Modern Warfare 2 Thread - New Awesome Launch Trailer!

Since 6464 Days
I think many of the gripes against MW2 are actually quite valid. I really enjoy the game and play it instead of CoD4 simply b/c i played CoD4 to death and World at War and MW2 are something new, which is always nice to have a change of pace, even if it isn't perfect.

But some of the perks, like the extended melee perk is just total BS. Is it game-killing? Hell no. Not unless you are one of the babies who gets way too pissed about that stuff. But it DOES take the fun level down a couple notches when you pump and clip of sub machine into someone's chest but they get the kill b/c they are started the knifing animation from a quite unrealistic distance away. It's mostly stupid players' fault for not using RPGs properly, but the chopper gunner stuff can make many matches turn into a nuke-over way too fast.

It's all a mattter of taste and level of patience I guess. Do I think the game deserves to be criticized for it's flaws? Yes for sure. But I also think it should be pretty clear that it gets a TON of it's shit from people due to how popular it is and how much people loved CoD4. Uncharted 2 was so very far from perfect, but it got far more praise and way less crap b/c it wasn't so wildly popular and hyped. If Uncharted 2 started selling on the level of CoD 4, I pretty much guarantee that uncharted 3 would be greeted with shit ton of hate, much like you pointed out about Halo and GTA. Also, I'm just using U2 as an example since it's such a darling this year, especially for the fanboys. (i love it too).

But as much as I agree with those who complain about the game's shortcomings, I think that the amount of hate the game gets is almost childish and that while not as good as CoD4 in many ways, it's still FAR superior to 99% of the shooters on the market today. Does the game live up to it's older brother? no. But is the game better than almost any other shooter out there in terms of overall fun level and addiction level? Most would have to say yes going by hours spent playing online. Or at least that's how I see it.
Say what you want, if the game was as overrated or trash as much as the haters say, it wouldn't be getting so many hours online this long after it's release.
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Since 6542 Days
Posted by Nietzsche
I think many of the gripes against MW2 are actually quite valid. I really enjoy the game and play it instead of CoD4 simply b/c i played CoD4 to death and World at War and MW2 are something new, which is always nice to have a change of pace, even if it isn't perfect.

But some of the perks, like the extended melee perk is just total BS. Is it game-killing? Hell no. Not unless you are one of the babies who gets way too pissed about that stuff. But it DOES take the fun level down a couple notches when you pump and clip of sub machine into someone's chest but they get the kill b/c they are started the knifing animation from a quite unrealistic distance away. It's mostly stupid players' fault for not using RPGs properly, but the chopper gunner stuff can make many matches turn into a nuke-over way too fast.

It's all a mattter of taste and level of patience I guess. Do I think the game deserves to be criticized for it's flaws? Yes for sure. But I also think it should be pretty clear that it gets a TON of it's shit from people due to how popular it is and how much people loved CoD4. Uncharted 2 was so very far from perfect, but it got far more praise and way less crap b/c it wasn't so wildly popular and hyped. If Uncharted 2 started selling on the level of CoD 4, I pretty much guarantee that uncharted 3 would be greeted with shit ton of hate, much like you pointed out about Halo and GTA. Also, I'm just using U2 as an example since it's such a darling this year, especially for the fanboys. (i love it too).

But as much as I agree with those who complain about the game's shortcomings, I think that the amount of hate the game gets is almost childish and that while not as good as CoD4 in many ways, it's still FAR superior to 99% of the shooters on the market today. Does the game live up to it's older brother? no. But is the game better than almost any other shooter out there in terms of overall fun level and addiction level? Most would have to say yes going by hours spent playing online. Or at least that's how I see it.
Say what you want, if the game was as overrated or trash as much as the haters say, it wouldn't be getting so many hours online this long after it's release.
You speak the truth sir.
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Since 6613 Days
Lawl, I'll have to try that this weekend. Even WaW didn't have thess problems despite being developed by a supposedly inferior dev team.
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Since 6870 Days
This shit kinda sums up my experience. If there weren't so many people trying to exploit the game, I might still play it...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

Since 6855 Days
Posted by Viginti_Tres
Lawl, I'll have to try that this weekend. Even WaW didn't have thess problems despite being developed by a supposedly inferior dev team.
It just sums up the total lack of skill involved (or required) to get kills in this game :(
Posted by Frozpot
This shit kinda sums up my experience. If there weren't so many people trying to exploit the game, I might still play it...
This isnt even an exploit, its just really poor game design.
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Since 6613 Days
The game is actually better than anyone here thinks it is. We are ignorant to the true intentions of IW and apparently don't know how to play this game. This video is the ultimate proof of it. I actually abused this setup on this particular map just because it is a tubing fest every time it comes up, but I didn't go as far as use OMA on it, still I know how effective it is.

Sorry, to be so sarcastic/annoying about it but after being ridiculed for my criticism I can't help it.
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Since 7096 Days
I've still never run into what I would call a tubing fest. Worst I've encountered is probably one or two people using them... and I wouldn't be surprised if they were just trying to complete the challenges with them.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Since 6464 Days
I just don't see why IW doesn't make a patch so there can be game types with no "exploit" weapons/attachments so that those of us who want an honest game of the more "normal" FPS fare can have our fun too?

But I also think that those who hate the game so much are simply a very vocal minority as I know a ton of people who really like the game despite how easy it is to exploit the game's design choices.

But there is no doubt that this game could/should have been way fucking better.
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Since 6613 Days
Give it some time...
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Since 6855 Days
This game just screams unbalance all oever its MP, its actually quite shocking, i thought you dual 1887 shotguns was ridiculous but this is on a whole new level! No exploits here, just plain silly game design; Its actually embarrasing.
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Since 6542 Days
oh wow, now this is embarrassing :|
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7111 Days
I love how you don't even need scavenger (which is already bullshit) to have unlimited explosives ammo. Neat kit.
Posted by Nietzsche
I just don't see why IW doesn't make a patch so there can be game types with no "exploit" weapons/attachments so that those of us who want an honest game of the more "normal" FPS fare can have our fun too?
They didn't do it for COD4 either. The closest option you have is to play without perks, which the game wasn't designed for period. This is why it sucks that there's no mod tools.
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Since 7014 Days
Heheh, funny. I stumbled upon this same kit the other day trying to get the challenges for OMA and danger close , toob, toob, flash, flash (for potential assists), grenade (i've been using C4 though, "You want my territory?" BOOOM! "sorry!") and then OMA to recharge. Sit on one place, firing grenades into population centres, corners etc. Crazily good stuff. The gun becomes almost useless next to the power you get from your explosives.

I've recently switched back to a normalish set-up because (i've completed the challenges :P) I missed the actual shooting part of the game, and being able to shoot down choppers and harriers with my cold-blooded Stinger.

I mean, I LIKE MW2, its just there are so many glitches and exploits and super annoying perk combos (remember that marathon, light weight, commando+flare combo? OH GOD!) that it kinda drags and makes me mad sometimes. It needs some serious fixing up and rebalancing to be fun long-term.
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Ignorance is the true enemy of all things.


Since 6613 Days
TDM/Ground War is fucking unplayable atm. I've seen so many Danger Close/OMA abusers and knifers today it's just sad. And I also can't play my rush classes because the tiniest bit of lag throws me off, a shotgun won't kill at point blank range and melees won't connect.

I've tried some Demolition and that's actually a lot of fun. I don't get that many kills (streaks are as low as possible) but I'm easily the most valuable player defusing and setting up bombs as well as circling the enemy respawn once a bomb is planted. Very few players actually switch their kits for other gametypes and flanking the enemies with my speed class is a walk in a park.
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Since 6855 Days
Heres the latest hack for this incredibly well built game...

Negative XP
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Since 6464 Days
I also really enjoy Demolition and the more object based games. When killstreaks aren't a big part of the match, it's amazing how much this game shines. Sure there are still annoying ways people find to get cheap kills, but the gameplay itself is so fucking well done that it's easy to overlook flaws that would cripple other shooters, imo at least.

I'm very curious to see how treyarch responds to the MW2 gripes and how they do killstreaks in the next game.
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Since 6855 Days
Posted by Nietzsche
I also really enjoy Demolition and the more object based games. When killstreaks aren't a big part of the match, it's amazing how much this game shines. Sure there are still annoying ways people find to get cheap kills, but the gameplay itself is so fucking well done that it's easy to overlook flaws that would cripple other shooters, imo at least.

I'm very curious to see how treyarch responds to the MW2 gripes and how they do killstreaks in the next game.
The game would be brilliant if the stripped out...

- The entire Perk system
- The entire weapon unlock system
- The entire weapon upgrade system
- The entire kill streak system
- The shooting through walls (I'm sorry but pistols cannot shoot through concrete)

Then redesigned the map layouts and weapon damage to make them actually balanced.
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FireWire - IEEE 1394
Since 7112 Days
Posted by Jin187
The game would be brilliant if the stripped out...

- The entire Perk system
- The entire weapon unlock system
- The entire weapon upgrade system
- The entire kill streak system
- The shooting through walls (I'm sorry but pistols cannot shoot through concrete)

Then redesigned the map layouts and weapon damage to make them actually balanced.
Turn it into Rainbow six :D
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"First come smiles, then comes lies. Last is gunfire"

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 7111 Days
Posted by Jin187
The game would be brilliant if the stripped out...

- The entire Perk system
- The entire weapon unlock system
- The entire weapon upgrade system
- The entire kill streak system
- The shooting through walls (I'm sorry but pistols cannot shoot through concrete)

Then redesigned the map layouts and weapon damage to make them actually balanced.
You're almost right. Shooting through walls is brilliant though. It adds another layer of depth to strategy in objective modes like Search & Destroy. I admit it takes a lot of getting used to, having played many other shooters before Call of Duty 4, but once you adapt to the concept of hard and soft cover.. you'll never want to go back. I wish more games had bullet penetration like Call of Duty. There are surfaces that you can not shoot through, and some pistols have more penetration than some SMG's and rifles in real life. The deagle is a 50 cal, after all.

I don't get too worked up over what's realistic in an arcade game anyway, but MP5's are 9mm guns, using the same (?) ammunition as the M9 sidearm, so if one can penetrate walls naturally the other can as well. Cinder blocks aren't hard cover, and they aren't solid concrete either.

What you just described, when you take away the comments about penetration, is basically promod. They did remove the hit blip when you tag someone through a wall though, and there's no red dot on the radar when an enemy fires, making walling people a lot more difficult by comparison. I actually don't mind the default radar, and frankly promod has bounced back and forth on the issue several times, but UAV and (now) heartbeat sensors are basically glorified wallhacks ;)
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Since 6613 Days
Decided to play and go for the unlocks again and equipped the emergency airdrop to get more points (let my team take all the goodies = massive amount of points). But for douchebaggery only the sky seems to be the limit on XBL. I encountered care package knifers, nuke boosters (killed them of course, but we lost anyway) and some hardcore campers.

The result is that my whole game revolves around countering the broken mechanics in this game with "legal" means by either playing real cheap or very defensively (because I'm busy shooting down all the air support). When we win the game in the end by a small margin it was because of ME, yet the stats don't show it. We won a game of domination with a 200-198 score (we were behind 30-40 points the entire match) because in the last 5 minutes I shot down 2 Harriers, a Chopper and a Chopper Gunner and stole a care package from the other team that netted me a carpet bomb on their camping spot. The end result was a 12-7 game while most of my team just went for kills and I ended up somewhere at the bottom of the score list.

How is that? You put incredibly strong air support into the game and people get shit when they take it down? This is such a joke. It's supposed to be a team game and yet you get more points and get placed higher on the scoreboard if you go just for kills in an objective game. There is no sense of accomplishment at all, that's why no one uses stingers.

I hope the BC2 demo comes out soon. One of the most satisfying things you can do in any FPS is capturing an infested point with 2-3 other guys while supporting them as a medic. And in the end you get placed at the top of the scoreboard, not at the bottom.
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Since 7096 Days
Man, for such a broken, shitty game, it must be doing something incredibly right to warrant continuing to play the game despite the incessant complaining.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Since 6613 Days
No it doesn't. I haven't played it for 2-3 weeks before this weekend. The reason why I play it at all is because I HAVE NOTHING ELSE to play right now. I blame everything on MW2 really. It's a god damn awful game in this state and it's the reason why there is no competition I could cater to. It single handedly ruined my whole holiday gaming season.

Just now I tried to get into a game with a friend and we didn't manage to have a single match together despite trying for at least an hour. The amount of shit I have to put up with this game right now far outweighs any joy I could have had if it was working properly.
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Since 7041 Days
I sold mine Sunday. It had just been collecting dust for the most part. It went to a good cause though, paying off Mass Effect 2.
It served its purpose almost though. It was just there to tide me over till BFBC2
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Since 6515 Days
Posted by Ronsauce
Man, for such a broken, shitty game, it must be doing something incredibly right to warrant continuing to play the game despite the incessant complaining.
i played it for maybe the first week it was out, havnt touched it since. despite my work mates asking me to play on a daily basis. i think i've clocked 7 hours in the game.

it's times like these i wish i actually sold games on. or that i stuck with my gut feeling and rented the damn thing in the first place
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Since 6870 Days
Yeah, I'm back to BF BC 1. Haven't touched MW2 in 3 weeks...
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Oooh, Profound, isn't it?

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