GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7083 Jours
Posté par blmbox
I consider its multiplayer the best this generation (yes, better than COD4's MP).
On the Xbox, definitely.
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Inscrit depuis 6408 Jours
I kind of have a hard time being THAT hyped for another halo. Halo 1 was epic, halo 2 was shit (never tried MP) and halo 3 was not bad by any means but it wasn't great either, basically surviving mainly on the multi player aspect. So yeah...unless Halo Reach is one hell of a co-op romp with kickass multiplayer to boot it sure won't be high on my priority list for next year. The spartan laser thing looks cool though...i guess :)
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Take a bath!? Get a bike!

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7083 Jours
Posté par Megido
unless Halo Reach is one hell of a co-op romp with kickass multiplayer to boot
I sorta assume that's a given. It's Halo.
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Inscrit depuis 6408 Jours
I thought Halo 3 was pretty bland though, as i said it wasn't bad but it didn't do much to stand out...they just churned out the same old concept a third time with somewhat better graphics. I guess it just didn't impress me either with either it's gameplay or story. I'm hoping that Reach does something to change it up a little. I'm not asking them to change the entire game, just add some little new elements and things that makes it feel a little more fresh.
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Take a bath!? Get a bike!

Inscrit depuis 6414 Jours
Well the (speculated) story of Reach is not only incredibly significant in terms of Halo's lore, but is also compelling in its own right. As for gameplay: that's always been Halo's main strength, so I'm not expecting the core mechanics to be drastically different - not that it needs to be in many ways (if it ain't broke bla bla bla). I do, however, think there will be some significant additions that will make Reach stand out from all previous games in the franchise. Squad-based gameplay for instance looks to be all but confirmed now.
Posté par GriftGFX
On the Xbox, definitely.
Well, not just Xbox; based on the 'cream of the crop' I've played on PS3, Halo is the best multiplayer experience across all current gen consoles right now.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7083 Jours
Posté par blmbox
Well, not just Xbox; based on the 'cream of the crop' I've played on PS3, Halo is the best multiplayer experience across all current gen consoles right now.
That's not quite what I meant. Call of Duty 4 and TF2 (and maybe L4D) are all better multiplayer experiences than Halo, but only on the PC.

Halo is the best console shooter this generation, easily. So I don't disagree.. there are just some other games that I think are better.. but they don't fair as well on consoles.
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Inscrit depuis 7026 Jours
Yes i can see the diffrence in the weapon now thanks for pointing it out, but on a side note i will still pretty much meaning there does not scream anything "epic" from them shots
Yes its early
Yes its alpha
Yes there leaked and not going to show everything

But from a fan of the books i want EPIC! not epic..ish
Posté par GriftGFX
That's not quite what I meant. Call of Duty 4 and TF2 (and maybe L4D) are all better multiplayer experiences than Halo, but only on the PC.
In the eye of the beholder yes.
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I think i have stood in poo

Inscrit depuis 6155 Jours
All we can really ask is that any leaks we get show some kind of promised, theyre never gonna show any gameplay, theyre never gonna give an all encompasing view. These are nothing more than sneak peaks, its essentially the perv out the window takin a few sneaky shots through the curtains.
From that point, they DO show some promise, we have a decent amount of info, we have an early glimpse at where they are taking the engine (if the bump in fideilty to the weapons goes along with a bump in other areas then damn...), and I'm pretty much satisfied with that. We can't really be critical until something substantial is released, official shots / videos would do the trick, or even higher quality screens at all, it's really a bit early to ask for anything "EPIC".
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Inscrit depuis 7012 Jours
Posté par ManThatYouFear
In the eye of the beholder yes.
It has the best online SYSTEM of any console shooter hands down. That is a fact. Whether it is the best game to play is a matter of opinion. No one can argue though that the complex system Bungie uses is beaten by any other shooter on 360 or PS3.
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Inscrit depuis 6669 Jours
no "perks" ;)

More or less the equipment from Halo 3, at least that's what the guy said who palyed this build:
This first mission was just like Halo 1's 2nd mission where you had to find the marines that crash landed throughout the map, but in halo reach you are finding spartans. It's a pretty big map, and the worthog was very useful for getting places. The worthog can carry as many as 5 people (the driver, the front passenger, the gunner, and two seats below the gunner that face left and right, not forward)

The second mission was pretty action packed. You start out getting dropped off, and the action immediately begins. You are with squadmates. Throughout this mission you have to cover your spartan friend (whos a girl) and give her coverage so that she can hack into the computer. There are 3 big guns on the map that she has to hack into. Hacking into them gains control of the gun, and I guess it gives them control of the air (you see banshees and hornets flying throughout the entire level)

The third stage is very similar to Truth and Reconciliation (the 3rd stage on Halo 1). You and another spartan have snipers. You have to get into the enemy base from the cliffs (you start out on the cliffs). While you go in the base, your spartan friend covers you from the cliffs above. At the end of this level, you save a bunch of scientists or marines (not really sure who they are actually). They are humans who refused to leave their site even though they ordered everyone to get out. At the end of the level you save them and get picked up by a pelican.

Those were the first 3 stages. As for gameplay, everyone on those forums are talking about the perks. I guess I kinda used the wrong word. It's not really a perk, but rather a device that you can pick up. You can only carry one at a time. I found 3 different devices in the first 3 missions-Halogram, cloak, and sprint. So it's not really a perk, like you would think from call of duty. They are just devices you pick up and that have cooldowns.

The new BR is the 12 round, 1 shot with the scope. I think it's more powerfull than the burst fire BR from halo 3.

The sniper rifle has a longer delay between shots (I was upset with this).

The gameplay seem VERY similar to the other halos. It still has that "slow" feeling. The enemies also fight the exact same way, even the hunters.

The new needler carbine gun is cool. It takes three shots to make the needles explode on someone. However, if that person has a shield, you have to take out the shield before the needles can stick. So this gun can be effective if you shoot grunts and jackals, that way they explode and do more damage. You can't just shoot an elite three times, you have to bring his shield down first, then when you shoot him 3 times when he doesnt have a shield, the needles explode.

When you cloak, your radar is jammed, so you see red dots everywhere. Also, you can't hear anything going on. It's like trying to hear someone say something when you are underwater.

There is a new worthog that shoots volley missles. It seemed very overpowered, but fun. It would shoot about 4-6 shots and they explode upon contact. Then there is about a 5 second wait. Then you can shoot again (basically a 5 second cooldown for every time you can fire).

I found something really extraordinary. In the middle of mission 3, you encounter a bunch of covenant fighting this big ass monster (it had tusks, it seemed like some sort of prehistoric animal)

When you see the covenant fighting the monster, you are told not to engage combat, but to just go by unnoticed. You stand and watch the covenant fighting the monster, only to see the covenant get owned.

You must understand that this game is still LOOONG from being done. People on the forums are making too early judgments, like saying the graphics were horrible. Well I played the game and the graphics were pretty bad. That's because they havn't finished it yet... In fact, they didn't even have human voice overs when someone would talk in the game.

Overall gameplay was about the same as the other Halos.
Enemies battles are similar too.
I don't know if you can dual wield.
They made me play through the first 3 missions.
The first mission was on a pretty big map, and I had to find other spartans on the map (similar to Halo 1's second stage where you have to find the crash landed marines).
Second stage was pretty action packed, main goal was to take control of several huge missile guns throughout the map, and provide coverage to a spartan that would hack into the guns and control them.
Third stage was very similar to Halo 1's 3rd stage, Truth and Reconciliation. You start with a sniper and cloaking perk, you sneak into an enemy base at night, and you shoot from cliffs.
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I'm Ayanes guardian!

... 29.09.2009

Inscrit depuis 5608 Jours
What a pile of cack! where's the link to this forum i'd love to see which one it is and who posted it?
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Inscrit depuis 6534 Jours
I can see both sides of the coin here regarding these newly `leaked` screens. Halo has got its own art style, just like every game tries to do, (Gears Of War, Half Life, Geo Wars, and all other titles large or small), so Bungies next game will obviously `look` aesthetically like Halo has all these years.

Like ManThatYouFear mentions, it does indeed look similar, (not the `same` Dave lol), but similar for sure, but once you truly look long & hard enough at these pathetic screens, (too blurred and misleading), then you can see that the models look incredible and a lot better IMO than that of previous titles.

Inevitably, Bungie always strive to continue the optimization of their engine to not only push more pixels and improve framerates/performance etc, but also to fit in with the games structure and what it`s ultimately attempting to do as a title. We would all like games to be pushing ten times the amount of polygons that they currently seem to be doing, but for that we`ll have to wait until the next generation of machines comes along to truly obtain the results which we all so desperately wish for every night.

As for now though, this conversation and thread should really be put on hold until we all get some nice HD shots to drool over as that will ultimately be the ONLY time where we can all make a good, solid, valid statement regarding the state of play with Bungies next title.

To be honest, I was wishing that Bungie had signed a secret deal with Microsoft regarding the next Xbox console, and waited for it to be released before launching the next `outing` on the system as a launch title. As it stands, I seriously do think that Master Chiefs next `full-on` outing will definately be a launch seller for Microsofts next machine, so with that in mind, I`m not expecting Reach to be anything more than a glorified multiplayer experience with visuals that initially look `better`, but ultimately leave us all feeling a bit "Meh" and wanting more! I sense a gap-filler here??
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Inscrit depuis 7026 Jours
Posté par Tinks
It has the best online SYSTEM of any console shooter hands down. That is a fact. Whether it is the best game to play is a matter of opinion. No one can argue though that the complex system Bungie uses is beaten by any other shooter on 360 or PS3.
I was on about grifts selection i actually highly rate halo online.
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I think i have stood in poo

Inscrit depuis 6839 Jours
The missions' description sounds actually awesome, I can't wait to see what Bungie will pull off.
do I sense a gap-filler here??
Absolutely not, it's a fully fledged Halo game, although it's not "4". H4 will probably deliver story past H3 events, which could be interesting, but forced ar the same time. We'll see...
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"That just happened 'cause that was awesome" - Randy Pitchford, Gearbox

Inscrit depuis 7012 Jours
Posté par ManThatYouFear
I was on about grifts selection i actually highly rate halo online.
Yeah I was basically agreeing with you
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7083 Jours
I'm sure you've played all of those games in some depth, in order to mock my selection. :/

I fully support the concept that Halo 3 is the best online console game this generation though.
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Inscrit depuis 7012 Jours
Also from the quote it sounds like Cloak and all those other abilities are functioning a lot like the special character abilities in Borderlands.
The quote although based on something early, doesn't leave you with much hope I don't think
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7083 Jours
I'm sorta glad they're items and not "perks." The whole RPG progression in my online versus FPS still sorta annoys the crap out of me. Casual city.

It does have some appeal though, and I guess they just want to add longevity to the game for the less directly competitive types. So either way, I'm down.. but greatly prefer this.
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Inscrit depuis 6414 Jours
I agree with you completely... until your last paragraph. The one thing I have picked up from what's been said by Bungie so far is that Halo: Reach will not be just a 'gap-filler' - if anything, it was Halo 3: ODST which filled that role. I've no doubts that this is very much the next big Halo game, which is why I'm rather excited about it.
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Inscrit depuis 6839 Jours
Since May (when they finished ODST), 160 people are involved with Reach. It'll be big.
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"That just happened 'cause that was awesome" - Randy Pitchford, Gearbox

roxwell - PuS3Y
Inscrit depuis 7031 Jours
I still can't see how they can make a Game of Halo Reach without compromising the fundamental Halo Gameplay.

4 Spartans are going to take some stopping.
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DLC is the work of the Devil

Inscrit depuis 6534 Jours
Posté par szaromir
The missions' description sounds actually awesome, I can't wait to see what Bungie will pull off.
do I sense a gap-filler here??
Absolutely not, it's a fully fledged Halo game, although it's not "4". H4 will probably deliver story past H3 events, which could be interesting, but forced ar the same time. We'll see...
Well I`m glad that this title is a full-on game, (thanks for clearing that up for me Szoromir), as my knowledge and keen eye on this game have been somewhat slow recently due to my current life-changing experiences that i`m currently going through :0(

Although this game is looking to support 4 players in co-op action, I would like....just for a engage once again in a Halo game that had all the `oomph` and awesomeness that the fist title did all those years ago. The feeling that I got once I had finished that game was unlike anything I`ve ever felt before! If I could jar it up and sell it, then i`d be a multi-billionaire overnight and the days of old are somewhat missed in the Fr0sty household.

Bring on the future please, but whatever you do Bungie,....let it be EPIC!!
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Inscrit depuis 6408 Jours
Posté par roxwell
I still can't see how they can make a Game of Halo Reach without compromising the fundamental Halo Gameplay.

4 Spartans are going to take some stopping.
I don't see how they really ahve to change any gameplay, they just have to make all the spartans except you (the player) complete weak sauce. It'll look stupid but it'd work form a gameplay perspective. Or, since it's supposedly squad based, just make the enemies a shitload tougher, though that would make the covenant in 1-3 look ridiculously weak since it's a prequel. Then again, does it really matter? I mean, we know so little of the game and i bet they've figured out some clever way of solving it :)
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Take a bath!? Get a bike!

Inscrit depuis 6839 Jours
fr0sty - did you play ODST? It has really nice campaign, with much better storytelling and cutscenes than H3, it totally reinvigorated my faith in my Bungie to do proper Halo stuff, it's somewhat small-scale but it can only go up from there :) The battle of Reach is the biggest battle in Haloverse (bigger than events in Halo 1-3), I hope they'll present it as such.

Megido - in that sense, ODSTs kicking much as much as they do in the latest Halo installment don't make sense from the story standpoint either. But who cares?
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"That just happened 'cause that was awesome" - Randy Pitchford, Gearbox

Inscrit depuis 7026 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
I'm sure you've played all of those games in some depth, in order to mock my selection. :/

I fully support the concept that Halo 3 is the best online console game this generation though.
Lol i did not mean it like that dude
What i ment is, that its really all in the eye of the beholder on what is "the best online game"
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I think i have stood in poo

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