Since 5739 Days
I'm sorry to say this I think this game is really overrated and the multiplayer also
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Since 7101 Days
Posted by yoscotty
I'm sorry to say this I think this game is really overrated and the multiplayer also
Well, you're wrong! :D
Posted by Megido
I wouldn't call "he has a re-entry kit" more than a cop-out, but sure...i guess it's an explanation :)
Oh yeah, it's not a good explanation by any means, but it's...something.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Since 6447 Days
Posted by Megido
So i haven't seen the smat AI everybody is talking about... I feel this is a legitimate complaint.
It isn't.

If you just stand there shooting an Elite, it's no wonder you're not getting any joy. Aiming for the head with the DMR, which is a weapon you have constant access to throughout the game or, if you don't have the DMR available, then using the sprint AA to get up close to the enemy are just two ways to dispatch them fairly quickly. To imply that it's simply just a case of them having more health and you having less is pretty laughable.
Second i don't like that they actively hide weapons from the players on MP maps... I feel that is a legitimate complaint.
It isn't.

I can understand that the first time you play on a map, but it's not that difficult to memorise where the 'power' weapons are located. I'd rather they were a little harder to find than being completely out in the open.
I feel that the game offers absolutely no information on any of it's modes, weapons or other functions... this is, without any hesitation, a very legitcomplaint.
It is, and it's especially difficult with the huge variation of game modes that Reach has.
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8 Bits - Games. Movies. Music. Stuff.


Since 7046 Days
AI this gen is just shit. Tech isn't where it should be to have the AI all of us would like to encounter.
Halo is pretty brilliant compared to other games in terms of AI though, ESPECIALLY in comparison to other FPS. Granted most FPS simply focus on their MP component rather than the balance that Bungie looks for. Halo is probably the only FPS that truly looks to succeed in all categories imo. They aren't concerned with some flashy technology, they are just concerned in making a great game both in MP and SP.

Other games like Gears get too wrapped up in adding "cool" shit rather than first making a great game. It's great they do that too because without Horde Mode what would Firefight be? They ignore basic things like dedi servers or basic glitches.
Games like Crysis and MW2, or even Killzone 2 get wrapped up in the movie or cinematic experience, which has its benefits as well. Unfortunately they are all too concerned in flash TO ME. You don't have to agree.

The unfortunate thing about looking to create such a solid all around experience though, is that your series can become quite tired.
I'll get Reach when it has more maps because of this. It'll surely have a longer lifespan for me if I do.
It sort of makes me wish I never played a Halo game until now. I'd probably never sleep and play Reach for endless hours.
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deftangel - Hot stuff!
Since 6984 Days
Just finished. Enjoyed the second half of the game more than the first, I think. The first few levels are a bit of a blur though so I might change my mind on that. Looking at the files I saved, seemed like it took me 8.5-9 hours on Heroic.

A little bit disappointed there were no *really* large scale battles given the improvements in the engine. I'm thinking moments like the approach to the Scarab on The Ark or some of the stuff on Attack of the Control room. I'd be less annoyed if they didn't blatantly cock tease an awesome one at the start of Tip of the Spear. This seems to be a habit of Bungie or late, the whole Cortana thing in Halo 3 being another let down. That said, individual encounter to encounter gameplay in Reach is some of the best of the series without a doubt.

I'll also echo what Phaethon said, it's only the last two missions where I feel any sense of importance with regard to what I'm doing. That's a bit of a missed opportunity really. Also didn't dig any of the characters but the end was pretty good.

Really though, there are a lot of people going on about AI in this thread who don't appear to have the first clue about it. There's a great GDC talk where someone from Bungie talks about the behaviour trees and the sheer variety of behaviours that NPC actors can exhibit in Halo. Consider that other games like COD are hugely scripted and largely create (still great) gameplay through smoke and mirrors. Then consider this has been improved upon in Reach. Think about it, Firefight just wouldn't work as a gametype if the AI sucked.
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Since 7097 Days
little over half way through the campaign and my xbox has red ringed \o/

My impressions so far generally mirror Simon's. Especially the part about looking forward to another studio tackling FPS Halo. I think I'm getting a little tired of Bungie halo -campaign wise-.

Why did they make the majority of characters are so unlikable and generic? This boggles my mind.

I'm a little peeved that the way that Spartan IIIs are portrayed in the books, is almost nothing like how they are presented in the games. But I genuinely expected that, so I'm not surprised.

..I liked the levels. Oh, and finally, faces in Halo aren't painful to look at.
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Since 5296 Days
Have to agree the AI is unmatched in any FPS, i cant tell you how many times me and my pals have been ambushed by Elites in Firefight, the game is so much fun and craps over all other games out there content wise.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days

We built a big ramp, with a ring of fire, a helo to leap over, and a landing platform. It's pretty epic.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7139 Days
I was instinctively looking for the "like" button. :P
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http://www.twitter.com/simonlundmark - Follow me on twitter

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
Well here's a fileshare with those screens (and a couple of sweet video clips that I intend to render), along with the map: http://www.bungie.net/stats/reach/fileshare.aspx?p...

Not my fileshare, but "like" away anyway :)
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Since 6976 Days
Man that looks awesome, I may have a play with Forge soon.
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Since 6520 Days
completed it, and the second half wasnt all that great with the odd exception. i agree with some saying there wasnt really any epic moments, despite being teased with some. which made the campaign feel like a bit of a chore towards the end. the game ending on a pretty poor fixed shooting range section wasnt particualrly exciting either (where is my now-typical warthog escape driving section?) the AI really isnt great, and firefight, while awesome, shows it to be the truth imo. you can litterally make bottlenecks for the AI to be funnelled into, and they're happy to run in blind to their deaths. it's a shame they're not smarter, but at least their not walking planks of wood either. characters and story are barely worth taking notice of since the characters are unlikable and pretty 2 dimentional to really care about. after playing all the halo games now, i'd put the list as follows:

halo: CE
halo 3
halo reach
halo 2
halo ODST (didnt even finish it it was so crap)

it's the 'middle of the road' halo out of the series imo. not a complete failure like ODST but not up to the greatness of CE. if the story was better it would be above halo 3, but it's the main thing that lets it down. on the plus side, firefight is seriously fun. and i should get my money's worth in that mode alone.

looking foward to seeing where the series goes now bungie arnt involved tho. i'm hoping for a complete overhaul to the gameplay. we've had 5 games that play the same, i think it's time for something new (and hopefully better)
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Since 7101 Days
Posted by KORNdog
i think it's time for something new and on the PS3 (and hopefully better)
Fixed...'cause I know that's what you meant.
the AI really isnt great
Sure... most everyone else must be mistaken then.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

deftangel - Hot stuff!
Since 6984 Days
Guys please be mindful that some people in this thread haven't finished the game. It's not even been a week yet. Vague commentary is fine but it's a bit early to mention specifics about the end, for instance.

That said, I'm in two minds about whether a Warthog run at the end would have been a fitting ending. In one respect, aspects of the game do represent a "best of Halo" at times but then when you look at the game in that light, there are some glaring omissions. I quite like the set up of helping the Pillar to escape story wise. It's one of the few elements in that respect which felt cohesive. That said, I can see why it's considered anti-climatic also.

If the AI in Reach isn't great, which games have comparable or better AI? It's been a long while since FEAR came out which was noted in that respect.
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Since 6875 Days
FEAR 1 is the only FPS that I ever considered up there with the HALO series, IMO. I'm sure when Killzone 3 comes out Korn will have nothing but good things to say about AI, lol.

I think it's really cool to see the elites and the Skirmishers navigate the environment. I think a big part of the AI is how it can exist in such large and varied environments. Even FEAR only had to deal with small, compact areas. Is the AI as good as playing humans, no, but I can't think of another game or series that comes even close...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 6976 Days
Posted by Ronsauce
Sure... most everyone else must be mistaken then.
lol.. very true.

Also if the AI in this game is not Great, then the AI in other FPS must be beyond shit!! :)
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Since 6447 Days
My list would look more like this:

- Halo: Reach
- Halo: CE
- Halo 2
- Halo 3
- Halo: ODST

Reach's story is the easiest to follow, the characters appeal to me more, it has much cooler level designs, the way the campaign is delivered is a step up from anything the series has previously produced, the gameplay elements are more refined, and it's the only ending - well, along with CE - that I feel is not anti-climatic.

I can't say I was a huge fan of Halo 3 and, after that and ODST, I was beginning to buy into the thought that the series was vastly overrated. Reach has essentially restored my faith, which wasn't an easy thing to do.
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8 Bits - Games. Movies. Music. Stuff.


Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Since 6962 Days
Posted by blmbox
My list would look more like this:

- Halo: Reach
- Halo: CE
- Halo 2
- Halo 3
- Halo: ODST
really blmbox? Really?
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Don't you know who I am? I'm the goddamned Banman.


Since 6447 Days
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8 Bits - Games. Movies. Music. Stuff.


Since 6618 Days
Fuck this shit. I rarely ever play Slayer. Every time it's either SWAT or some other idiotic mode. Hopefully they'll update the playlists soon, in the last WU the word was that early October would see some changes and bug fixes.
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Since 6875 Days
I LOVE SWAT! I even think my favorite maps were made in Forge. Playing Snipers is a blast with the Hologram too. I can't believe how much stinkin' variety is in this game! The only thing I didn't like was playing Firefight today. I love firefight, but the lag was bad today, and lag is very bad when you have to fight 2 or 3 Red Elites.

I played a game of SWAT where all my teammates dropped out, so it was me VS 4 guys... and I won! Yay!...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 6447 Days
Although I would like to add that the multiplayer can be more frustrating than fun at times, and they really do need to mix up the playlists.
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8 Bits - Games. Movies. Music. Stuff.


Since 7046 Days
-Halo CE
-Halo Reach

Then from bad to worst

-Halo 2
-Halo 3
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
Posted by Phaethon360
really blmbox? Really?
At least he put ODST in the right place.
Posted by Viginti_Tres
Fuck this shit. I rarely ever play Slayer. Every time it's either SWAT or some other idiotic mode. Hopefully they'll update the playlists soon, in the last WU the word was that early October would see some changes and bug fixes.
Well.. Arena is all Slayer (Pro/DMR). Play that I guess.
Posted by KORNdog
looking foward to seeing where the series goes now bungie arnt involved tho. i'm hoping for a complete overhaul to the gameplay. we've had 5 games that play the same, i think it's time for something new (and hopefully better)
LMFAO. How did I miss this gem?
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Since 6442 Days
Honestly, i totally agree with KORN there. Sure there has been upgrades but i think that anybody who isn't a complete halo fanboy can agree that the game mechanics are pretty much the same as they've always been. They've added better features for online playing (like making the match making better and so forth) and upgraded the graphics but the core gameplay is still VERY close to Halo CE if you ask me. I think the series feels kind of old and tired, but if you just want more Halo this game is brilliant form start to end. No doubt about that. It's more Halo for the Halo fans and if you didn't like the preivious game this one will not do a single, tiny little thing to change your mind.

But don't take it the wrong way, the game is overall a well put together game. It just plays it extremely safe on the already well trodden ground of the previous games.
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"I still don't know if snakes make good pets, but at least they've got your f****g back."

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