Splinter Cell Conviction Thread!

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7140 Days
But the thing is, it was never really that uncertain in the first place. They would be facing - and shooting - in the direction they saw you. This isn't really adding or subtracting from that fundamental mechanic, it's simply making the whole process more distinguishable. I mean really, if drawn to the extreme, if they're shooting, and that bullety stuff isn't getting all uppity your heady, they prolly have a skewed perspective on where you're at.

I think where this helps out is to have a cue when it happens to make it easier to employ for people unfamiliar with the concept. I don't think it makes the game itself easier nor more difficult. I'm not really with Korn on the whole handholding sentiment, but I can see where he's coming from with the breaking of the illusion that you are assessing the situation yourself.
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http://modeseven.blogspot.com | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo!

Since 6521 Days
Posted by Ronsauce
I don't think it's a case of it not being an obvious gameplay element to people. Rather, I think it's in there to help the game maintain a faster pace. Instead of slowly creeping around and wondering if they seem to know where you are(as sometimes where you used to be will actually be close to where you moved to), youl'll be able to move more quickly and with a bit more certainty.

Is it easier? Sure. But I don't think it's because they think gamers are imperceptive or dumb; Ubi just saw another way of helping take the game in a slightly more actiony direction.
we'll see, ubisoft have a habit of treating people like retards. POP and assassins creed come to mind as games that just went too far in that regard.

i'm all for accessibility, but when you have games that where already accessible like SC and POP: SoT, i dont see any reason to go even further. i like to feel in control of my actions in games. and ubisoft tend to take that away whenever they possibly can. it can be small things like context sensative actions (which i'm fine with) or it can be big things like the mark and execute or the last known possition. it's like saying "we COULD let you tackle this situation with skill and let you think about what you're doing, so you feel a degree of acomplishment, BUT, we'll just do it for you instead"

i guess i just like to think when i play and observe the situation and oposition. but i guess that level of observation and thinking didnt fit well with their more bourne action approach to the series.
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Since 5783 Days
Sounds amazing, i love the old splinter cell but i want it to evolve like all great franchises do.
Masters admitted that the combat orientation “has changed the game quite dramatically” but on whether he thought it would still appeal to the long standing fans of the stealth series, Masters commented that they were “staying true to the roots.” Furthermore he noted that “you still have all the stealth tools and stealth options; you can bypass all the guys, create distractions and get through the other areas and completely stealth your way through the levels ... it’s difficult, but you can do it” Surely a clear indication that the series isn’t leaving its roots behind completely, it’s just broadening its horizons. Is this the new Ubisoft strategy, as we recently saw Prince of Persia go from a hardcore platformer to a relatively easy adventure game? Either way, the stealth is still there ... but now if you want to punch your way through, you’re more than welcome to, but to me, that doesn’t really seem very “Splinter Celly.”
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Since 6873 Days
YES! Hype is back!
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"That just happened 'cause that was awesome" - Randy Pitchford, Gearbox

FireWire - IEEE 1394
Since 7117 Days
I'm gonna have to agree with Korn here... Ubisoft is making the games more accessible for new people.. Which isn't a bad thing as long as it doesn't prohibit "hardcore" gamers from actually playing the game their own way...

Assassin's Creed: Hold a button to run, jump, climb basically do every acrobatic move in the book...
Assassin's Creed: Counters...
Prince of Persia; Let's make the acrobatics even easier... This time the player doesn't have to have any motor skills to play this game...

Now to Splinter Cell;
Ofcourse this "last known position" feature is cool... The thing is; Like Simon mentioned most players will get the hint when the enemy are facing or shooting a said position. They could even implement a feature that will make the npc's shout out where they saw Sam like;

Where did he go?
I just saw him pass behind the window.
Where the fuck is he?
Behind you!

Or even a kind of smokey silhouette which isn't as blatant as the silhouette being used now...

Same with the auto aiming feature;
You mean the mark/execute ability that you earn but are still able to ignore in favour of aiming manually?
Yes that feature that I might be able to ignore but it seems they are pushing it down your throat by filing up rooms with 3 enemies looking at the door waiting behind an overturned table..

I just feel less and less in control of the characters you are supposed to be controlling...
Looks like every Ubisoft title needs a different version or difficulty level to appeal to the more experienced gamers...
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"Though I walk through the valley of death I will fear no evil, for I am the evilest motherf*cker in the valley"

"First come smiles, then comes lies. Last is gunfire"

Since 7239 Days
I'm all in for the last known position.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Since 7102 Days
Posted by FireWire
Yes that feature that I might be able to ignore but it seems they are pushing it down your throat by filing up rooms with 3 enemies looking at the door waiting behind an overturned table...
lol...We've only seen one such room.

I'd still like to believe that the silhouette is Ubi's way of making the game faster paced... despite their already mentioned penchant for pussifying their games(POP felt like a chore to play...I was actually angry while forcing myself through it).

I really don't see the need to complain about the mark/execute thing though. It's optional... and unlike some optional things in games, it's not ridiculous or offensive to the consistency of the game's world. Plus, it looks kinda cool.
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"If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate." - Zapp Brannigan

Since 6977 Days
Posted by Ronsauce
lol...We've only seen one such room.

I'd still like to believe that the silhouette is Ubi's way of making the game faster paced... despite their already mentioned penchant for pussifying their games(POP felt like a chore to play...I was actually angry while forcing myself through it).

I really don't see the need to complain about the mark/execute thing though. It's optional... and unlike some optional things in games, it's not ridiculous or offensive to the consistency of the game's world. Plus, it looks kinda cool.
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Kaz Hirai - Sony

"We don't provide the 'easy to program for' console that [developers] want, because 'easy to program for' means that anybody will be able to take advantage of pretty much what the hardware can do" LOLOLOLOL!!

Since 7047 Days
I am SOOOOO against what ubisoft is doing to their franchises. While I appreciate the huge production values and quality, they have dumbed down the controls so much it reached a point of beyond unacceptable. There literally is no skill involved anymore.

I hope they dont ruin splinter cell the same way. I dont think I can put with that :(
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Since 7009 Days
I think the dumbing down is a consequence of next gen transitions and once they get extra time, then they add the complexity. For example, much more complexity is going into AC2 this time around than what was present in the first. That doesn't necessarily mean that I think they're dumbing down Splinter Cell though. It's just devs are able to do better on follow ups. Look at Uncharted 1 compared to Uncharted 2 :P

I thought the first was just pretty without too much fun. 2 expands on that significantly to what I feel will firmly cement uncharted as one of this gen's greatest franchises.

GTA4, while an awesome game, was a step backwards in a lot of the customization and rpg elements people liked so much in the last game. Although, I feel things had to be handled that way for purpose of the story and of course the typical date and relationship things felt pointless or nothing much substantial. Watch GTA5, expand on GTA4 in significant ways that add more complexity to the mix.

We don't know how complex Conviction will or won't be as there will absolutely be the kinds of gadgets we remember from the older titles, but that is what they say for now and we'll have to see for ourselves how it all comes together.
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic g

Since 5751 Days
Splinter cell definitely isn't a niche title... Id say its pretty mainstream at this point. And wow I can't believe the series is averaging 5 million sold a piece almost, thats impressive.
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Currently playing: Killzone 2, MGS4, Mass effect (6th playthrough yep!)

Since 7009 Days
Also for the person that said it earlier, there's absolutely no way Assassin's Creed could've been handled with manual jumping.

That would be a terrible design decision on their part that would destroy a great part of the vision they were trying to create.

The ability to effortlessly change direction and make sure way onto different structures works the way they've done it. If AC had a manual jump, that would be so horrific it wouldn't even be funny :o

Very few players would be able to make those precise jumps without over jumping, under jumping or mis calculating what they wanted to do. The way AC does it now, the players intentions are fully reproduced in-game.
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic g

Since 6873 Days
I agree, Assassin's Creed would've been too frustrasting had it had traditional platforming mechanics. The main problem with that game was repetition, controls were fine and the world was just incredible. With more variety, AC2 will be nothing short of awesome.
Back to Conviction, I'm not sure if focus on tagging enemies is that great, it was already there in R6 Vegas (perhaps a bit different) and I don't think it fits Splinter Cell all that much. I always play Splinter Cell without killing enemies (or even knockouting if possible), way more tense and fun, so I won't even use that feature all that much.
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"That just happened 'cause that was awesome" - Randy Pitchford, Gearbox

Since 7009 Days
Well the situation for Sam is a bit different this time around.

He's no longer apart of the big organization he's now fighting against it and working on his own.

I don't think there's much problem with Sam having the ability to perform some super spy quick kill type stuff. I like the thought of being able to shoot out a light and then assassinate someone. You can do it yourself of course, but then I suspect there will be many moments where I want to pull off some of those cool things you only see in movies.
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic g

FireWire - IEEE 1394
Since 7117 Days
I just enjoy doing it myself.. Not press one button and everyone drops dead...
It takes time and skill to become a master....
Unless you have the "drop-dead" button ofcourse

On a serious note.... As long as they make it optional and not make it a function you actually need to finish a segment of the game then I'm okay with it...
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"Though I walk through the valley of death I will fear no evil, for I am the evilest motherf*cker in the valley"

"First come smiles, then comes lies. Last is gunfire"

Since 7009 Days
Well it's only activated once you perform a hand to hand combat kill or takedown.

The good news is that the game has manual aiming of course, but for those moments when I be a bit more fancy, I'll take advantage of mark and execute. :)

I think it'll compliment many play styles. It seems perfectly fit for the person that wants to go in there running and gunning, but then it still seems to allow for the old stealth type gameplay from previous splinter cell games and I suspect we'll see more of this kind of thing even later in the game. I think the mark and execute is a great compliment for the player wanting to be stealthy. The ability to easily take out one or two targets in no time flat will definitely come in handy.
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic g

Since 6977 Days
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** Yes We CAN!! **

Kaz Hirai - Sony

"We don't provide the 'easy to program for' console that [developers] want, because 'easy to program for' means that anybody will be able to take advantage of pretty much what the hardware can do" LOLOLOLOL!!

Since 7009 Days
If you were holding out for Splinter Cell Conviction to eventually make its way to PS3, you’re out of luck. Ubi just said on its forums that it really is an MS exclusive thanks to a “link of heart” between the franchise and the platform.

“Splinter Cell Conviction is a true Microsoft exclusive title and there are no plans to have Splinter Cell Conviction on other platforms,” said the company.

“There are several reasons behind this choice. First of all, Splinter Cell games are historically linked with Microsoft platforms. The first Splinter Cell on the original Xbox was one of the first games to fully exploit the console’s technical possibilities. At that time, Microsoft really believed in the game potential and provided strong support to promote it. So, there is a “link of heart” between the franchise and the platform. Some games are like this (think of Final Fantasy for instance).

“The second reason behind this choice is purely linked to production. Having a single target platform means that we can optimize the game even further, because we only have one type of - console - hardware to support.”

It’s out at the end of this year. Assuming you’re not solely reliant on PS3, obviously.
If Final Fantasy is linked to the heart, does that mean that someones heart was ripped out last E3? Anything is possible these days so i don't rule out a PS3 version.
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic g

Since 7239 Days
We'll see one year from today.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7140 Days
For me the link of heart remains beyond - and to be honest in a sense exists before - something is platform exclusive. I think playing DMC4 on the Xbox pad is a little awkward to this day, as is Ninja Gaiden on the DS3. That hardly prevents people from playing those versions though.

I think the platform-centric development comment makes much more sense, but then this game better be a crazy looker, beyond what AC2 and POP are doing, because those two obvioulsy work(ed) great regardless of what you play them on.

I still think Xbox only Conviction is dumb and sad. Like I said, considering that it's a kind of a brand re-launch and that Sam can finally strut his stuff equally for both audiences, there's a real shot for cross platform appeal for the first time.
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http://modeseven.blogspot.com | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo!

Since 7009 Days
They are doing some unbelievable things with their multi-platform engine tech, so a serious exclusive of any kind would be surprising.
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic g

Since 6003 Days
As long as i get it this year i'm good. :)
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Prepare To Drop!!

Since 7009 Days
Posted by dcdelgado
Finally this link works lol.
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic g

Since 5783 Days
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7140 Days
I love how oblivious us forumgoers are to the content on the main Gamersyde site. :)
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http://modeseven.blogspot.com | Dominic and Simon - dyanamic games blog duo!

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