Inscrit depuis 6809 Jours
I still hold hope that this game will turn out great!, i mean ME2 is one of the best and highest rated games this gen, and the Mass Effect team lead by Casey are a talented bunch of people, the more i read up on what the devs promise for ME3 the more my mind is put at ease. By the time i complete Skyrim this bad boy should hit :)
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Inscrit depuis 6822 Jours
Posté par dcdelgado
I still hold hope that this game will turn out great!, i mean ME2 is one of the best and highest rated games this gen, and the Mass Effect team lead by Casey are a talented bunch of people, the more i read up on what the devs promise for ME3 the more my mind is put at ease.
It's not just about what Bioware wants anymore dc, now it's about what EA wants out of this franchise. And it's very clear that Riccitiello feels that it should be embraced by a larger market.

And I would like nothing more than Mass Effect to be appreciated by a larger audience, it's a story and a universe that deserves to be appreciated by a larger fan base. I just don't know what else they could possibly do that hasn't already been done.
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Inscrit depuis 6706 Jours
More blood and bigger boobs.
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"That just happened 'cause that was awesome" - Randy Pitchford, Gearbox

Inscrit depuis 6822 Jours
Posté par szaromir
More blood and bigger boobs.
lol. It's more likely that they're spending the next 8-10 months tacking on a multiplayer. I'm not sure how that would work, ME's gameplay and UI functions around pausing and selecting skills and weapons. It's the reason why Bioware never attempted co-op, it's just not applicable. IF that's what they're attempting then it would mean building a new mechanic around multiplayer gameplay. Hmmmm, might even carry over into the SP campaign but it's just too early to speculate, and I'm not going to spend the rest of 2011 worrying about it either.

I still have some small faith in Hudson and I want to believe the things that Christina Norman says but she's lied in interviews before. But as I posted earlier, that has more to do with what EA wants than what Bioware would actually like to deliver to us in a final product.
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Inscrit depuis 6809 Jours
Yeah i understand that, but as i said from all that i've read and heard from the dev's thus far, ME3 sounds like it will be amaizing, i have no idea what they will attempt to tack on or enhance to make it appeal to a wider crowd?, but as long as i get a great game in the end i'll be happy, and so far so good.
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Inscrit depuis 6706 Jours
TBH Mass Effect 1 was already a very streamlined RPG, lacked in content, was poor as a shooter, had broken inventory interface, very lazily done loot (Phantom VI, Eagle III etc)... It was not a perfect game by any means. With ME2, they tried to fix some things by improving upon them (shooting) or cutting them altogether (the rest). ME2 also had a lot more content. Where ME2 failed was the lack of overarching story, more generic music than ME1 (when I first fired the menu screen in ME1, I was immediately sucked into it, that theme was incredible) and finally fewer epic, cinematic moments like the last two hours in Mass Effect 1, which was one of the greatest moments in gaming (the landing on Ilos until the end of the credits).

Basically Bioware needs to make the story and cinematics as great or greater than ME1 and all other flaws will be forgiven. I'm not sure they can achieve that though, they already revealed that the game will revolve around Bioware's cliche alliance seeking (like in DA:O or ME2), so I'm not getting my hopes up. Mass Effect 1's investigation theme was much more interesting.

edit: here's the link to Mass Effect's main menu theme for greater impact:
Soooooo good.
En réponse à

"That just happened 'cause that was awesome" - Randy Pitchford, Gearbox

Inscrit depuis 6822 Jours
Posté par dcdelgado
Yeah i understand that, but as i said from all that i've read and heard from the dev's thus far, ME3 sounds like it will be amaizing
That's only if you trust everything that they're saying. LOL! I mean they're also over using the word awesome to describe everything! "This is awesome! That is awesome! And this is going to be even more awesome and badass than Mass Effect 2's awesomeness and badassness!" So it's all just going to be awesome! lmao!

Bioware never use to talk this way..........they didn't have to. They earned their AAA+ reputation by creating solid gaming experiences, ones that we can all still recall very fondly. So why are they now trying SO HARD to sound like the guys at Epic? Well, we all know WHY but it's still funny, just a little TOO obvious. It's like when Brent Knowles after 10 years left Bioware over the direction DA2 was headed, when he left he said he was sure that he wasn't working for the same company anymore. Now that we have DA2, it's harder to ignore things like that.

Anyway I'm not trying to step on your enthusiasm dc, and what I'm hearing so far is hopeful. Maybe we'll get a look at how things are really shaping up next month.
Posté par szaromir
edit: here's the link to Mass Effect's main menu theme for greater impact:
Soooooo good.
Ohhh man, I'm really going to miss Jack Wall.
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Inscrit depuis 6923 Jours
Posté par szaromir
edit: here's the link to Mass Effect's main menu theme for greater impact:
Soooooo good.
Ohh man ME1 has one of the best soundtrack I have ever heard on a videogame.

If they ever make the movie the better used this soundtrack.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6816 Jours
That track is ok, heard better like "Facial reconstruction" from ME2, or "Noveria" from ME1.

But ME games have great music, not all of them, but each has a few.
With ME3 has a new composer, I am very worried, I wish Bioware could get Daft Punk and pull off Tron Legacy music on the last Mass Effect game, would be fantastic.

I hope the new composer dont screw up the OST.
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Inscrit depuis 5581 Jours
ME2 had this great tune that I only remember on the commander's cabin, a epic one. I believe they don't use it in other parts of the game.
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Inscrit depuis 6809 Jours
Not at all, if you really dig into the info and read past the buzz words you will see that they are looking to enhance what made ME2 great and bring back more RPG elements that the fans missed from ME1, my greatest fear was a DA1 to DA2 type change just to rush it out of the door, but that's not going to happen thank god! and so far so good.

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** Yes We CAN!! **

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6816 Jours
Only wish I have for Mass Effect 3 interms of platforms is PC has native Xbox 360 controller support!
They had it hidden in ME2 until someone unlocked it with a few tiny faults like no force feedback and no images for the Power Wheel, other than that its exactly like the console version.

Bioware better add it in considering its not hard to do, I want to get it on Pc for better graphics and have gamepad support, best of two worlds.
If Bioware pulls a shitty "PC UI" excuse I will be pissed off because the guys behind Deus Ex 3 is doing it by combining a refined PC UI and a native gamepad support!

Right now I havent touched my PS3 version until I found the mod on PC 2 days ago, so I am playing the PC version all maxed out with native 360 controller, so good!
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Inscrit depuis 5836 Jours
Posté par dcdelgado
Not at all, if you really dig into the info and read past the buzz words you will see that they are looking to enhance what made ME2 great and bring back more RPG elements that the fans missed from ME1, my greatest fear was a DA1 to DA2 type change just to rush it out of the door, but that's not going to happen thank god! and so far so good.
You dont have to worry about a reboot of ME3, i mean ME2 was one of the highest rated games out there!, ME3 will be great, i just cant wait to finnish off the story, got my 360 game saves from one and two, and it seem as though some of my big choices may come back to bite me in the ass if what i read is true? :)
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Prepare To Drop!!

Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Inscrit depuis 6273 Jours
Man for this game to be good or exciting as Knights of the Old Republic or Mass Effect 1 (story wise) they really REALLY need to bring back Drew Karpyshyn as lead writer. The new guy, Mark Walters is awful as the main writer and he is doing disservice to the awesome universe Karpyshyn created.


Just read that Cerberus is going to be working with the reapers to take down Shepard........LOL

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Inscrit depuis 5137 Jours
I wonder if it is MP that is going to be tacked on?
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Inscrit depuis 6893 Jours
Cheers for spoiler doom, next time black its ass.
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Santa better bring me what i want...

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6816 Jours
Posté par Doom_Bringer
Code for spoiler...

you are welcome :)
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Inscrit depuis 6822 Jours
Sorry Doom, Drew is working on TOR and won't be doing any writing for ME3. Marc Walters has once again been called to be the lead writer as he was for ME2. It will be interesting to see how he pulls all of this together for the final chapter. Look at it this way, he isn't likely to retcon his own plots and subplots. lol He'll have to show some kind of consistency for ME3.
Posté par dcdelgado
Not at all, if you really dig into the info and read past the buzz words you will see that they are looking to enhance what made ME2 great and bring back more RPG elements that the fans missed from ME1, my greatest fear was a DA1 to DA2 type change just to rush it out of the door, but that's not going to happen thank god! and so far so good.
Well, let me say this then. I'm not that excited when reading about weapon mods, that just means more gun polish. But I am interested in what was described as expanded and evolving powers and talents, that was sorely needed in the last game. Biotics got seriously nerfed as enemies could even take cover from singularities or ignore them with shields. So if it means that extra time will be spent polishing more than just guns then great.

I don't expect inventory to come back, I've accepted that Bioware places no more value in it. Which is odd because inventory has been unfairly criticized. Inventory is more than just walking around with items, in RPGs it used to represent SKILL, RESOURCE GATHERING and CRAFTING. And you would think that an Sci-Fi RPG would be the most suitable world for inventory with it's various technologies, expanded periodic table and unique weapons. I mean we've got the Normandy, it gathers for us but we aren't allowed to craft anything. That's the curse of DLC for RPGs, it means that instead of letting us create our own unique weapons, Bioware will sell them to us, same goes for armor. No one should be fooled by the "Gamers don't want to dress their companions" argument. They want to sell this stuff to us now, it never had anything to do with streamlining inventory.

dc, wouldn't you have enjoyed creating an Ice-Cain? lol. (Cain+Avalanche Heavy weapon) When it's mushroom cloud rises it snap freezes every enemy on the field. How cool would that have been? The combinations could have been endless with Black Hole meets Inferno type weapons. *sigh* But as much as I miss it, I know that it's not returning for the final chapter, and we never had those options in the first game anyway.

We should wait to and see what elements ARE actually coming back before getting excited.
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Inscrit depuis 6047 Jours
After reading Mass Effect: Retribution I'm not sure Drew being off the project is such a terrible thing. God that book was awful.
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Inscrit depuis 6809 Jours
True, but a deeper skill tree and more talents is better than nothing, i really enjoyed the streamlined action/rpg experience ME2 gave me, so much of the same but more enhanced will make me very happy.

But i'll also have my Witcher 2 and Skyrim for some true stat diving, getting myself lost in crafting and inventory menus for hrs on end ;)
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Inscrit depuis 5137 Jours
Skyrim will own 2011!
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Inscrit depuis 5657 Jours
Posté par sanex
Skyrim will own 2011!
No it will not.
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Real Madrid C.F. fan.

Inscrit depuis 6934 Jours
Sure it will...depending on your tastes. I know I'm looking forward to it more than ME3.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6816 Jours
Skyrim wont own 2011 at all, atleast not for me.
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Inscrit depuis 5657 Jours
Posté par Ronsauce
Sure it will...depending on your tastes. I know I'm looking forward to it more than ME3.
Yes, that's what I meant, it will not for me, not even close.

Probably Dark Souls though, or Rage, or some other game for all I know.
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Real Madrid C.F. fan.

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