Modern Warfare 2 Thread - New Awesome Launch Trailer!

Since 7097 Days
Posted by Viginti_Tres
This game is garbage, this is the undeniable truth.
Nope. I mean it's too bad that your experience hasn't been that good, but my experience with it has been pretty great actually.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Since 6443 Days
Is the game garbage? I'm not so sure. Is it overrated? Absolutely. Probably ranks amongst the most overrated of all time.

The online is a complete joke at times, while the singleplayer campaign doesn't last long at all. I wouldn't call the game 'great', put it that way.
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Since 6613 Days
Have you been playing with 2-3 friends? I read from a lot of people that have problems finding games with parties, too. I never had a game with such unstable MM, not even Gears 2 was as bad. Not playable with friends = garbage.

When I'm searching alone it's all right. I actually began to have a lot of fun with SMGs because they are forcing me to move up close (ARs are boring) and now I'm getting into sniping, which is also a lot of fun (but only when you're flanking).
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Since 6443 Days
I've been trying to play with friends, yes. But it takes a good 10 minutes just to find a game - and even then you're subject to more cheats and campers.

Anyone seen the new hack that makes you move at super speed? I've been in two of those games now.
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Since 6870 Days
Posted by Viginti_Tres
This game is garbage, this is the undeniable truth. I can play on my own and most of my matches are good with a couple of bad eggs in between. But playing with a party is an absolute nightmare. We tried to get into games for about 2 hours and I think we played 3-4 full games in total, only a single one was more of less lagfree because the other team had a full lobby of 8 French people. The rest of the time we spent searching, when a game is found we either get dropped in unplayable lobbies, my friends are getting booted randomly (this seems to happen the most) or we're put into a rapefest that we loose a minute later and the lobby dissolves.

This is such a fucking joke. I won't attempt playing with friends again. Also a lot of people are getting the hang out of the ways to get lots of kills. You only need 5 kills to get onto a killstreak that can lead up to 25+ kills in a row without firing a single shot from your gun. It's not a problem when at least 2-3 guys use Stingers with Cold Blooded but from experience noone uses them, they run out in the open and get raped by AC130s, Pavelows or the Chopper Gunner. The quality of the match depends on luck alone since MM doesn't seem to work at all.
Exactly. Sometimes it takes me forever to find a game solo, too. There is almost never a game without host migration,and it usually migrates to a worse connection. I am one of those who pulls out the stinger whenever possible, but I have yet to be able to take out a C 130. Nothing more fun than dieing at spawn from someone who can't be killed and is nowhere in your vicinity...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 6856 Days
The total lack of teamwork is what really infuriates me about this game. The game seems to indirectly encourages solo play in many ways, it seems to be all about K/D ratios and its clearly due to the fact that you gain xp even when you lose, it really is silly that you dont actually lose anything for being defeated in a team game. The whole MP experience is fun but massively flawed, it really makes me appreciate Halo 3's MP experience a whole lot more.
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Since 7041 Days
It's definitely not as bad as Gears 2. That's going a bit far.

This game requires too much patience outside of actually being in games. The load times are terrible and so is the map cycle (as is simply finding a game as mentioned above, sitting in lobbies). It'd be nice to get an fps this gen with a decent amount of maps so you don't get bored as hell. Left 4 Dead 1 had the same problem.
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Since 6183 Days
Found a new cheat in the game yesterday, joined a random game and everyone was running around at 900mph, and also glided like they were on rollerskates, happened twice actually.

I do agree about the time wasting in the game being out of hand, you have finding games wasting ages, host migration wasting even more time, intermission wasting a ton of time etc etc. I hope bad company takes a different aproach, maybe more akin to killzone with dedi servers. Have the game switch game types and maps without going to some loading screen etc, be allowed to drop out of games without punishment (none of this being dropped onto the losing team or in a crap map then being punished when you leave with a loss against your name), join games as a spectator, giving you the choice to join the game or leave. Most importantly, a goddamn server browser so we can choose to join games with a decent ping, a decent map and a decent chance of having a good game.
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Since 6613 Days
I'm done with the game for another few weeks I guess. Just had the most random game ever. Got spawned in front of people with Painkiller on the whole time and people spawned in the line of sight behind me. It was just an insane clusterfuck on Highrise and I regret that didn't have a danger close class ready for this. Would have made some nice multikills... if it wasn't for the painkiller I guess.
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Since 6856 Days
Posted by Tomarru
Found a new cheat in the game yesterday, joined a random game and everyone was running around at 900mph, and also glided like they were on rollerskates, happened twice actually.
Lol, i think i was in that room, it was quite funny! Was it on the Ground War playlist?
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Since 6542 Days
Posted by blmbox
Is it overrated? Absolutely. Probably ranks amongst the most overrated of all time.
Yes! That's exactly why there's 1 million people playing it at any given time!!!

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Since 7097 Days
Maybe he's saying that it doesn't deserve to have that many people playing it?
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Since 6443 Days
Posted by Ronsauce
Maybe he's saying that it doesn't deserve to have that many people playing it?
That's exactly what I'm saying. Mt_sabao, don't be such an ignoramus; just because many people play it, doesn't mean it's the best online game around - not in my opinion anyways.
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Since 6542 Days
Posted by blmbox
That's exactly what I'm saying. Mt_sabao, don't be such an ignoramus; just because many people play it, doesn't mean it's the best online game around - not in my opinion anyways.
the fact millions play must mean then that they are all "ignoramus"?

the fact that you're unhappy with it doesn't mean it's "absolutely overrated".
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Since 6613 Days
Posted by mt_sabao
the fact millions play must mean then that they are all "ignoramus"?
No, there are also masochists like me, who loath it for its lack of over all quality and consistency, and still play. I'd drop it in a heartbeat if there were more quality FPS released in 2009. I'm fairly sure the game will not have the longevity of CoD4, both BC2 and Reach have a good chance of pushing it from the top spot of the weekly live activity list.

Although a MW3 is inevitable I hope the recent rumours are true and it'll get developed by someone other than IW. The only way the franchise can continue to "improve" is by bloating up the gimmicky gameplay even further (the core gameplay won't change, it's as close as perfect as it can get) , that's a waste of talent. IW should throw it at a new project, maybe a Future Warfare game?
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Since 6542 Days
Posted by Viginti_Tres
Although a MW3 is inevitable I hope the recent rumours are true and it'll get developed by someone other than IW. The only way the franchise can continue to "improve" is by bloating up the gimmicky gameplay even further (the core gameplay won't change, it's as close as perfect as it can get) , that's a waste of talent. IW should throw it at a new project, maybe a Future Warfare game?
I'd have to agree with you here.

Apparently there's rumors going around about the next iteration being an mmo and i'd have to say that, although this might, at first glance, look like it's activision trying to capitalize on the CoD series, this is a great idea and one I've been dying to see for ages. The idea of something like extending the co-op missions of MW2 to a persistent world, where to take some missions you'd need a medic, support etc whatever, so you'd have to find a party in an outpost, and then got out in the wild and take the mission and get loot (guns, attachments for guns, special ammo, armor etc etc) which would help you progress and take more difficult's just great and one i'd really really like to see happening.

Actually BF more than CoD would be the perfect game to adapt to an mmo, what with the focus to classes and whatnot (well, not so much now in Bad Company, but before, in Bf2 and 2142)

There was this game Huxley or something, they were trying to do something like this i think, an fpsmmo, whatever happened to it anyway?
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Since 6443 Days
Posted by mt_sabao
the fact millions play must mean then that they are all "ignoramus"?

the fact that you're unhappy with it doesn't mean it's "absolutely overrated".
But it does mean it's "absolutely overrated" in my opinion which, unsurprisingly, is my opinion.

I'm actually in the exact same situation as Virginti_Tres: I am constantly frustrated with the game, yet it's pretty much the only game I'm playing at the moment. Of course, that will change in just a month or two.
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Since 6870 Days
I'm done with it now. I gave up and went out and bought another copy of BF:BC. Of course, I'm getting hosed at the moment until I can get used to the different play mechanics...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 7809 Days
Last week Microsoft reconfirmed it had the exclusive on the first two Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 download packs due this spring. Major Nelson said, "This spring, the first Modern Warfare 2 content packs will be available exclusively first on Xbox Live." Now Microsoft's Aaron Greenberg has explained why.

"I think about it like a sports team, when you sign a star athlete for your team... when you sign that free agent, I think it makes your team better. At the end of the day, we want to turn as many people as possible into Xbox 360 fans," he said at CES.

"And then to say, on top of that, to take the biggest game of last year, and be the exclusive place you can get that downloadable content first, I think that's a big deal.

"That's a big reason you'd want to buy an Xbox 360 instead of another console. So we think from a business standpoint that's part of the reason more people are buying the Xbox 360, more people are on Xbox Live, it's part of the reason more people are buying Modern Warfare 2-more than two to one our box vs. the PS3."

If you own a PS3 and 360, which version of MW2 did you plump for and why? Bet it's got more to do with multiplayer than DLC?
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7111 Days
Posted by blmbox
But it does mean it's "absolutely overrated" in my opinion which, unsurprisingly, is my opinion.

I'm actually in the exact same situation as Virginti_Tres: I am constantly frustrated with the game, yet it's pretty much the only game I'm playing at the moment. Of course, that will change in just a month or two.
You don't even need to clarify that it's your opinion. That much should be pretty obvious.. just like it's obvious that a game can't be overrated if it's not popular to begin with.
Posted by Viginti_Tres
No, there are also masochists like me, who loath it for its lack of over all quality and consistency, and still play. I'd drop it in a heartbeat if there were more quality FPS released in 2009. I'm fairly sure the game will not have the longevity of CoD4, both BC2 and Reach have a good chance of pushing it from the top spot of the weekly live activity list.

Although a MW3 is inevitable I hope the recent rumours are true and it'll get developed by someone other than IW. The only way the franchise can continue to "improve" is by bloating up the gimmicky gameplay even further (the core gameplay won't change, it's as close as perfect as it can get) , that's a waste of talent. IW should throw it at a new project, maybe a Future Warfare game?
I would have agreed previously, but why would we assume that they're better spent on something else at this point? If the rumors are correct then they'll be shifting to another project alright: Call of Duty Online. Infinity Ward was wasted on Activision, but now they seem to be just about on the same page.
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Since 6868 Days
But MW2 is popular, even on PC. In fact, it outsold CD4 PC in one week and has been sitting in Steam's Top5 (usually in Top 3) since its release, despite crazy $60 pricetag and crazy Holiday deals on other games. PC gamers love them some dedicated servers.
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"That just happened 'cause that was awesome" - Randy Pitchford, Gearbox

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7111 Days
Posted by szaromir
But MW2 is popular, even on PC. In fact, it outsold CD4 PC in one week and has been sitting in Steam's Top5 (usually in Top 3) since its release, despite crazy $60 pricetag and crazy Holiday deals on other games. PC gamers love them some dedicated servers.
What's your point? It didn't outsell COD4 in one week. Its first week of sales outsold COD4's first week of sales. You're making it sound like it outsold COD4's life-to-date in a week. That didn't happen.

But I am still not sure what your point is. Of course it's popular. I'm just saying that arguing against his opinion that it's overrated by pointing out its popularity is sorta silly, since it could not be overrated if it were not popular to begin with. Sales (and metacritic!) are a crutch in almost any argument, especially when the discussion is about quality.
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Since 6464 Days
Reading through this thread has made me realize just how fucking amazing the core gameplay is that IW has created. Given all the long lists of complaints and gripes about the numerous flaws (and I agree the game has a ton of flaws compared to CoD4) the game has, it's pretty amazing how many people continue to play the game despite a list of flaws that would completely ruin most other shooters.

Say what you want, but IW created one of the most fantastic shooting formulas the genre has ever seen. It just feels SOOOO much fun to fire a weapon in that damn game. With a new style of game and even vehicles maybe, I could see IW's new IP being something simply amazing.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7111 Days
Posted by Nietzsche
Reading through this thread has made me realize just how fucking amazing the core gameplay is that IW has created. Given all the long lists of complaints and gripes about the numerous flaws (and I agree the game has a ton of flaws compared to CoD4) the game has, it's pretty amazing how many people continue to play the game despite a list of flaws that would completely ruin most other shooters.

Say what you want, but IW created one of the most fantastic shooting formulas the genre has ever seen. It just feels SOOOO much fun to fire a weapon in that damn game. With a new style of game and even vehicles maybe, I could see IW's new IP being something simply amazing.
Absolutely. But, since the game has a "ton of flaws" compared to COD4, why not just play that instead? It's hard to argue against that point though. The core mechanics in this franchise are damn near perfection. Even the legacy Quake physics stuff makes the game better! It's the perfect blend of arcade action and "realistic" weapons. I do love me some Call of Duty.
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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7082 Days
My opinion is anyone who doesn't play it, sucks at it, or dislikes it doesn't understand it and therefore has an invalid opinion :P

Really, grow up folks. Yes, a game this big and popular is going to attract people who dislike it. Welcome to the big boys MW2. Halo and GTA say hello and every fan of less than successful titles hates you.

One thing I wish MW2 had was a full theater so you can watch other players. e.g All those whining about getting destroyed by air targets: HOW?! I find MW2 is a LOT more forgiving than MW1 and I haven't found the perks, especially air ones, to be unmanagable. A couple times here or there I may die 2 or 3 times quickly in a row but never more than that. I would like to see what others are doing (i.e. don't know how to take cover / use scene objects for shielding, run around aimlessly like a chicken with their head cut off, just plain suck, etc) because I never have this sort of problem. Then again I have played a lot of FPS and just learn to adapt instead of expecting a game to play to my specific strengths/style.
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