Blackninja @Zega: Non sur Séries X sorry 🙃 (il y a 14 Heures)
Zega @Blackninja sur PC? J'ai testé hier l'update DLSS, le rendu est tout cassé. (version GP) (il y a 14 Heures)
Blackninja @Zega:moi je trouve que c’est un des meilleurs jeux sous U5 (il y a 16 Heures)
Zega @Flash_Runner le jeu est cracra techniquement, mais je n'ai pas remarqué d'input lag dégueulasse. Par contre c'est "old school" les timing sont plus rigide qu'un Bayo. (il y a 1 Jour)
Soda Forza Horizon annoncé sur PS5 dès ce printemps. Bien bien… (il y a 1 Jour)
Driftwood Il est de nouveau possible de télécharger les vidéos sur le site. Désolé pour le mois et demi de panne. (il y a > 3 Mois)
Driftwood Retrouvez notre review de Rift Apart dès 16h00 aujourd'hui, mais en attendant Guilty Gear -Strive- est en vedette en home ! (il y a > 3 Mois)
Driftwood Nouveau live sur Returnal à 14h30 aujourd'hui. (il y a > 3 Mois)
Driftwood Rendez-vous à 17h00 pour un direct de 40 minutes sur Returnal (il y a > 3 Mois)
Play the gameplay half in slo mo
Having said that, there are quite a few that look pretty much like it. The very obvious one is COD4 which from what I've seen, it's hard to come up with a clear winner. They both look incredible. Halo 3 on the other hand..............MGS4 on the other hand........while they look nice, they are nothing ground-breaking like the ones mentioned above.
The fans have spoken. Concerning the graphics of the Halo 3 Beta: "There's so many little effects and things going on that make this game pretty much 2nd only to Gears at the moment."
I did notice some textures are simply bad though. But there's something that gives it a really nice touch. Character models are really good for example. I can't say what exactly it is, but overall it looks really good. Perhaps the best looking PS3 game.
I did notice some textures are simply bad though. But there's something that gives it a really nice touch. Character models are really good for example. I can't say what exactly it is, but overall it looks really good. Perhaps the best looking PS3 game.
2005 target video of Killzone vs. 2007 actual game engine.
Hats off to Sony. I'm impressed, and MS had better quite sleeping at the wheel and wake up and shake off the rust. Sony just threw down the graphics gauntlet. With this and Grand Turismo 5. I'm glad Sony is finally giving the 360 its expected competition... great for both the PS3 and 360 fanboys in the long run. Killzone will have to just deliver on gameplay. Hopefully they learned from their mistakes with v.1 of Killzone.
I mean they aren't done yet so who knows, but one things for sure considering how the first game was (which was also graphically impressive for a ps2 title) I didn't expect it to look this good so its a pleasant surprise. Now lets hope the story and gameplay can convince me to pick this one up. I look forward to seeing flat out playthroughs of pieces of a level later on in the game's development and some glimpses of that story.
Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)
October 20th 2007 (A good day)
Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.
Though I agree what we were shown is a bit smoke and mirrors, but all games presentations at this stage of development are, we'll see how it turns out.
"That just happened 'cause that was awesome" - Randy Pitchford, Gearbox
Though I agree what we were shown is a bit smoke and mirrors, but all games presentations at this stage of development are, we'll see how it turns out.
Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)
October 20th 2007 (A good day)
Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.
2005 target video of Killzone vs. 2007 actual game engine.
= MS had better quite sleeping at the wheel and wake up and shake off the rust. Sony just threw down the graphics gauntlet.
all good things must come to an end
You should do well to remember I'm the very same person that has said countless times that I don't intend to buy Bioshock regardless of how impressive it looks because it just isn't my thing and thats a 360 console exclusive, but if it were a ps3 title and I said that you'd try to suggest I was only saying that because its a ps3 title right?
I'm the very same person that has doubted Mass Effect for months and months even went as far as to say one time that it strikes me as a mere stop gap for Bioware while they work on their REAL showcase next gen title. I even recall you being the one to mention to me how ludicrous you thought the statement was, but I meant every word of it at the time. I'm the very same guy that has said countless times I wasn't totally convinced by Mass Effect's universe and I needed to see more to convince me to get it and it wasn't until reading the prologue then eventually the entire book that I completely made up my mind to purchase Mass Effect. Talking about skeptical how many times over and over have I said I refuse to believe Bioware can get Mass Effect to look as good as it does and running at a good enough framerate? Had I said that about a ps3 title I'd have some sort of alterior motive? I'm the very same person that believes the unreal 3 engine holds Xbox 360 titles back and devs should be using their own engine.
So you can save your subliminal fanboy accusations for a real xbox fanboy because I'm not one of them I'm a gamer I like games regardless of what platform their on. I wouldn't even own a 360 in the first place if it weren't for sakaguchi's titles I'd still be undecided on platform. Its Sakaguchi's titles being on the 360 that got me to open my eyes to other offerings on the console. So if anything I'll gladly admit to being a Sakaguchi fanboy, but xbox fanboy? Don't think so.
I'm still amazed to this day you were made a mod. A lot of the others that I've seen made mods since visiting this site I understood why that choice was made. Roxwell very nice guy everybody likes him he gets along with everyone never insulted anyone, phaethon pretty much the same thing another extremely nice guy, Acert all around knowledgable guy that gave us a lot of cool bits of information on the site regarding many things we wanted to learn more about (and some things we didn't, but it was helpful anyway) regarding the consoles and various other things and despite us having a few disagreements here and there is also a nice guy. You? I'll be honest you are the only addition where my instant reaction was "What a bad move" I just decided not to post it.
So if by chance I get banned for saying this hey I'm just giving my honest opinion. I've never been a guy to go nuts about every single game I see if anyone pays attention they'll see I just get really excited for the ones I'm looking forward to the most and to me there is nothing wrong with that.
Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)
October 20th 2007 (A good day)
Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.
2005 target video of Killzone vs. 2007 actual game engine.
Hats off to Sony. I'm impressed, and MS had better quite sleeping at the wheel and wake up and shake off the rust. Sony just threw down the graphics gauntlet. With this and Grand Turismo 5. I'm glad Sony is finally giving the 360 its expected competition... great for both the PS3 and 360 fanboys in the long run. Killzone will have to just deliver on gameplay. Hopefully they learned from their mistakes with v.1 of Killzone.
He made a fair comment and you've jumped out all guns blazing. Grift does a good job here and it takes up a lot of time (especially when you work full time).
Even you can't deny your tipped more heavily to the 360 on the MS-Sony scales.
Now for the love of god get back on topic as I'm losing the will to live.
I'm Spartacus!
i think they have done a great job with the visuals. Although it lacks alot of the colour in the 05 vid the geometry and effects are spectacular. The gun model is one of the best i've ever seen. Animation is also pretty good.
the big thing that it seems to be very far behind with, is the gameplay and squad combat. The 05 trailer showed moments that are just not possible with this gen's character AI. From the little we've seen of this game's combat, it looks to me like just another run and gun. There was a reason these guys couldn't make a halo beater last time round and i'm thinking it wasn't just because of limitations in technology.
Stunning looking game, but will gameplay match
"Black people are called coloured, because we come in all colours" - michael jackson
Just know it has absolute zero to do with some inherent bias in favor of Microsoft. I own a ps3 too, but I like the 360 game lineup much more and as a result for now the 360 is my favorite of the 2 consoles and I don't feel guilty for feeling that way.
There is no fanboyism involved its just the games and I wanna make that clear. If I were a ms puppet I'd be singing mass effect from the rooftops, but I needed to be convinced by people on here to try out kotor (a game I've never played before till last year) to get a taste of what Mass Effect would be like and I did, but even then Mass Effect struck me as not going to live up to Kotor and its upon reading the book that I was firmly convinced to get that game. So there are no biases Killzone looks incredible and I went nuts over it in the COD4 thread when I saw the latest trailer, but I have to be beyond a shadow of a doubt VERY interested in a game's story and concept for me to buy into it or else just like lost planet (a game I said many times I was worried the story wouldn't be there) dead rising, dmc4, bioshock and a host of other 360 titles I wont be buying or didn't buy will be overlooked.
Mass Effect should serve as an example of how much I need to be convinced by a game before I buy into the hype. A fanboy supports without question I was even mentioning to phaethon about the problems I saw in the latest Mass Effect gameplay video and how I didn't like what I saw. Killzone looks incredible it mops the floor with gears of war visually thats what I believe after seeing the latest trailer, but just like any other impressive looking game it will need to do more than that to convince me.
Early on with the 360 there were a lot of impulse buys that I normally would've never made, but that isn't happening anymore. There is only one game out right now that I really want that I don't have yet and thats forza motorsport 2. Gears of War didn't even convince me till the VERY week it was set to release and thats the only game aside from early console impulse buys that I've ever bought where hype surrounding it played a major role. Hell ms positioned the game as THE 360 title and it worked.
Long story short the 360 may be my favorite console now, but the right combination of ps3 titles (and there are already some I have my eyes on which I haven't exactly kept secret... including killzone now) could end up making the ps3 my favorite console. For me its about the games and only the games. I'm actually one of the people who praised home and didn't write it off as gimmick when it was announced.
All I'm saying is I'll gladly take the sakaguchi fanboy tag, but nothing else.
Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)
October 20th 2007 (A good day)
Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.
Originally there was plans in place to have co-op in the first killzone where you played as Rico, Hakha, Templar and Luger all at the same time with multiple paths, but that game was so rushed out it's not even funny. Hopefully that'll make it into the new one.
I'm Spartacus!
The events that occured in Killzone 05 trailer and even that old Halo 2 demo, are not possible through scripting during real gameplay due to the player having to be at the right place at the right time. This is what leads to games being linear and very corridor like, in order to force the player into the scripted events.
"Black people are called coloured, because we come in all colours" - michael jackson
I mean you can always have someone flank someone else, but a real person's actions have meaning beyond simply attacking, defending, flanking, taking cover, etc. I guess we could get there some day, but that would involve taking a character and really giving him a REAL personality and deciding what he reacts to with minute detail.
I also feel that it might be too big a hassle with fairly insignificant return. I really like the idea of scripting though, I'm pretty comfortable with the roller coaster ride approach as long as you don't "feel" the cart your in, if you get what I mean. In a lot of the MOH and CODs and stuff you sort of felt when the cart was waiting for you, and that's pretty awful.. when you feel like the game sits there waiting for you. That's something Halo did AWESOMELY, you just never felt that and yet there were real "situations" you arrived at.
But yeah I like the Half Life 2 style of scripted events, and I think that while it's more difficult to include YOU in these moments since you're very unpredictable for the game itself, I think the other soldiers that are running around could have the kind of moments you see in the 05 trailer.
Even the first Killzone had moments where a guy would run to a door, you'd get as much time as you wanted, defending some other guys, and the guy at the door would go like "TEMPLAR, THIS WAY!" and the game would "wait" for you but in a very natural way. I think they can expand on that with these scenes.