Modern Warfare 2 Thread - New Awesome Launch Trailer!

Inscrit depuis 6584 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
And so humble! ;)
lol, sometimes you have to be outspoken. But I'm not bullshitting when I say that I still manage to amaze myself with rad play from time to time. That's really the only part I take pride in. ;)
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Inscrit depuis 6985 Jours
Posté par Acert93
What isn't a surprise is people who don't play are still complaining and that there are those who dislike the game and continue to play/complain (masochists?)
I was complaining as I had decided to stop playing. I had admitted and accepted some of the faults before, but the whole thing is just absolutely pointless from a pure gameplay fun perspective, because the aforementioned in my post, it just wasn't fun any more, its not satisfying to simply score a KILL, you need to destroy in order to feel satisfied. I was only having meta-fun (which isn't as good), in the leveling and the EXP gaining. All I really wanted was the 5 extra classes, but I didn't even make it to the end of my 3rd prestige (so yes, i did the 1-70 thing 2 1/2 times over (6 days!), I didn't come to this opinion lightly)
Interestingly MW2 still tops MW1, Halo 3, ODST, Gears 1/2, etc on my friends list. What is the most popular Live game per MS these days?
Only cus its shiney, and had excellent marketing. Halo 3 is also a broken game (and I say this as a huge Halo fan) but is older. Both Gears are older, and in my opinion, the multiplayer is frustrating on both. Horde is fun in Gears 2, but some inherent problems (no host migration, lack of variety, some super long games) limit its potential. Interestingly, when I played CoD4 for a bit, theres was barely 10,000 people on, at peak times, and thats still 5th apparently. Go figure.

Also, the false sense of reward like Viginti_Tres mentioned. I have to admit I was almost addicted to that for a while, but the whole thing just got frustrating. Its not like I was ever even doing badly, I was even getting better at the game, my k/d had been rising consistently over the last couple of months, getting juggernaught and (whatever that one is for highest k/d ratio) consistently, and getting massive bonuses from shooting down air support during the match.

Think I might go and get BC2, thanks Grift. Always been interested in Battlefield, never got around to playing it. :)
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Ignorance is the true enemy of all things.


Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Inscrit depuis 7053 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Who the fuck is complaining?
Actually, in your post you were. Typically crappy games don't attract people who played the game a couple hours, never purchased it, and continue to come back over and over to repeat the same insights. Obviously there is something extraordinary about this game.

As for those who really don't like the game but play is constantly I do find that odd, but to each there own.

But I will say anyone 8 months post launch never learned to deal with air weapons, well, that is just epic failure to learn the game. Period. No excuse to feel dominated against aircraft on a regular basis unless you refuse to adapt the way you move around and carry an AA secondary weapon.

But I hear people in every FPS, even the great ones, complain about the same very avoidable things as if it is the game that is broke. Clue: Some things are intended to be hard and to take certain preparation.
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Pwn'd by Phaethon360.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7083 Jours
Posté par Acert93
Actually, in your post you were. Typically crappy games don't attract people who played the game a couple hours, never purchased it, and continue to come back over and over to repeat the same insights. Obviously there is something extraordinary about this game.
That's complaining? Give me a break dude. You're way too freaking sensitive. All I did was say that I think Call of Duty 4 is a much better game. I wasn't trying to start some silly debate. Now you're just breaking my balls for the sake of breaking my balls. There are obviously components of MW2 that I think are still quite good. I said as much over the first free weekend on Steam.

It's ironic that I have to say this, having begrudged what this game did to my favorite franchise, but get over it. If that's all it takes to get MW2 fan's collective panties in a bunch it's SAD. If I knew it was going to spawn an argument, I wouldn't have said anything, and I'm sorry I did.
Posté par Acert93
But I will say anyone 8 months post launch never learned to deal with air weapons, well, that is just epic failure to learn the game. Period. No excuse to feel dominated against aircraft on a regular basis unless you refuse to adapt the way you move around and carry an AA secondary weapon.
RC_Master made very similar comments on the previous page (prior to his "I quit" post). He obviously knows how to play the game, and how to deal with air support. Making fun of someone for criticizing a game with completely reasonable observations is a douche nozzle reaction. Not everyone thinks that MW2 is a great game. It's really not a big deal.
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Inscrit depuis 6985 Jours
Posté par Acert93
But I will say anyone 8 months post launch never learned to deal with air weapons, well, that is just epic failure to learn the game. Period. No excuse to feel dominated against aircraft on a regular basis unless you refuse to adapt the way you move around and carry an AA secondary weapon.
Who are you talking about? I can't choose who I'm matched with. A combination of the spawn system, map design, the power of some of the killstreak rewards, availabilty of long range explosives and the poor play of teammates can compound even a fair death into several unfair, unavoidable spawn kills. Regardless of whether or not I know what I doing, regardless of whether or not I know to scatter when an airstrike comes in, regardless of whether or not I know what cold-blooded is, regardless of whether or not I have it on, regardless of whether or not I know to duck my ass inside if I don't have a cold-blooded class on when some air-support comes in, regardless of whether or not I have a stinger. Result? I still die in an unavoidable fashion for something that wasn't my fault at all.
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Ignorance is the true enemy of all things.


GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7083 Jours
People should really just avoid TDM in Call of Duty anyway. I never understood why it was popular. It's not very good. S&D FTW!
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Inscrit depuis 6985 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
People should really just avoid TDM in Call of Duty anyway. I never understood why it was popular.
Oh, what I was just talking about wasn't even just in TDM.
It's not very good. S&D FTW!
S&D? Really? I don't get the appeal of 1 life per round gametypes. I'm more of a domination and ground war type of guy.

TDM and equivalently 'Slayer' in Halo are popular because they're simple. One objective: kill those guys more than they kill you. They strip out any other higher level planning and tactics to just raw map movement and control and just killing ability.
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Ignorance is the true enemy of all things.


Inscrit depuis 6985 Jours
Also, is it just me, or do all the ACOGs in MW2 ruin the accuracy of your weapon? (or at least seem to) While in CoD4, you're used to tempering your fire rate to get good accuracy, so the same being so for the ACOGs wasn't a problem, and the enhanced zoom was often useful.
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Ignorance is the true enemy of all things.


Inscrit depuis 7068 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
People should really just avoid TDM in Call of Duty anyway. I never understood why it was popular. It's not very good. S&D FTW!
I don't really get that at all. I only play TDM in MW2, and I also tend to gravitate mostly towards Team Slayer and its variants in Halo.
completely reasonable observations
I didn't find most of his complaints reasonable though. Sure, the spawning is terrible, and replenishable noobtubes is a horrible idea, but the other stuff sounded like the cries of someone who tried playing the game but couldn't adapt to it.
Posté par Acert93
But I will say anyone 8 months post launch never learned to deal with air weapons, well, that is just epic failure to learn the game. Period. No excuse to feel dominated against aircraft on a regular basis unless you refuse to adapt the way you move around and carry an AA secondary weapon.
I don't get that either. Adapting to the air support seems like it should be common sense. A friend of mine just recently started playing MW2, and he is baffled that so many of his teammates don't seek cover when enemy air support is called in.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7083 Jours
Posté par Ronsauce
I don't really get that at all. I only play TDM in MW2, and I also tend to gravitate mostly towards Team Slayer and its variants in Halo.
I actually prefer slayer in Halo over most of Halo's objective types. S&D is just far more rewarding to me in COD. The unusually horrid spawns have a lot to do with it. I also think it's the most rewarding mode when you're playing with an actual team of people who are working together. I like the original HQ quite a bit too, but I wasn't super fond of HQ Pro. I don't care for domination much either. Sabotage and CTF are also pretty solid.

But if you prefer it, more power to you. To each their own they say.
Posté par Ronsauce
I didn't find most of his complaints reasonable though. Sure, the spawning is terrible, and replenishable noobtubes is a horrible idea, but the other stuff sounded like the cries of someone who tried playing the game but couldn't adapt to it.
Or maybe he just genuinely doesn't like that stuff? Why is that such a difficult thing for some people to accept? Aw fuck it lets just pick on him instead.
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Inscrit depuis 7068 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Aw fuck it lets just pick on him instead.
That tends to be what I do when people complain about unavoidable deaths.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Inscrit depuis 6985 Jours
Posté par Ronsauce
That tends to be what I do when people complain about unavoidable deaths.

You're not going to sit there and tell me you like dying in a way you have no control over, are you?
Posté par Ronsauce
I didn't find most of his complaints reasonable though. Sure, the spawning is terrible, and replenishable noobtubes is a horrible idea, but the other stuff sounded like the cries of someone who tried playing the game but couldn't adapt to it.
At a certain point, when someone who has put 150+ hours into this game, maintains a best-on-friendslist accuracy rating, maintains and is consistently improving a k/d ratio of above 1.6, says the same things as someone who 'couldn't adapt to it', maybe they're just right? Maybe the game is broken? And maybe those compounding broken elements wear on a person and make them quit.

Why the fuck do I have to defend my views so much? "oh, cearly you can't adapt" "oh you must just suck" Can any of you honestly say you've never encountered the problems I've mentioned (from either side of the coin)? Can you say you're completely happy with the balance in MW2? Can you say you're not a little upset that it managed to get out the door in the state it was in? Can you say this is a game you'll still play regularly in a year?

I mused to myself a few weeks ago, in the aftermath of a series of awful matches (no, I wasn't personally doing badly either) that MW2 plays like the Beta of a great game. And an early beta at that.
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Ignorance is the true enemy of all things.


GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7083 Jours
You don't have to defend your opinion. They're never going to accept that it has any merit at all. There's no point in fighting about it.
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Inscrit depuis 6435 Jours
I'll never understand why someone thinks that you have to have a very high K/D ratio in order to be able to criticize a game fairly. That is just such poor logic. I don't think someone has to have the best reflexes or FPS experience to be able to point out aspects of a game that put a significant damper on their version of fun. Just b/c those gameplay design issues are NOT a problem for others doesn't mean that they still are not valid gripes about how the game plays. Does it make the game broken? well that's more a matter of opinion, but to say that someone doesn't like an aspect of the game simply b/c they aren't really good at the game seems like a pretty lazy defense.

It just really lets me down how often I see people using the excuse when defending certain games, especially shooters. I have my fair share of gripes about MW2 and I don't play the game very often at all b/c of those annoying design issues, but I also think that it has become a trend to bash the game maybe more than it deserves simply b/c so many had such high expectations/hopes for the game. There are many shooters out there in far worse shape than MW2 that didn't get as much shit as this game. I think that aspect of the whole MW2 fiasco often gets lost in the shuffle, imo at least.

Say what you will about all the different balance issues etc... I still stand by the game having some of the most fun and responsive control schemes in a shooter of it's type. To what degree the game is "hardcore" I could give a fuck as I find that notion of "gaming pride" almost sad and pathetic, but in terms of just having fun, the game does a lot of things really well, it just causes a lot of undue frustration for a VERY large amount of fans. Whether that gripe is "valid" due to skill level is a bullshit argument I don't care for, but either way it seems this game gets an unfair serving from both sides of the coin, defending or attacking the game. IMO of course
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Inscrit depuis 7068 Jours
Posté par Nietzsche
I also think that it has become a trend to bash the game maybe more than it deserves simply b/c so many had such high expectations/hopes for the game. There are many shooters out there in far worse shape than MW2 that didn't get as much shit as this game. I think that aspect of the whole MW2 fiasco often gets lost in the shuffle, imo at least.
I agree completely.
I'll never understand why someone thinks that you have to have a very high K/D ratio in order to be able to criticize a game fairly.
That's kind of exaggerating what I had said, but sure, I get that anybody has every right to critize a game for things they personally don't like. Fair enough. It'd be like me complaining that Starcraft is a shitty RTS because Zerg rushes can't be defended against and Carrier fleets are unavoidable. I mean, I guess I could learn to play in a way to nullify those issues, but it's easier to blame the game.
Posté par RC_Master
Can any of you honestly say you've never encountered the problems I've mentioned
Sure, out of what you listed, I'm not a fan of these.
noob tubes, shitty spawning
With respect to noobtubes, I don't like that their ammo can be replenished.
Can you say you're completely happy with the balance in MW2?
You bet.
You're not going to sit there and tell me you like dying in a way you have no control over, are you?
No, I'm not going to sit here and tell you I keep dying unavoidable deaths to the point where it's an issue.
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Inscrit depuis 5790 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
S&D its for me the best multiplayer mode that has ever put in game,that was the only thing I played in COD2,in COD4 I played some sabotage aswell I liked the chaotic mess it was.

Anyway carry one with your disscusion I just wanted to say I agree S&D FTW!!
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7083 Jours
Posté par IRAIPT0IR
S&D its for me the best multiplayer mode that has ever put in game,that was the only thing I played in COD2,in COD4 I played some sabotage aswell I liked the chaotic mess it was.

Anyway carry one with your disscusion I just wanted to say I agree S&D FTW!!
Yeah, sabotage is a good time. It at least focuses some of the action around the objective.
Posté par Ronsauce
That's kind of exaggerating what I had said, but sure, I get that anybody has every right to critize a game for things they personally don't like. Fair enough. It'd be like me complaining that Starcraft is a shitty RTS because Zerg rushes can't be defended against and Carrier fleets are unavoidable. I mean, I guess I could learn to play in a way to nullify those issues, but it's easier to blame the game.
I can play MW2 all day long and hover around the top of the score board. I still don't like it. Not that it's a very hard thing to play MW2 and hover around the top of the scoreboard. That's more a credit to the player base than anything though. I'm always shocked by how many people pub these modern war shooters (COD4, BC2, and soon MoH included) who are just cannon fodder. Then you add kill streak rewards to artificially pad your score with bullshit kills (lets not pretend that first five are hard to get) and you've got quite a head start.

That's not to say that there's no skill involved. When everyone is on equal footing, the game is obviously going to present more of a challenge. Call of Duty used to be a lot more honest, in that there weren't an awful lot of easy kills in the game initially. That all started to change in COD4. I was never really bothered by explosives and mines and whatnot in Battlefield--I think in part due to the heavy vehicles--but it's how the franchise changed that put me off of MW2. If you find that rewarding though, more power to you. I'm not offended by your opinion, and I don't think that it's completely without merit either. I just prefer something different.

A lot of the things I don't like about MW2 I don't like about BC2 or MoH either. But there are plenty of options out there. I don't really hold any particular grudge against MW2 any more. It is what it is, and there are too many other games out there to really care too much anymore. It's pointless to fight about it.
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