Since 6448 Days
Alright, chillax... no need to be an arse about it.
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8 Bits - Games. Movies. Music. Stuff.

Since 6989 Days
Posted by Frozpot
You should read the books man. It takes 2 days because thats how long it takes to travel there. The UNSC never expected the Covenant to know where Reach was. The Covenant's Technology is vastly superior to Human tech, but they are more immitative that innovative. All their tech is derived from Forrunner technology found on various planets(which is the reason they went to Reach in the first place). The humans abibilty to innovate is where the Spartan shield comes from( by adapting the tech from aquired jackal shields). I always thought it was cool that the Humans had the overshield first, and then the covies adapted it( if I remember correctly). Cool stuff, and some pretty damn good sci-fi( expcept for the novel based on the first games' events, I didn't like that author at all)...
I do read the books, I know all about TCP. I'm not talking about the time it takes to travel, I'm talking about leaving one of the most strategically important UNSC planets open to that kind of attack in the first place, and the command structure's many fumbles during the planet wide assault.

It just doesn't make sense for Reach to have been left open when at that time the Covenant was systematically destroying all human colonies in their path. Did they think that the Covenant was just going to avoid Reach?
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Since 7101 Days
Posted by Megido
Yeah sorry for not having the omniscience to automatically understand that DMR means designated marksman rifle, i mean it's just SO obvious. The game never shurts up about the Designated Marksman Rifle.
It doesn't take omniscience to know what DMR stands for. If you had followed any of the Reach stuff before release(previews, official releases, etc...), it was covered ad nauseum.

Also, Noble Six was able to survive his fall back to Reach because he was clearly wearing a "re-entry kit."'
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Since 6442 Days
Posted by Ronsauce
It doesn't take omniscience to know what DMR stands for. If you had followed any of the Reach stuff before release(previews, official releases, etc...), it was covered ad nauseum.

Also, Noble Six was able to survive his fall back to Reach because he was clearly wearing a "re-entry kit."'
Halo defence force, mobilize!
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"I still don't know if snakes make good pets, but at least they've got your f****g back."

Since 6976 Days
Posted by Ronsauce
It doesn't take omniscience to know what DMR stands for. If you had followed any of the Reach stuff before release(previews, official releases, etc...), it was covered ad nauseum.

Also, Noble Six was able to survive his fall back to Reach because he was clearly wearing a "re-entry kit."'
lol... :)
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Since 7235 Days
finally got my UK-game yesterday ... really like it, but there are a few things I already hate, and I'm talking big flaws ... as in: why is there no "aiming-zoom" anymore, I could live without that sprint ...

And I play on heroic and the enemies suck up those bullets, it ain't pretty. Even on their heads they can take and take ... it wouldn't be as bad if I wouldn't permanently get stuck in some fu**in piece of environmental crap

Otherwise I love it, it's really an action-extravaganza so far ;))
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the only tyrant I accept is my inner voice [and my two kids ;)]

ultimate gamers threat: "Watch it, or I'll spoil you all!"

Since 6989 Days
Posted by Ronsauce
It doesn't take omniscience to know what DMR stands for. If you had followed any of the Reach stuff before release(previews, official releases, etc...), it was covered ad nauseum.

Also, Noble Six was able to survive his fall back to Reach because he was clearly wearing a "re-entry kit."'
I made it back to Jorge with the entire squad in tact. I don't know why Jorge threw Noble Six out the window. lol! We could have fought our way back to the Sabres, there was no reason for my Noble Six to have taken that orbital fall.
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Since 6722 Days
Posted by docLEXfisti
finally got my UK-game yesterday ... really like it, but there are a few things I already hate, and I'm talking big flaws ... as in: why is there no "aiming-zoom" anymore, I could live without that sprint ...

And I play on heroic and the enemies suck up those bullets, it ain't pretty. Even on their heads they can take and take ... it wouldn't be as bad if I wouldn't permanently get stuck in some fu**in piece of environmental crap

Otherwise I love it, it's really an action-extravaganza so far ;))
"aiming-zoom" ?
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Band myspace =

Since 6618 Days
I played the first 4 missions on Legendary on my own and I have to say it's not been very difficult so far. The Hunters felt tame and sometimes it's just a matter of finding a good weapon to dispatch them quickly.

The last section of Nightfalls was pretty hard though (read: I almost threw my controller across the room). Some of the Elites were nasty, the white ones gave me the biggest headache. As soon as they can't be hit by the green shit it gets difficult. Best way to get them is to get close.
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Since 7235 Days
Posted by TheBeagle
"aiming-zoom" ?
well, usually on L-trigger you "aim" with the gun and the camera zooms in a bit ... but I just checked ODST, there was never and aiming zoom in Halo, must have mixed it up with some of the other shooters, my bad.

sorry ;)))))
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the only tyrant I accept is my inner voice [and my two kids ;)]

ultimate gamers threat: "Watch it, or I'll spoil you all!"

Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7087 Days
Click the Right Stick for zoom.
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Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7116 Days
The file browser both in game and on still sorta sucks. Someone needs to make an epic thread dedicated to custom files (maps/gametypes/etc). It doesn't need to be here, but it needs to happen somewhere! And it needs links to and everything. So far the best lockout I've played is called "Halo 2 Lockout," and it plays pretty damn well. It's still sorta ugly, but most FW creations are. I made a big ramp last night, but didn't get to make a clip/screenshot set for it yet. It's got a ring of fire and everything :P
Posted by docLEXfisti
well, usually on L-trigger you "aim" with the gun and the camera zooms in a bit ...
lol yea not in Halo :P
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Since 7101 Days
Posted by Megido
Halo defence force, mobilize!
Hey, if you want to complain about legitimate things, be my guest. If you are complaining about frivolous things like having to actually learn the maps in multiplayer, well, that's a different story.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Since 6442 Days
Posted by Ronsauce
Hey, if you want to complain about legitimate things, be my guest. If you are complaining about frivolous things like having to actually learn the maps in multiplayer, well, that's a different story.
Learning the layout of the map is one thing, when they willfully cover weapon pickups with grass and hide them in hard to reach places, that kind of pisses me off. I mean really, should you actually have to walk over a gun by accident to notice that it's there? I don't think that's very good design. And before you start freaking out over how that is not true, yes it has happened to me on several occations. Not to mention the bloody camp-spots on some of the maps. Try a game of Infection on like Zealot or Boardwalk, i can guarantee you that there will be one or two guys sitting in that one totally safe spot just racking up score until the timer runs out. It's happened so many times.

besides, since when did this have anything to do with the maps? I didn't know what gun the DMR was and i said that the game really doesn't give much info on anything, you basically call me stupid for not knowing and then it's about my complaints about the maps all of a sudden?
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"I still don't know if snakes make good pets, but at least they've got your f****g back."

Since 6003 Days
Posted by dcdelgado
Excellent tech readup by the Digital Foundry guys.
From a technical perspective, Halo: Reach is undoubtedly a colossal improvement over the previous games in the series: higher resolution without sacrificing HDR, tangibly improved poly counts, insane use of particles and alpha, far higher levels of dynamic lighting, four times the draw distance, four times the amount of enemy units... the list is seemingly never-ending. But for all its technical achievements, it's clearly still a Halo game. It looks like one, it plays like one - and that's all by design.

What it does mean for some though is that there is a layer of "familiarity breeds contempt" style cynicism to break down before you appreciate Reach for what it is: the best Halo yet, and probably the very best shooter available on 360. The first level does a pretty good job of setting out the stall in terms of the many technical improvements, but the bottom line is that they do not come at the cost of any of the established Bungie standards: multiplayer is still brilliant, split-screen hasn't been jettisoned, and the entire campaign is still co-op friendly both online and off.

Evolutionary in many respects, sure, but where it counts Halo: Reach is the revolution we've been waiting for: a genuinely superb game with a combined feature set that pushes Xbox 360 performance to the bleeding edge.
read all 4 pages here.
Very good read.
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Prepare To Drop!!

Since 7101 Days
Posted by Megido
besides, since when did this have anything to do with the maps?
You've been pretty much bitching non-stop. I was mentioning the map thing as it's simply another example of something ridiculous you've been complaining about.
I didn't know what gun the DMR was and i said that the game really doesn't give much info on anything, you basically call me stupid for not knowing
I don't quite recall the exchange going like that.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Since 6618 Days
Posted by Megido
Not to mention the bloody camp-spots on some of the maps. Try a game of Infection on like Zealot or Boardwalk, i can guarantee you that there will be one or two guys sitting in that one totally safe spot just racking up score until the timer runs out. It's happened so many times.
There is your problem. The maps are not made for Infection and have to be forged in order to be playable.

And seriously... complaining about Infection?
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Since 6442 Days

Yes, infection and it's variations (when played on the maps that don't completely break it) is one of the modes i enjoy the most and obviously not just me becasue they get voted to play ALL the time. But i can't play it on customized maps, because that requires you to make a custom game, right? That means friends only, right?

So i haven't seen the smat AI everybody is talking about, all i notice is that the enemies take ridiculous amounts of punishment while i can take at most tho or three hits before it's time to run into the corner and fart about for a while. The challenge feels very cheap and i think it would balance out better with more human controlled players. I feel this is a legitimate complaint.

Second i don't like that they actively hide weapons from the players on MP maps, it doesn't make the game more fun it just means that i have a hard time seeing if a gun is available or fiding it even when actively seraching and it slows the pace of the game completely without any actual cause for it. I feel that is a legitimate complaint. Mainly applicable on the Forge World outdoors levels.

I feel that the game offers absolutely no information on any of it's modes, weapons or other functions. It took me a good hour of googling and experimenting just to figure out how to use the grid in Forge. It just assumes that you know everything. For a player like me that's just not that huge of a Halo fan and haven't spent any significant amount of time on titles other than Combat Evolved, that creates problem. I don't know what oddball means in terms of gameplay, i don't know how head hunter works and so forth. This is, without any hesitation, a very legitcomplaint. Why can't the manual have a brief description? Why can't i look up descriptions of the standard modes somewhere in the game?

Sorry, i just think there are things here that hinder my enjoyment of the game. I've been rather frustrated when writing most of my posts in this thread and i have used strong language, but i still think i have completely legit points.

...and falling from orbit is still silly.
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"I still don't know if snakes make good pets, but at least they've got your f****g back."

Since 6618 Days
Posted by Megido

Yes, infection and it's variations (when played on the maps that don't completely break it) is one of the modes i enjoy the most and obviously not just me becasue they get voted to play ALL the time. But i can't play it on customized maps, because that requires you to make a custom game, right? That means friends only, right?
Custom maps are part of Matchmaking since Halo 3. It's just a matter of time before you'll see them featured in MM regularly.

I don't enjoy Infection myself. It's not an integral part of Halo and it never will be, that's why it's not as polished as the rest. The community will take care of that, though.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7140 Days
More than falling from orbit being silly - because sillyness has been a part of Halo before it went gloomy and super serious - it kinda nibbles further at the difference between the Chief and EVERYONE-FUCKING-ELSE you've played as in this series. I mean ODST's tore turrets off their mechanisms, flipped cars and rifle butted Brutes to death.

The Chief was obviously messed up at the start of H3 from the fall, and spartan 3s are meant to be the cheaper variant. Well I can see why they went with those instead because their only drawback is they can't dual wield apparently!

In Gears 2 there's the bit where the *gang* saw themselves out of the GIANT ROCK WORM using their tiny chainsaws. I guess the fall in this game is the absolutely undefensible lapse of logic equivalent to that scene.
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Since 5304 Days
Just finished mission 6, this is by far the best Halo period for me!!
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Since 6442 Days
Flipping cars and ripping turrent i can buy, it's when we start seeing these DMC3-esque escapades (like falling from space) in games that otherwise have a rather serious tone that it starts bugging me. I can suspend my disbelief for the aliens, the spaceships and all that stuff, but when a guy falls from space that is jsut too much :P

I alsoa gree that the gears of War 2 worm thing is way over the top and quite stupid and out of place.
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"I still don't know if snakes make good pets, but at least they've got your f****g back."

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7140 Days
Well, specifically the point I was trying to make is that Master Chief has certain superhuman abilities that - confined to him - can be explained away some by the super hero-ness. The ODSTs are ESSENTIALLY normal dudes though, and yet they can perform nearly every task that the Chief can.

Some of those are obviously to benefit the gameplay, but the fall in Reach is a scripted (ie written) thing that happens and clearly shows a character that's meant to be less juiced up than the Chief not only doing the EXACT SAME THING, but also gets up and walks off in a way that the Chief didn't manage.

Orbital drops were already established back in the games that were more pulpy and cartoony, so that's part of the series already, but narrowing the gap between the super hero-y Chief and these dime a dozen characters is unnecessarily detrimental to the fiction, in my opinion.

EDIT: Was gonna edit my post and almost banned myself, hehe :D
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Since 7101 Days
Posted by Megido
So i haven't seen the smat AI everybody is talking about, all i notice is that the enemies take ridiculous amounts of punishment while i can take at most tho or three hits before it's time to run into the corner and fart about for a while. The challenge feels very cheap and i think it would balance out better with more human controlled players. I feel this is a legitimate complaint.
I don't know how to respond to this. It seems the majority of people are impressed with the AI in the game. I don't know what difficulty you're playing on, but on heroic, I find the amount of damage the enemies take as well as the damage I take perfectly fair. My roommate and myself have both experience tactics exhibited by the Elites that are better than that of any other AI in any other games. If I die in firefight and am relegated to watching the match, I often pick an aerial camera and watch with a ton of enjoyment how the Elites and Skirmishers move about the terrain.
Obviously they aren't anywhere near human-level capabilities, but they're still above and beyond what's out there.
Second i don't like that they actively hide weapons from the players on MP maps, it doesn't make the game more fun it just means that i have a hard time seeing if a gun is available or fiding it even when actively seraching and it slows the pace of the game completely without any actual cause for it. I feel that is a legitimate complaint. Mainly applicable on the Forge World outdoors levels.
Honestly, if you play a map a couple of times, you should know where the weapons are. Sure, it sucks not knowing where a shotty is the first time through, but requiring knowledge of weapon placement is common to online shooters.
I feel that the game offers absolutely no information on any of it's modes, weapons or other functions. It took me a good hour of googling and experimenting just to figure out how to use the grid in Forge. It just assumes that you know everything. For a player like me that's just not that huge of a Halo fan and haven't spent any significant amount of time on titles other than Combat Evolved, that creates problem. I don't know what oddball means in terms of gameplay, i don't know how head hunter works and so forth. This is, without any hesitation, a very legitcomplaint. Why can't the manual have a brief description? Why can't i look up descriptions of the standard modes somewhere in the game?
I agree with this completely. I was playing some Invasion Slayer, and some kind of "zone" kept appearing, and it wasn't until half way through the round when I figured out what nabbing said zone entailed.
...and falling from orbit is still silly.
...but is at least subtly addressed.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Since 6442 Days
I wouldn't call "he has a re-entry kit" more than a cop-out, but sure...i guess it's an explanation :)

With the AI, i haven't really just watched anything i'm just playing the campaing on Heroic and thus far (i think i'm at mission 7 or something) the enemies aren't legedarily stupid in any sense, i just don't find them to be impressively smart either. I've seen nothing of the flanking and stuff myself, they just seemingly run towards you and circle around the cover you might hide behind or hide themselves if you take their shields down. But who knows, maybe i'm just so damn good at positioning myself that i haven't given them a chance yet :P

As for the weapons on the maps, sure you learn after a while but it takes longer than it should (imo). Games like Quake and other shooters at least let the guns hover a little above ground and spin or signal them in some other way, they are easy to see when you find the spot they are in, that's how i like it. Also the weapon respawn rules seem a little strange. Seems almost like a weapon doesn't respawn until the guy who picked it up first empties it and tosses it? I don't know, the seeming scarcity of weapons possibly contributes to my whining on this point.
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"I still don't know if snakes make good pets, but at least they've got your f****g back."

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