Inscrit depuis 7058 Jours
My point was, there is more to do with shooting than there is to do with character building , as in stat wise, fallout you could complete the entire game without leveling oblivion style and it would not effect the game in anyway, the stats just felt stapled on, same goes for ME and borderlands, when i discuss RPGs all i think of is STATS and character development
out of the 3 games i mentioned only 1 has character development, and thats ME, and only one has decent stats, BorderLands.

I am i still dribbling, putting up xmas deco, with kids and misses still moaning at me cause i want 10 minutes to enjoy my drink.
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I think i have stood in poo

Inscrit depuis 5780 Jours
I think you should quit now as you clearly have no idea what an RPG is.
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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Inscrit depuis 7085 Jours
Hurry up and release footage Bungie because your fans/anti-fans have nothing to talk about in the realm of reality.

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Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
Less than a week away from having a whole new can of worms...

But yeah... if you don't think that progression effects Fallout 3 than I just don't know what to say. The game is definitely an RPG first and foremost.. shooters put far more emphasis on combat and balance.. or at least they used to before they all started to bleed into RPG territory with stupid, unbalancing bullshit like perks and unlocks. It actually boggles my mind that this stuff is even popular. It's a little (lot) like "extra" mode becoming popular in Soul Calibur. No one plays that shit for a reason! But I guess shooters skew more casual than fighters do, huh?
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Inscrit depuis 6616 Jours
Yes, less than a week. And contrary to my expectations the showing will be quite long (about two and a half minutes according to the latest WU).

People are already expecting too much change, though. Some things I've read here and on GAF almost made me throw up. No, there won't be classes. There won't be perks. You won't be able to choose a start weapon. It won't have complex map geometry. Hopefully that crap stays out of every Bungie shooter. Whatever these "perks" are, they'll most likely replace the equipment in Halo 3 (which was a horrible design choice in first place).
En réponse à
GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7114 Jours
I like deployable equipment. I hope that Reach has both.
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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Inscrit depuis 7085 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
I like deployable equipment. I hope that Reach has both.
Yes and Yes.
En réponse à

Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

Inscrit depuis 7058 Jours
Posté par icemanufc
I think you should quit now as you clearly have no idea what an RPG is.
Funny thing is you see, i dont give a shit what you think.
Posté par GriftGFX
Less than a week away from having a whole new can of worms...

But yeah... if you don't think that progression effects Fallout 3 than I just don't know what to say. The game is definitely an RPG first and foremost.. shooters put far more emphasis on combat and balance.. or at least they used to before they all started to bleed into RPG territory with stupid, unbalancing bullshit like perks and unlocks. It actually boggles my mind that this stuff is even popular. It's a little (lot) like "extra" mode becoming popular in Soul Calibur. No one plays that shit for a reason! But I guess shooters skew more casual than fighters do, huh?
I just dont like the "world levels with you" concept, its just makes leveling system pointless, every gets stronger with you.. makes very little sence to me, maybe its the Warcraft in me and FF but i like to have to grind to continue..
hence to "me" it felt like a shooter first.
En réponse à

I think i have stood in poo

Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
Posté par Acert93
Hurry up and release footage Bungie because your fans/anti-fans have nothing to talk about in the realm of reality.

So true, i cant believe some of the idiotic statements i have just read wow!!, but no doubt there will be even more when the footage is shown, but at least we can keep away from "what an rpg is" topic.
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Inscrit depuis 6001 Jours
Ok i can only assume there was some heavy drinking being done over the weekend that attributed to some of the comments made in this thread!, oh and i may make this my new sig "Shooting above anything else in Fallout and Mass Effect? Do you play shooters?" lol!!

Anyway back to Reach, look what was said about the New Reach trailer, DC you might be wrong about not expecting a big leap graphically :)
At the VGAs, we actually go down on to the Planet Reach and see this game for the first time. It’s all going to be in-game stuff. This is not CG. This is not live-action like all the kids on twitter are speculating. You will get a first glimpse at the world of Reach, which is phenomenal. I think it’s going to be the biggest game of next year by far. Folks love ODST and though it was great but when people see the huge leap forward Bungie is taking with Reach, I don’t know if you seen it yet, but everyone that I talked to that’s been on the team and seen it is incredibly excited about that time
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Prepare To Drop!!

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7138 Jours
I've a sincere question in regards to Reach...

Okay, so, Project Gotham Racing used to be my favourite racing game series with a pretty vast margin. PGR2 (together with Amped 2, incidentally) very much embodied what Xbox Live was about for me back on the original Xbox, and the same was true for PGR3 as a stunning launch title for the 360. As such it cemented itself as a constant presence on the platform, and being a creature of habit that too played into my enjoyment of it as a franchise. Kind of this promise of it being around and improving.

Now, when Bizarre was sold off to Activision, my number one concern was whether another developer could possibly pick up the gauntlet and make a meaningful new entry in PGR that retained its unique sense of style and its - to me - perfect blend of arcade and sim. Since then, Forza 3 has pretty much filled the void for me by covering all bases, but I still feel that the most important thing to come out of a new PGR project is the affirmation that the series is in good hands.

Now I'm sure this seems like a post about something that isn't Reach, but it really isn't. To me, the question right now, following the departure of Bungie, is whether Halo can exist without them. I mean sure, there'll be non-Bungie Halo games that's a given, but what will they be like? ODST seemed to me like a way for MS to say "heeeyyy, look over here, Bungie Halo people!" while they tinkered with a proper new Halo of their own, but at this point it's obvious that Reach is the next major Halo game.

Reach, by nature, could be percieved as a new start. It very much seems like the logical way to tell more stories in the Halo universe without coming up with some new foe for the Chief to float into, Fade to Black style (get that reference and you earn some cred :D) but the weird thing is that it's certainly no indication of what post-Bungie Halo will be like.

Do you think a "Halo 4" is being prepped for a 360 hardware successor? Do you think Reach will establish the template for another developer to follow? I'd really like to see what everyone thinks about the future and how you feel about the developers involved.

I can say this much; if Halo Reach was made by a different developer and that turned out to be great I would feel safer. With Bungie being their own entity now, there's no telling when they'll just want to pull out of the Halo stuff and leave MS with no established main series ground to stand on.
En réponse à | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo!

Inscrit depuis 6001 Jours
One things for sure, 343 are working on Halo4 the top hires they have done for that team proves it, but the question remains when and what platform it will launch on, my guess is the next-gen xbox in 2012.
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Prepare To Drop!!

Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
I heard no mention to the actual graphics there, just that the game will be a big leap forward, could mean combat /setting or scope of the game, i'm not saying it won't look good, that much is a given, i'm just saying don't expect OMFG!! type graphics.
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Inscrit depuis 6001 Jours
I guess we will see on the 12th, but i still think it will be the dogs bollocks :)
En réponse à

Prepare To Drop!!

Inscrit depuis 6446 Jours
Posté par dcdelgado
i'm just saying don't expect OMFG!! type graphics.
But equally, there's no reason why we shouldn't be expecting oustanding graphics. Bungie isn't a stupid studio; they're well aware how far the competition has come since the release of Halo 3 - their last major Halo title. I think Reach would come under massive scrutiny if its graphics weren't competing with the likes of MW2 and even KZ2 to an extent.
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Inscrit depuis 6616 Jours
My hope is that Reach becomes the swansong of Bungies Halo games. I'm not excited about anything MS puts out after that, they'll have to earn my purchase just like every new IP.

That said, I don't think Reach will have any impact on what ever follows (just as much as any other Halo game would). The story revolving around the conflict between Humans and the Alliance is set in stone and there is nothing to be told. Unless you're perverted you'd never want to have another game dealing with it, it would be like WW2 games all over again.

The only logical follow up would be a proper sequel after the events of Halo 3. New story, new enemies, evolving game mechanics. When Reach is used as a template for future games I'd have to turn my back on the series.
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Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
I hope i'm proved wrong, but i just don't see it from Bungie.
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Inscrit depuis 7058 Jours
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I just see a other halo game, after the second one i find it hard to get hyped for anything hal;o related to be honest :(

I think i have stood in poo

Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
You have said that in this tread a number of times now we get it!, YOU just see another halo game, please stop now.
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** Yes We CAN!! **

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7138 Jours
WW2 games' biggest source of identity comes from nazi imagery and constant retellings of historical events. The downfall of that entire sub genre has nothing to do with telling stories during world war 2, and everything to do with its actual exploration of that era being skin deep. You can set games during WW2 and have them be full of compelling characters, stories and gameplay. The era itself has nothing to do with the end result, it's just associated with it at this point.

I think you'd have a hard case arguing that The Saboteur's successes and/or failures has to do with being set during WW2.

Likewise, the covenant war is simply a backdrop, just like Star Wars is at its core about the Sith/Jedi conflict but manages to fill that container with tons of stories that don't necessarily even have to do with The Force. If there is one thing I have absolutely zero interest in, it's the isloated Master Chief himself as a character. The last thing I want is for Halo 4 to be "The Continued Zany Adventures of Master Chief".
En réponse à | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo!

Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
Posté par SimonM7
The last thing I want is for Halo 4 to be "The Continued Zany Adventures of Master Chief".
I can understand that to an extent, Yet 12million Halo fans would disagree.
En réponse à

** Yes We CAN!! **

Inscrit depuis 6858 Jours
Posté par dcdelgado
You have said that in this tread a number of times now we get it!, YOU just see another halo game, please stop now.
Come on now, he hadnt said it on this page yet :)
En réponse à
SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7138 Jours
And every single one of them apparently thinks the richest part of the Halo universe is this one.. guy.

Yeah, pretty much just don't understand them. :)
En réponse à | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo!

Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
True there where so many crying on the Bungie forums when it was announced there would be no Chief in ODST, and i enjoyed ODST story more than Halo3, but as a dev/publisher you cannot ignore the legion of fans and what they want.
En réponse à

** Yes We CAN!! **

Inscrit depuis 6873 Jours
Posté par dcdelgado
True there where so many crying on the Bungie forums when it was announced there would be no Chief in ODST, and i enjoyed ODST story more than Halo3, but as a dev/publisher you cannot ignore the legion of fans and what they want.
You can, if you develop a great experience. If the game is good, it shouldn't matter that the 'Chief isn't in it. It should be able to stand regardless of the Name tacked on to the cover. The story of Halo isn't even really about the Master Chief himself. It's about survival, despiration, and hope which is really why I want a more gritty and realistic experience...
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