Inscrit depuis 6616 Jours
Just finished the 8th mission on Legendary. Really liked the scenery and the levels looked very nice. Was pretty easy, too, I died a lot more in the 5th and 7th mission. While the enemy AI seems to aim and anticipate everything perfectly, and I mean sometimes you can't even dodge them, the friendly AI is frustratingly dumb. Especially in the 7th mission where you're dependant on them they almost made me range throw the controller across the room.

Also camo and hologram is worth gold on Legendary. They make some parts of the missions a cakewalk.
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Inscrit depuis 7100 Jours
The hologram is gold in multiplayer. So damn satisfying to assassinate someone who attempted to assassinate/melee a hologram.

Also, assassinations are awesome. People will question their inclusion saying that they serve no real purpose and that you're just making yourself vulnerable, but man, I certainly don't tire of doing them.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7115 Jours
If it weren't so freaking obvious I'd say the hologram bordered on super lame. Thankfully, it is, so I'll leave that spot to the jetpack. I'd basically kill all AA except sprint if I could in most 4v4 games.

Classic/Pro Slayer FTW.

I've changed my tune on assassinations though, mostly because of YOINK. Do them all you want. Imma steal your kill!
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Inscrit depuis 6440 Jours
Assassinations suck, you are stuiid to use them in competitive play. As for the armor powers, i don't know, are they really that broken? I can honestly say that i usually prefer to paly without them, but when they are available it almost seems like i'm just getting an extra boost. More kills with the armor lockdown anyway, most players never learn to not come near :P
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"I still don't know if snakes make good pets, but at least they've got your f****g back."

Inscrit depuis 7100 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
If it weren't so freaking obvious I'd say the hologram bordered on super lame.
Obvious to you maybe, but it's a ton of fun to use if you find yourself in a match against some scrubs who are easily tricked.
Posté par Megido
Assassinations suck, you are stuiid to use them in competitive play.
Why am I stuiid? I'm playing for fun...assassinations are fun to me. Seems pretty un-stupid to me. And if nobody's around on my radar, then there's virtually no risk to using it. I think you suck and are stupid for NOT using them!
As for the armor powers, i don't know, are they really that broken?
They aren't broken at all.
when they are available it almost seems like i'm just getting an extra boost.
...a boost relative to NOT having access to them. Fortunately, everyone has access to the same ones you do, and they all have their benefits.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Inscrit depuis 6440 Jours
Why would you waste time doing a long animation instead of just smacking the guy in the head? Is gloating really that important? Are you the kind of guy that does virtual teabagging too? :P
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"I still don't know if snakes make good pets, but at least they've got your f****g back."

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7115 Jours
Posté par Ronsauce
They aren't broken at all.
That implies they're perfect. Nothing is perfect.
...a boost relative to NOT having access to them. Fortunately, everyone has access to the same ones you do, and they all have their benefits.
That's the worst kind of balance argument, but it's hardly shocking coming from a MW2 advocate ;) Seriously though, just because everyone has access to the benefits of every armor ability does not mean that they're all balanced across the board. And balance aside, I find jetpack and armorlock downright annoying. Jetpacks especially. Playing on Cage with jetpacks just infuriates me. People do the dumbest shit. They camp on top of structures, and they're constantly in the air. Yes, that makes them easy targets, but it also makes me look at the sky like 90% of the time and limits my awareness of the rest of the play field. Jetpacks can go die in a fucking fire. I wouldn't want them removed from the game, but I certainly wouldn't miss them if they were removed from Team Slayer all together.

anyway.. weekend update stuff:
And though we’re excited and energized by Halo: Reach’s week one performance metrics, we’re definitely not content to rest on our laurels. Hell, we don’t even have any laurels. But we have already identified a few elements of our online experience that need a wee bit of tweaking. Don’t worry, we’re already on it.

So you’re not left in the dark or caught off guard, here are some highlights from the pending October Playlist update, courtesy of Playlist paesan' Jeremiah.

Playlist Changes

* SWAT Playlist added (SWAT removed from Big Team Battle and Team Slayer)
* Campaign Matchmaking (live on 10/15 – You will be required to have earned the Grade “Corporal” to enter this Playlist)
* Team Slayer rebalanced to highlight default Slayer game variants and include new offerings
* Classic Slayer removed
* Removed “Pro” game variants from the Arena Playlist
* Removed Boardwalk from Arena Team Doubles Playlist
* Added “Return to Battlefield” volume to Space on Zealot in the Arena Playlist

Game Variants Additions

* King of the Hill (multiple Playlists, including Arena)
* Rocket Race
* Juggernaut (Rumble Pit Playlist)

General Housekeeping

* Sudden Death will be added to all Assault game variants, including Invasion
* Team Objective will now feature the map Powerhouse
* Replacing Drop Shield with Evade for King of the Hill, Territories, and Oddball
* Replacing Hologram with Evade in Oddball, Capture the Flag, Assault, and Stockpile
* Replacing the Scorpion on Hemorrhage with Wraiths (Hemorrhage Heavies variant, TBD)

It should be noted that these are some, and not all of the proposed changes we'll be making to the online experience in the weeks and months ahead. The items listed above are those of the inbound soon™ variety. We'll make some more noise about a potential second October update as soon as the details are set in stone. Suffice to say, we'll be adding some new "stuff" to keep it fresh and we've already begun to dig into some sweet user created content in search of future matchmaking hopefuls. More on that in updates to come. Stay Tuned.

Time for some housekeeping.
Good: SWAT removed from Team Slayer.
Unsure: Pro axed from the Arena? WTF is that about? And King of the Hill added? Needler Rifle a problem?
Bad: Classic Slayer axed? What's wrong with Classic Slayer? Sprint only FTW!
Worse: Zombies not removed from Rumble Pit. Srsly. Shit needs its own playlist.

Sad to see Scorpions go on Blood Gulch too.

That last sentence is promising though. Especially since it's impossible to find good user content. Those tools aren't as useful as they would have had use believe.
En réponse à
GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7115 Jours
Posté par Megido
Why would you waste time doing a long animation instead of just smacking the guy in the head? Is gloating really that important? Are you the kind of guy that does virtual teabagging too? :P
You don't teabag? Seriously? It's awesome. It pisses people off way more than assassinations do too ;P
En réponse à
Inscrit depuis 6446 Jours
Posté par Megido
Why would you waste time doing a long animation instead of just smacking the guy in the head?
Err, because they're awesome? That rear end one is the ultimate for shits and gigs.
Posté par GriftGFX
You don't teabag? Seriously? It's awesome. It pisses people off way more than assassinations do too ;P
If you've got time, assassinate them and then teabag them. It's the ultimate humiliation. :P
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8 Bits - Games. Movies. Music. Stuff.

Inscrit depuis 5294 Jours
Posté par dcdelgado
Well just finished SP and wow i really loved it, ranks just behind Halo CE for me.

So how long can you last after the credits roll, before your/Noble 6 demise??
V.Long :) i went on a rampage of death!! it was so much fun and very epic, now thats how a Spartan dies in battle!!
En réponse à
Inscrit depuis 7100 Jours
Posté par Megido
Why would you waste time doing a long animation instead of just smacking the guy in the head? Is gloating really that important? Are you the kind of guy that does virtual teabagging too? :P
I assassinate AI opponents, and I'm pretty sure I'm not gloating when I do it to them. Maybe I just like the assassinations, and wasting time waiting for a "long" animation isn't that big of a deal. And no, I don't teabag, though if there was a cool-looking teabag animation I could do, I'm sure I would.
That implies they're perfect. Nothing is perfect.
That most certainly doesn't imply they're perfect. I'd like to think there is a middle ground between perfection and being broken. At least with regards to Team Slayer, none of the AAs are broken from what i've experienced.
That's the worst kind of balance argument.....I wouldn't want them removed from the game, but I certainly wouldn't miss them if they were removed from Team Slayer all together.
If you'd like to explain to me how they are unbalanced, by all means...
And wanting jetpacks removed isn't necessarily indicative of a balance issue as I'm sure you know.
En réponse à

Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Inscrit depuis 6859 Jours
******** Added “Return to Battlefield” volume to Space on Zealot in the Arena Playlist *********
* Removed Boardwalk from Arena Team Doubles Playlist
* SWAT Playlist added (SWAT removed from Big Team Battle and Team Slayer)
Best news i've heard all day!!
* King of the Hill (multiple Playlists, including Arena)
Nice to see some objective added in Arena, will make it feel more like MLG :)
* Sudden Death will be added to all Assault game variants, including Invasion
* Team Objective will now feature the map Powerhouse
* Replacing Drop Shield with Evade for King of the Hill, Territories, and Oddball
* Replacing Hologram with Evade in Oddball, Capture the Flag, Assault, and Stockpile
* Replacing the Scorpion on Hemorrhage with Wraiths (Hemorrhage Heavies variant, TBD)
Loving these changes!
* Classic Slayer removed
* Removed “Pro” game variants from the Arena Playlist
Seriously??? WTF?? Are they insane?????
En réponse à
Inscrit depuis 6616 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
You don't teabag? Seriously? It's awesome. It pisses people off way more than assassinations do too ;P
Yeah it's awesome. You know you hit a nerve if he's teabaging you the next time you die.
En réponse à
Inscrit depuis 6001 Jours
Posté par dcdelgado
Well just finished SP and wow i really loved it, ranks just behind Halo CE for me.

So how long can you last after the credits roll, before your/Noble 6 demise??
Not to long, shouted THIS IS SPARTA at my screen and went on a rampage!! lol... :)
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Prepare To Drop!!

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7115 Jours
Posté par Jin187
Seriously??? WTF?? Are they insane?????
Pretty much. I don't really understand either of those changes. I really dig pro slayer. The needler rifle and plasma grenades are both awesome. And I *love* the "sprint only" load outs (or lack of load outs in the case of classic slayer). I don't get why they're killing classic entirely. It seems pretty dumb. Sure, the AR sorta sucks, but it's an okay clean-up weapon and you have a pistol! It's a decent mode.

Today's challenges are easy and very profitable. Just did the firefight one and ground out some commendations. Gettin close to breaking into Captain. About to do the two campaign ones now. They should go quick. Exodus is a repeat and is super easy.
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Inscrit depuis 6987 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Worse: Zombies not removed from Rumble Pit. Srsly. Shit needs its own playlist.
I don't hate Infection, but it becomes monotonous very quickly. It's simple enough. If you have fire arms, barricade yourselves in a room or an area of the map, guard all points of entry and be vigilant. If you're carrying plasma swords, rush all points of entry at once to create chaos. It's fun for the first couple of games, but when it's being selected over and over and

One thing I've noticed is that the people who vote mostly for Infection are terrified of playing SWAT and Snipers. Now every now and then you do run into some real Lights Out marksmen who pacify the field in a matter of seconds. But I'm not the greatest headshot specialist, it's just that most people can't seem to control their urge to run or sneak peeks that makes me a better marksman than I actually am. LOL!

So I'm pretty happy SWAT has it's own playlist, at least you have folks who WANT to play.
En réponse à
GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7115 Jours
I have a question that I don't think anyone will actually know the answer to, but here goes:

If you're trying to grind out some campaign commendations, and you revert to the previous checkpoint, are you losing points? I know that you still get the kills toward whatever commendation (or challenge) you're working on, but every time you "save and quit" you get commendation points for incomplete commendations too. Are those points being wasted if I don't save and quit after every run?

I know I'll get the commendation bonus when it's complete regardless. I want to know if the cR I yielded up to that point is lost if I reload a previous save.

En réponse à
roxwell - PuS3Y
Inscrit depuis 7063 Jours
If you don't save I'd assume the credits would be lost.

I'd check it for you but I'm running through Legendary at the mo and I'm struggling enough without have to go back again :/
En réponse à

Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7115 Jours
Posté par roxwell
If you don't save I'd assume the credits would be lost.

I'd check it for you but I'm running through Legendary at the mo and I'm struggling enough without have to go back again :/
I don't think they are. I just sorta checked. You can see your cR rising in the pause menu prior to even exiting the game.

I made it to captain. Next step: Major! The armor bits I want all require major. I still need 120k cR before I can afford the armor effect I want first tho :/
En réponse à
roxwell - PuS3Y
Inscrit depuis 7063 Jours
I'v not spent one credit yet, I just can't see the point :o
En réponse à

Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7115 Jours
It's all for the sake of vanity, but I like it much better that way. Thankfully bungie hasn't joined the rest of the FPS world when it comes to shitty unlocks and perks that actually have a big impact on actual gameplay. This is a much better approach when it comes to balancing a game. I like playing spartan dress-up anyway ;) I want the pipboy looking computer thing for my wrist and the Eva helmet I had in Halo 3. Oh, and maybe a black visor. That's the stuff I'll buy after I get "heart attack," and then I'll just start saving forever until I can afford the crazy expensive stuff again.

I do think it's cool to create a unique persona for your online appearance. Granted, if you don't play online I can see why you'd be even less interested in it. Not that everyone wants to play dress up anyway. I made like 20 different versions of my main character in Soul Calibur 4 too though. I'm obviously a bit of a sucker for that stuff :P

One of today's daily challenges is to complete the level "ONI" on legendary without dying. I think I'll skip this one. It seems like it'd take a lot more time than the 1250cR it pays out is worth. That's only a small handful of matchmaking games after all.
En réponse à
roxwell - PuS3Y
Inscrit depuis 7063 Jours
Each to their own Grift , if if you like to dress up that's cool ;)

Oni on Legendary, without dying, would be a Bastard.

And what would make it worse is that you could get all the way to the end (which would be next to impossible, I died about 50 times) and the invisible Elites will ruing your day.
En réponse à

Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

Inscrit depuis 6987 Jours
Posté par roxwell
Each to their own Grift , if if you like to dress up that's cool ;)

Oni on Legendary, without dying, would be a Bastard.

And what would make it worse is that you could get all the way to the end (which would be next to impossible, I died about 50 times) and the invisible Elites will ruing your day.
The poultry amount of credits crosses that one off my list. Who would invest in THAT kind of frustration only to be rewarded with a measly twelve-fifty?
En réponse à
GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7115 Jours

I'm not sure if this is approaching into bannable territory, but I sorta doubt that it is. It's clearly not an "exploit" to reload a checkpoint like this, as cheap as it may be. I'd only be concerned about hitting the daily cR cap ;) Plus, you're going to get less and less credits for every reload. Once your commendation bonuses are maxed out, this will be worthless.
En réponse à
Inscrit depuis 7236 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
I have a question that I don't think anyone will actually know the answer to, but here goes:

If you're trying to grind out some campaign commendations, and you revert to the previous checkpoint, are you losing points? I know that you still get the kills toward whatever commendation (or challenge) you're working on, but every time you "save and quit" you get commendation points for incomplete commendations too. Are those points being wasted if I don't save and quit after every run?

I know I'll get the commendation bonus when it's complete regardless. I want to know if the cR I yielded up to that point is lost if I reload a previous save.

I'm sorry you think you could explain that again? This time a bit slower?
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

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Quoi de neuf ?
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