Lost planet may come to PS3

Inscrit depuis 7094 Jours
Posté par Martijn_
and Ninja gaiden was xbox exclusive to, not anymore and that game had the xbox only tag either.

Capcom is not that loyal with exclusives, and since the 360 isn't popular in Japan it might come to ps3(perhaps Japan only). but it won't in the next year.
It al depends on how wel it will sell on the 360. The future wil tell
Itagaki asked MS for permission, he said so in an interview.
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Yeah, im a fanboy, dont like it?

t('-'t) U
The FF13 trailer is not real-time gameplay, if you think its real, you are a dumbass.

Inscrit depuis 6818 Jours
Halo 2 also says only on xbox, yet it's coming to Vista soon.

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Inscrit depuis 7094 Jours
Posté par JediMasterMalik
Halo 2 also says only on xbox, yet it's coming to Vista soon.

What part of "CONSOLE" dont you understand? Vista is Microsofts territory.
En réponse à

Yeah, im a fanboy, dont like it?

t('-'t) U
The FF13 trailer is not real-time gameplay, if you think its real, you are a dumbass.

Inscrit depuis 6965 Jours
Posté par Shawnzee
What part of "CONSOLE" dont you understand? Vista is Microsofts territory.
What part of GET OUT don't you understand ? :P

Nobody really give that much of a crap to be honest.

If it does happen though, remind me to put my laughing face on.
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I want Blue Dragon more than Optimus .... mwah ha ha ha ha ha..

Marumaro for the WIN !!

Inscrit depuis 7094 Jours
Posté par Jollipop
What part of GET OUT don't you understand ? :P

Nobody really give that much of a crap to be honest.

If it does happen though, remind me to put my laughing face on.
Ill stop posting here when you stop posting on xboxyde.
En réponse à

Yeah, im a fanboy, dont like it?

t('-'t) U
The FF13 trailer is not real-time gameplay, if you think its real, you are a dumbass.

Inscrit depuis 6878 Jours
I wouldn't trust Capcom to keep it a 360 exclusive. They switch all the time. Don't trust them to keep DMC exclusive either.
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Inscrit depuis 6882 Jours
Yeah but DMC has a history with PlayStation.

Lost Planet and Dead Rising are one off hit wonders which can be bigger hits in multi-platform.

It's not that appealing to release DMC *FOUR* when you need another console to play the other three.
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Inscrit depuis 6965 Jours
Well DMC has fallen in popularity in Japan recently, so i wouldn't be surprised to see that happen either.
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I want Blue Dragon more than Optimus .... mwah ha ha ha ha ha..

Marumaro for the WIN !!

Inscrit depuis 6818 Jours
Posté par Shawnzee
What part of "CONSOLE" dont you understand? Vista is Microsofts territory.
What does that have anything to do with it? If something says, "only on xbox" does it not mean that it is only on xbox. Console or not, only on xbox, is a farce.
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Inscrit depuis 6965 Jours
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It's a natural responce from a Xbot, they grasp at anything in a pinch.

I want Blue Dragon more than Optimus .... mwah ha ha ha ha ha..

Marumaro for the WIN !!

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7106 Jours
It's not a farce, he's correct. The Only on Xbox tag does not indicate that it can't come to PC, because PC as a platform is separate. It's considered a different market and not a direct competitor.

Thing is though, Only on Xbox can mean a lot of things. It can mean that the game is indeed indefinitely locked down as a platform exclusive, but that takes a pantload of money (pantload is a fantastic word) and it's generally not worth the hassle. GTA had contracts tying them, timed contracts, and had there been an "Only on PS2" tag, those would've had them. Still, they came out on Xbox when the contracts expired, and the same is true here.

Regardless of what Shawnzee wants to believe, or anyone else for that matter, the Lost Planet deal might just secure it as a platform exclusive for a year, even less (though then I hardly think they'd bother with the tag) and after that deal ends it might spread to other platforms. Capcom have pretty obvious interest in putting their big budget things on platforms where it reaches the largest audience, and if they feel like the PS3 can provide a considerable boost in sales then nothing will stop them.

If I sound confident, it's because I've looked into the matter.
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http://www.gamespot.com/users/SimonM7 - AETOA Gamespot

Inscrit depuis 7012 Jours
So what ... let it come to the PS3. I dont care I just want to play it.
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BLUE DRAON! Shuuuuuuuuuuuuu.....

Inscrit depuis 7094 Jours
You guys are just hopeless, I showed you the link from the MS rep clearly saying that the only on xbox tag is only for full exclusives and not timed exclusives, but you guys just wont accept it.
En réponse à

Yeah, im a fanboy, dont like it?

t('-'t) U
The FF13 trailer is not real-time gameplay, if you think its real, you are a dumbass.

Inscrit depuis 7094 Jours
Posté par Jollipop
It's a natural responce from a Xbot, they grasp at anything in a pinch.
Youre one to talk. :| This whole thread you were grasping at straws.
En réponse à

Yeah, im a fanboy, dont like it?

t('-'t) U
The FF13 trailer is not real-time gameplay, if you think its real, you are a dumbass.

Inscrit depuis 6965 Jours
Posté par Shawnzee
You guys are just hopeless, I showed you the link from the MS rep clearly saying that the only on xbox tag is only for full exclusives and not timed exclusives, but you guys just wont accept it.
It's an MS rep he will say anything to make Microsoft look better or sell games on the 360, much like you will.
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I want Blue Dragon more than Optimus .... mwah ha ha ha ha ha..

Marumaro for the WIN !!

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7106 Jours
Shawnzee, feel free to investigate yourself, I swear to you I looked into it based on your link, and I'm told that they might aswell mean a timed exclusive. I wouldn't doubt your source otherwise.

I'm stubborn, but not unreasonable.
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http://www.gamespot.com/users/SimonM7 - AETOA Gamespot

Inscrit depuis 7094 Jours
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Posté par Jollipop
It's an MS rep he will say anything to make Microsoft look better or sell games on the 360, much like you will.
Dont even talk to me jollipop, youre so far up sony's *** you cant think properly.

Yeah, im a fanboy, dont like it?

t('-'t) U
The FF13 trailer is not real-time gameplay, if you think its real, you are a dumbass.

Inscrit depuis 7094 Jours
Posté par SimonM7
Shawnzee, feel free to investigate yourself, I swear to you I looked into it based on your link, and I'm told that they might aswell mean a timed exclusive. I wouldn't doubt your source otherwise.

I'm stubborn, but not unreasonable.
Okay, I gave you a real link to a MS rep, who knows how it works, but you would rather believe the words of GAF? The biggest japanophile/sony circle jerk on the internet?

What about the clear and concise facts I showed you? NO Game with the tag was ported to another console, except for NG which Itagaki had to ASK permission to port and Links when MS sold the rights to 2K?

The fact of the matter is that unless they get MS' permission they CANNOT port it, because they signed a contract to get that tag, thats why none of the other capcom exclusive titles where on ps2 or gamecube, and dont bother saying "Its because nobody wanted them" You know that capcom would port those games if they could just to get some more money out of it like they did with viewtiful joe.
En réponse à

Yeah, im a fanboy, dont like it?

t('-'t) U
The FF13 trailer is not real-time gameplay, if you think its real, you are a dumbass.

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7106 Jours
G...GAF? I spoke to a friend of mine, the head of Southend Interactive. And what other games are you talking about? The you-need-a-controller-that-costs-twice-the-game Steel Battalions? The 3/10 scoring Dino Crisis 3?

Either way, I'm sure we're all confident in our beliefs, perhaps it's for the best to leave it at that, because I really don't want to be right in this just to make you worried a filthy Sony fanboy might enjoy something great that you previously enjoyed. I've stated my "facts" and those that trust me in these matters prolly believe me already, so.
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http://www.gamespot.com/users/SimonM7 - AETOA Gamespot

Inscrit depuis 7094 Jours
Okay, your friend is wrong. and yes, I was talking about those two games, capcom would have still ported them to make more money out of them.
En réponse à

Yeah, im a fanboy, dont like it?

t('-'t) U
The FF13 trailer is not real-time gameplay, if you think its real, you are a dumbass.

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7106 Jours
My friend is not wrong, he made:

This happen, Only on Xbox.
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http://www.gamespot.com/users/SimonM7 - AETOA Gamespot

Inscrit depuis 6965 Jours
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For someone who hates Sony so much you have done a lot of posting over here lately Shawnzee.

Yet oddly haven't posted a single thing over on Xboxyde.

You're not thinking of buying a PS3 buy any chance are you?, and i will talk to you.

I want Blue Dragon more than Optimus .... mwah ha ha ha ha ha..

Marumaro for the WIN !!

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 7106 Jours
Maybe... trolling isn't the best way to get to the bottom of this though, Jolli.
En réponse à

http://www.gamespot.com/users/SimonM7 - AETOA Gamespot

roxwell - PuS3Y
Inscrit depuis 7031 Jours
@Jolli and Shawnzee

If you have any grievances with each other then take it to PM.
Last warning.
En réponse à

Take one 360, add some chopped PS3, stir in some Wii, a sprinkling of DS Lite. Enjoy :)

Who you gonna call? Trollbusters da da da da didadada

Inscrit depuis 6965 Jours
There is no getting to the bottom of it though Simon, one thinks one thing another thinks something else, unless Capcom Announce LP for PS3, either side can argued their point as there is no real proof.

I'm not trolling anyway, just making an observation.

And Roxwell i haven't had a warning, so how can i get a last one ?

Or is this is my one and only.
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I want Blue Dragon more than Optimus .... mwah ha ha ha ha ha..

Marumaro for the WIN !!

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Quoi de neuf ?
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