Mass Effect - The Normandy

Inscrit depuis 6984 Jours
Personally I found KOTOR way more complex than Mass Effect. Every thing in Mass Effect was extremely simple to accomplish. I even had full charm (which as I've said before creates a crazy ending) and never found combat tough. At the start a few of the side missions were above me, but after finishing the first main quest planet (very easy) nothing was beyond me.

O well, ye, both agree the game is amazing, its definetely my game of the year, though certainly not one of my favourite games of all time. We had different views on it, simple. I can't wait for the next game simply for the storyline and story telling, though I do hope the game is longer.
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Inscrit depuis 7057 Jours
Posté par JeromeMorrow
Personally I found KOTOR way more complex than Mass Effect. Every thing in Mass Effect was extremely simple to accomplish. I even had full charm (which as I've said before creates a crazy ending) and never found combat tough. At the start a few of the side missions were above me, but after finishing the first main quest planet (very easy) nothing was beyond me.
Have you ever thought that maybe they wanted it to be not so challenging so that frustrating gameplay didn't take your mind away from the main storyline?
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Uhh.......... Where the **** is Fight Night 4?? EA YOU ****ers!

Inscrit depuis 7059 Jours
Guys you seem to be slipping from the main point of mass effect

and that is

it fucking rules

Yes it has problems, what game does not ? but above all its issues its grandness makes up for it.
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Inscrit depuis 6976 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
What? All next gen games are shorter now?
Yes Didn't you know?
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6982 Jours
Posté par ManThatYouFear
Guys you seem to be slipping from the main point of mass effect

and that is

it fucking rules

Yes it has problems, what game does not ? but above all its issues its grandness makes up for it.
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Playing: Mass Effect!

*A New Form of Change*

Inscrit depuis 6976 Jours
Posté par JeromeMorrow
Personally I found KOTOR way more complex than Mass Effect. Every thing in Mass Effect was extremely simple to accomplish. I even had full charm (which as I've said before creates a crazy ending) and never found combat tough. At the start a few of the side missions were above me, but after finishing the first main quest planet (very easy) nothing was beyond me.

O well, ye, both agree the game is amazing, its definetely my game of the year, though certainly not one of my favourite games of all time. We had different views on it, simple. I can't wait for the next game simply for the storyline and story telling, though I do hope the game is longer.
Well maybe its they way i play it,but as soon as i woke up with no memory and a flaming torch for a weapon, i was smashing through every battle in kotor with ease without really thinking through my plan of attack, if my main player went down i could just carry on as another member of my party and so on, but in Mass Effect if i did not plan my attacks i would be dead very quick even near the end, when i felt like a god, if you don plant out your attacks you will be reloading a save very quick, and once you die thats it, theres no party hoping so its allot more strategic and engaging.
Posté par ManThatYouFear
Guys you seem to be slipping from the main point of mass effect

and that is

it fucking rules

Yes it has problems, what game does not ? but above all its issues its grandness makes up for it.
True Dat! :)
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Inscrit depuis 7059 Jours

Post this for Fr0sty been as though he thought he would give it it's own topic because his shepard owns ours ...*cough*yeah fucking right*cough*

Also play it in Divx if like me ..for some reason you cant validate the windows media player 11 *rolls eyes*
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7116 Jours
Posté par dcdelgado
Yes Didn't you know?
Nope, and I'm pretty sure that's really not all that accurate either.
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Inscrit depuis 6976 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Nope, and I'm pretty sure that's really not all that accurate either.
C'mon now most of the AAA next-gen games coming out now are all turning out shorter than we expected them to be.
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6982 Jours
Posté par ManThatYouFear
Fr0sty been as though he thought he would give it it's own topic because his shepard owns ours ...*cough*yeah fucking right*cough*
Damn straight...everyone knows my Shepard is the most bad ass :P
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*A New Form of Change*

Inscrit depuis 7059 Jours
Posté par dcdelgado
C'mon now most of the AAA next-gen games coming out now are all turning out shorter than we expected them to be.
Wait, i put this down to recent games have been that fucking good we just can NOT stop playing them and because of that, we finish them faster

I think great games just like movies are there own worst enemy there that great you dfont want them to end and when they do, it just seems to early :(

Go back and play last gen games, you will find they are the same length apart from certain JRPGs, but there only as long as you want to drag them out, FF7 could be done in 25-30 hours, but hell i dragged it out for well over 100 as for 8 i dragged that out for 259 hours i think ...damn shitty addictive card game ..

I know players that took over 2/3 weeks to do Halo 3, to be honest i just think we are to good for our own good :(
Plus there are always the people that THRASH new games just to say "I DONE IT IN 2 HOURS ON EASIEST SETTINGS!!!!" ...but have no idea what the story was or enjoy it ...
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Inscrit depuis 7057 Jours
I'd have to agree, games nowadays are getting alot shorter. Maybe because they are easier or just not as brain heavy.


Half Life - Took me MONTHS just to get somewhere near the end, never actually finished it

HL Opposing Force - again took me up to a month

HL2 - Took me weeks to complete

Pokemon - The first one! i never actually completed it! (that game was the shizz hush!)

Republic The revolution - again never finished it and played it alot

Swat 2 + 3 + 4 - Weeks to complete (Swat 2, best game ever made, seriously)

Hitman Blood Money - Couple days

Assassins Creed - 2 Days

Mass Effect - 2 Days

COD 4 - Hours

Kane + Lynch - Hours

I think i'd have to agree with a previous comment that stated that more money and time is being put into graphics nowadays, then actual game length, its alright spending years researching and getting a storyline, but when they all comes down to a couple days play, you have to ask yourself, was it really worth it?

Ever since i was a kid i'd do something until it was done, it hasn't changed, i'd play and play until i got to a part that i couldn't complete or i needed the rest, generally i complete most next gen games in no more then days in most cases.
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Uhh.......... Where the **** is Fight Night 4?? EA YOU ****ers!

Inscrit depuis 6984 Jours
I agree, games are definetely shorter this generation. And also, for me at least, I've played more really good games this generation, yet have not found one truly amazing game at this point in this gen (I have a few from last-gen, but way less games I enjoyed).
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Inscrit depuis 7059 Jours
Half life 2 was one sitting for me, actually i think i went for a poo about two thirds through...

anyway i think its all down to the player, halo 3 was one sitting, i think on average most games are 1-2 sittings for me, in the past most games were illogical on there design and because of that took ages to complete, now everything just feels right and everything makes sence, so instead of spending 2 weeks trying to find the cocktail to make you spit further (first person to get that wins my respect), now its just .. kinda laid on in common sence ..which is a shame

But should they make a movie menu more complicated so the DVD takes longer to finish ? nah, be it a short experience or long, as long as you fully enjoyed the ride ...what is the problem ?
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Inscrit depuis 6860 Jours
Its quite simple for me, every game i love doesnt last long apart from oblivion as i spents months on that game, about 97hrs in total and still didnt finish everything.
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Street Fighter 4... Believe.

Inscrit depuis 6447 Jours
I think you're right sheps, much more emphasis has been put on graphics. I also think more effort has been focused on online play as well. I mean Assassins Creed and Mass Effect dont apply, but COD4 in particular has a wonderful multiplayer option.
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I'm in the need for some love squeezins!

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7116 Jours
I disagree. A lot of those games that Shep mentioned taking him WEEKS aren't actually all that much longer than their sequels. Half Life, took WEEKS? Come on. Half Life 2 is the LONGEST FPS in a LONG time, with the addition of expansion packs. Action games have been under 10 hours for a long, long time. Are the Max Payne games long? Is Prince of Persia long? Is Ninja Gaiden or Devil May Cry long? Are COD1 and COD2 much longer than COD4? Nope.. games aren't significantly shorter than last generation.

Now, RPG's on the other hand.. are they shorter? Well, maybe Mass Effect is, but that's just one example. I bet FFXIII will be plenty long -- Oblivion has hundreds of hours of content -- Dragon Age will surely be longer than ME.
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Inscrit depuis 7057 Jours
Half Life was released in 1998, i was 10, course it would have taken me longer, but the point is, games were new back then, something different, literally, instead nowadays its just the same thing with a new lick of paint.

I can actually remember getting to certain parts of half life, and playing it numerous times, not that i couldn't complete it, but it was so damn good, most notably the Ninjas in the garage thing i played ALOT.

And you cant say this "Next Gen" has been ALL about graphics, think the problem lies in that we've been there done that with most of the stuff thats coming out today. Maybe im wrong, maybe im looking in the wrong places, man if only it was 95 again!
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Uhh.......... Where the **** is Fight Night 4?? EA YOU ****ers!

Inscrit depuis 6984 Jours
Oblivion was significantly shorter than Morrowind I'd like to point out. And COD4 is definetely much, much shorter than COD or COD2.

On another note, the only positive note I took away from EA buying Bioware is that Dragon Age now has a much better chance of coming to the 360. Interesting where this convo has gone to.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7116 Jours
Posté par JeromeMorrow
Oblivion was significantly shorter than Morrowind I'd like to point out. And COD4 is definetely much, much shorter than COD or COD2.

On another note, the only positive note I took away from EA buying Bioware is that Dragon Age now has a much better chance of coming to the 360. Interesting where this convo has gone to.
Morrowind's main quest can be finished in under 15 minutes. I also think the ability to quickly traverse the landscape in Oblivion makes it shorter, which isn't a bad thing, of course.. some people thought it was.. some people refuse to fast travel at all. Call of Duty 4 may be shorter than COD2, but there are two things to remember, one being that COD2 is technically still a current generation game, and secondly, that COD2 seemed longer (for me) than it actually is, just based on playing through on Veteran. I wouldn't be surprised if veteran added some artificial length to COD4 as well.

I'm not saying that no games are shorter though, just that I don't see it as an established trend just yet. Maybe console games are just shorter, but FPS have been 6-10 hours for a while now.. that's not new. Action/adventure games have been comparably short as well.

And Dragon Age is going to be very PC-centric in its design. I wouldn't expect a good conversion to consoles, or one at all. EA does still have a number of PC exclusives, you know. Regardless, I still expect it to be considerably longer than Mass Effect. It's the spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate, which is very long. It may not be 200+ hours long, but still.. it's going to have a lot of content to explore.
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Inscrit depuis 6520 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Morrowind's main quest can be finished in under 15 minutes.

And Dragon Age is going to be very PC-centric in its design. I wouldn't expect a good conversion to consoles, or one at all. EA does still have a number of PC exclusives, you know.
you can speed run a lot of games in a fraction of their advertised length tho. end of the day, you start playing morrowind for the first time and its going to last you a damn sight longer then oblivion.

games are just getting shorter, some games i can forgive if they're really REALLY good (cod4, max payne, ico, shadow of the collossus) others i cant (halo 3 as one example from a long list)
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Inscrit depuis 6984 Jours
Thank you KORNdog, I agree, that speedrun tricks are not to be counted, I'm pretty damn sure the developers didn't want people to play the game that way, and if you want to do that trick you either have to be a veteran, or read a very specific walkthrough.

Games are shorter, but on average, there is a lot more quality packed in. Though as I've said, I still have yet to see a game that even comes close to ranking as one of my favourites, and I have several from last-gen. And ye, FFXIII should be long, I can't wait! Especially since that not coming until at least 2009 and I'll be able to buy a ps3 by then...and it might actually be worth purchasing by then.
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Inscrit depuis 7238 Jours
Mwhahaha, I just got my box back. I guess I can shoot a picture of my shepard, never too late right?

Will do tomorrow. Please keep using spoilers tag for a bit more! Once I finish the game everyone can start talking openly about the story :P

BTW @ DC, since I don't want to read any comments, have you finished the game? I thought your approach to this game was a lot like mine (no rushing at all), so did you beat it yet?
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Inscrit depuis 6976 Jours
yeap finished it, and loved every second! :)

will play it again and attemp to get to lvl 60, then play it again with a brand new character.
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Inscrit depuis 7238 Jours
Posté par dcdelgado
yeap finished it, and loved every second! :)

will play it again and attemp to get to lvl 60, then play it again with a brand new character.
So you can play again with your leveled up character? Or just play again with the same guy but start over?

Anyways, I'll get to it again tomorrow.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

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