Since 7102 Days
What who's describing? And it's not like we want any ol' bleak squad based FPS with a muted colour palette...we just want Halo to shed some of it's more...toyish visual qualities...while still remaining Halo. Or at least I do.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Since 7238 Days
What's the Tom Morello - Halo connection?
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Since 6618 Days
Tom Morello is our hero.
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Since 7009 Days
Posted by LEBATO
What's the Tom Morello - Halo connection?
He's the awesome dude that leaked to us the very early Halo Reach screenshots and provided some details about Reach lol.

He plastered his name over all the screenshots with what appears to be MS Paint lol.
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic g

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7117 Days
He's also the guitarist for Rage Against The Machine/Audioslave.
In reply to
Since 7009 Days
Wait, really? Or is it just a coincidence that both people have the same exact name? Or did that 'Tom Morello' fellow put down a false name?
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic g

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7117 Days
I don't know which is the correct answer, but I'd assume it's one of the latter two possibilities.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7140 Days
Well, I just replayed Halo 3 and I remembered how delightfully colour coded it is compared to something like Modern Warfare 2 where, half of the time, you could be shooting YOURSELF, mistaken for an evil terrorist.

I realise I'm in the minority for sure, but I enjoy that Halo has a streak of goofy in it that allows a HUUUGE, TURTLES-ESQUELY GREEN dude to actually be taken seriously. It also enables sights like a glowing purple, jellyfish like ship cruising along against the backdrop of the Mombasa sky, dropping off troops whose shields light up like christmas decorations as they scatter on the ground.

I may sound like I'm being sarcastic, but I actually really like Halo's visual identity. It's inevitable that dark and gritty wins, it always does because it appeals to more people, but I can't help but feel a little disappointed that people keep asking for Halo to turn "violent and serious". For me, the way this grand space opera was undercut by humour, light heartedness and charm was always a key ingredient in me gravitating towards it.

I'm afraid that turning it too much into "credible" military fiction retroactively makes the earlier Halo stuff seem silly in contrast. A stark reminder that the themes involved are actually kind of rediculous, sorta like when Warren pulls out a gun in season 6 of Buffy and shoots somebody. Or, perhaps a more potent reference; when Batman says "I'M BATMAN!" and you realise the crime epic you're watching is about a dude in a bat suit.

And yeah, the reason I brought up Tom Morello before was that there's a picture of a covvie gun that is decidedly and reassuringly purple still. :)
In reply to | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo!
Twitter: @simonlundmark

Since 7009 Days
I think a big part of the reason that flew on the first xbox was because of the technical limitations. Not that they couldn't do a more realistic Halo title on the machine, but I guess it was easier to accept.

Now, however, I think the natural progression of the series that a lot of people seem to be expecting and indirectly demanding even if they don't realize they are, is the more realistic color tones that is currently present in Reach.

It won't make the previous themes seem ridiculous, but I definitely get where you're coming from when you see the more realistic approach to things, but then I guess this is just a natural progression for the series. I understand what you mean when you say the game's visual identity, but seeing as how this is Bungie, if there anyone that could perfectly translate Halo as we know it over to this more realistic visual look, it would pobably be them. Think about it: It had to happen sooner or later, and just because the enhancements are obvious, doesn't mean that they can't use other means to maintain the series' identity. For one, I don't see much reaseon why the grunts can't still talk and act like grunts, even with the more serious feel.

I think that it's not that people want it to be more violent and serious, it's probably more that people want, when Halo decides to touch on more violence or serious subject matter, which the games have been known to do on occasion, that the player actually be able to take Halo more serious when it attempts such things. As technology progresses and we see more visually impressive games, the demands from the player in order to be able to make that type of connection will grow.

For one, I thought Keyes and Johnson's death in Halo 3 wasn't nearly as big a deal as they should've been. Their dying moments were sorta let down due to how hard it was to really get into it or take what I was seing serious because you would've expected such scenes to look way better than they did. For example, the scene in the first Halo when Keye's father was trapped by the flood and he asked you to kill him while he was still human. That scene was done on Halo 1, and even that I thought greatly outdid the scenes of Miranda's and Johnson's death in Halo 3. Johnson's was handled much better than Keyes though (Miranda I mean), so I guess that's something good, but damn :P

I also found it tough to take the memorial in the end serious. One of the best scenes in Halo 3 was probably when the Chief went into the chamber and told Cortana to wake him when she needs him. That was just awesome. Even the prophets death at the hands of the arbiter didn't look as good as I expected.
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic g

Since 6989 Days
Posted by Optimusv2
I think that it's not that people want it to be more violent and serious, it's probably more that people want, when Halo decides to touch on more violence or serious subject matter, which the games have been known to do on occasion, that the player actually be able to take Halo more serious when it attempts such things. As technology progresses and we see more visually impressive games, the demands from the player in order to be able to make that type of connection will grow.
Well said.
In reply to
Since 6873 Days
Halo always had gritty looking environments, hell even the first level in he first game Pillar of Autumn is all grey. I'm sure we'll be getting some bright and colourful environments as well.
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"That just happened 'cause that was awesome" - Randy Pitchford, Gearbox

Since 7116 Days
I'm all for my grittyness, and darker vibe to halo, this is something I really liked in ODST. One problem though I find is that Halo's cutscenes don't really grab me, I think it's the music that really creates the emotion in Halo the action sequences themselves are not directed very well. I would prefer bungie to do more 1st person cutscenes where other characters talk directly at me, rather than being removed from the action to watch master chief in 3rd person, I would feel much more involved this way. A good example is modern warfare 2 (not yet completed). From what they've shown in the Reach trailer, it already looks more gloomy, the face that we have knives says this game is going to be alot more up close and personal than the prior games. We know how Reach ends so I expect to be taking out as many of those suckers with me.

I would prefer Human levels not to be so colourful, whilst the Covenent levels to be colourful. I remember the leaked night shot, that looked amazing it felt very much like another world. Hopefully we will get some night maps for multiplayer or even better custom day light.

Final Versions

Nobel Team Version 2 Final

Nobel Team Version 2 Black

Nobel Team Version 1 Final
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(F-1) Graphic Artist
The Don Barracuda

Since 7238 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
He's also the guitarist for Rage Against The Machine/Audioslave.
Yeah, and it seems highly unlikely he would advertise his name just like that. I'm thinking the name is made up by some random dude.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Since 7009 Days
Posted by TheFuriousOne
I'm all for my grittyness, and darker vibe to halo, this is something I really liked in ODST. One problem though I find is that Halo's cutscenes don't really grab me, I think it's the music that really creates the emotion in Halo the action sequences themselves are not directed very well. I would prefer bungie to do more 1st person cutscenes where other characters talk directly at me, rather than being removed from the action to watch master chief in 3rd person, I would feel much more involved this way. A good example is modern warfare 2 (not yet completed). From what they've shown in the Reach trailer, it already looks more gloomy, the face that we have knives says this game is going to be alot more up close and personal than the prior games. We know how Reach ends so I expect to be taking out as many of those suckers with me.

I would prefer Human levels not to be so colourful, whilst the Covenent levels to be colourful. I remember the leaked night shot, that looked amazing it felt very much like another world. Hopefully we will get some night maps for multiplayer or even better custom day light.

Final Versions

Nobel Team Version 2 Final

Nobel Team Version 2 Black

Nobel Team Version 1 Final
Very nice job on those wallpapers man :)

Yea, that leaked night shot looked pretty atmospheric.

What's more, if anybody pauses the reach cutscene and look at the cool new details on the inside of the warthog, they'll also notice that you can barely spot those bluish lcd looking things on the leaked image from awhile back that showed us the warthog. So, even though it isn't much, from these things alone we can get a sense for the kinds of touches that Bungie are putting into the game, or at least trying to.
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic g

Since 7009 Days

The mp3 of the song from the Reach Trailer is now available.

Marty wrote the flintstones kids song!?

wow! lol

This commercial here.
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic g

Since 5783 Days
Sweet and excellent wallpapers.
In reply to
Since 7238 Days
Marty is a genius, awesome music.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Since 6861 Days
Posted by Optimusv2
Very nice job on those wallpapers man :)

Yea, that leaked night shot looked pretty atmospheric.

What's more, if anybody pauses the reach cutscene and look at the cool new details on the inside of the warthog, they'll also notice that you can barely spot those bluish lcd looking things on the leaked image from awhile back that showed us the warthog. So, even though it isn't much, from these things alone we can get a sense for the kinds of touches that Bungie are putting into the game, or at least trying to.
What leaked image?
In reply to
Since 7009 Days
Posted by Jin187
What leaked image?

Check out the inside of the Warthog. You can definitely see the bluish lights that were on the inside of the warthog in the Reach Cinematic. So, this is all we have to know that Bungie is actually attempting to get these types of cool details in there during actual gameplay.

And the details on that gun are absolutely impressive. I just can't wait to get my hands on this game. It sucks that you need Halo 3: ODST to get in on the beta, but I absolutely refuse to buy that game.
In reply to

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic g

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7140 Days
Posted by Optimusv2

Check out the inside of the Warthog. You can definitely see the bluish lights that were on the inside of the warthog in the Reach Cinematic. So, this is all we have to know that Bungie is actually attempting to get these types of cool details in there during actual gameplay.

And the details on that gun are absolutely impressive. I just can't wait to get my hands on this game. It sucks that you need Halo 3: ODST to get in on the beta, but I absolutely refuse to buy that game.
I think the important thing to note in this picture is; PURPLE! :D

In reply to | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo!
Twitter: @simonlundmark

Since 7009 Days
Haha well, yea, there was no way they were going to ditch the Halo colors and such, they've just gone and made it look more visually realistic, which it absolutely is.

Halo can still be Halo while also looking more realistic at the same time :)

What gets me excited is that, if the gun models look that good, and the warthog seems to have those extra details, then the gameplay models and gameplay animations may be equally impressive.

Here's another great looking one.

In reply to

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic g

Since 6618 Days
Hm, one of the things I expect Bungie to do is making the Elites speaking gibberish again. WORT WORT WORT!

Edit: Stolen from GAF:
Vote for Reach!
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Since 7009 Days
LOL Reach, that's hilarious.

How do you vote? Simply by clicking the green arrow pointing up?
In reply to

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic g

Since 6976 Days
Posted by Viginti_Tres
Hm, one of the things I expect Bungie to do is making the Elites speaking gibberish again. WORT WORT WORT!

Edit: Stolen from GAF:
Vote for Reach!
lol Reach FTW!
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Since 6873 Days
Old post, but I'll reply anyway:
Posted by LEBATO
You know what's sad.....

Was in 2004........and looks better with mods (better textures).

Something tells me they won't be able to achieve something that I think should be trivial for any game trying to convey any sort of emotions from characters. They certainly looked stiff in that video.
You've gotta be joking. The attention to detail in facial animation is incredible. Just watch all the wrinkles, eyelashes movement etc.
Posted by SimonM7
I think the important thing to note in this picture is; PURPLE! :D

It was always obvious that colours weren't going anywhere - just watch the Spartans or even moreso the Elite in the trailer.
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"That just happened 'cause that was awesome" - Randy Pitchford, Gearbox

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    Loakum Ugh….scratch that previous comment. The upcoming Game of Thrones video game is a F’in mobile phone game. Why can’t they came an open world GoT game, like Witcher 3 or God of War? (10 Weeks ago)

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    Driftwood @Loakum: enjoy, the one Sony sent us will be there on launch day. Coverage will follow asap. (> 3 Months ago)

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    Driftwood @reneyvane: non ils l'ont publié le 1er octobre et je crois que tu l'avais déjà linkée. ;) (> 3 Months ago)

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