, whatever

Since 5296 Days
UT no Doom yes, whats your point?
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Since 6441 Days
Add quake to that list :)
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"I still don't know if snakes make good pets, but at least they've got your f****g back."

PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Since 7110 Days
my point is you're wrong.
In reply to

Oh well, whatever

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
Posted by PlumbDrumb
Ever played the UT series? or Doom?
UT2k3/4 is probably the biggest franchise-shift ever, but.. it's a pretty big change regardless, and most sequels to games as young as Halo stick to their guns for a very long time. I'll definitely give ya UT. That basically turned into Battlefield. Quake is probably the best example of franchise shakeups you could find though. Every game is wildly different.

Still, for a modern console game, the point is still somewhat valid. The people complaining about Halo becoming stale mostly never cared for Halo in the first place. There are big fundamental changes this go around, and that's a fact. The campaign will still remind you of Halo, and I actually think it falls short of Halo 1-3, but it has some pretty big changes as well. The new vehicle sections (including outer-fuckin'-space!) are.. well.. new, and there's moderate use of jetpacks and other AA throughout. It's not an entirely different game though, and I'm pretty sure it would need to be to make some people happy.

And the robustness of the package itself is simply unbeatable on the platform (or any other console platform). If you're not into online MP, than it's probably not going to set your world on fire, but between campaign co-op, firefight, MP, and forge world, I simply can't see how anything else compares to Halo Reach.

Granted, some people are campaign only sorta players.. and well.. that's a shame! There's so much more to this game. No single portion of Reach is perfect. The MP playlists need serious tweaking, FW tools could be better, and the campaign was pretty average for a Halo game.. but this game really is the sum of its massive parts.
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Since 5296 Days
Posted by PlumbDrumb
my point is you're wrong.
Yet i could list 50 games where i'm right, the point is theres a reason why winning formulas at there core are not changed.
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Since 7110 Days
Posted by fabreezwait
the point is theres a reason why winning formulas at there core are not changed.
That I can agree with
Posted by fabreezwait
Yet i could list 50 games where i'm right
50 games is not every fracking sequel

sorry, I'm nitpicking.
In reply to

Oh well, whatever

Since 5296 Days
Well i'm not a pc gamer so for me it is.
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Since 7110 Days
we all have our bubbles, I suppose.
In reply to

Oh well, whatever

Since 6976 Days
Firefight is owning my life at the moment all my workmates are also hooked, damn it need to finish the SP today!!
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** Yes We CAN!! **

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
I don't know how someone could *not* find a game of infection. It's all people ever fucking play in rumble pit. God forbid I just want to shoot some people and not play, "lets all camp in a corner!" Zombies is fine in smaller doses, but I just played five rounds of rumble pit and we played one game of slayer. It's sorta awful. Make a zombies playlist or something and get that shit out of the rumble pit. Sometimes I want to play an actual game of free-for-all! /rant
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Since 5296 Days
Yes we do.


Bungie are going to make some MP updates soon i hear?
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
Yea.. early October.
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roxwell - PuS3Y
Since 7064 Days
The plasma pistol really is a beast :)
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Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

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