Mass Effect - The Normandy

deftangel - Hot stuff!
Inscrit depuis 6983 Jours
25 hours in and just landed on Virmire. Level 43 soldier. Been staying out of this thread to avoid spoilers! I'm sure you're all behaving :D
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XBL/PSN: deftangel. Views are my own and not representative of my employers. Boulets aren't the end of the world, you will get over them! Reading and constructive discussion classes are available, enquire via PM :)

Inscrit depuis 7058 Jours
This game is destroying ther enjoyment of my other games, playing blue dragon all i think about is going through this for a 3rd time, same with bioshock (which is probally a mjor factor of why the game was a let down for me) and i know when i play the orange boxset all i will think about is this lol
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Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
Posté par ManThatYouFear
This game is destroying ther enjoyment of my other games, playing blue dragon all i think about is going through this for a 3rd time, same with bioshock (which is probally a mjor factor of why the game was a let down for me) and i know when i play the orange boxset all i will think about is this lol
LOL very true...
Posté par deftangel
25 hours in and just landed on Virmire. Level 43 soldier. Been staying out of this thread to avoid spoilers! I'm sure you're all behaving :D
So Deft as this is the first RPG you have played how are you enjoying it??
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


deftangel - Hot stuff!
Inscrit depuis 6983 Jours
Very much actually, I got into it when we had it in for rating but that necessitated jumping around, cheating and some spoilers. Hence I've gone dark to make sure there's at least some surprises!

I've a few gripes in general. The combat seems a little unbalanced. At the start I was getting mullered by spawning out in the open and had forgotten to save so ended up going back for ages which was very annoying! Now I've leveled up ( and I'm a master spectre so have the special weapons) I'm double hard and combat sometimes seems a bit too easy. There's a sweet spot in the middle I think where it's very good.

I also seem to remember that you could press X to interupt someone whilst speaking and that would affect your paragon/renegade stats as well as change the flow of the conversation. Is it me or is that no longer in the game? I've been doing it anyway but it doesn't seem functional...

The interesting thing is, I'm finding it quite hard to pick the renegade choices a lot of the time so it's making me think quite a bit. I like what they've done there. The writing is top notch.

It wouldn't have killed them to have some variety in the side quest bases though, there are only three types! I'd also like some more places like the Citidel. That's definitely been my favorite place to knock about in though Feros and Virmire are very pleasing environments also.
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XBL/PSN: deftangel. Views are my own and not representative of my employers. Boulets aren't the end of the world, you will get over them! Reading and constructive discussion classes are available, enquire via PM :)

Inscrit depuis 7056 Jours
Posté par deftangel
It wouldn't have killed them to have some variety in the side quest bases though, there are only three types! I'd also like some more places like the Citidel. That's definitely been my favorite place to knock about in though Feros and Virmire are very pleasing environments also.
Thats the problem alot of us guys have had, we're all hoping on ME2 to make those right ;)
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UFC 2009, Its going to be the best game ever.

Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
Posté par deftangel
Very much actually, I got into it when we had it in for rating but that necessitated jumping around, cheating and some spoilers. Hence I've gone dark to make sure there's at least some surprises!

I've a few gripes in general. The combat seems a little unbalanced. At the start I was getting mullered by spawning out in the open and had forgotten to save so ended up going back for ages which was very annoying! Now I've leveled up ( and I'm a master spectre so have the special weapons) I'm double hard and combat sometimes seems a bit too easy. There's a sweet spot in the middle I think where it's very good.

I also seem to remember that you could press X to interupt someone whilst speaking and that would affect your paragon/renegade stats as well as change the flow of the conversation. Is it me or is that no longer in the game? I've been doing it anyway but it doesn't seem functional...

The interesting thing is, I'm finding it quite hard to pick the renegade choices a lot of the time so it's making me think quite a bit. I like what they've done there. The writing is top notch.

It wouldn't have killed them to have some variety in the side quest bases though, there are only three types! I'd also like some more places like the Citidel. That's definitely been my favorite place to knock about in though Feros and Virmire are very pleasing environments also.
Glad your enjoying it :)

Yeah that got pulled it seems, as now X just skips through the conversation with no reaction from the person your talking to or Renegade points given. The combat for me was never a problem from beginning to end as i play it like i play all my RPG's (kotor/koto2/oblivion) with extreme strategic precision :), the repeatable ares for the sidequest did get a bit jarring by the end of the game, but i can forgive them that.
I agree that 2 more Citadel like planets would have made this game beyond amazing for me, but my guess is that release date schedules and ME2/3 had something to do with that, all in all for me nothing could take away how this game made me feel whilst playing it, total gaming immersion heaven, and a story to end all stories.
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Inscrit depuis 6928 Jours
I had no trouble going through the game with my soldier Shephard, but when I tried Vanguard or Adept, I felt my character was REALLY underpowered, so it was pretty tough in the beginning with those types. By the end though i was creating singularities and tossing people around with the best of them. I didnt mind the side missions, I though some of the planets and moons you land on were stunning, so it distracted me from the repetitiveness of the missions.
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Saying you cant find animaton in Japan is like saying you cant find food in Italy

Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
Posté par mkk316
I had no trouble going through the game with my soldier Shephard, but when I tried Vanguard or Adept, I felt my character was REALLY underpowered, so it was pretty tough in the beginning with those types. By the end though i was creating singularities and tossing people around with the best of them. I didnt mind the side missions, I though some of the planets and moons you land on were stunning, so it distracted me from the repetitiveness of the missions.
I started with Vanguard and had no real problems at all.
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Inscrit depuis 7056 Jours
Soldier for me was so easy to kill people, once i found my gun and add ons i could take down anyone with a couple shots.

Then i played through again as a vanguard, was hard as hell killing people, and now i rely more on my other team mates while i throw em about that they take care of em, is alot harder then it was as a soldier though.
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UFC 2009, Its going to be the best game ever.

Inscrit depuis 7236 Jours
*NO SPOILERS unless hidden*

I beat it at 24 hours and I got the completionist achievement among others.

The ending is just AMAZING........BUT.

One thing I didn't like was the fact that I really wasn't ready to finish the game yet, I still wanted to do a couple of side missions, explore a couple of planets, etc.

When you go back to the citadel and Udina gives the order to stop the Normandy in place, you are pretty much finished with exploring space and there's still about a 3-4 hours of gameplay in there. That I didn't like at all.

You can do a few side missions on the citadel (great ones at that), but no more space anything. After you tell Anderson you are ready, that's it, you are confined in a linear fashion and there's nothing you can do.

Really good ending though, loved shooting in open space and seeing bodies fly weightless. I honestly thought I had died too :P

The part where Saren kills himself.......amazing cutscene, amazing!

Anyways, I'm playing again making all renegade decisions as possible, lol. I should have done that from the start. First time I did half and half. Also, I don't think I'll be doing much side missions this time. I just want to play through the main mission for the most part so it is all much more coherent.

I agree with Deft on all he said. I found myself ~constantly changing difficulty.


Did anyone else have *something* with the Asari consort? I'm talking about the one in the citadel, not your partner. There is scene after helping her you........well, I don't know if that's having sex but something like that.

When talking to Wrex at C-SEC, what happens if you tell him "NO" when he says he wants to come with you? Are you forced anyways like with Garrus and the Quarian?

So when is Mass Effect 2 coming out?
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Inscrit depuis 6928 Jours
Posté par LEBATO
So when is Mass Effect 2 coming out?
lol, not soon enough. Honestly though, I think my only complaint is that the save points are just too far apart, the game is fun, but having to redo large portions gets old very quickly.
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Saying you cant find animaton in Japan is like saying you cant find food in Italy

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6981 Jours
MK just save when you want to into a new save and then when it auo saves then just delete the other save you did manually, that is what I do.

Thats why I don't have to face and find all the shit over and over again when I die.
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*A New Form of Change*

Inscrit depuis 6928 Jours
yeah, I do that most of the time, but sometimes i just forget, the game pulls you in. heh.
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Saying you cant find animaton in Japan is like saying you cant find food in Italy

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6981 Jours
Well I never forget because I don't have the strength to go over the same stuff again.
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*A New Form of Change*

Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
Posté par LEBATO
*NO SPOILERS unless hidden*

I beat it at 24 hours and I got the completionist achievement among others.

The ending is just AMAZING........BUT.

One thing I didn't like was the fact that I really wasn't ready to finish the game yet, I still wanted to do a couple of side missions, explore a couple of planets, etc.

When you go back to the citadel and Udina gives the order to stop the Normandy in place, you are pretty much finished with exploring space and there's still about a 3-4 hours of gameplay in there. That I didn't like at all.

You can do a few side missions on the citadel (great ones at that), but no more space anything. After you tell Anderson you are ready, that's it, you are confined in a linear fashion and there's nothing you can do.

Really good ending though, loved shooting in open space and seeing bodies fly weightless. I honestly thought I had died too :P

The part where Saren kills himself.......amazing cutscene, amazing!

Anyways, I'm playing again making all renegade decisions as possible, lol. I should have done that from the start. First time I did half and half. Also, I don't think I'll be doing much side missions this time. I just want to play through the main mission for the most part so it is all much more coherent.

I agree with Deft on all he said. I found myself ~constantly changing difficulty.


Did anyone else have *something* with the Asari consort? I'm talking about the one in the citadel, not your partner. There is scene after helping her you........well, I don't know if that's having sex but something like that.

When talking to Wrex at C-SEC, what happens if you tell him "NO" when he says he wants to come with you? Are you forced anyways like with Garrus and the Quarian?

So when is Mass Effect 2 coming out?
lol the end level was beyond amazing, but yeah i was pissed too, as i wanted to go back and complete the rest of my sidequest but i could not.

yeah i got some weird consort loving as well :), not sure about the Wrex situation i will try not run through, as i'm going strictly renegade.
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Inscrit depuis 6928 Jours
Posté par dcdelgado
yeah i got some weird consort loving as well :)
lol, better not let Sheps hear that. :P
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Saying you cant find animaton in Japan is like saying you cant find food in Italy

kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Inscrit depuis 7090 Jours
Beat the game 2 times so far

1st time with a male vanguard, got to level 35 and took about 16 hours

2nd time with a female solider, got to level 45 and took about 23 hours(did a little more of the side-missions). Both playthroughs though, Wrex and Kaiden died. Killed them both, well I didn't actually kill Kaiden, just deserted his ass.

Probably restart the game with the female solider, since she be a beast. My squad with her, Tali and Liara was unstoppable. Sucks the game is plagued with the tech issues though, but oh well, typical Bioware game am I right? :p

I would also constantly get dirty disc errors, but I found out that if I just wipe the disc before every playthough it would eliminate that problem--I think DC suggested it to me actually.

Still, pretty awesome game. Now bring on them sequels!
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Jeanne D'Arc is the Best RPG this year

Inscrit depuis 6928 Jours
yea i get the disc errors from time to time too. I just had my 360 repaired so whenever it happens it scares the shit out of me.
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Saying you cant find animaton in Japan is like saying you cant find food in Italy

Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
I got the disc error when i first put my import copy in, and was about to raise hell with the ebay sellar, but after i wiped the disc, i had no more issues.
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6981 Jours
Posté par mkk316
yea i get the disc errors from time to time too. I just had my 360 repaired so whenever it happens it scares the shit out of me.
And when you say that, that scares the shit out of me :S
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*A New Form of Change*

Inscrit depuis 6928 Jours
Posté par Sath
And when you say that, that scares the shit out of me :S
Dont worry sath im pretty sure its the game. I also get this weird message telling me if i want to play the game i have to put it in an xbox360.....which it obviously already is, a restart fixes that issue, but it has come up too. odd.
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Saying you cant find animaton in Japan is like saying you cant find food in Italy

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6981 Jours
Hehe hopefully Mk.
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*A New Form of Change*

Inscrit depuis 6974 Jours
From GAF info from the EGM issue:
Just some stuff from EGM. I know some was posted, but I'll list some stuff. Not sure what has been posted.

-Mass Effect 2&3 to be published by MS according to a close source on the game.

-UK-based Develop magazine was told by Phil Spencer(MGS) Mass Effect will continue to be an important franchise for the company.

-According to EGM EA could benefit with Jade Empire 2. John Riccitello(EA CEO) is a self-proclaimed fan.

-Bioware and EAs partnership in no way impacts Sonic(Sega) or Lucasarts/Biowares project. Sonic is on track to ship in 2008. EGM hears the game might arrive early this spring.

EGM afterthoughts with Casey Hudson

-As ME started to wrap up they had to cut some aspects of the dialogue system. Wasnt working the way they intended. Wants to focus on it more in the next ME. Not only ability to interrupt characters, but also other active things to the conversations.

-"We didn't get much negative feedback during development with inventory screen, although(if stuff doesn't work right), that's definitely something we want to fix in the future."

-Casey Hudsons fav. character is Liara

-Working on some really cool stuff for DLC(No details)

-DLC will be much, much bigger and better than KOTORS meager offering

-DLC was built into the design of ME

-Goal for trilogy is to finish it on 360. As long as 360 is around a few more years they'll be able to have them all out. And you'll get to play with the same character you created in the first game.

-Elevators weren't the most epic part of ME according to Hudson.

Nothing really new I suppose but maybe some info. people didn't know.
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6981 Jours
360 exclusive for all trilogies, according the their source.
Good news then.

Elevators wasent epic? Now I am not an ass fan but I saw some good female ass in those elevators :P
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*A New Form of Change*

Inscrit depuis 6859 Jours

You dont have to take wrex
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