Threadstiny | Destiny Thread

Inscrit depuis 7033 Jours
Are they ever going to bring it back to a standard fps though?
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Inscrit depuis 5738 Jours
Posté par Tinks
Are they ever going to bring it back to a standard fps though?
why would they do that? Destiny's MP feels unique, why would you want them to be like everyone else? Boring.
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Inscrit depuis 6949 Jours
While I definitely enjoyed the Vault of Glass with my first group of friends with our experienced Raid Leader, subsequent tries have been more for gear than fun. It's no longer fun, and worse the game has become brutally random. No gear, just useless crafting materials and duplicate items. I've pretty much given up at this point. Gotten my 3 characters to 27+. Crucible matchmaking is hopelessly broken, being paired with teammates that have abysmal kill/death ratios only to have someone quit and leave you short handed. The gameplay is fun but the game is undeniably broken, and Bungie shows less than encouraging signs that they will ever fix it.

I think I'd like off this train.
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Inscrit depuis 6769 Jours
So, after a wild roller coaster ride experiencing Bungie's latest venture into the FPS genre, it is finally time to say goodbye. When you reach level 30, there is naught to do except hire your attributes out to other people doing Raids and weeklies, even the need to farm shards and energy is pointless because the amount of dud Raid runs has put the number of each well beyond 100. Every trip to the Tower is now fraught with a barrage of game invitations, frantic messages wishing to fill a slot in their Raid party with a bullet sponge and giddy poppin' and lockin' Guardians who have yet to experience the game's disappointing end product.

Saying that, this week has by far been the best week of Destiny for me where drops are concerned. Scurrying to finish my last NightFall mission of 3 on Monday Evening, the week began by giving me the Splinter Cell Hunter Helmet, highly coveted now more so that Xur Double Agent of 9 decided decided how much fun it would be to give everyone the 4-shot Golden Gun helmet I received after getting my ass kicked in my first ever NightFall: Summoning Pits.

As Tuesday rolled over, it was business as usual, the schedule of 3 Raids, 3 Nightfalls and 3 weekly heroics would greet me, but not before I get some Crucible in to warm up BOOM! First game granted me the Exotic Plan C Fusion Rifle. Being numb to the game and its bullshit drops and all that jazz, I take it in my stride without a lick of guilt:


First Raid gives me nothing but a bread crumb trail of shards and energy up until the incredibly rare Atheon's Epilogue (energy disguised as a weapon drop) and the extraordinarily, hardly ever seen shader Chatterwhite that I am sure nobody has. Also, having a ship as an end-raid item drop is just insulting, because a free loading screen after the games hardest portion is exactly what I want. My Shard game is so strong right now, my Energy game is ok, but my shard game is pimp status.

Raid TWO

Holy SHAT! A goddamn Raid chest! FINALLY I can look like every other level 30 Hunter! Between Xur and the absurdity of Raid Gear being the only gear that nets you a level 30, the Tower is soon going to turn into a Twilight Zone of carbon-copy Guardians. I also found the Found Verdict for the twentieth time, it helped boost my energy game. The rest of the Raid was just shards shards shardsshardsshards shards shards. ERRYBODY


Did I mention I have 3 Hunters to increase my chances of getting a level 30 Hunter quicker? I do. After trying Hard Mode last week and only getting to the 1st chest, my friends and I banded together with our level 29 and level 30 Guardians and tackled it on Hard Mode. Hard Mode just requires more concentration and a lot more tact. It also requires that level 30 Guardians take point, even though it says the Raid is level 30, by the time you get to the end all the enemies have ascended to level 32.

To note, there is a significant damage boost between level 29 and level 30, lets just say you each get a triple threat of a Fanatic, a Goblin and a Hobgoblin bounding towards your conflux, lvl 29 panics and says 'shit' starts firing, level 30 says 'meh' and starts firing, eventually they have both emptied a clip and need to reload except the lvl 29 has only taken 1/3 of health from one enemy and the lvl 30 has moved on to the final third of his firing range. Huge difference.

The hardest part of the Hard Raid is the Templar, and the fact that if you die there is no respawning, you have to wipe and do the section again unless you're confident enough in your team that as each of you get picked off one by one by persistent HobGoblins that others can pick up the slack, unless you're all Warlocks, then I guess you'll be saving Sunsinger's ultimate ability of resurrect for a Raidy day (I'm not sorry).

This run would be my largest haul in Raid history:

Vex Mythoclast
Legendary Sparrow
Raid Helmet

Basically, everything that I wanted. :D

It was almost as if the game knew I would make my exit at level 30, everything just seemed to go my way

The Weekly coughed up its usual 27 Strange Coins, Nightfall coughed up 22 Ascendant Energy, I levelled up all my new gear and headed for the Crucible where the walls of Jericalling bullshit on that one reared its ugly head and I realised this is it.
Posté par Phaethon360
Crucible matchmaking is hopelessly broken, being paired with teammates that have abysmal kill/death ratios only to have someone quit and leave you short handed. The gameplay is fun but the game is undeniably broken, and Bungie shows less than encouraging signs that they will ever fix it.

I think I'd like off this train.
These are my exact sentiments where the Crucible is concerned, I will be revisiting this game properly in maybe half a year to a year and hopefully by then it will be a much better game.

This has largely been my experience with Destiny
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There are two rules to success:

1. Never tell all you know.

Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Inscrit depuis 6949 Jours
I should have bought an Xbox One. From watching a few of your videos, this isn't the first time I've noticed just how God awful the opponents are on XBL. Seeing Titanfall, Battlefield 4, Plants vs Zombies, they just can't shoot back!
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7103 Jours
Posté par Phaethon360
I should have bought an Xbox One. From watching a few of your videos, this isn't the first time I've noticed just how God awful the opponents are on XBL. Seeing Titanfall, Battlefield 4, Plants vs Zombies, they just can't shoot back!
Like 90% of everyone who plays BF4 is awful at it.. I'm not sure why.

That was the most shocking thing about playing Planetside 2. There were all of these people, talking to each other, about what was happening in the game. And they like, knew what they were doing and stuff. It was really bizarre.
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Inscrit depuis 6847 Jours
It's very much a noobs game tbh, very little to no skill is required to do very well in the game once you get to a decent level.

For example, I recently found a legendary machine gun that has almost maximum stability and high impact/range/rof with comically high levels of auto aim. Once I get heavy ammo (85 bullets per pack), it's pretty much impossible to kill me unless you have a super (and that's only if your lucky to get close enough). I just point it in the general direction and the gun does the rest, it practically locks on opponents and kills within 3 bullets (do the math).

I have actually found that Destiny is destroying my general FPS skills, after spending so many years with games like Halo and BF that reward intelligence, tactics and accuracy, this is a bit of a joke in comparison. It's like going from Streetfighter to Divekick!
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 7103 Jours
Divekick is all tactics and accuracy! ;)

I really expected Bungie to have a better handle on this stuff. I mean, there are RPG's that appear to handle PVP balance better. They should take a long hard look at the original Guild Wars.. and then make it an FPS.
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Inscrit depuis 7033 Jours
Maybe this marks the start of the Activision blame game for them
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Inscrit depuis 6847 Jours
Posté par GriftGFX
Divekick is all tactics and accuracy! ;)
And Divekick is actually a really fun game which automatically makes it a bad comparison :/ but you know what I mean
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Inscrit depuis 6949 Jours
Posté par Jin187
It's very much a noobs game tbh, very little to no skill is required to do very well in the game once you get to a decent level.

For example, I recently found a legendary machine gun that has almost maximum stability and high impact/range/rof with comically high levels of auto aim. Once I get heavy ammo (85 bullets per pack), it's pretty much impossible to kill me unless you have a super (and that's only if your lucky to get close enough). I just point it in the general direction and the gun does the rest, it practically locks on opponents and kills within 3 bullets (do the math).
All the heavy weapons are noob friendly, which is why the heavy ammo is dropped so rarely. My problem is that it gives up to 3 teammates ammo, it should be one player. Also, more modes, some where Supers/Heavy ammo is restricted/removed. Would also be nice for a Juggernaut type mode where only one player has it.
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Inscrit depuis 7033 Jours
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Inscrit depuis 6949 Jours
Hard to get excited for the new Expansion pack gear when I know how much time I've put into the main game versus what it's given me for spending that time. I remember how people made a big deal about the exclusive gear and weapons Playstation users were getting. Do you know how much of that exclusive gear I've gotten after spending $90 on the Limited Edition and over 100hrs playing? None.

I've beaten the Vault of Glass eight times now and gotten 3 weapons and 2 pieces of armor. Everything else was upgrade materials for weapons I do not possess. Meanwhile some people keep getting duplicates of the same weapons I'm trying to get. It's infuriating for everyone.

Netcode is really breaking down with the latest "stability patch". More lag, worse team matchmaking. But this game can be amazingly fun with a good team, or even people you like. My friends list is consistently playing Destiny daily despite its many, many faults because the core gameplay is fun. Just wish they'd do something to liven up the shell that gameplay is in.
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Inscrit depuis 7033 Jours
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Inscrit depuis 5937 Jours
Destiny actually sounded pretty good when Matt Lees did a video on why he likes it.
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Inscrit depuis 7222 Jours
weird but cute - Destiny Freestyle
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I do it with 'em all: PC, WiiU, PS4 and Xbox One.

Inscrit depuis 5738 Jours
Posté par asdfg
Destiny actually sounded pretty good when Matt Lees did a video on why he likes it.
Destiny is actually a really freaking fun game, but ONLY if you have friends to play it with. It is not enjoyable solo.

I've gotten back into Destiny recently cuz my friends started playing a ton again and its a freaking blast.
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Currently playing: WoW:Warlords of Draenor, Forza Horizonz 2, Halo:MCC, Ass Creed Unity, CoD:AW

Inscrit depuis 7047 Jours
Any game is fun with friends.

Destiny is flawed brillance i love it.
useless crafting materials.
no story (well there is, but is like reading a novel but your only allowed 14 pages)
patrol missions are dull as fuck.
Pvp is a mess and unbalanced (every month a new gun type is king.. rendering all other useless, unless it's a pistol)
Raids are.. well coming off the back of WoW there more like dungeons than raids.
strikes are lacking anything of intrest, no secrets or backstorys or hidden quests (aside from thorn)
Matchmaking is fucking hilarious it just throws everyone in the same pot and just puts its hands in the air and goes "fuck it"
RNG is just such a.. well its a cunt.
vendors, these guys..single handidly ruin legendarys. There is no excitment in getting a legendary engram there is nothing there that we have not seen for sale, can you imagine in WoW if EVERY ITEM WAS FOR SALE IN THE SHOP!
reputation is so god damn useless, oo i get a free package every tick, what with anything exciting? No just the shit we sell..
shaders.. fuck shaders let me asign my OWN colours not piss yellow and baby shit green.
ships..or should we say a wallpaper for my fucking load screen, at least let me enter my ship on the load screen and see the grimoire cards and mount my really cool guns WHICH ARE SHIT! But look the bollox (yeah pocket infinity and dragons breath looking at you)
load screens..
grimoire cards, seriosly these things have some great storys. . But are not in the game
dinklebot.. i like him, fuck off.
"Expansion" aka dlc.. £20.00... i bought Halo MCC for that, brand new.
NO vanity slot.. why? Are you fucking stoned bungie? Everyone looks the fucking same dependant on level.
last but not least for now..No pet tigers.. yeah, i still recall those concept imgs of guardians with pet tigers.. i aint forgot that shit bungie :( i signed up for fucking tiger and i got a sparrow.

This aside, man i fucking love this game, if this game had content and lore that was accessible.. I'd be single.
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GT: ManThatYouFear
Steam: Psn_ManThatYouFear
Real Life: ThatTwat

Inscrit depuis 6182 Jours
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Inscrit depuis 7222 Jours
checked in again a few weeks ago - still playing great. Explored the new social hub as well, a bit underwhelming compared to the first. Hope they expand it soon and improve the atmosphere - needs more lens flare! :)
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I do it with 'em all: PC, WiiU, PS4 and Xbox One.

Inscrit depuis 1923 Jours
I  have a vague idea of the story because I've played through this part of the game before. The game feels a lot sparser but I'm putting that down to being on old gen. Some of Bungie's decisions would seem at odds with pushing the social side of the game. 
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Inscrit depuis 1835 Jours
So does the game reflect the Metacriric score at 74?
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Inscrit depuis 1719 Jours
I can't understand how a game that's been in production for so long by a HUGE team that brought us Halo can feel like such a lackluster campaign experience. Even on coop, it gets boring very fast shooting zero-intelligence bullet sponges across the same areas you've already been on multiple missions before it.
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135 $ de 400 $ par mois

Quoi de neuf ?
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