Inscrit depuis 7099 Jours
Looks like you've been reading Duckroll's post from GAF. It's a pity if people gave up on this game simply on one guy's impressions. SpaceCowboy seems to have liked it as well. From the looks of it, he didnt' like the story since the prevalent theme is 'love' and 'hope'....duh...practically every JRPG has that as a prevelent theme.
En réponse à
kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Inscrit depuis 7096 Jours
Posté par wuffyx
Looks like you've been reading Duckroll's post from GAF. It's a pity if people gave up on this game simply on one guy's impressions. .
Why so serious?

I've read other impressions outside of GAF that fall inline in what he's been saying. Go Cry Me A River. I'll still play Letdow...I mean Lost Odyssey.
En réponse à

Jeanne D'Arc is the Best RPG this year

Inscrit depuis 7099 Jours
Posté par kenshin2418
Why so serious?

I've read other impressions outside of GAF that fall inline in what he's been saying. Go Cry Me A River. I'll still play Letdow...I mean Lost Odyssey.
Oooh...looks like someone here can't take a comment :p Go ahead...just keep on whining that's what forums are good for anyway.

Regardless I'm getting this game on the 24th for the Asian English release. Shortly after that its DMC4 time for me. Great gaming up in the horizon.
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Inscrit depuis 7064 Jours
Posté par kenshin2418
Why so serious?

I've read other impressions outside of GAF that fall inline in what he's been saying. Go Cry Me A River. I'll still play Letdow...I mean Lost Odyssey.
Why so serious?
En réponse à


Inscrit depuis 7050 Jours
Posté par wuffyx

Oooh...looks like someone here can't take a comment :p Go ahead...just keep on whining that's what forums are good for anyway.

Regardless I'm getting this game on the 24th for the Asian English release. Shortly after that its DMC4 time for me. Great gaming up in the horizon.
I dont think he's moaning. He's merely stating the fact that some pople didnt like the story that's all.

Anyway, First day purchase for me for sure.
En réponse à

Bring on Lost Odyssey!

kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Inscrit depuis 7096 Jours
Posté par wuffyx

Oooh...looks like someone here can't take a comment :p Go ahead...just keep on whining that's what forums are good for anyway.
will do, thanks.

*runs off crying in the corner....but someone is already there....Sakaguchi?*
"what the hell are you doing here?"
"Finding your inspiration for Cry on?"
"then what?"
"you can't catch a break? Yeah, I've been there. Don't worry my friend, we'll cry together"
"..........is that a LO movie script I see? Damn it, didn't you learn your lesson the last time!"
Posté par Manthatyoufear
Why so serious?
That's my line :(
En réponse à

Jeanne D'Arc is the Best RPG this year

Inscrit depuis 7003 Jours
Yea but lets face it Final Fantasy isn't very good anymore either.

Gamplay wise this is more Final Fantasy than FF12 ever was.
En réponse à

Marumaro for the WIN !!

Inscrit depuis 7050 Jours
Posté par Jollipop
Yea but lets face it Final Fantasy isn't very good anymore either.

Gamplay wise this is more Final Fantasy than FF12 ever was.
Yup and GOOD GOD! dont get me started on FFX-2 I started playing that piece of crap three days ago for the first time (never played it before!) and OMG ... what a crap game it was ... couldnt stand it one bit! They ruined the perfect well balanced combat system of FFX and the added up a girly story to completely finish it off. one thing I know for sure, I wont be touching that game in a million years!
En réponse à

Bring on Lost Odyssey!

kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Inscrit depuis 7096 Jours
Posté par Jollipop
Yea but lets face it Final Fantasy isn't very good anymore either.

Gamplay wise this is more Final Fantasy than FF12 ever was.
I'll give you that. The last FF game I really enjoyed was FFIX. I've enjoyed some of their spin-offs and remakes, but as far as main titles goes, FFIX was the last good FF game I played. Some may say it ended with FFX, but I wasn't to fond of that game. It did however have the best battle system I thought, well if you exclude Tactics :p

I still have faith in FFXIII though.

regardless of LO blunders, it still sounds like an above average jRPG. Now the real question at hand is it better than Jeanne D'arc? I kid, I kid. Of course we all know that surely can't be true :p
En réponse à

If you're not down with Disturbed, then FU! Thanks.

Inscrit depuis 7003 Jours
Posté par alimokrane
Yup and GOOD GOD! dont get me started on FFX-2 I started playing that piece of crap three days ago for the first time (never played it before!) and OMG ... what a crap game it was ... couldnt stand it one bit! They ruined the perfect well balanced combat system of FFX and the added up a girly story to completely finish it off. one thing I know for sure, I wont be touching that game in a million years!
Yeah it is kind of embaressing to play but its actually not a bad game once you get into it.

I like idea that you change job class during battle, works quite well at times.
En réponse à

Marumaro for the WIN !!

Inscrit depuis 7050 Jours
Posté par Jollipop
Yeah it is kind of embaressing to play but its actually not a bad game once you get into it.

I like idea that you change job class during battle, works quite well at times.
I dont know, just the idea of changing dresses ..... Yuk! besides the whole time based mechanics thingy is just ridiculous, if I wanted that I would just go and play Eternal Sonata (which I have yet to finish!).

Slowing the time for charge up doesnt help either, most of the time, I found myself pressing Attack, attack, attack, attack which clearly doesnt have much startegy at all. The best Combat systems in jRPGs are those I found in FFX and Blue Dragon, FFX being the better one. Blue Dragon just needed a higher difficulty and better spell effects and it would have been brilliant. Also, more varied bosses would have been nice! I mean FF-X had like the BEST BOSSES EVER! SIN was heart pumping, Braska's Final Aeon, not te mention the several encounters with Seymour .... Good Times! :D

How many bosses so far in Lost Odyssey Jolli ? and I think you said they were pretty tough so that's very good news!

En réponse à

Bring on Lost Odyssey!

Inscrit depuis 7064 Jours
*stands out of the crowd*

* puts hand in air*

" i enjoyed FFX-2"
En réponse à


Inscrit depuis 7050 Jours
Posté par ManThatYouFear
*stands out of the crowd*

* puts hand in air*

" i enjoyed FFX-2"
You didnt ? seriously, you guys are really making me want to give the game another chance but my god the dialogue is AWEFUL! and it seems to be all about looooooove! what a cliche!
En réponse à

Bring on Lost Odyssey!

Inscrit depuis 7003 Jours
I would say play it for at least 10 hours and see what ya think, as with most JRPGs they are pretty crap towards the start.

Check out all the job types here, the limit dresspheres are quite good.

Damn I wana play it again now, but don't have the game anymore.
En réponse à

Marumaro for the WIN !!

kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Inscrit depuis 7096 Jours
Posté par alimokrane
You didnt ? seriously, you guys are really making me want to give the game another chance but my god the dialogue is AWEFUL! and it seems to be all about looooooove! what a cliche!
nah, it's pretty bad. As far as the story/dialog go. The music is pretty bad too, outside of the 2 Kumi Koda songs. The only real good things about the game I found were the battle system/job system and the side quests. It's still worth playing though. It kept me entertained for the most part, but I sure as hell wouldn't want to play through it a 2nd time.
En réponse à

If you're not down with Disturbed, then FU! Thanks.

Inscrit depuis 7050 Jours
Posté par Jollipop
I would say play it for at least 10 hours and see what ya think, as with most JRPGs they are pretty crap towards the start.

Check out all the job types here, the limit dresspheres are quite good.

Damn I wana play it again now, but don't have the game anymore.
OH MY GOD! that's a lot of costume! :D Yeah I do realize that you need to spend a lot of time with jRPGs to appreciate them but something about this one just doesnt click for me so far ... I'll try though :D
En réponse à

Bring on Lost Odyssey!

Inscrit depuis 7064 Jours
Thing is, this game has been hyped and dragged out that much, its kinda like Splinter cell Double agent, in the end i just did not care for it anymore and did not want it.
En réponse à


Inscrit depuis 7050 Jours
Posté par ManThatYouFear
Thing is, this game has been hyped and dragged out that much, its kinda like Splinter cell Double agent, in the end i just did not care for it anymore and did not want it.
I dont think it was hyped that much at all t be honest, certainly not as much as Blue Dragon.

Microsoft really needs to give us an Official release date now, we know it's February but WHEN ????
En réponse à

Bring on Lost Odyssey!

Inscrit depuis 6676 Jours
Posté par alimokrane
I dont think it was hyped that much at all t be honest, certainly not as much as Blue Dragon.

Microsoft really needs to give us an Official release date now, we know it's February but WHEN ????
12 for America
29 for Europe
En réponse à

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne (c)

Most Wanted: Lost Odyssey - Too Human - Deus EX 3 - Mass Effect 2 - Tomb Raider Underworld - Final Fantasy XIII - Final Fantasy Versus XIII

Inscrit depuis 7050 Jours
Posté par ACEfromRussia
12 for America
29 for Europe
Are these OFFICIAL ? if they are, then, I will be pissed! what the hell do we have to wait for 2 weeks ????
En réponse à

Bring on Lost Odyssey!

kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Inscrit depuis 7096 Jours
Posté par alimokrane
I dont think it was hyped that much at all t be honest, certainly not as much as Blue Dragon.

Microsoft really needs to give us an Official release date now, we know it's February but WHEN ????
no idea when you Europeans will get it, but us Yanks get it on the 12th.

*shoots pistols off into the air*
En réponse à

If you're not down with Disturbed, then FU! Thanks.

Inscrit depuis 6676 Jours
Posté par alimokrane
Are these OFFICIAL ? if they are, then, I will be pissed! what the hell do we have to wait for 2 weeks ????
En réponse à

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne (c)

Most Wanted: Lost Odyssey - Too Human - Deus EX 3 - Mass Effect 2 - Tomb Raider Underworld - Final Fantasy XIII - Final Fantasy Versus XIII

Inscrit depuis 7050 Jours
Yup it seems you're indeed right ACE

Damn! it's too bad we have to wait for three months already after Japan when it was supposed to be simultaneous and then we have to bloody wait two extra weeks after the US .... Come On, I thought MS always released their published games only one week after the US ... what changed now ????????
En réponse à

Bring on Lost Odyssey!

Inscrit depuis 7050 Jours
Not much new in the preview but at least they dont mention technical problems so hopefully everything is being ironed out or so I hope!

En réponse à

Bring on Lost Odyssey!

Inscrit depuis 6676 Jours

En réponse à

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne (c)

Most Wanted: Lost Odyssey - Too Human - Deus EX 3 - Mass Effect 2 - Tomb Raider Underworld - Final Fantasy XIII - Final Fantasy Versus XIII

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