Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Inscrit depuis 7085 Jours
Btw, the "confirmed" prospect of an action class/squad shooter in the Haloverse with sprint makes me :D

If Bungie gives us custom lobbies and more online variables I will be extremely hyped.
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Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

Inscrit depuis 7099 Jours
Yes, animations need to be fixed. Texture fidelity really needs to be addressed. Aliasing stinks. etc. But which of these would you swap for worse AI?
I don't think anybody wants these things swapped for worse AI. Such a high-profile, flagship title with ridiculous production values should be able to improve upon every aspect. And really, I don't expect there to be a noticeable improvement in AI, so they may as well beef up some other areas.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Inscrit depuis 6467 Jours
I don't want to sound like a graphics whore, but I agree that due to it's flagship status Halo Reach really ought to be an impressive looking game. It doesn't need to better Killzone 2 but I think that with all the money MS could give this title, there is no reason Bungie shouldn't have this game looking ace.

That said, Halo 3 is still one of the, if not THE best console FPS so far this gen, and it's gameplay/options is miles ahead of other, superior looking shooters like Gears, Killzone 2, and Crysis. IMO at least. I'm sure others, especially fanboys, will not agree.
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Inscrit depuis 6000 Jours
WOW amazing stuff man i hope there real, even for crappy early shots it looks awesome, Bungie are banning members left right and center on there forums!! :}
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Prepare To Drop!!

Inscrit depuis 7057 Jours
Looks like halo 3, so whats the big diffrence with this game ? if its based on the book then that would be cool, but IF its keeping true to that book, then it will need some BIG ass battles, and as someone else stated, not many things to kill in those shots.
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I think i have stood in poo

Inscrit depuis 6000 Jours
No it looks like Halo!
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Prepare To Drop!!

Inscrit depuis 7057 Jours
Posté par BLackHawkodst
No it looks like Halo!
Yes i expect it to look like halo.. what i mean is considering the big hoopla surrounding this (well it is halo) i thought it might be diffrent, as in, i was expecting to see mass cannon fodder ( been as though its based on Reach, the battles in that was not exactly small scale.
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I think i have stood in poo

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Posté par Acert93
While it would be nice for Halo Reach to have "best of class" graphics, cleaning up their problem areas first and keeping the strong points (gunplay, AI, coop, online options, strong balance between foot soilders and vehicles, etc) even better would make a great game greater. Sacrificing anything for sheer graphics would be a mistake. Yes, animations need to be fixed. Texture fidelity really needs to be addressed. Aliasing stinks. etc. But which of these would you swap for worse AI?

Btw, I was expecting hoaxes, but those look real. But I wouldn't call them earlier either--don't set yourselves up!
They definitely look real.. no one puts that much effort into a hoax--usually.

I would actually prefer they kept the same level of fidelity and greatly improved on performance.. but I realize that shiny graphics have mass appeal.
Posté par Acert93
Btw, the "confirmed" prospect of an action class/squad shooter in the Haloverse with sprint makes me :D

If Bungie gives us custom lobbies and more online variables I will be extremely hyped.
Yup. It amazes me that people are bitching that it's not different enough.... based on a dozen or so leaked screens that are questionable quality and terribly early. Plus, ya know, they imply pretty tremendous differences in gameplay already. I have no idea what people seem to want here.
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Inscrit depuis 6000 Jours
Posté par ManThatYouFear
Yes i expect it to look like halo.. what i mean is considering the big hoopla surrounding this (well it is halo) i thought it might be diffrent, as in, i was expecting to see mass cannon fodder ( been as though its based on Reach, the battles in that was not exactly small scale.
You expect to see all what Reach will offer from some unofficial leaked screens?, please! lets wait untill some real info starts to come out from Bungie.
En réponse à

Prepare To Drop!!

Inscrit depuis 6186 Jours
I expect it to look like Halo, thats pretty much defined by the art, but the lighting model used, the quality of textures, the quality of models, the quality of animations should all be much higher than what they were in 3. I've said it all along, 3 got a pass purely on it's HDR, everything else fell a bit short, shadowing was odd, models varied hugely, the detail in the landscapes was very odd (sand textures etc looked similar to those in HL1) and the animation was very clunky not to mention the sub HD resolution at 30fps.
I expect far more from bungie, from a first party studio, they should be pushing the hardware so far, especially with "2" games under their belt on the machine. Some indications are there in those shots, those weapon models as i said before are hugely impressive, the rest can be explained as placeholder, it's hard to discern engine capabilities from a few blurry shots anyway. Either way, they need to make better use of what they have at their disposal.

Im a bit of a graphics whore anyway, thats the one area they need to improve to get me to bite, thats why i never bought into ODST to begin with.
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Inscrit depuis 6518 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
And yet, Halo 2 wasn't even close to the pinnacle of technology in its own generation. There are plenty of Xbox games that surpass it by leaps and bounds.

Bungie has never pushed the envelope. Marginal improvements over Halo 3's visuals are completely acceptable if they deliver on the kind of experience that is expected of them.

Several of the best shooters this generation are Source games, and they all look and play amazingly well. If you're so hung up on graphics that you can't enjoy some of the best games out there.. than kudos to you! Halo 3 is still the best console shooter this generation.
personally i'd put half life 2 (plus it's episodes) COD 4 and killzone 2 far ahead of halo 3, at least as far as single player experiences go, even in terms of multiplayer halo 3 wasnt up to scratch for me, at least not compared to cod 4. hence why i'm hoping reach is the franchises saving grace.
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Inscrit depuis 5780 Jours
lol well thats no surprise coming from you, yet millions upon millions would disagree.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
I said console shooter.

For someone who doesn't care for Halo you seem to have a lot of hopes for Halo Reach. Halo doesn't need a saving grace.
En réponse à
SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7137 Jours
HL2, COD4 and Killzone 2 are in the other school of shooter from Halo 3 though. They rely on encapsulating the player in a quite plotted path and bombarding him with scripted, cinematic events. It's essentially what I was talking about before in regards to Uncharted 2 aswell.

If that's something you prefer then obviously you will prefer the games that follow that philosophy. In Halo's case though, only Halo 2 - which is widely considered something of a misstep for the series - does the campaign semi fall into that category. Halo is about its core, cirtculating gameplay mechanics and how that still fuels entire 10 hour campaigns thanks to its original strengths, by providing open, dynamic locales for it to bloom.

You can't throw that into a scripted shooter without compromising what Halo fans gravitate towards in the first place.

So yeah, naturally if another STYLE of shooter captures your fancy more, then Reach has to morph into that style to be successful.

I half agree that Reach has work to do in terms of animation and visuals. I'm a Halo fan (that never touches multiplayer so don't chuck me into that slot please) and will play pretty much anything Halo related - even when it's a little bit on the average side like Halo Wars - so for me it's not a HUUUUUGE deal if Reach simply looks "nice". I would be immensly proud and excited however, if it were to tickle me like Uncharted 2 does visually.

And that's not to say it has to be a technical wonder, but there's a humanity and emotional gravity to Uncharted 2 (and even 1) that the strangely robotic Halo people cannot remotely match. I would very much like to go up against Elites with actual volume and weight to them, instead of having them very game-like skid around the battlefield.
En réponse à | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo!

Inscrit depuis 7057 Jours
Posté par BLackHawkodst
You expect to see all what Reach will offer from some unofficial leaked screens?, please! lets wait untill some real info starts to come out from Bungie.
Lol i know that, but lets be honest, if i was going to risk my job and leak stuff at least leak some good pictures, not pictures that make it look exactly the same.
En réponse à

I think i have stood in poo

Inscrit depuis 6858 Jours
OMG, just seen those screens, the game looks stunning already, the detail is immense! Those new weapons intrigue me, especially that new BR, I wonder if the pistol will return to this game, it only makes sense as its set before Halo 1. My anticipation for Reach has gone through the roof now!
Posté par KORNdog
hence why i'm hoping reach is the franchises saving grace.
A franchise that has sold well over 20 million hardly needs a saving grace :)
En réponse à
GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Posté par SimonM7
HL2, COD4 and Killzone 2 are in the other school of shooter from Halo 3 though. They rely on encapsulating the player in a quite plotted path and bombarding him with scripted, cinematic events. It's essentially what I was talking about before in regards to Uncharted 2 aswell.

If that's something you prefer then obviously you will prefer the games that follow that philosophy. In Halo's case though, only Halo 2 - which is widely considered something of a misstep for the series - does the campaign semi fall into that category. Halo is about its core, cirtculating gameplay mechanics and how that still fuels entire 10 hour campaigns thanks to its original strengths, by providing open, dynamic locales for it to bloom.

You can't throw that into a scripted shooter without compromising what Halo fans gravitate towards in the first place.

So yeah, naturally if another STYLE of shooter captures your fancy more, then Reach has to morph into that style to be successful.

I half agree that Reach has work to do in terms of animation and visuals. I'm a Halo fan (that never touches multiplayer so don't chuck me into that slot please) and will play pretty much anything Halo related - even when it's a little bit on the average side like Halo Wars - so for me it's not a HUUUUUGE deal if Reach simply looks "nice". I would be immensly proud and excited however, if it were to tickle me like Uncharted 2 does visually.

And that's not to say it has to be a technical wonder, but there's a humanity and emotional gravity to Uncharted 2 (and even 1) that the strangely robotic Halo people cannot remotely match. I would very much like to go up against Elites with actual volume and weight to them, instead of having them very game-like skid around the battlefield.
It boggles my mind that there are huge Halo fans that don't play online :P

At the end of the day it's all about fun and gameplay (and to a lesser degree story and lore), and I think Bungie can play it safe with technology.. while still blowing away their competition.

I totally agree with your observations about the campaign though. The closest cousin I've played to Halo in recent years is Crysis.
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Inscrit depuis 5780 Jours
Posté par ManThatYouFear
Lol i know that, but lets be honest, if i was going to risk my job and leak stuff at least leak some good pictures, not pictures that make it look exactly the same.
even from these blurry early screens any non-blind person can see its not even close to looking like Halo 3!
En réponse à
SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7137 Jours
Well, I'm an all-discriminating non-mp player as you know. :)

Perhaps one day when I dial down the wanting to experience as many games as possible angle I've got going, I will allow myself to linger on a single game for the amounts of time mp consumes without giving a sense of closure.

But yeah my fascination with Halo, the start of my love story if you will, was in the second level of Halo 1.

I walked towards a rock, shooting at an Elite standing beside it. The elite then ducked out of my gunfire, in behind the rock. I threw a grenade to the right of his position, to the right of the rock and started heading off to to the left of the rock. The elite DIVES out of the way of the grenade, out from the cover behind the rock, to the left. Where... I arrive to greet him with a melee attack to the face.

Long range shooting, delayed long range/radius attack, close quarters. Guns, grenades and melee, In perfect harmony. That has ALWAYS been the reason I keep coming back to Halo because no other game does it even REMOTELY as well as Bungie's FPS franchise. I absolutely adore that the AI is written so that you can take advantage of it, and the levels are - ideally - made so that these situations in all sorts of combinations happen over and over. In fact, from this standpoint I think ODST is the most well structured Halo to date, simply in terms of its battlegrounds.

Even the enemies were originally built to encourage flanking them (shields, insta-death melee from back) and getting up close and personal in the thick of it to almost "bullfight" the Hunters into shooting them in the sweet spot.

Even the guns themselves had properties you figured out, almost like meeting legions of Megaman bosses. Plasma taking out shields, bullets gunning down hunters in a few shots, sniping Jackals through the tiny bit of the shield where their hand is.

Now it's all too common to empty a bucket of the exact same enemies on top of your head for the duration of an entire campaign, only to break that up with scripted explosions and things falling down. So yeah, with Halo being virtually the only franchise that still plays like an honest to god GAME (though Gears 2 really did make real strides in that department) there's not a whole lot it *needs* to be doing to be the go-to franchise if you dig this type of thing like I do.

Man I go on, don't I.
En réponse à | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo!

Inscrit depuis 6186 Jours
Posté par SimonM7
HL2, COD4 and Killzone 2 are in the other school of shooter from Halo 3 though. They rely on encapsulating the player in a quite plotted path and bombarding him with scripted, cinematic events. It's essentially what I was talking about before in regards to Uncharted 2 aswell.
Wait. What?
Halo 3, and halo in general falls into the exact same category, it has scripted events, a plotted path and cinematic cutscenes. It hides its linearity a little better with slightly more open areas, but in general its a linear path. To me its just another big budget FPS, it has its own gameplay quirks of course, but it aint doing anything particularly special that noone else does.

Even those open locales are no excuse for dropping the visual bar, if texture quality, resolution and model detail drop because they want the ability to render some ships in the distance for one scene then they have their priorities wrong. 3 to me felt like a upscaled 2, with some extra bells and whistles added, instead of creating a new engine from scratch they had the exact same issues and limitations an xbox 1 engine would have, just with a new lighting engine dropped into it. It was still somewhat satisfying in places, but I always had niggling issues with the way it looked...somewhat stale.

Thankfully none of that seems to apply to reach, they seem to be putting the effort in this time and reorganising their priorities.
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Inscrit depuis 7044 Jours
I have obvisouly still not Played Halo 3 yet nor ODST so cant join on the discussion but I if these REACH screens are REAL, I think we're in for a treat. If the game is looking this good early on, I think we should expect something special graphically.
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Inscrit depuis 6872 Jours
Posté par SimonM7
Well, I'm an all-discriminating non-mp player as you know. :)

Perhaps one day when I dial down the wanting to experience as many games as possible angle I've got going, I will allow myself to linger on a single game for the amounts of time mp consumes without giving a sense of closure.

But yeah my fascination with Halo, the start of my love story if you will, was in the second level of Halo 1.

I walked towards a rock, shooting at an Elite standing beside it. The elite then ducked out of my gunfire, in behind the rock. I threw a grenade to the right of his position, to the right of the rock and started heading off to to the left of the rock. The elite DIVES out of the way of the grenade, out from the cover behind the rock, to the left. Where... I arrive to greet him with a melee attack to the face.

Long range shooting, delayed long range/radius attack, close quarters. Guns, grenades and melee, In perfect harmony. That has ALWAYS been the reason I keep coming back to Halo because no other game does it even REMOTELY as well as Bungie's FPS franchise. I absolutely adore that the AI is written so that you can take advantage of it, and the levels are - ideally - made so that these situations in all sorts of combinations happen over and over. In fact, from this standpoint I think ODST is the most well structured Halo to date, simply in terms of its battlegrounds.

Even the enemies were originally built to encourage flanking them (shields, insta-death melee from back) and getting up close and personal in the thick of it to almost "bullfight" the Hunters into shooting them in the sweet spot.

Even the guns themselves had properties you figured out, almost like meeting legions of Megaman bosses. Plasma taking out shields, bullets gunning down hunters in a few shots, sniping Jackals through the tiny bit of the shield where their hand is.

Now it's all too common to empty a bucket of the exact same enemies on top of your head for the duration of an entire campaign, only to break that up with scripted explosions and things falling down. So yeah, with Halo being virtually the only franchise that still plays like an honest to god GAME (though Gears 2 really did make real strides in that department) there's not a whole lot it *needs* to be doing to be the go-to franchise if you dig this type of thing like I do.

Man I go on, don't I.
No joke. Halo has, arguably, some of the Best AI out there. The only other game with as sophisticated AI is the first FEAR. Not only are the enemies smart, but there is a wide variety of class specific behavior. As to the visuals- mabe they should just make it really windy like KZ2. All the movement and debris takes your attention away from it's flaws. A persistant lense flair, perhaps :P Anyway, I DO think they could benefit from some motion capture or, better yet, some support from Natural Motion and the Euphoria engine *shudders with delight*...
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Behold! I did not lie to you!!

Inscrit depuis 7057 Jours
Posté par icemanufc
even from these blurry early screens any non-blind person can see its not even close to looking like Halo 3!
Oh right..yeah yeah, i can see the diffrence now, my god its like someone has replaced my eyes.....
No sir, it looks the same.
En réponse à

I think i have stood in poo

Inscrit depuis 5639 Jours
Posté par icemanufc
even from these blurry early screens any non-blind person can see its not even close to looking like Halo 3!
Exactly blind or a fanboy, both judging by some of the stuff the same members keep making in this forum.
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Inscrit depuis 6858 Jours
Posté par ManThatYouFear
No sir, it looks the same.
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