Inscrit depuis 7762 Jours
Posté par lukasblue
It looks ok, but this is ultra violent game. LA riot style.
A helicopter, and you can swim.. The game looks better all the time imho..

I really liked the demo, I was dissapointed it ended after the 3rd mission, that says enough for me.. I'm positive the final game will be better then this 'E3' demo.. So I will probably buy this game.. For the SP, but also the online MP, which I think is gonna be a blast if played with a couple of friends..

Just gonna wait for the reviews to be 100% sure if I want this game, or Dead Rising..
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Inscrit depuis 6868 Jours
Fell in love with the game lol, awful framerate tho
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Inscrit depuis 7065 Jours
Does anyone know how to get the AK47 and to the train?

Everyones seem to be doing it but i dont have a clue how to get to either of em.
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Inscrit depuis 7246 Jours
Posté par Sheps
Does anyone know how to get the AK47 and to the train?

Everyones seem to be doing it but i dont have a clue how to get to either of em.
So true, where do you get the molotov cocktails to derail the train?
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roxwell - PuS3Y
Inscrit depuis 7072 Jours
I thought you could buy them from the gun Store!?
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Take one 360, add some chopped PS3, stir in some Wii, a sprinkling of DS Lite. Enjoy :)

Fanboy=Ban boy.

Inscrit depuis 7096 Jours
am i the only one that noticed the extremely nice lighteffects? like the white flashing light of the police cars. looks very nice
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7124 Jours
Posté par LEBATO
So true, where do you get the molotov cocktails to derail the train?
You can purchase pipe bombs from the weapon store in the demo--perfect for derailing the train! As far as actually getting ON the train--that I haven't figured out. There's a bug to get outside the borders of the demo though..though if you travel more then 20-30 yards it just warps you back inside..

I wonder if they altered that from the OXM demo--I saw a vid. on youtube of someone riding the rail way all the way around the city--I have both copies, I should try the bug in the OXM disc and see if it's any different.

Also--AK-47? I haven't seen one yet.. And yes, the lighting is very nice in this game 0onar..certainly one of it's high points visually.
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Inscrit depuis 6970 Jours

Shows how to get the Ak47. Pipebombs can be bought at the gun store.
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Gamer's Fate:

A blog for the serious gamer.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7124 Jours
Posté par Phaethon360

Shows how to get the Ak47. Pipebombs can be bought at the gun store.
Woah, two things:

This isn't how I got outside the border, there's an alternative to getting rammed through by another car--parallel park your ride with the drivers side door facing the barier, making sure that with the door facing the barrier there's enough room for it to open and for you to get out..double tap Y and watch your dude hope out of the car to the other side of the barrier...

Ok the other thing tho is that every time I get out of the barrier--the game warps me back MUCH quicker then it did for this you know if the amount of area available outside of the demo border is the same on the OXM disc as it is on the live demo?

Perhaps it's just the particular route that I took...has anyone tried going to the AK location with the live demo? I'll have to go check this out in a bit..thanks for the link
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Inscrit depuis 7001 Jours
Played the demo, and these are my foundings...


-Terrible tearing, framerate, after playing for an half hour my eyes are pretty screwed up, needless to say it's totaly unacceptable and gameplay suffers severly.

-Weird tree shadows, they're not even shadows, but just a bunch of blocks.

-Unnecesary character custumization, it aint that great, and doesn't suit this game IMO, just use 1 main character and allow no visual custumization, except maybe for some clothes.
This can make room for a character that can actually talk(!) and doesn't just sit/stand there like some weird moron.
And it might make some room for other features like boats, choppers, bike's etc...

-Pathetic "humour", when just walking on the streets people start saying stupid things out of the blue like; "I wish my wife had boobs like that"...or..."I need to see a prostitute". :/
With GTA this was also done, but not as childish; Saint's Row is like a comedian that tries it's utter best to get the crowd going with severe swearing and one-liners one after another, but he just can't cut it, while GTA is the type of comedian that barely needs to say or do anything and the crowd is crying of laughter.

-Cheap car physics, I wasn't expecting much on this point, but I expected it to be atleast a bit more sophisticated than GTA SA.


-Pretty decent graphics.
The world can look very pretty, and the car's look pretty nice to.
And nice lighting and shadowing(except for the tree's).

-Nice and realisitic enviroments, feels pretty alive, much more alive than GTA SA.

-Fun gameplay(as far as it could be with those performance issue's).
Aiming seems pretty solid, AI isn't to bad at all.
Pretty cool physics, lot's of stuff to foul around with.
Very nice weapon/object switch interface.

Though I feel Volition has made some very strange choices/trade-offs with this game, it still can be a very entertaining game, IF the performance issue's are fixed!
If not, that will simply be unacceptable, and this game does not deserve to sell a single copy!
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There it is: next-gen!

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7124 Jours
GTA had a horrible framerate too, keep in mind--didn't keep it from getting plenty of critical acclaim and selling a ton..then again it had atleast a hint of originality going for it too.

I too hope the performance improves, but I don't think it's the end of the world if it doesn't--the game it's trying to emulate had horrible performance on its first platform too.
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Inscrit depuis 7001 Jours
Lol, no, it's not the end of the world, but it's just not acceptable.

If the performance is like this in the final version, do you think it's worth paying 60 euro's for a half ass product?
If you buy a brand new car for the full price, but it doesn't run perfectly smooth (as it should), don't you think it's a tad ridiculous that people go out and buy the car anyway because "it's not the end of the world".

If people keep supporting games like this (half-ass games), this is where we're heading in the future with games on the 360.(exaggeration? maybe, maybe not).

And yes GTA SA also has bad performance, but not as bad as Saint's Row at this point.
And even if it does, is that an valid excuse?
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There it is: next-gen!

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7124 Jours
Posté par Jato
Lol, no, it's not the end of the world, but it's just not acceptable.

If the performance is like this in the final version, do you think it's worth paying 60 euro's for a half ass product?
If you buy a brand new car for the full price, but it doesn't run perfectly smooth (as it should), don't you think it's a tad ridiculous that people go out and buy the car anyway because "it's not the end of the world".

If people keep supporting games like this (half-ass games), this is where we're heading in the future with games on the 360.(exaggeration? maybe, maybe not).

And yes GTA SA also has bad performance, but not as bad as Saint's Row at this point.
And even if it does, is that an valid excuse?
I'd rather it wasn't--but yea, I think it is a valid excuse..I mean obviously, if people were willing to pay full price for crap performance last gen then in the eyes of publishers that much hasn't changed. In an ideal world--anything below 30fps would be damn unacceptable--hell, even 60fps--but we don't live in an ideal world and obviously in the eyes of the industry (publishers and consumers) it is acceptable.

Japanese developers seem to have higher standards when it comes to framerate..not sure why that is. In the trade off between framerate performance and visual apeal, visuals often win..personally yea I'd take framerate too.

A simple mod in Oblivion for PC that reduces the number of faces per blade of grass improves the games performance significantly and hardly makes it look any different..not sure what my point is--aside from the obvious..console games need to be more well optimized.
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Inscrit depuis 7001 Jours
That you say it's a valid excuse is beyond me, but you are probably right in saying that many see it that way, including devs.
Although, I can't recall any game on the Xbox that ran this bad (not saying they're not there).
Sure, in an ideal world all games would look extremely beatiful with 120 fps, and it's indeed not an ideal world.
But there should be minimum standards when it comes down to performance, especially on a console.

Surely, if it drops below 30fps on a rare occasion, I can life with that, but if it struggles to even reach 30fps, that's just proposterous.

Now, I'm waiting for someone to come in and say "If you don't like it, don't buy it".
Sure, it's up to me to buy the game or not, but when most people just accept this crap, insteadt of going against it and pushing the devs to release out some half decent stuff, then the decent titles are getting sparser and sparser.
Don't buy there crappy games, and they will learn the hard way!

Ofcourse, this is just a dream and is never gonna happen, but hey, one can dream right?!
Thankfully, like you said, Japanese devs have higher standards and show other devs that you can release a game that is fun to play, looks pretty, and has very smooth performance (Dead Rising).
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There it is: next-gen!

Inscrit depuis 7246 Jours
Jato, I agree with you. I only disagree on the humor part, I actually do like it. To me, what makes it funny is the randomness of the comments, and sometimes they are spot on. For example when I took a girl out of a crappy car she said, "you are going to steal a car and pick this POS?"

To me, it fits in the situation. I also speak spanish and some of the lines in spanish are pretty funny.

And yes, GTASA didn't have such massive framerate drops. In SR demo, there's this part where everytime you crash in this area the framerate goes to single digits, it's really bad. Also, everytime you drive a car, the framerate never reaches 30fps, NEVER.

And I of course won't buy this game if it has this problems in the final build. I can accept some dropped frames here and there, but nothing beyond that. This should be 30fps LOCKED.
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Inscrit depuis 7001 Jours
Posté par LEBATO
Jato, I agree with you. I only disagree on the humor part, I actually do like it. To me, what makes it funny is the randomness of the comments, and sometimes they are spot on. For example when I took a girl out of a crappy car she said, "you are going to steal a car and pick this POS?"
Hmmm, yeah there probably some good ones in there, but to me it seems like they're just pushing it to a point where it's not funny anymore, but then again, that could be a matter of taste.
Posté par LEBATO
And I of course won't buy this game if it has this problems in the final build. I can accept some dropped frames here and there, but nothing beyond that. This should be 30fps LOCKED.
Well then, that's atleast two of us who won't accept this crap, TAKE THAT VOLITION!
Errrrm, yeah...!
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There it is: next-gen!

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7124 Jours
Don't get me wrong guys I agree with you for the most part--I'm always bitching about performance after all..heh I just think that if you look at it from the perspective of the publishers and developers that it mostly is acceptable..we can see it in practice all the time.

And GTA3, Vice City, and SA all had relatively poor framerate performance and a very inconsistant framerate on PS2..but they all sold..and that's my point.

What sells is more important than what makes us all happy, unfortunately.
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Inscrit depuis 7001 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
What sells is more important than what makes us all happy, unfortunately.
Lol, that's a good one, and at the same time it's sad...but it's still a good one...:)
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There it is: next-gen!

Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Inscrit depuis 6970 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Woah, two things:

This isn't how I got outside the border, there's an alternative to getting rammed through by another car--parallel park your ride with the drivers side door facing the barier, making sure that with the door facing the barrier there's enough room for it to open and for you to get out..double tap Y and watch your dude hope out of the car to the other side of the barrier...

Ok the other thing tho is that every time I get out of the barrier--the game warps me back MUCH quicker then it did for this you know if the amount of area available outside of the demo border is the same on the OXM disc as it is on the live demo?

Perhaps it's just the particular route that I took...has anyone tried going to the AK location with the live demo? I'll have to go check this out in a bit..thanks for the link
Yes, I crossed the border the same way you did, but that video was already posted by tomchoucrew. I did it with both demos. It's just your route. Closely watch the video and make sure you climb up the grassy area first thing.
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Gamer's Fate:

A blog for the serious gamer.

Inscrit depuis 6868 Jours
Heres an interesting find, if u put the game on a 4:3 ratio i.e Non Widescreen, the game runs much smoother hits 60fps alt of times, theres still framerate drops but its much smooher :O

Oh and if you want an indication of the framerate in the finished game, watch the title screen movie :D
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7124 Jours
Posté par Phaethon360
Yes, I crossed the border the same way you did, but that video was already posted by tomchoucrew. I did it with both demos. It's just your route. Closely watch the video and make sure you climb up the grassy area first thing.
Sounds good I'll have to try that out later. I have to play some BF for a while, but then it's back to seeing how much you can exploit this demo.

I guess all the same things I've seen in the OXM demo work in the Live demo too?
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Inscrit depuis 7762 Jours
Only time the framerate in this demo really bugged me was in the liquer store, other then that I hardly noticed any problems.. I was to busy having fun I guess.. And I like the choice for character custumization, it makes the person in the game more 'you'.. It also has to do with the fact that this game is online I think, because there you can use your own character(s) aswell.. And a good story-driven game doesn't have to have a talking main character, the Half-Life games being the prime example.. It's all personal preference I guess..
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Inscrit depuis 7438 Jours
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Inscrit depuis 6830 Jours
i didnt even notice any frame rate problems ???!!!???
(do i have some kinda super 360 lol?)

still not convinced about the game, i am starting to think more along the line of OP,
but gonna have another lengthy play of the demo......then see
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Inscrit depuis 7246 Jours
Ok, I still can't get any of this "pipe bombs". Someone told me I can buy them at the store, but the only thing I can buy at the store is a handgun, WTF?!
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