Mass Effect - The Normandy

Inscrit depuis 6643 Jours
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Inscrit depuis 6643 Jours
Oops, what happened :s

Lol Phaeton , poor Ashley :(

Woah cool armor to Wrex!
I finished my game in Lvl 47 also, but took me 30 hours. ^^

Started another game, new guy, Infiltrator lvl 20...
Its been kinda hard, maybe because was too much used with the shotgun :P

Heres my new Shepard:

How can i use those spoiler tags? How it works? :)
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Inscrit depuis 6929 Jours
To use spoiler tags, type spoiler in these brackets: [] then whatever you want to say and then /spoiler n [] Hope that's clear enough.

nice shephard. cant go wrong with a little scruff.
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Saying you cant find animaton in Japan is like saying you cant find food in Italy

Inscrit depuis 6643 Jours
Posté par mkk316
you can see spoiler tags by highlighting the text. nice shephard. cant go wrong with a little scruff.
Hes been a nice Shepard :D
Though sometimes, i look at his face from the side, reminds me a monkey :s

I mean use them, the spoiler tags... Dont know how to do it. ^^
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Inscrit depuis 6520 Jours
Posté par dcdelgado
LVL 47 and clocked 61hrs

how the hell can you only be lvl 47 after such a long time. i was lvl 49 after about 20 hours. thats a hella long time just walking about doing nothing.

also, i know you can carry on your shepard with all your previous stats, lvl, and items. but can you create a new shepard and save over all previous saves and still go back to your original shepard later?

basically if i set up a biotics guy, will he add to the list of existing ID's at the start new game menu, or will it overwrite my existing soldier class shepard...also, how many shapard ID's can you keep stored?

i really wanna start a new game with a new class but im scared my soldier shepard gets erased.

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Inscrit depuis 6976 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
how the hell can you only be lvl 47 after such a long time. i was lvl 49 after about 20 hours. thats a hella long time just walking about doing nothing.
Easy i actually listened to all the squad branch conversations and NPC conversations, plus the info in the codex there were about 10 side quest i did not finish whitch would have brought me to lvl 50, but i just had to finish the story.

Whats your gamertag, i'd love to see what achievments you got on your first playthrough?
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Inscrit depuis 6962 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
how the hell can you only be lvl 47 after such a long time. i was lvl 49 after about 20 hours. thats a hella long time just walking about doing nothing.
Agreed. Goddamn. I'm on my 2nd play through, 25hrs total so far, and judging from that Side Quest list, I'm well over half done. dcdelgado, you've just been replaying that certain scene haven't you!
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"For seven hours, all we could do was sit still and listen to them hunting us. All we could do is sit, and wait for Phaethon."

Inscrit depuis 6520 Jours
Posté par dcdelgado
Easy i actually listened to all the squad branch conversations and NPC conversations, plus the info in the codex there were about 10 side quest i did not finish whitch would have brought me to lvl 50, but i just had to finish the story.

Whats your gamertag, i'd love to see what achievments you got on your first playthrough?
from what i can tell (only skimmed through them) i got all i possibly could from 1 play through. minus the weapons based stuff (i went for an assault rifle and stuck with it) everything else i could get i did tho, or so it seems.

obviously theres renegade, biotics and tech based stuff plus completing it on hard/insane that i couldnt have done anyway since it was the first play through.

i only had about 6 side quests going as well. although i didnt go to every planet i could land on. as for everything you did i did too, i listened to everything, i was really wrapped up in the world so kinda had to. but still 61 hours and only lvl 47?!? kinda crazy, there must have been a LOT of pointless walking about to rack up that amount of time with so little to show for it.

anyway, gamertag = TheSICness666
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Inscrit depuis 6976 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
from what i can tell (only skimmed through them) i got all i possibly could from 1 play through. minus the weapons based stuff (i went for an assault rifle and stuck with it) everything else i could get i did tho, or so it seems.

obviously theres renegade, biotics and tech based stuff plus completing it on hard/insane that i couldnt have done anyway since it was the first play through.

i only had about 6 side quests going as well. although i didnt go to every planet i could land on. as for everything you did i did too, i listened to everything, i was really wrapped up in the world so kinda had to. but still 61 hours and only lvl 47?!? kinda crazy, there must have been a LOT of pointless walking about to rack up that amount of time with so little to show for it.

anyway, gamertag = TheSICness666
so you did nearly all the sidequest and listened to every conversation and the main story in under 20hrs?, something is not quite right there as the avg for most 1st playthroughs with everything done is 40/60hrs.
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Inscrit depuis 6999 Jours
Damn you must have a lot of free time on your hands DC.

I can barely find time to play it let alone play it for 61 hours :S
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

Inscrit depuis 6976 Jours
Posté par Jollipop
Damn you must have a lot of free time on your hands DC.

I can barely find time to play it let alone play it for 61 hours :S
I booked time of work for this bad boy!.
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Inscrit depuis 6999 Jours
Ahhh, same as me for Lost Odyssey next week then :D
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

Inscrit depuis 6976 Jours
Posté par Jollipop
Ahhh, same as me for Lost Odyssey next week then :D
Except i can understand all the dialogue in this game :)
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Inscrit depuis 6999 Jours
Hehe, I can pretend to understand .. ;)
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

Inscrit depuis 6642 Jours
Well I bet EA is regretting that price for bioware now. It seems that ME more or less bombed, on a relative basis, at retail. Over on vgchartz have ME at ~195K for last week. Given that it was black friday and release week, I thought ME was a shoe-in for 600K+. Boy was I wrong.

If these numbers hold up and traditional drop offs follow, I would say that the trilogy might be in jepardy as ME is headed for a ~1m sell through.
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Inscrit depuis 6976 Jours
Posté par ramses01
Well I bet EA is regretting that price for bioware now. It seems that ME more or less bombed, on a relative basis, at retail. Over on vgchartz have ME at ~195K for last week. Given that it was black friday and release week, I thought ME was a shoe-in for 600K+. Boy was I wrong.
Bombed no.

For a single platform game thats not TOO bad, i mean if we take two other games for a single platform like Uncharted 43k first week and Ratchet and Clank 73k first week it balances out a bit, but i agree that i was expecting to see much higher sales figures, MS seemed to pull out of the marketing of this game, maybe this EA deal really pissed them off, its a shame as Mass Effect deserves so much more, but as long as i get part 2 and 3 i'll be happy, do you hear me EA part 2 and 3!!!!!!!
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Inscrit depuis 6962 Jours
200k? Are you kidding me? It's only sold 4.5 Ninja Gaidens?! I kid!
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"For seven hours, all we could do was sit still and listen to them hunting us. All we could do is sit, and wait for Phaethon."

Inscrit depuis 6520 Jours
Posté par dcdelgado
so you did nearly all the sidequest and listened to every conversation and the main story in under 20hrs?, something is not quite right there as the avg for most 1st playthroughs with everything done is 40/60hrs.
not under 20 hours, just over. i got the completionist achievement which is 85% of misions, and i did quite a bit after that point so i did do majority, but it still only took just over 20 hours to run through (remeber i was a soldier so i could play it practically like a FPS), and that was listening to every convo properly, all codex stuff about races and guns, got the love interest achievement (with the blue

i mean, averaging it out you went up a level every 1 hour and 20 mins or so, thats a LONG time to level up. i mean, maybe its becasue i used the fast transit system on the citidel? maybe you litterally ran EVERYWHERE i dunno, but 61 hours is a lot considering your only lvl 47...i mean, even if you did more then me in terms of side quests the numbers dont add up, you should be a HIGHER level, not lower. i dunno.

anyway the game was great. only thing i wasnt keen on was the way they handled most of the story planets. i was kinda hoping there would be a few more citidel type areas with more down to earth quests where you have more options, but a lot of them seemed to be a case of landing, and fighting for half an hour untill you completed that story planet. i like to have down time where i can just walk around talking to a lot of varied folk like on the citidel and chose which order to do quests....but you only had a handfull of quests within most story based planets. which was kinda dissapointing. and from listening to all the commented artworks on the bonus disc a lot of areas where actually suposed to be bigger. (apparently the planet with the companies where you need garage access was ment to have a whole other floor that had to be removed) dont get me wrong, the story was amazing as was the game as a whole, GOTY for me. but i wish there where more to the story planets like there was in KOTOR.
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Inscrit depuis 6642 Jours
Posté par dcdelgado
Bombed no.

For a single platform game thats not TOO bad, i mean if we take two other games for a single platform like Uncharted 43k first week and Ratchet and Clank 73k first week it balances out a bit, but i agree that i was expecting to see much higher sales figures, MS seemed to pull out of the marketing of this game, maybe this EA deal really pissed them off, its a shame as Mass Effect deserves so much more, but as long as i get part 2 and 3 i'll be happy, do you hear me EA part 2 and 3!!!!!!!
I said relatively bombed, as in compared to my expectations of sales. MS almost certainly changed their marketing strategy after the deal as the bioware guys were talking about gears level marketing prior to the deal. The commercials that I saw were pretty darn good but they really weren't aired as much.
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Inscrit depuis 6860 Jours
Posté par dcdelgado
so you did nearly all the sidequest and listened to every conversation and the main story in under 20hrs?, something is not quite right there as the avg for most 1st playthroughs with everything done is 40/60hrs.
It took me 36hrs to complete the game twice and do every side quest mission and i'm level 57.
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Street Fighter 4... Believe.

Inscrit depuis 6976 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
not under 20 hours, just over. i got the completionist achievement which is 85% of misions, and i did quite a bit after that point so i did do majority, but it still only took just over 20 hours to run through (remeber i was a soldier so i could play it practically like a FPS), and that was listening to every convo properly, all codex stuff about races and guns, got the love interest achievement (with the blue

i mean, averaging it out you went up a level every 1 hour and 20 mins or so, thats a LONG time to level up. i mean, maybe its becasue i used the fast transit system on the citidel? maybe you litterally ran EVERYWHERE i dunno, but 61 hours is a lot considering your only lvl 47...i mean, even if you did more then me in terms of side quests the numbers dont add up, you should be a HIGHER level, not lower. i dunno.

anyway the game was great. only thing i wasnt keen on was the way they handled most of the story planets. i was kinda hoping there would be a few more citidel type areas with more down to earth quests where you have more options, but a lot of them seemed to be a case of landing, and fighting for half an hour untill you completed that story planet. i like to have down time where i can just walk around talking to a lot of varied folk like on the citidel and chose which order to do quests....but you only had a handfull of quests within most story based planets. which was kinda dissapointing. and from listening to all the commented artworks on the bonus disc a lot of areas where actually suposed to be bigger. (apparently the planet with the companies where you need garage access was ment to have a whole other floor that had to be removed) dont get me wrong, the story was amazing as was the game as a whole, GOTY for me. but i wish there where more to the story planets like there was in KOTOR.
well i talked to my crew after every mission/sidequest and got some very interesting stories out of them, like the one ash told about her sister, and with kaiden on why he killed his teacherect... plus searching everywhere i could in the world, finding the dancefloor easter egg :), the list goes on! but yeah i really took my time with this game it was a labour of love.
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Inscrit depuis 6976 Jours
Posté par Jin187
It took me 36hrs to complete the game twice and do every side quest mission and i'm level 57.
and i bet there are still lots of stories you have missed? :)
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Inscrit depuis 6520 Jours
Posté par dcdelgado
well i talked to my crew after every mission/sidequest and got some very interesting stories out of them, like the one ash told about her sister, and with kaiden on why he killed his teacherect... plus searching everywhere i could in the world, finding the dancefloor easter egg :), the list goes on! but yeah i really took my time with this game it was a labour of love.
ditto on all those points. including the dancing (which is totally out of place yet hilarious imo) it just seems you where very slow at doing it all.
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Inscrit depuis 6976 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
ditto on all those points. including the dancing (which is totally out of place yet hilarious imo) it just seems you where very slow at doing it all.
Your damn right i took my time and soaked it all in.
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Inscrit depuis 6520 Jours
Posté par dcdelgado
Your damn right i took my time and soaked it all in.
but you MUST have missed some stuff if you spent all that time yet ended up with less experience. and hence a lower level???
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